I was having tea yesterday morning with a new business associate when a huge light bulb turned on in my head. I originally began this site for the sole purpose of finding other women like me; those who adore their husbands and love their life.
Then something happened.
The site instantly became popular, I signed a book deal (more on that another day) and then my objective seemed to shift.
Although, the purpose of this site was never to give marital advice, I began doling it out…and lots of it. I didn’t realize I’d made that shift until Krysta and I began talking about our husbands and how much we love and adore them and my heart was filled with happiness.
Just thinking about Keith always makes me smile from ear-to-ear. Standing back and looking in wonderment of the life we’ve built together makes me want to skip down the street (although it’s a bit cold outside so I think I’ll stay inside and write to you instead).
But what that awesome, three-hour long conversation with Krysta also made me think about was all the reasons I love and adore my husband.
Originally, I titled this blog post, Top 10 Reasons I Love My Husband, but the moment I began writing it I thought, “There are so many reasons, how can I possibly narrow it down to just 10?” So instead I’ve decided to begin today with the first 3-4 that pop into my head and just keep adding on from there. I must warn you though, this could go on forever…
Beginning today until I can’t think of any more, I’m going to share at least one reason I love and adore my husband. Why don’t you join me? What is it about your husband that makes you smile? What do you admire about him? What quirk or unique aspect of his personality would drive anyone else crazy but drives you nuts (in a good way)?
As I begin running my tally, I’d love for you to join me and keep your own Why I Love My Husband list. If you have your own blog, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest account, copy and paste the HWC button at the bottom of this blog post to let everyone know you’re joining us in writing a list of everything that’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious about your husband.
And for those who have never seen the movie Mary Poppins (how tragic), Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is just a bunch of root words thrown together: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and docious- “educable.” In other words, everything that makes your hubby rock!
And so my list begins here…
1. He loves me exactly as I am…not for who I may one day become.
2. He’s honest with me and honest with himself.
3. He has more integrity in his pinky finger than most people I meet each day.
4. He rides horses with me even though it’s one of his least favorite things to do (because it’s one of my absolute favorite things to do).
QUESTION: Will you be joining us and starting your own list? If so, don’t forget to shout it out on our Facebook page, as well.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
COMMENTS: With more than 80,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.
JOIN US: If haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.
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