Homage to the Stay-At-Home Mom
I am not a Mom. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know this was not originally the plan, but I am nonetheless happy with exactly the way things have turned out. I don’t know if I’ll ever be a Mom. And if I become a Mom, I don’t know that I’ll be able to stay at home with our child(ren).
Keith jokes that for the sanity of our children, I’d need to work out of the home. He’s concerned if I tended to our children the way I tend to my work, I’d smother them and they’d be begging for time away from Mommy. He teases that every night when he’d return home from work, they’d be waiting for him at the door saying, “Please, please, take Mommy away from us.”
All kidding aside, I just don’t think I’m built to be a stay-at-home Mom. I could be wrong and there’s no way I could know until the day comes where that decision needs to be made. But I’d like to think if I made that decision I would do well with it. Only, I’ve met many stay-at-home Moms and I truly believe it takes a special gift; an extraordinary amount of patience and selflessness.
Being a stay-at-home Mom is the most challenging job in the world. You work tirelessly from sunrise to long after sunset and most often without so much as a thank you. You must run your home as I run my business, only I get pats on the back and people telling my how great of a businesswoman I am. You receive nothing. No thanks. No pat on the back. No “job well done.”
Being a stay-at-home Mom is the most thankless job in the world. Yet, you do it. I’m not sure why you do it but I have a feeling it has something to do with your understanding of the importance of your role in your child’s life. You know their life is, quite literally, in the palm of your hand. You recognize life and death is in the power of the tongue and you want your words to speak empowerment into their lives.
You know God has loaned you these precious gifts and at some point will ask for you to account for how you led them by example and sheltered them while in your care. No matter how many businesses I launch, how many organizations I oversee, there is nothing I will ever do in the corporate world that will even come close to matching the importance of what you do every day – from morning to night – without so much as a hint of gratitude.
So here is my homage to you, the stay-at-home Mom. Don’t allow anyone to ever make you feel less than because you’ve chosen to work in the home instead of outside of it. Do not accept the simplemindedness of those who would make you feel less than. You are raising the next generation of world leaders and I am certain there is no other job you could be doing at this moment which is more important.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
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Fawn Weaver
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