Best Marriage Advice for the Newly Married

By Fawn Weaver on Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tried and True Marriage Advice

Marriage expert.  That’s an adjective I’ve never been comfortable using in association with my name.  In every television or radio interview where they’ve introduced me as a marriage expert, I’ve been quick to make the correction.  

Why?  Because every day, I have the pleasure of interacting with women through this Club who have been happily married longer than I’ve been alive.  

They are the real experts.  

I am solely a conduit of information between those who have successfully created the marriage of their dreams and those who desire to begin that journey to happiness today.  

I’ve had and continue to have the great honor of sitting at the feet of sage wives like a young girl thirsty for knowledge.

Yesterday morning, I was curious about something and posted this on our Facebook community page, ”Quick!  Off the top of your head, how many years and months have you been married as of today?”  

As I scrolled through the more than 3,000 responses, I was quickly reminded of why I’m unlikely to ever refer to myself as a marriage expert:

“53 years and 2 months.” -Kathleen Anderson

“54 years and 4 months.” -Suzanne Gattuso

“52 years and 10 months.” -MaryLou Dibling

“45 years and 11 days.” -Polly Caughron

“40 years, 10 months & 296 days.” -Judy Mielke

Those were just at the beginning of the responses that continued for more pages than I could even think to review.  Sprinkled throughout those responses were:

“Three weeks!!” -Christy Beasley

“3 months – newlywed.” -Tiffany Woodall

“Saturday, November 8, 2014, My Anthony & I will be Getting Married! Our day! Can’t wait to Marry him, My Love.” -Lorie Mason

“2 years.  It’s our anniversary.” -Angela Carson

“Getting married Saturday! :) ” -Sophia TC

Women who have been married for half a century, on the same chain of responses as those tying the knot this weekend.  How encouraging must it be for the younger women to see living proof that their marriage too can last for a lifetime?  How encouraging is that for you and me?

I thought, What if I could get some of those married 20-plus years to share words of encouragement with those new to marriage?  What if I could get them to share their best marriage advice?  And then I realized, Duh, I could just ask you here.

Each and every day, around 20,000 people -the vast majority from the US- make their way to this blog.  If I were to guess, at least half of those are looking for advice on how they can create the best marriage possible.  So let’s do something special for them.  

If your wedding year is before 1994 (the year I officially became an adult), will you do us the honor of sharing some of your sage marital wisdom for the couples getting married soon or those who are newlyweds?  Please share these two things:

1. Words of encouragement for the newly married.

2. Your best marriage advice.

For those of you new to marriage, don’t pass up this opportunity to learn from those who have been living the life you are now building.  I’ve been happily married eleven years and still love getting (and applying) new (or forgotten) marriage advice.  I’m like my own guinea pig.  So rest assured, I’ll be reading all the comments and learning myself!

Honored to sit among you.  Thank you for your willingness to give something that will mean so much to the tens of thousands who will undoubtedly read your words.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book.  I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way.  It’s a marriage book like none other.  Guaranteed.

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Sherry N.

    My Husband and I have been married for more than 29 years now. We married young, me 18, he was 22. I would have to say that the best advice I could give is that life is full of ups and downs so make sure that the other knows you’re there with them through it all…..even when they may be the cause. You might disagree but love and respect each other enough to make sure the other knows you will be there!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      I’m always amazed at those who marry at 18, 19, and 20 and remain strong in marriage so many decades later. Thanks, Sherry for sharing this!

  • Shel Barsanti

    40 years married. Advice is have a date once a week just the two of you. Especially hard when you have children & little money. Get creative trade off each week with another couple with children. They go out Friday night while you watch their kids & go out sat. Eve. Support each others dreams. Make memories by spending time with family & having traditions. Appreciate what you have. Don’t give up when things are hard. That’s when you become closer in your love. It’s all the worth the effort.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Grow closer when times get tough…not apart. Great advice, Shel. Thanks!

  • catlady13

    I’ve been happily married to my husband for just over 24 years now and looking forward to our silver anniversary next summer! Life throws you good and bad as you go along …marriage is a work in progress and it gets more interesting and challenging as children come along. Whatever you do, never lose focus on God in your marriage and never, ever give up! Pray through every little thing you deal with and pray for your spouse….God is strength and peace…let Him carry you through good times and bad. Keep the communication lines open and be honest and gentle with one another.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Congratulations in advance on your silver anniversary!!

  • Kim

    27 years married, 29 years together. We have been together since age 18. Keep connected somehow no matter what. Try things that your spouse likes to do even if you don’t , you might find out that you like it and your children may love it. Do things as a family. Constantly invest in each others likes. Share the same friends. Worship together , talk about God.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thanks, Kim!

  • AKardel

    My husband and I got married 30 years ago. I told him I wanted to get married, not have a wedding, and he was fine with it. It’s a very personal experience and I didn’t want to share it with anyone but him. No one in the family was happy when we told them we were going to the courthouse to get married and no one was invited.
    My best advice for those about to get married/newly married: Follow your hearts and don’t worry about what other people think. Thirty years later no one cares anymore that we chose to share our vows only with each other.
    The best marriage advice I can give you is to never, ever, not for one second forget that you are a couple and that couple needs just as much nurturing as a child does. That child will grow up and leave, but your husband will still be by your side. Don’t look up one day to find you have nothing in common with this person and wonder who that man is that you married.
    Lastly, say I love you often, be free with hugs and kisses, hold hands, and say thank you for doing one of those annoying chores we all hate.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      My husband and I eloped and I was just telling a young bride recently I think that was one of the best decisions we ever made! Yes, at first some weren’t happy about it. But it was the best decision for us. And 10 years later, we gave everyone the wedding they always hoped they’d attend the first time around. But even then, we did it our way. We invited everyone to a casual BBQ and then came out in a wedding dress and tux. It was priceless!

