Gift of a Lifetime
If I took a poll of this audience, I’d venture to say most of us have a “bucket list.” That list made all too famous by Jack Nickolson and Morgan Freeman by the movie with the same name. Some have bucket lists which include all the foods they want to try before they “kick the bucket.” For many, it’s what they want to accomplish in life.
Bucket lists come in all shapes and sizes. I ran across the bucket list of a sister blogger earlier this year and her list had 300+ goals. Whew! I was tired just thinking about checking things off that list. Some are more practical and have 20 or so. And then there are those like mine who spend so much time living in the moment we forget to put more things on our list.
My bucket list began with just four items: 1) Become fluent in a second language; 2) Travel to a Spanish-speaking country for immersion school; 3) Participate in Vinyasa Flow yoga teacher training; and 4) Travel to all seven continents. Last year, I attended a Spanish immersion course in Montezuma, Costa Rica. So I checked that off my list.
With one complete, that leaves me with three to go. Based on my schedule, I thought I’d be checking off the remainder of the list in the following order: 1) Become fluent in Spanish; 2) Vinyasa Flow teacher training; and 3) Travel around the world. Unfortunately, I’ve been so busy since returning from Costa Rica, I’ve had little time to continue working on my fluency. I guess that will need to wait until next year.
It will need to wait because I was recently offered the gift of a lifetime. Before the year concludes, I would have traveled to 21 countries and all 7 continents. And 12 of those countries, as well as 4 of the continents, I will travel to all within a six month period of time – and all this year.
I am working on a special project which might cause me to to burst if I don’t tell you soon. So make sure to join me Monday as I share with you the big news. I was offered the gift of a lifetime and I’m taking you along on this journey with me.
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!
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Fawn Weaver
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