Peanut Butter Apple Rings {kid friendly}

By Katie Baldridge on Sunday, October 13, 2013

This is an easy kid friendly, adult friendly, and husband friendly snack.  

When I need a quick and healthy snack to feed a crowd I break out the apples, peanut butter, coconut flakes, chocolate chips, and nuts and call the kids to help assemble.

It’s a great way to get the kids in the kitchen to learn some culinary skills, socialize with mom, and just have some fun together.  

There is no strict recipe for this snack and when your creative juices get flowing it can be quite fun to see how many variations you can come up with.  

Peanut Butter Apple Rings


  • all natural peanut butter
  • apples, sliced into rings
  • unsweetened grated coconut 
  • chocolate chips
  • nuts: pecans, walnuts, almonds, peanuts (optional) 


  1. Spread peanut butter on sliced apples and top with your favorite toppings. 

Easy huh?  I generally slice the apples and let all the kids have fun assembling, even down to the 18 month old who tends to eat more than he assembles.  It’s a great way to get those 3, 4, and 5 year olds to fine tune those motor skills and help mom and dad in the process, giving them a sense of self-worth and responsibility.

peanut butter apples

Call the kids into the kitchen, make some peanut butter apple rings and then take them to your play date, or take a plate full to daddy and watch your kids beam with pride as they see the fruit of their hands being enjoyed by others.  

Check out these other great snack ideas to fill those ever hungry tummies. 

Kale Chips

No Bake Cookies

No-Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

What’s your child’s favorite snack? 

Katie is a military wife and mother of 4 with 1 on the way. She is passionate about family, food and serving the LORD. By day you may find her changing diapers, folding laundry, home educating her older children, and cooking three meals a day with a baby on her hip next to a sink of dirty dishes. By night she writes and shares recipes, tips, and tutorials for economical, nourishing and simple gluten-free foods at Join Katie and the Simple Foody Community on Facebook for encouragement on your journey to healthier living.

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  • JES

    Katie, this is a great way to curb MY 3 o’clock sweet tooth :) I love the idea of adding the chocolate chips and coconut (we already do the peanut butter). Thanks for sharing!

  • Kelly@TheNourishingHome

    YUM! Love this idea!! I think I’ll make this as an afterschool snack today! :) Thank you!