Slow-Cooker Apple Butter

By kelly on Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wake-up to the glorious aroma of homemade apple butter with a simple recipe that captures the flavors of fall!

So easy to make, just pop all of the ingredients into your crockpot before bed and wake up to a special treat your whole family will love!

Homemade apple butter makes a delightful spread for toast, biscuits and muffins, as well as a delicious topping for pancakes and French toast.  

Apple butter also makes a great appetizer – either as a dip served alongside graham crackers and fresh fruit slices – or you can place a thick layer of apple butter on top of a block of cream cheese and serve it alongside your favorite crackers. Yum!

And, with the holidays fast approaching, homemade apple butter also makes a delicious and thoughtful gift!

Easy Slow-Cooker Apple Butter

10 large apples (I prefer a mix of sweet and tart apples)
2 cups unfiltered apple juice
1 1/2 cups pure dark maple syrup
1/4 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice (about 2 small lemons)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/8 tsp allspice            

Peel and core apples. Then cut them into bite-sized pieces. (One large apple yields approximately one cup of cored diced apples. So if you’re using small or medium apples, simply use about 10-12 cups of diced apples.) 

Add the diced apples to the crockpot. Then add all remaining ingredients. Stir well to combine. Cover and cook on high for one hour, stirring once or twice. Mixture should be bubbly after an hour. If not, allow it to continue to cook until it comes to a bubbly simmer. Then reduce heat to low and cook the apples an additional hour.

Remove the cover, stir the mixture and then set the cover back on slightly ajar, so some steam can escape during the remainder of the cooking time. Then continue to cook the apple butter on low (with cover ajar) until it’s dark brown and thick (about 8-9 hours).

Turn off the crockpot, stir the apple butter and then allow it to cool to room temperature. If you prefer a smooth (less chunky) apple butter, use an immersion blender, or place the apple butter in a food processor for a quick whirl, to create a smoother texture.

Then, transfer the apple butter to half-pint or pint-sized mason jars. Makes 12 half-pint or six pint-sized jars. Store in refrigerator for up to two weeks. (Or you can preserve the apple butter longer using the classic hot water bath canning method.) 

Happy Fall Blessings to you and yours!
Kelly @ The Nourishing Home

Kelly loves the Lord, her family, and sharing her passion for real food cooking and meal planning with others. She is a full-time homemaker who loves spending time with her awesome hubby and two sweet boys. Kelly's real food journey began five years ago when she was diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disorder. Since then, the Lord has blessed her with an amazing recovery - a testament to His grace and the health benefits of eating real food. Kelly shares her knowledge and love for whole food cooking at The Nourishing Home, Facebook and Google.

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  • Madelyn Chand

    Thank you so much Kelly! We are big fans of your recipes :) We were so blessed to be given a big box of organic apples right when I got this email so we ran out to get apple juice and maple syrup so we could make it right away! Now we are using your recipe with the pumpkin our daughter got from the pumpkin patch to make pumpkin butter. We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season! God bless!!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      That is so awesome!!

    • Kelly@TheNourishingHome

      Thank you, Madelyn! You are so sweet! I appreciate your kind words. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and New Year as well!

  • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

    Kelly, don’t laugh at me but I just learned something knew. Apple butter doesn’t actually contain butter! (so sad I didn’t know that :) )

    • Kelly@TheNourishingHome

      LOL! Just saw this. I am sure most people would assume it contains butter. Don’t feel bad!

  • Lauren Griffin

    So glad I found this recipe! I’m hoping to make this for Christmas gifts, but I’m curious: Would it last to USPS (about 3-4 days I’m guessing). Better to freeze and send or would it be ok refrigerated first? Hope someone can help!!