Watch Closely…Or You May Miss the Best Marriage Advice Never Told
I often ask friends, family and members of the Happy Wives Community this one question:
“What is the best marriage advice you’ve ever received?”
When I posed this question to marriage and mommy blogger, Paula Rollo, it took her the shortest amount of time to write this response.
After I finished reading Paula’s post on the best marriage advice never told, I emailed her and said, “Your post just gave me Goosebumps!” Because it did. You’ll see why…just scroll down.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
My husband and I received a bit more than our fair share of strange advice when we got married. It wasn’t all negative, but when you get married 35 days after you meet there are definitely more than a few naysayers.
We did, however, have many supporters and received lots of sweet cards with wonderful words of encouragement and advice.
I can tell you verbatim some of the bad advice we got, simply because it struck me, even at age 18, that “this would never work!” Strangely, I can’t recall much of the positive advice we received.
Looking back, the most important guidance we received for our marriage, was not found in a witty one liner, or an inspirational quote about love. Nope, the advice that remains firm in my mind was found elsewhere.
It’s the way my great grandmother would smile fondly (and roll her eyes) as my great grandfather told a corny joke that she had probably already heard a couple thousand times.
The advice I cherish is found in the way he’d grin at her and say “Oh, but this is the way we like dinner tonight dear” when she would fret over slightly burned bread or meat that was just a hint too dry.
The most important lessons I’ve ever learned about marriage came from watching our loved ones love each other.
From my in-laws who are two of the most loving and understanding people around, to our young friends who steal glances at each other with so much meaning in their eyes.
If you take the time to look, you can feel the love radiating off of couples. It’s beautiful and it’s wonderful.
Our marriages don’t all “work” the same way, but there are a few things we’ve all got figured out. Loving one another, cherishing each other, working together. Building our lives as one.
I’ve always been a person who learns visually, and that might be why I glean so much, just from watching people love each other.
I never got personal marriage advice from my great-grandparents, as my great-grandfather was already gone by the time I wed, but their lives taught me more about marriage, simply by watching them love than any beautiful words they ever could have uttered to me face-to-face.
To sum it up, what is the best marriage advice I’ve ever gotten? To live in love.
Live reflecting the love that you share, the love that you are building together. You never know, it could make all the difference in the lives of the younger generation as they watch you love your spouse! I know it has in mine.
COMMENTS: Has the way that someone has shown love to their spouse inspired you? Share in the comments on our Facebook community page where thousands of women connect with each other daily.
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THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book. I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way. It’s a marriage book line none other. Guaranteed.
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