  • Chris

    Married 24 years, together 28. Never go to bed angry at your spouse. It will only fester and can really damage the relationship. Talk openly about everything and be that person your spouse can trust implicitly with their deepest secrets. Don’t be afraid to do things you normally wouldn’t, like dishes, laundry, vacuuming or fixing that thing that’s needed fixing for a while!! You’d be surprised how much those little things can turn your spouse on!! You won’t regret it!! ;)

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club


  • Christin

    The one thing I would encourage a newly wed couple with is that there is no reason you ever have to leave the honeymoon phase. In other words, entering a marriage is a joyful and wonderful, life changing event. It doesn’t have to become stale. My husband recently started a new job, and I don’t know the context of the conversation, but my husband told me his co-worker said to him, “There’s no way you could be that happy after being married that long.” Oh, but there is!

    Which leads to my one piece of advice: be intentional in everything. In communication, in dates, in having fun, in extending forgiveness, in admitting when you’re wrong and biting your tongue when necessary. Don’t believe a happy marriage just happens. It’s a choice we make. It banks on lots of little decisions as much as it does the big ones. Put your spouse first, above yourself. Amazing things happen!

    • Ngina Otiende

      Love this Christin, thanks :)

      • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        Ditto Ngina’s response :) .

    • K

      I agree, “Put your spouse first, above yourself.” Marriage is suppose to be you for him and him for you. It is suppose to be giving of ones self to the other for the benefit of the marriage and family. For instance, I get up and bring my husband coffee every morning before he wakes up, I make dinner for our family every night. He goes to work everyday and I get the privilege to stay home. I don’t always want to get up and get him coffee especially when it’s cold but he doesn’t always want to go to work. It is a privilege to sacrifice and give to each other everyday and did I mention he buys me whatever I want even if it’s frivolous :) I hope that all of you have such loving and giving spouses also.

  • Kathleen Ryan Anderson

    Respect….and learn how to discuss problems without fighting….

    • NewlyRed

      How do you do that?

      • DeAnna

        Try a no yelling rule. Don’t be afraid to table a discussion if it is getting to heated. Write down Pros/Cons of the situation. Ask yourselves if the situation is really that important.

        • NewlyRed

          What about when you’ve both made very painful comments to each other? Some comment’s have caused scars that have made resentment a guest at our table.

          • Barbara Smith Wands

            If you have been cut deeply by past words my advice is to leave the where they were spoken. In the past. They do no good traveling with you to the present. Forgiveness is the key to our 24 year marriage. Let the painful things go and move forward. The more baggage you drag from the past the slower your love grows. You only lose if you quit.

          • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

            Love this exchange!

          • NewlyRed

            Thank the Lord for this website and introducing you to me. I’m going threw a major trial in my marriage right now and your words of wisdom are helping me see a different light. Hugs.

          • Barbara Smith Wands

            Anytime! Add me on Facebook if you would like!

          • NewlyRed

            I am probably one of the few people on this planet that does not have a Facebook! I’ll follow you on this page though:) Thanks again.

          • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

            Wow. Thank you, Barbara! This is exactly what I hoped this post would do. Pair up those experienced in creating a great marriage with those working on it now.

          • NewlyRed

            I had no idea this page existed. A cousin of mine sent me a txt to look this web page up. Miracles do happen!

  • Amy M

    We just celebrated 20 years…..treat each other like the greatest gift you have EVER been given.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      EVER. Love that.

  • DivaMama

    We have been together for 28 almost 29 years and been married for almost 20 years. My best marriage advice is like your spouse as much as you love them & continue to share special moments and hang out together even when there’s no time or you have chores/job/kids to care for. To that end don’t stress about money. Do what you need to in order to provide for your family and leave yourself enough time to enjoy being a family. … make lots of memories.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Lots and lots of memories :) .

  • Linda

    We have been married for thirty years. We are often asked how we can still be like newlyweds after all of these years. We believe there are two pillars upon which everything else can stand… Faith and humor. Those two elements have sustained us through every aspect of marriage and parenting. I also agree with the comments about being intentional in all things. We choose to love, to forgive, to grow, to nurture, to be romantic, to appreciate every new day as a gift to open together. This life is so short. And you don’t get any of the wasted moments back at the end. We try to remember that, and live each day fully in the moment.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Faith and humor.”

  • Ronna

    Married for 21 years to the love of my life. I would say that when trying times are at hand, look back on how you felt on your wedding day. Remember all the love, and joy and excitement knowing you were marrying the love of your life. Hold onto that feeling, and you can get through anything <3

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club


  • Heather

    21 years here. Wow. Words of encouragement for the newly married- we were shocked when the first hurdle came. We thought oh my gosh, we are so in love, it will always be rainbows and kittens! So it took a lot of adjusting, forgiving, and showing grace to each other to get through that first road bump. Now, we say marriage is like a long, winding, sometimes hilly road. Sometimes we are way up, sometimes we are just staying steady and even, and sometimes, the lows happen. Ride those highs together, and be there for each other during the lows. And always, always, stay committed. I married my best friend, the guy that I can tell anything to and who makes me laugh. Oh- and love is a verb! Show it every day!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Such wisdom. Thanks, Heather!

