I can’t tell you how excited I am to introduce you to our guest writer for today.
By far, my favorite person in the world! He gives me a healthy dose of Vitamin F2 daily.
There is no person on earth I love more. There is no person I respect more.
If you’ve ever met my husband, you know he is a man of few words.
The last place you’ll ever find him is on social media and this blog has embarrassed him on more occasions than I care to admit (sorry, babe).
He is full of wisdom but never gives unsolicited advice. And if I hadn’t been asking him for 3 years straight to guest post, it’s pretty unlikely he’d ever offer.
Friends, meet the man, behind the woman, behind the founding of the Happy Wives Club. I am honored. I am grateful. Man o’ man do I adore this man.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
BTW- After creating this image, Keith said, “Honey, did you just make me white?” This was the best Getty Images photo I could find of a group of men but my honey is far browner (and more handsome).
So, yes, I exist… I’m the happy husband! Being married to the founder of Happy Wives Club, I wanted to write and tell you all of the “secrets” Fawn won’t share! Okay, not really… I do want to keep our wedded bliss, well, blissful.
That said, I’m breaking my silence with my first ever blog post (or any kind of post for that matter) and sharing my perspective on marriage.
First off, you should know I’m pretty private, so you can well imagine what it’s like when people mention some of the racier posts that have been on the site or what goes through my head when people ask, “When are you starting the Happy Husbands Club?”
And, with respect to social media, I know there’s something called Facebook and apparently people are Twittering or some such thing… Not me, but I do know how to toot!
That said, I suppose being a happy husband is greatly helped when you’ve married an amazing woman as I have. I love my beautiful and talented wife and I will share that all of you have so encouraged and inspired her (as well as me and others), which is why this site is well-visited and why the book materialized.
Speaking of which, if you haven’t already done so, I humbly request that you pre-order the book by following this link HappyWivesClubBook.com. (Pre-orders matter more than anyone ever tells you but trust me, after spending the past several months learning about it, they matter a lot… So thank you.)
In truth, the “secrets” to great relationships and marriages are extraordinarily simple and we all know them.
The key is in the application and, while I’m certainly imperfect and can cite my failures, I strive to adhere to age-old wisdom that on its face won’t knock your socks off.
We’ve all heard “what you reap is what you sow” or “do unto others…” You get the idea. Not exactly rocket science, right? In fact, it’s amazingly simple.
Perhaps the challenge is many presume that because something is simple it’s too easy to be effective. And, thus, we complicate things a great deal.
For some, as you read this you may even be thinking, It’s not that simple Keith!” Or he or she does this or that or he or she didn’t do this or that. I’ll concede that saying “I love you” isn’t a panacea for everything or words and small deeds alone can’t solve every challenge. But I hope you will also concede these ostensibly insignificant things build up and, at a minimum, do help when sustained consistently over time.
So I will leave you with just one challenge assignment (hint, I’m setting a really low bar here so we can all excel!). And, the rewards will be to your benefit.
The assignment is to do one simple thing for your spouse every day this week.
Seven little things…
It should be something you don’t do typically, something that doesn’t require spending significant money (or any money), and take pleasure in doing it (not because you necessarily like to do whatever “it” is, but because it’s a small gesture to “love on” your spouse). I’m going to do it as well. Shhhh, don’t tell Fawn but I’m going to drop off the dry cleaning today!
I encourage you to share this post with your friends and husband. Let’s take this challenge together. I’m so confident this will yield benefits to your relationship and am excited to read your reports throughout the week.
Thank you all for supporting marriage and being committed to changing how people look at it around the world. You are all amazing and we -every happy husband alike- are appreciative. I’m honored for my first, and perhaps only, online post to be here to you.
Keith aka Husband-In-Chief
P.S. I mentioned this earlier but if you haven’t already pre-ordered the Happy Wives Club book, you should definitely do it. I don’t say this because she is my wife (although with a bit of bias because she’s amazing), but because it’s a really great read.
JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.
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