It’s interesting. From nearly the moment we said ‘I do’ people began asking us when we planned to start a family. The question never struck me as odd because I knew exactly what they meant and looked forward to having children in the near future.
And then life happened. We became so busy with work we didn’t think it the right time to slow down and being “trying.” Eventually, Keith and I decided we’d wait at least five years before having children. We wanted to spend time together, travel as much as possible, and bond as husband and wife before becoming mom and dad. After our sixth year of marriage, we began talking more and more about starting a family.
Several years later, I remain a childless wife. But here’s the interesting thing. I love my life. I love my marriage. I love my husband. And odd as it may sound, I don’t feel as though anything is missing. Next year, Keith and I will renew our vows in a ceremony celebrating our 10-year anniversary and I could not imagine being happier or more content with the way things have turned out.
Do we still think about having children? Absolutely. But we’ve learned to redefine family for ourselves. We do not need to wait to become a family. We already have one. Keith and me, we are our family. Every day I wake up grateful to God for this wonderful life. I do not have an answer to why we have not gotten pregnant over the years (it’s certainly not for a lack of practice
). But this much I know: we do not need children to be perfectly content.
I write this to the wife who feels as though her life is incomplete without children. I pen this in hope you will be encouraged. Your family begins with you and your husband. Maybe it will expand, maybe it won’t. But never feel discouraged or incomplete. If you have been blessed with a husband who adores you and you feel the same way, you have all the family you will ever need. And your family – just the way it is – is more than enough.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
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