March to Fitness for Life
When Fawn Weaver, founder of the Happy Wives Club, asked me to become a contributor I thought to myself, did she just email the right person? You see, not too many years ago, even though I was an Olympian, and a professional athlete I was not healthy. In fact, I hated to exercise, and I loved all things that were fried, processed, and could be handed to me through a drive through window. Besides that I was a sugar addict. It took a tragedy, a long deep look into my soul, and a hard choice to honor my temple (my body) before I decided to change and to march into fitness for life.
I must be honest with you. I am NOT perfect (I hope you didn’t expect me to be). I am a woman in process. My goal is not perfection, but instead it’s progress. I am moving forward, learning more about healthy eating, exercise and disease prevention. What I learn I promise to share with you, because I truly believe that we are sisters and we must all help one another. I also believe that when we know better we should do better. My hope is that you will not just read what I write and be done with it. Instead I hope that whatever you read, you’ll dig deeper, you’ll research more for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Ultimately, I hope that whenever you find something that is better for you that you will decide that now that you know better you too will DO better.
It works out that the new Happy Wives Club is launching in the month of March. As an athlete you better bet I love a challenge. Not only do I like participating in a challenge, I love to give them. I hope you are up for one today. I want to challenge you to take a survey of your life. Take a sober look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. On a notepad jot down what’s going great. What you can improve on? What’s been holding you back, and why you think these things are happening? Next, I’d like you to write down where you want to be health wise by the end of this year. Is it to fit in your skinny jeans? Maybe your goal is to get off some of your medications, eating more veggies or cooking more real foods? Exercising more often? Whatever it is write it down, and be very specific.
We are going to use this month to start making waves, to start marching into fitness! Most of us have more control than we think when it comes to our health and fitness. Let’s see what we are responsible for and what we can do to make our health better.
Who’s going to join me, and march into fitness for life? In the comment section, let us know what you are going to start marching towards this year.
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