  • DeAnna

    Hi all. When my husband and I married in 1986 he was 39 and I was 23. We met on a Friday night at the end of January and planned to meet the next Friday at the same place. Then we would decide what we were going to do. Well he never showed. Although all his buddies did. For the next 5 weeks I went in on Friday nights. You guessed it. His friends were there, but he wasn’t. On the 6th Friday I decided I would not go. I would not torture myself any further. Not able to find anything else to do, I went anyway and he was there. Now this was in Portland, OR and he was in the Navy. His ship was in our shipyards for a year long overhaul project. That’s why his friends were there consistently. He got sent on a special trip to Southern California to ride another ship for some special training. Since we hadn’t exchanged phone numbers he had no way to tell me. If I had asked his friends, they would have told me, sort of, where he was. Anyway we immediately exchanged all kinds of info. We dated for a week and he proposed on April 1st. We had to marry before the ship left, so we did on May 20th. Now it’s been almost 29 of the best years. We agreed before we got married that there would be nothing we couldn’t work out or situation we couldn’t get through as long as we did it together. All the way. We also agreed that he would stay at 39 years of age until I caught up, then we would grow old gracefully together. Don’t hold things in or try to keep secrets. Tell each other you love other all the time. We do like 10 to 15 times a day. People think we are so sappy! You need your rest so try to work things out the best you can before you go to bed at night or make a plan for the next day (or whatever works for the situation) so you don’t fret all night. And always hug and kiss when you part company, even for simple things like going to the store. You never know what is going to happen and you don’t want to lament that you didn’t get that last kiss, hug, I love you, etc. Have a happy life!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “We agreed before we got married that there would be nothing we couldn’t work out or situation we couldn’t get through as long as we did it together. All the way.” So good! And I love that you tell each other “I love you,” 10 to 15 times day. At least I know we’re not the only ones :) .

  • Pam D.

    25 years and counting! Have at least 1 shared interest. We gave each other ballroom dance lessons for our 20th anniversary and have been dancing ever since! Now that our 2 daughters are in college, we have time and something we both enjoy. Talk, have date nights, and most importantly, make sure your foundation is Jesus!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      No sadness in empty nesting in your house it sounds like. Love it!

  • Christine St.Vil

    Wow Fawn, that is so incredibly inspiring to see that FB thread! Thank you so much for sharing! I know I haven’t gotten to that point yet as hubby and I have been married 9 years and 2 months. But my words of encouragement for the newly married are: be open, be honest and always remember why you got married. There is no marriage that is free of conflict but there’s nothing that you can’t get through together. Surround yourself with married couples who are doing it well and are happy, and take notes to apply to your own marriage. Keep showing and expressing your love to one another, it doesn’t stop once you get married.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      You rock, Christine! Love these words of encouragement.

  • Lisa Hutton

    My husband, Kevin, and I have been married for 29 years! One think we have always done is to put each other first. Even when we were raising our two daughters, we always had date night and made time for just the two of us. Now that our daughters are grown and married themselves, my husband and I still love being together because we never stopped being each others top priority!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Ooooh…this is good, Lisa!

  • RaysAddiction

    I have been married for 22 years! My advice……keep the fights clean, and the sex dirty!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Ha! Love it.

    • Barbara Cotton

      Sounds good to me!!!
      (Been married for 1 year)

  • Anna Jackson

    My husband and I are coming up on our 25th anniversary. My best advice to a Christian woman beginning marriage is to expect that your husband is going to be wrong… at least some of the time. Shocking, I know. Submission in marriage means pointing out when you think your husband is making a wrong decision and giving your advice, but then being willing to support him if he disagrees with you. Learning that there’s a time for giving advice and a time for “taking orders” is key to making your marriage work biblically.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Congratulations in advance on coming up to your silver anniversary. I hope you both plan to do something amazing!


    My situation is somewhat different as I am a born again believer and my husband is not. I re-dedicated my life to Christ about 16 years ago and it was a rocky road as my husband had to accept his new Christian wife. I believe God has blessed our marriage and made it strong and full of love and devotion anyway, and I am faithfully looking forward to the day when my husband accepts Christ. Now for my advice….we always hug and kiss goodbye in the mornings, we don’t go to bed angry with each other (this doesn’t mean we are always warmly wrapped in an embrace, but we have agreed to postpone discussion until morning), we talk things through and we say “I love you” a lot. I always have the knowledge that my husband loves me deeply and I make sure he knows the same.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Such gooooood advice! We’ve been given this advice over the years and began applying it before we got married. So grateful for people like you who shared these words of wisdom before we said “I do.”

  • Cindy D.

    My husband and I have been married for 29+ years. We’ve had a few rough times in our marriage, usually because we took each other for granted. Best advice I could give to newlyweds is communicate with each other, and Agway’s be respectful of one another.

    • Cindy D


      • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        You were so wise to realize that you were taking each other for granted. And even wiser to correct course as quickly as possible. And because of that, you are here and your words will mean so much to another. Thank you.

  • Kimmylapoo

    23 years ago, I married HIM! Love is a choice you make everyday…and sometimes you just have to commit to your commitment because you WILL NOT like one another all the time! Make rules for healthy fighting and keep them! Always make time for intimacy & sex!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Sometimes you just have to commit to your commitment.” Incredibly well said! I’ve never heard it put quite that way and it’s great.

  • Rebecca

    22 years…….No matter how difficult things get, never lose hope! Fight for your marriage! Yes, it gets difficult and yes, there are gonna be times when you want to throw in the towel. We all have those times. It is a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day process!!! Never give up!!!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Great encouragement, Rebecca. Thanks!

  • Kim Hall

    My husband and I have been married for over thirty years, and I would heartily recommend being respectful, especially so when you may not feel like it! While you may not always understand or agree with each other, maintaining respect goes such a long way towards encouraging healthy communication. It keeps those biting words and hurtful actions at bay, and it keeps the foundation of your marriage strong.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “It keeps those biting words and hurtful actions at bay, and it keeps the foundation of your marriage strong.” Yes! Thanks, Kim.

    • loni bayani

      i agree with you, respect with each other is what keeps the marriage strong ..and a coviction that no
      no matter what happens i am going to keep the vows i made before god.

  • prolsbe

    I’m one of the fortunate ones. After 31 years of marriage, my pulse still quickens and my heart pumps harder when I’m with my husband, Ed. It’s not hard, though, to love him. Everywhere I go, the women all love him and the men find him slightly silly and sappy.

    I don’t know if it’s because he once cooked me a heart-shaped meatloaf for Valentine’s Day, or rented me a convertible for a day to drive to “no where”, or rowed me around the lake in Central Park on my birthday; he just knows how to make the special days memorable.

