Tag Archives: chicken recipes

chicken in white wine sauce

Aunt Vivian’s Chicken in White Wine Sauce

I have never much cared for Italian cuisine. I could leave pasta, the red sauce, and the rich meat sauce alone. Oh but this was until I met an Italian who cooks authentic Italian food. Sharon, our associate pastor and dear friend, introduced me to authentic Italian cuisine about five years ago now. I have tried the best fresh ingredients and flavors. With Sharon’s permission I am sharing this gem of a recipe!

Something I’ve noticed about Italians and the way they cook: It must be made in love! :-D

From listening to her stories about her family and seeing her love pour out onto us I know that these dishes are more than just making a meal. It is about showing people you love them and wanting to sit down and fellowship with them.

This recipe has been my favorite thus far (and trust me, I have had some amazing dishes).

The Italian name for this dish is: Pollo zia Vivian in salsa di vino bianco which translates to…

Aunt Vivian’s Chicken in White Wine Sauce

  • 4-6 Boneless Chicken Breasts
  • 1 cup olive oil (approximately)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 stick butter
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp parsley
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 5 oz white wine (vino bianco)
  • 6 chicken bouillon cubes

With a meat mallet pound the chicken breasts into flour (I put them in a ziploc bag).

Pour approximately 1/2″ of extra virgin olive oil in a large skillet. When the oil is very hot, add the chicken. Cook chicken until it turns white. Remove chicken to a separate plate.

Lower the heat and add the parsley and garlic into the pan. When the garlic turns transparent. Add the butter, wine, and the juice of the lemon letting it simmer on low.

In a mason jar (or container with a lid) add about 10-12 oz hot water & bouillon cubes, taking care to not burn your hand on the hot jar. Shake vigorously, then add 2 Tbs flour & cold water. Shake well. Add this mixture to the skillet. Pour over the chicken. Bake 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees. It should be bubbly and yummy!

This can served over mashed potatoes (that is my vote) or over pasta!

Hope you enjoy!


Granma Pruitt's Tender Chicken

Grandma Pruitt’s Tender Chicken

I have such fond memories of my maternal great grandmother. Grandma Pruitt came to our house frequently.

There was a recipe my dad created that Grandma Pruitt loved!

She would always eat several pieces.

Dad made it for her every time she came over. So I am going to share it with you.

It is one of my favorite things! (and sooo simple!!)

Grandma Pruitt’s Tender Chicken


  • 4 Chicken Breast
  • Jar of Miracle Whip (or salad dressing)
  • Bottle of Italian salad dressing
  • Lemon pepper
  • garlic powder

You will need to marinate chicken first. Lightly dust chicken with the lemon pepper and garlic powder. In a bowl that you can cover put the chicken in there and pour a little less than half of the Italian salad dressing. Cover and place in the refrigerator. Let sit for a few hours – or longer if you decide. I usually leave it soaking while I’m at work.

Sauce: (Amounts can be altered depending your own taste)

  • Add 1/2 cup of Miracle Whip
  • Add the remainder of the Italian dressing
  • Mix it and it’s ready. As far as consistency it needs to be thin enough to go over chicken and have some in the bottom of the pan. Just needs to be placed in a medium/smaller size pan. A little deep for sauce.
  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  2. Pour sauce over chicken
  3. Bake until done (40-45 minutes) – I like mine crispy :)

That is it! See how simple? It is so good! I usually pair it up with a good salad and maybe some rolls or biscuits.

Let me know how you like it.

What’s your favorite chicken recipe?

Come visit me over at Aunt LaLa !