Maintenance That Matters
When I arose this morning, Keith was still enjoying his beauty rest. It was late and I needed to get up and wash my hair so I could begin the day. With hair still wet, I walked over near the bed and Keith lifted the covers inviting me to lay next to him.
First thought: my honey’s awake and I’d love to hold him and to be held. Second thought: My hair is wet and I have so many things I need to get done before leaving the house. Always go with your thought closest to your heart. My first thought won that mini battle and I accepted his unspoken invitation to lay beside him.
Holding me in his arms and extended tender kisses reminded me of an all too important truth: My husband needs me to slow down to stay physically connected with him.
Oftentimes we make the mistake of taking for granted the time we have with our spouse. We run here and there, to and from, and forget how much our husbands need to simply be held, caressed and shown –through physical affection- how much we desire them.
So many pull away from their husband’s physical advances because the thought is it will lead to sex and sometimes there isn’t time for sex at that exact moment. But pulling away is a mistake. Our husbands need to be held. We need to be held. Holding hands, stroking the side of his face and him doing the same to yours, embracing each other with a simple hug. Sometimes that’s all the current moment will allow. And most times, that’s more than enough.
Do you ever find yourself pulling away from your husband’s advances when you’re rushed because you think he will expect more? Fall into the moment. You may be pleasantly surprised. Your husband knows when you have to go and you won’t need to abruptly pull away to make that point. Simply allow yourself to be embraced. Stay in the moment. Then go about the business of your day.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
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Fawn Weaver
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