    But when it comes down to it, it’s the everyday things that endear Ed most; drawing us closer as the years go by. Each morning starts with freshly ground, whole bean, prepared the night before, brewed coffee. And after we leave for our respective occupations, the occasional “I’m just thinking of you” call keeps us connected. These “ordinary” gestures are reminders of his daily thoughtfulness.

    In addition, he is not ashamed to say he loves me; often. Or that I am beautiful; and I instantly feel so. He begins each day whispering in my ear a quiet, drowsy-eyed, “Good Morning” – good to begin a new day together – and ends each one with, “I hope I see you tomorrow” – because we both know, first hand, sometimes tomorrow never comes.

    And even more often, Ed’s actions speak louder than his words. The way he looks at me, unexpectedly reaches for my hand, or softly pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. He can speak wordlessly to me from across a crowded room with just a wink. He has cried for me, sighed for me and prayed for me. He tickles, teases and spoils me. When life gets me down, he knows how to turn my up-side-down, in-side-out fears and emotions into calmness; always there with a listening ear and an understanding heart. In his arms I feel secure, enclosed in warmth.

    As a result, many a hug has cheered me and convinced me to go forward. It is because Ed has such a selfless attitude that he is able to bring out the best in me. And his kiss…..well, it’s bliss. For me, Ed is like a ray of sunshine and I like the flower that leans towards him. Naturally then, we often sing, “You are my Sunshine” to each other.

    In this age of liberation for women, I like it when he holds the door for me or carries the groceries into the house. I consider him a gentleman when he pulls my chair out at a restaurant or offers his hand when stepping out of the car. Chivalry isn’t dead with Ed.

    Together, we tackle chores around the house. There are no “his” and “her” lists because we are a team. As a result, often, Ed washes the dishes while I tackle the bills, he throws in a load of wash, I lay down the lawn fertilizer. Our lives revolve around each other. Although we have our separate interests, we always consider each other when making plans; it is a courtesy that has grown out of mutual respect.

    Perhaps all this is possible because Ed is comfortable with himself. As a result, he freely shares his feelings and isn’t afraid to laugh at himself. His humor and silly side keeps me laughing. We’re not just partners in a journey. We’re friends who share smirks and giggles. This side of our relationship allows us to continue our “courting” throughout life.

    A few years back, Ed announced that Friday nights are official “date night”. Together we have had picnics in our bedroom, tea parties by the lake and stargazed in the grass. We compete in bowling, Monopoly and chess. We dine for two with only candlelight, combine pizza and a movie or just eat ice cream for dinner.

    Since our children have grown up and gone their respective ways, I am often asked if I have experienced “empty nest syndrome”. And I always answer, with a smile, that I will never be an empty nester… because I’ll always have Ed.

    It hasn’t always been this easy. Married at 18 and 23, most of our friends and family didn’t think we’d last. Labeling us as too young and immature, they were sure we would be a statistic in no time. But they underestimated our commitment to each other. Then we added four children to our home. Sneakers, sports and college tuition kept our funds just above our earnings. But we always remind each other that we are fortunate. We have love and health; everything else in life is a bonus. Early on, as a joke to keep us going, Ed would ask me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I’d always answer, “Eddie’s girl.” It was our mantra and made us smile.

    The old cliché “Opposites attract” is true for us. Ed is a laid back, “whatever happens, happens” spontaneous kind of guy. His clothes lay where he takes them off, he reads several books at once, and his schedules don’t include looking at a watch. On the other hand, I am methodically driven, time obsessed and structured. Although we have had to learn the game of “give and take” over time, being with Ed is like being with the other half of myself. The side that needs to slow down and enjoy this beautiful life we have been blessed with.

    That is why my favorite time of day is when we arrive home after work and share our day with each other. Whether we’re snuggling on a rainy day, catching the last rays of sunlight on our deck or walking around the block, talking with Ed helps me put things in perspective. In fact, at times, it seems we tackle and conquer the problems of the world.

    In fact, I’m convinced if there were more of Ed to spread around the world that it would be a better place. Often you can tell how kind a person is by the way they react to small children and animals. Ed is not above getting on the floor, making funny faces or blowing bubbles with the youngest child in the house. And the birds in “our neck of the woods” are ceremoniously fed. Ed keeps a watchful eye on the feeders and provides ample birdhouses for nesting; true signs of a compassionate individual.

    Yes, our life together is a comfortable one. If I had the opportunity to exhort the young-to-be-wed, I would tell them they can also live a love story if they put “Communication”, “Respect”, and. “Commitment” on their priority list. With these three ingredients, love falls into place. Naturally.

    I’m so grateful to share my life with this man who is so willing to give me such a big part of himself. And, of course, you know by now, that I’ll always want to be Eddie’s girl.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Eddie sounds like an awesome man! You are fortunate indeed. And I love being able to see the virtual twinkle in your eyes and hear your heart skip a beat just at the thought. I feel that way about my Keith…and I’m hopeful in 20 years when we are married as long as you, I’ll feel the exact same way as I do now. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! It will encourage so many.

    • Bonnie

      Wow, reading this made me cry! Thank you for sharing and ensuring others that this can happen when everyone else keeps saying that “oh the honeymoon won’t last” or “you’re just newlyweds, that’ll all change in time”. I believe it can last. Thanks again for sharing! Oh, we were married on August 2, 2014 at the beach in Laguna Beach, CA.

      • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        My heart goes out to you, Bonnie! My husband and I heard that more times than I can count. But you know what’s great? As you continue building the marriage of your dreams, and as you choose to remain in love, over time all the chattering stops. And then everyone just comes to appreciate the love you have for one another. It took until year 8 before people stopped telling us, “You’re just newlyweds, that’ll all change in time,” so we stopped listening at day 20 :) . Congratulations on your marriage. Excited for your journey!

