This is only the third man we’ve had guest post on Happy Wives Club. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to a fabulous blogger, George Levy. Enjoy!
As I write this post, I am looking outside the window of our city apartment, and I can’t help but notice the few people walking down the street, all wearing their warmest winter gear. The sky is gray and cloudy and the temperature outside is 29F, but the wind chill factor makes it feel like 18F.
Once again, for the second week in a row, it’s the coldest, gloomiest day of the week… And once again, it falls on a Sunday.
But as a happily married husband, I am as happy as can be.
Why I No Longer Need it to be Sunny on Sundays.
While many people would consider this to be the worst way to ruin a weekend day, I can’t help but feel happy and grateful.
Now – let me first clarify something before you jump to conclusions…
I wouldn’t mind one bit if today were a beautiful sunny day to go outside and enjoy the weather.
But, here’s the deal – I can’t change the weather and no amount of wishing will warm things up.
Making Today a Great Sunday With My Wife – Our Way.
Having accepted that today there is no “going outside” for fresh air and a nice walk, my wife Yvonne and I instead took the opportunity to stay indoors together and make our Sunday as good as it can be.
I am proud and happy to say that I consider my Yvonne my absolute best friend in the world, and I could not think of anybody more fun and enjoyable to spend the day at home on a dark, chilly Sunday.
“Ugly Sunday” Used to Be “No Fun Day”
I remember my life before I was married…
An ugly Sunday would completely have ruined my weekend. I can just see myself sitting at home looking out the window feeling sorry and depressed… Maybe I’d risk heading out to drop in on another single friend? Perhaps someone would brave the elements to come and visit? Flip the channels to see what was on TV… Even when I was dating, I simply did not have the level of intimacy and companionship that I have in my married life with Yvonne.
I’m SO glad that’s not my case anymore…
When the weather gets ugly now, Yvonne and I can always just make waffles…
Today, when Yvonne and I woke up and saw the dismal weather, Yvonne immediately went into the kitchen and began cooking one of her delicious, special Sunday morning breakfasts.
I am so grateful for all she does and the personal attention she puts on making me happy, always going out of her way to cook something extra special for us (today it was eggs and waffles… Delish!)
This is a far cry from what a cold rainy Sunday used to mean to me, and I feel so fortunate that I have the chance to share a home with her.
Married life gives me that opportunity – and I get Waffles also… Bonus!
Marriage as a Lifetime Commitment to Each Other’s Happiness
Yvonne and I have been married for 7½ years. During that time, we’ve had our share of challenges and difficulties ranging from finances to health scares, to family and career issues…
I won’t say that every day has been easy and we have had many situations that have heavily stressed and strained our relationship.
But I will say without a doubt, that being married and assuming the responsibility for all that it entails has helped us both successfully go through all those challenging moments.
In other words, being together as a married couple has helped us deal far better with all those difficult situations, than if each of us would have attempted to tackle them on our own.
Yvonne makes me a better me… And I work hard to do the same for her.
I know that I am a much better person because of Yvonne and for all that she helps me achieve. And in return – I live up to my side of the relationship and do everything I possibly can to help her be the best person she can be.
I believe this approach of always looking out for what is best for each other is one of the key reasons for our happy marriage.
I really mean it when I say that “I love being happily married.“ That applies to good times and bad times… On warm, sunny days when everything is rose colored… and also on dreary, dark and cold days when everything seems gray and gloomy.
That is one of the key things that I love about my marriage and married life:
No matter what the weather – or life – throws our way, we can always trust that we will have each other in our corner for support, friendship, love… and even waffles.
About George and Yvonne Levy: George and Yvonne Levy are the creators of I Love Being Happily Married, an online magazine focused on Happy Marriage skills and education, and conceived with the global mission of Spreading the Joy of Marriage.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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