People will not always be kind to you. Drivers will cut you off on the road. A person will speak to you unkindly as you’re walking through the grocery store. The customer service representative tasked with assisting you with your need may not respond with anything helpful. And that very interesting person you try to avoid because they can’t seem to control their emotions, will somehow make their way into your life over and over for no apparent reason.
Just go with it.
In life, things will rarely play out exactly as we desire. Plans will inevitably go awry. But one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life is to never allow what happens in the outside world to follow me home. The peace I experience throughout each day is not because everything around me is simple and grand; it’s oftentimes quite the contrary. The peace I have flows from within. I’ve built an imaginary fortress around my home, fully equipped with a moat keeping a clear division between the stress of the world and the peace maintained within our home.
This past week was filled with more surprises and frustrations than I’ve experienced in a long time. There was a part of me that wished I could retreat and not deal with any of it. But where is the growth in that? A part of becoming a better person is to face life’s difficulties head on and challenge yourself to be better, respond better, and love more fully – no matter what.
This weekend, I issue this challenge to you: Just go with it. No matter what happens in the outside world, don’t allow it to negatively impact your family or your home. Be the keeper of peace and the manifestation of love for your husband and your children. And most importantly, don’t allow anyone to do anything that takes away your joy or challenges your internal peace.
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!
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