      • prolsbe

        Congratulations Bonnie! My Best Wishes for a Long Love story that endures all the Tests of Time!

      • Emily

        We heard that all the time too in the beginning and after 30 yrs we get reactions from “That’s just them” to admiration. I realized early on how people react to your marriage tells you about their situation, not yours. Some people will be bitter, the smart ones will ask for advice so their marriage can be great too. We decided if there was only going to be one really great marriage, it would be ours. I am glad to have found Fawn and everyone here to discover we are not alone.

        • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

          Oh wow, Emily. I want to bottle up this advice and ship it out to every newlywed around the world because so many of them will experienced this. Thank you for being a part of this community!

          • Emily

            When I send congratulations cards to newly engaged couples, I write a note about marriage being one of God’s best ideas and how fun it can be. Negative people seem to come out in force as soon as the engagement ring is slipped on the finger.

    • Jazmin

      Your story inspired me!!! Thank you for sharing :)

    • Kathleen

      Your words of encouragement are so necessary in a world with so much divorce and many onlookers “waiting for the other shoe to drop”! Just because marriage isn’t for some people, doesn’t mean we can enjoy ours! My husband and I married in May 2014, and though we don’t have all our “ducks in a row” yet, we’re excited to arrange our ducks together with God’s plan for marriage in mind. :]

      • prolsbe

        What I didn’t mention in that long “story” of mine (I just didn’t know what to leave out :) !) was that God has a special place in our marriage and because we honor him first, all things in His plan follow. He is the foundation to our whole relationship. Congratulations on your marriage and I wish you many years of love and happiness!

    • Lizzi Piz

      I just got married in May and Ed sounds exactly like my husband. He is beyond amazing. I hope to have a story like this in 31 years!! Thank you

      • prolsbe

        Congratulations!! You will have a story to share!!! Just Believe!
        Best wishes for an amazing life together!

        • Lizzi Piz

          Thank you!

      • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        You will, Lizzi! You know how I know that? Because I know you have the ability to create it. As she said, you just have to believe. Excited for you!

    • Guest

      Wow your story made me cry. He sounds a lot like my husband. I just got married in june of this year and i pray that 31 years from now I’ll be telling a similar story.

      • prolsbe

        Well I sure don’t want any of you to cry! And if so, I hope they are tears of joy for all the happiness that strong marriages give us. We need to stand together and remind the world that marriage is a strong bond. Or as the book says, a three fold cord is not easily broken. Congratulations.

    • Jessica Mondal

      Beautiful! I’m married just for a year and I’m beginning to realise the importance of little things and gestures… And working together as a team…. we’re still working that out! We’ve been independent for too long I guess! :)

  • Emily

    We celebrated our 30th anniversary this summer. Loads of great advice has already been given here. Something I’ve done is to keep a copy of our wedding vows framed in the bedroom where I can see it often. They were promises to my husband before God & witnesses, and sometimes I need reminding that I promised to always strive to make ours a happy home and to be constant and abiding friends forever. Issues tend to seem irrelevant in light of that. Last night we were at a concert behind some chatty 8 year olds. In trying to figure out our relationship before the show started, they asked my husband if I was his friend. He told them I was his wife and his best friend. Yep.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Love that, Emily. I need to find the vows we wrote one another and have this done. You just gave me a great idea. Can’t wait to do this. And how awesome for those 8-year olds to see a marriage that looked more like a friendship.

  • Barbara Smith Wands

    Love is a a verb not a noun. It takes action. Our choices determine our actions. You have to choose to love, it is not a feeling, it is an active choice. I chose to love my husband through many trials over 24 years, you cannot quit when it gets tough, you only lose if you quit. So my advice is to choose each other, forgiveness, and commitment through your marriage. Always put your husband’s needs above your own, serve him with the heart t of Christ, and when he chooses to do the same, things stay balanced. However if he doesn’t at times, you still do your part and serve him, be Christ’s mirror and let His love shine onto your husband through your actions.. It will change things… Never Never quit… You only lose if you quit…

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Never Never quit… You only lose if you quit…” So profound…and true. Thanks for adding to this, Barbara!

  • mizsassy

    My husband and I have been married for almost 22 years and he is the best gift beside my 2 boys, I have received in this lifetime. The best advice i can give newlyweds is never forget the LOVE that brought you to this special day. Never ever take each other for granted, allow Faith and God to always lead the way and be sure to make time daily to nurture your marriage and laugh, love and respect one another. Goodluck and Congratulations! May you build your very own Happily Ever after together!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “May you build your very own Happily Ever after together!” That just warmed my heart like you wouldn’t believe. Thank you for sharing your words of encouragement for those newly married!

  • Dustin Riechmann

    So, we’ve “only” been married for 13 years, but I’ve had the pleasure of working with a lot of fantastic couples at Engaged Marriage. First of all, I’d tell any newly married couple CONGRATULATIONS on finding the person you’re excited to spend the rest of your life with – it will be an amazing ride.

    My advice would be to remember that love is a choice you make every day. In other words, the infatuation you feel right now will eventually wear off, and that’s totally okay and natural. But that doesn’t mean that your relationship should be any less exciting or fulfilling…it just means you’ll have to put forth the effort to keep it that way.

    Invest in your marriage and enjoy every day together!


    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thanks, Dustin! Great words. And I also want to make sure everyone knows where they can find your fabulous site because you give such wonderful marriage advice year round :) ):

  • Jen

    Married 20 years. Love is a choice not a decision. Choose to love each other daily. Even when you don’t want to.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      I keep seeing the words “choose” and “choice” over again on this thread. I hope everyone reading this really takes note of that because you are right, and I’ve certainly found this to be the case in every happily married couple I’ve interviewed over the years, love is a choice. Thanks, Jen!

