Happy Wives All Over the World
A little less than two months after beginning my trip around the world -to see if there is a universal secret to a happy marriage- I returned home full of hope and excited about my future discoveries.
By the time I arrived in New Zealand, I’d already visited 8 countries on this journey and interviewed couples happily married 25-plus years for their take on what a couple needs to make their marriage happily last a lifetime.
Since June, I have been in a different country every 4-5 days. Walking through the arrivals terminal in Auckland, I looked at a sign instructing transferring passengers to turn right and those visiting Auckland to turn left.
I stood for a moment looking at that sign wondering how disappointed friends meeting me at the airport would be if I headed to a ticket counter and asked to book a flight back to Los Angeles. But I was homesick (or to be more accurate, hubbysick).
I don’t know if you’ve ever been away from your husband for any length of time beyond a couple weeks but I found it incredibly diffficult. Talking to his mom this afternoon, she said how shocked she was at how well we both held up considering our daily longing for one another. I guess it’s because we both feel this to be such a worthy mission. It’s not just to encourage members of this club, but also to encourage myself, and learn from the wisdom pouring forth from these amazing couples.
So I’m back at home -exactly where I belong- for at least the next few months. I cut my journey short but still have 3 more countries and 2 additional continents I’ve committed to visit before I can share with you my findings. But what I do know for certain, and I’m more than happy to report, there are happy wives all over this world. They aren’t figments of the world’s imagination. We are real.
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!
Comments: With more than 46,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Fawn Weaver
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