How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way Part 2
This is part 2 of How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way. You can find part 1 here.
Inquiring minds would like to know if there are secrets to losing weight? Is there a way to lose weight fast? If you skip a meal will you lose weight more rapidly? What about if you drink shakes and then just eat a sensible meal will that help you lose weight?
Last time I shared some of my tips for losing weight the healthy way. There were so many tips for me to share that I had to break it up into another post. I hope these help you to be consistent and reach your goals.
Don’t Skip Meals
When a woman decides she wants to lose weight often times the first thing she does is stop eating. Usually, she’ll start by skipping meals. In fact, you could be a pretty healthy eater and can’t figure out why you can’t lose your last 10lbs. It could be because you inadvertently skip meals. To put it simply, your body, when it doesn’t have consistency doesn’t know when its next meal is coming. It starts to hoard and hold onto the fat just in case it doesn’t get fed any more. It thinks you are still in the hunter and gatherer days, and that there isn’t a consistent supply of food. You are training your body to keep the fat instead of training it to go ahead and use up what’s stored because more is coming soon. Consistent eating is key for weight loss success.
You also don’t want to skip meals because it lowers your blood sugar, which brings on cravings for high carbohydrate, high calorie foods. I bet you know this feeling, I know I do. When I let myself get hungry I crave things that aren’t good for me. If your body has consistent blood sugar levels you will not crave those things, which will lend to weight loss success.
Eat 5-6 Meals A Day
Say, WHAT??? I know what you are thinking. If I eat 5-6 meals a day, won’t I put on weight? NO, not if you do it right. When I tell my ladies to eat more times a day they immediately think of themselves as eating more junky food more times a day. What you will be doing is eating more healthy foods 5-6 times a day. I think of it as eating 3 small meals and 2-3 low calorie snacks.
Your metabolism helps your body to break down your food at a certain rate. When you skip meals it slows down because it has no work to do. When you eat again it’s already moving slow from inconsistency. Because it can’t break down your food fast any more, the result is food stored as fat. This is why it’s important to eat consistently to help speed up your metabolism.
Let’s recap how you can lose weight the healthy way. Be consistent by eating healthy balanced meals. No more fad diets, promise? You will also take your time, there is no rush, do it safe and slow. Maintain a calorie deficit to reach your goal weight. Don’t skip meals. Plan to eat 5-6 small meals a day. If you do these things you will see results, and you will lose weight the healthy way.
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