  • Nancy

    Married for 32 years. Your husband cannot read your mind. No matter how simple something seems to you (how to properly load the dishwasher, how to dress the baby, how you like to be touched), it doesn’t mean he knows what your expectations are. He’s probably more than happy to do them “your way” but he will need to be told what that is. Don’t chastise him for doing them “wrong”…encourage him and teach him what you like. He wants nothing more than to please you. Don’t make it difficult. And the more you serve and try to please him, the more he’ll want to do the same. It took me a long time to learn these things.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      It took you a long time to learn these things and now we are able to benefit for your learning today. Thank you, Nancy.

  • Janinemily

    My husband and I just celebrated our 20th and are closer than ever :) . My advice?
    Make time for each other. When the kids become teenagers and later move on, you will only have each other…date nights sound cheesy, but they really are important. Keep that spark alive. Make love regularly…whether you feel like it or not. It’s important to maintain that special bond you share.
    Encourage and support each other. You will have different interests, friends, work…and that’s ok. You should encourage your spouse to do whatever makes them happy.
    Never try to change your spouse. After all…isn’t who they are that you fell in love with? Embrace and love all their little quirks. It’s what makes them unique!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Never try to change your spouse. After all…isn’t who they are that you fell in love with? Embrace and love all their little quirks. It’s what makes them unique!” Sooooo good! Thank you.

  • C.d. Gibson

    We’ve been married 42 years & almost 6 months. My advice? Be best friends. Do lots together. Laugh lots. Love more. Tell each other that you love them OFTEN. We say it at least 3 times every day.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      LOVE. Thank you for adding this note here, C.D. So encouraging for many.

  • sally

    My best piece of advice is never loose site of why, who, when and where you fell in love. It will be those thoughts that get you through everything. If you are married look at photos from your wedding and put on that dress if you can. Lastly if things get tough never be afraid to ask for professional help. Oh yes and remember your relationship comes first then kids because it came first in the beginning in order to have kids. Good luck. Its hard work!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Lastly if things get tough never be afraid to ask for professional help.” SO happy you said that! For so many, there is still a stigma to getting help. But it is so beneficial to have a third party assist where you cannot. Great advice. Thanks, Sally.

  • Sarah Hacker

    I have worked with the elderly who have been married for decades. I’m always surprised at the stories of the not so perfect times. I used to think that the couples that lasted never went through hard times. It’s reassuring to know that even though me and my husband do not have a perfect marriage we can have a lasting marriage full of love. One year of marriage down, decades go for us. <3

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Yes, be encouraged! No marriage can ever be perfect because it involves two imperfect people. But you can put in the effort to make it perfect for the both of you. Through ups and downs, as long as you team up during adverse times, you’ll weather any storm together!

  • Shari B

    We have been married for 15 years, but together since 1994…. is that close enough? :) My advice is to never complain about your spouse or your marriage to your family. You will work out your disagreements and forgive each other, but your family may not. My family is very close and a *tad* overprotective of me as I’m the baby of the family. They love my husband very much and only see the good in him and I believe that is because I keep our disagreements and marital hiccups to myself. If I need advice or to chat or vent, and feel it is appropriate to do this outside of our marriage, I do so with a close friend.

    My other piece of advice is to make sex a priority. It creates an intimate bond that helps you move past the little irritations we see in our partners. Did he forget to empty the dishwasher? Or empty the trash? These little things seem to become big things in our minds but that is hard to do when you feel that close bond and loving connection that physical intimacy brings. We have young children and with the day-to-day craziness of life, it is easy to slip into a friend/roommate mode if you don’t make that physical connection with your spouse.

    We also work our big disagreements out via email or letter. If something gets heated, we retreat to our separate corners and work it out on paper or with email. You can edit and re-phrase and re-think what and how you say something. Gives an automatic cooling down period. Not always the fastest, but has been the most effective. Usually we email each other our point of view, then come back together to talk it out.

    Marriage rocks and I love knowing I have a partner in this crazy life.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Marriage rocks and I love knowing I have a partner in this crazy life.” I could not agree with you more, Shari! Thanks for adding here.

  • Tammy Stirmel

    Married 24 yes 6 months. Still learning new things too. My advice is die to self. Put God first and spouse second. You will avoid a lot of conflict this way. Communicate! Tell your husband your needs. Do little things. Randomly text or hide love notes. Tell him you appreciate his working hard to provide for you. Do fun things to surprise him when you are in the mood for intamicy. If you have no kids in the house strip down, put on your coat, sneak out the back door, ring the front door bell and flash him when he answers. Keep mystery and fun in your marriage.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Keep mystery and fun in your marriage.” Let the good times roll! Love it. Thanks, Tammy.

  • Lori

    I will be married 30 years this coming January. Best advice? Keep your friendship strong. When you are friends, you know each other well, care about each other, enjoy each other’s company, etc. When the storms of life happen they seem like they are more on the outside of your relationship. You face the storm together and have each others’ back.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Ooooh, thank you for posting this one, Lori! Keeping that friendship strong… Such a great piece of advice.

  • Pamela Thorson Nikodem

    Married ONE year and THREE months! Its been a beautiful gift to have a true lover and best friend, who walks WITH me on the path. We have fussed and overcome. WE are building trust from all the junk of the past and working to create a lifelong journey of US. There is no place more comfortable and sexy than in his arms….

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Woohoo! Congrats, Pamela. And it sounds like you’re both making your relationship and friendship your priority. Kudos to you for that!

      • Pamela Thorson Nikodem

        Thank you Fawn. It’s been a beautiful love. We are a real team. I’m excited to see what this new house we move into next Friday (our first home together and a gift from God) will bring for us. Trusting in the King!

        • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

          That’s exciting! Congratulations in advance.

