To celebrate my 36th birthday, Keith took me away this past weekend. One word: Amazing. He told me(Point Vicente Lighthouse) nothing about where we were going and packed my bags so I had no clue.
Once we got in the car, I expected to be driving for a pretty long road trip. Thirty minutes after leaving home, we exited the 405 freeway at Wilshire Boulevard. He began smiling because he knew I was trying to figure out where he was taking me and whatever I thought I knew went right out the window the moment he put his right blinkers on to exit.
Our first stop was the spa. I know this man loves me because he sat in the waiting area for 90 minutes chatting with the spa owner as I got a facial. Second stop was a delicious restaurant just down the street followed by our final destination: Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
(My honey getting ready to ride)This city, less than 30 minutes south of Los Angeles, is absolutely stunning. I can’t believe I’ve never spent time here. It sits on a peninsula with the most gorgeous ocean views I’ve seen in California. Unlike other nearby beaches, the water is pure blue and green. It hasn’t been tainted by waste and pollution.
I love to hike and there are hiking trails throughout the city, many which meander through bluffs overlooking the ocean, and one that ends at the Pointe Vicente lighthouse. After the first night at this amazing hotel (which he definitely splurged on), he took me horseback riding. Next to writing and travelling, there is nothing I love more than horseback riding.
For three nights, we did nothing but relax and enjoy each other’s company. But I can’t help but think as lovely as it was to ride horses through the rolling green hills, hike below the cotton candy blue and pink skies and above the azure waters below, nothing compared to simply being held in my husband’s arms. Nothing.
When I think about marriage, about all the reasons in the world one might choose to utter that two-word lifelong commitment, “I do,” I think about times like this. Times when everything around me -no matter how amazingly beautiful- pales in comparison to my husband’s warm embrace.
Question: When you think about your husband, what about him makes you smile with absolute delight?
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
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