  • Michell

    Hi Fawn! My husband and I will be celebrating our 26th anniversary in a few months. I’d have to say a piece of advice I’d give to young wives(especially mothers), is to not neglect your husbands. Children are a blessing from God, but never neglect your marriage by putting ALL your time and energy into raising your children. There must be a balance. Also, don’t teach/show your children how to dishonor their father(be an example). One more thing, lol! We’re responsible to hold up our end of the relationship. When we do our part and give 100% towards doing that…God’s grace is allowed to come in and bless our marriage. He holds US accountable for how well we play our roles, not how badly our partners play theirs.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      I meet so many couples after their kids have moved out who realize they stopped nurturing their marriage. So the empty nesting season is very difficult because they have to get to know each other all over again. On the other side, the couples who nurtured their marriage while raising kids are SO happy to see their grown children go off into the world so they can have their homes back to themselves (with the kids coming to visit often :) ).

  • Cindy B

    The 27th of this month it will be 44 years for us. My husband is a pastor and has been for a very long time. Just the other day, after a funeral, one of the youth came to us and said “When I get married I want a marriage just like yours” THAT was the best compliment ever.
    We love and like each other and don’t keep it hid. We hold hands all the time and smile at each other. And every now and again share a kiss in public. Don’t keep it hid behind the door of your home. Let others know! Especially if you are a christian. People see enough smut from hollywood. Let them know that God has ordained and approved of you having and sharing a loving marriage.
    Show respect……..honor…..serve each other with a happy heart!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      What a great thing for that youth to see! Keep shining, Cindy. Thank you.

  • NewlyRed

    I know one of the biggest mistakes that I continually kept making, up until recently was LEAVING. Yup, packing my suitcase and telling him, “I’m done”. BIG MISTAKE! I would leave in haste and illogically. It came close to being one time to many for my husband. I almost lost the fight for my marriage:( And with all the anger and resentment I was holding I would only listen to those friends who would say, “I would’ve done the same thing! How could he do what he did? Give it to him!” I know my friends love me and were just on my side. My side though, was not in favor of marriage. A cousin of mine, (who has been married 12 years now and a faithful Christian) would tell me repeatedly, “Go home. God doesn’t want this for the two of you.” I didn’t listen. It got to the point where my husband got used to me not being their, and told me he was also done. I feel that subconsciously he felt abandoned. Many things he might have felt but he was only willing to express his feeling of surrender. Looking back I think why wouldn’t he feel like that? I left! My amazing cousin continued to encourage by telling me, ” Fight for your marriage. Since when have you ever given up? Show him he is worth fighting for!” I finally listened. I went home and with panic in my heart and praying to God the whole way their to please help me. That his will be done whatever it maybe. GOD IS GREAT! My husband did take me back:) Although it wasn’t a romantic story book welcome it was enough for me. We are both still very hurt and disappointed but working on it. All I can say is that leaving hurt’s your marriage, TREMENDOUSLY. Some expert’s in marriage describe a marriage as another child. A child needs nurturing, love, support, encouragement. When you leave it’s like leaving a child behind and we know that would be devastating. ALWAYS FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “ALWAYS FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE!” It is most certainly worth it. Thanks for sharing here. <3

  • Maggie Reyes

    I have been married for 7 years – a newbie in this group! (but an old married couple by Hollywood standards, hahaha)
    When we first got married we took lots of classes and workshops because neither one of us wanted to “mess it up” ;-) my favorite piece of advice was the simplest – Remember that you create your relationship every day. Every day.
    It’s not just the ‘big moments’ – in fact those are rarely the most important ones – it’s checking in every day, listening, making time for each other and not leaving each other for last on the to-do list. That idea that you create your relationship every day has been the umbrella for all the other things we do to water the seeds that bloom into a strong tree with deep roots.
    Yes, we have date nights (and at home dates) and flirt, and help each other with our goals, dreams, work projects, etc. but everything comes from that core idea. It’s the things you do every day that matter – not the things you do once in a while.
    LOVE THIS POST and seeing so many examples of strong healthy marriages. I did not grow up with that (my parents were divorced) and I think it’s SO IMPORTANT for people to see what is possible – because a peaceful, loving world starts with a peaceful loving home.
    I firmly believe all of us are little revolutionaries in our own lives, taking a stand for love and compassion so what we do at home matters, not just to each other, but to our greater community.
    Thanks Fawn! for everything you do that helps marriages flourish!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      All I can say, Maggie, is YOU ROCK! Thank you for adding this. SO much wisdom here. And I love that you and your husband took tons of classes and workshops. When you think about it, so many take workshops on success but even as far back as Napoleon Hill, those who study success have written about the importance of having a strong marriage if you want to succeed in life (and decide to get married). So maybe we should all be taking marriage classes instead :) .

  • Lori Ferguson

    My advice for newly married couples? “Encourage each other’s dreams.” Imagining, dreaming, and then planning for good things in your life together, is what keeps you falling in love with each other over and over.

    We are currently living out a dream we had before we were married. (I have the 33 year old love-letters where we wrote about our dream of traveling.) We are traveling full time with our truck and a fifth wheel, exploring North America. It’s taken 30 years, but we’re doing it! It feels like we’re on a honey-moon.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Oh my goodness, Lori! I can’t wait until Keith and I can do that. It’s one of our dreams too. We’ve traveled a lot outside of the US but not within it because we’re waiting for the day when we can do what you’re doing. Cheers!

  • Ann Bracken

    The advice that has carried me happily through over 23 years of marriage is the 90:10 rule:
    If you feel like you do 90% of the work and your spouse does 10%, you’re actually about 50:50. Why? Because it’s easy to see what you do, and you don’t always notice what your spouse does.
    There is a very important corollary: If you don’t feel like you’re doing 90% of the work, you aren’t doing enough!
    What’s amazing is when both of you are trying to do the 90%, you will really value each other. Granted, we all have down days, which is why striving for that 90% is so important, because one picks up where the other falters. Trust me, both of you will falter from time to time. True love comes through service, so don’t forget to serve the one you love. I read a great quote the other day: Choose the one you love, then love the one you chose.

  • Kj

    I’ve learned that you should always put your spouse and children first, everything else is secondary. Don’t listen to what others think, do what makes you happy! Been married almost 17 years!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Don’t listen to what others think, do what makes you happy!” YES!

  • Barbara

    We’ve been married for nearly 31 years and have great joy in our marriage. But it was not always so. All of us need to be loved and accepted as we are, but unfortunately all of us have little characteristics that can destroy relationships. So I agree that love is definitely a choice. But to choose love includes choosing to repent and forgive – choosing to change. Becoming of one heart and one mind with my husband, which he reciprocates, has brought unimaginable peace and joy in my life.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Great advice, Barbara! Thank you for adding that here.

  • cheryl

    We just celebrated 28 years married on 11/7/14. Forever sounds like it will never come. Like you have eternity and you will only age a year for every 5 spent together. Yes, there will be hard and bad and sad times. That is life. My best advice to you, is to find the perfection in what is not and was never meant to be perfect. You are both human. You’ll make mistakes. As the years go by there will be things you don’t like about eachother. Accept that. Then, love your spouse all the more! The sex may wane. Late nights might fade away. It’s not about quantity, but quality. In our 28 years, we’ve worked separate shifts. We only get to see eachother on my days off (when he gets home from work) or every other weekend. I believe it has made what we have all the stronger. We don’t squabble about the petty stuff. There’s no time for that! We have learned to cherish our time together. We have found that our most precious moments are when we’re laughing and sharing things. Our kids are grown now, so it gets even sweeter when it’s just us in our 50′s rediscovering who we are now and who the other person is. There’s a softness now, that age and experience has brought. In the end, if you’re lucky enough to marry your best friend, you’re lucky enough! Love on!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Love on!” I need to borrow that :) .

  • Reya

    I have been married for 5 months to my boyfriend for 6 years. I guess one big factor is accepting all about your partner, good and bad and find a way to deal with it.. Don’t sleep with misunderstandings and keep the love burning! I’m excited to spend my lifetime with him..

  • Doyin Richards

    I don’t think anything is more important than communication and respect. Without those two (or one of those two) it becomes almost impossible to have a fulfilling marriage. Also, when I look at my daughters, I always think, “Am I providing the best example of a loving relationship to them?” That always puts me on the right track. Great topic, Fawn!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      That’s a great question to ask yourself, Doyin! Thank you for stopping by from (just had to plug that here because I love what you’re doing for fathers everywhere. <3

  • DemondsHappyWife

    My husband and I were married June 2014 and we are constantly hearing yall are too young, just wait, etc. I am 20 and my husband is 22. We were high school sweethearts and at first I never thought we’d last but slowly he wiggled his way into my heart and now 6 years later I have been happily married for 5 months now. We have our struggles but we work through them and never go to bed angry. I believe we can make it as well as all the newlyweds out there. Always remember communication is key :)

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      I know you can make it because there are tens of thousands of happy wives on here who were also told they were too young to get married. The right age can only be determined by you and your spouse and then you go about the business of creating the marriage of your dreams. Congrats!

  • Marriage Evergreen

    Love is the bed rock of truly successful marriage, so keep doing those things that will build your love for each other. The stronger the love for each other the stronger you two will be able to conquer any marital that may come your way.

    Above all, totally avoid anything that could betray the love for each other. Also never for any day allow the love for each other to sour.

  • Thea Johnson

    We got married in August 4th, 2014
    We acknowledge we are not perfect, so we both decided we need God in our marriage.My husband is amazing, might be something like Ed, in 30years……

  • Kent Clark

    As a man, here is my marriage advice. Be very open with your husband. If he really cares about you, he will accept you for who you are, were in the past, and what you will become in the future. Sometimes, we (men and women alike) hide things in a marriage. If you are open, a lot of disagreements will be avoided and a lot of love will blossom.

  • Katherina

    My husband has abandon me and the kids for the the past 8months now, and refuse to come back because he was hold on by a woman whom he just met, for that, my self and the kids has been suffering and it has been heel of a struggle, but I decide to do all means to make sure that my family come together as it use to, then I went online there I saw so many good talk about this spell caster whose email is so I had to contact him and in just 4days as he has promised, my husband came home and his behavior was back to the man I got married to.I cant thank the spell caster enough what what he did for me, I am so grateful. I even spoke to the spell caster over the phone, to confirm his existence. His email again is:

  • Jennifer Mott

    We’ve been married for 21 years. Communicate with each other as much as possible. It will get hard at times but so worth it in the end. You can look back at all the things you’ve done together and laugh. Life is to short to worry about the little things. We live one day at a time you aren’t promised tomorrow so make today count.

  • Karen

    I have been married for almost 32 years and I am a happy wife! Our faith in God and having fun together, even after all this time, are like glue to our marriage! We are as different as day and night, and continue to have our struggles, but never allowing ourselves to ever consider having a “plan b” option has been a great help in pushing us to work even harder at not just ‘sticking it out’ together but working hard to keep our marriage happy and alive. The joy we choose to bring to each other often comes in the form of little intimate acts of serving each other by remembering what makes one another feel special, adored and wanted. Being grateful, loving and tender is a choice we make as often as possible. Having purpose, praying together and being on mission together brings so much satisfaction and creates ways for us to remain side by side. And last, but certainly not least…. keeping exciting, sexual intimacy a regular part of our life just makes it all so much better:)

  • Daniella Pal

    My husband has abandon me and the kids for the the past 8months now, and refuse to come back because he was hold on by a woman whom he just met, for that, my self and the kids has been suffering and it has been heel of a struggle, but I decide to do all means to make sure that my family come together as it use to, then I went online there I saw so many good talk about this spell caster whose email is so I had to contact him and in just 4days as he has promised, my husband came home and his behavior was back to the man I got married to.I cant thank the spell caster enough what what he did for me, I am so grateful. I even spoke to the spell caster over the phone, to confirm his existence. His email again is: