7 Things I Know For Sure About Happy Marriages
As you’ve probably read, this past week has been nothing short of a whirlwind for my family.
First, Keith and I went to New York to launch my debut book, Happy Wives Club. And while there, some pretty amazing things happened here, there and around the world.
Beginning Friday, I’ll be sharing with you some of my favorite blog posts on love and marriage from the Happy Wives Club blog tour this past week.
It will be tough but I’m going to do my best to choose a handful of my favorites from nearly 200 bloggers that have already joined me on the tour. I’ve been so inspired by their writings and want you to experience a similar jolt of inspiration.
Today, however, I’m writing at Huffington Post and invite you to join me there!
An excerpt of my article, 7 Things I Know For Sure About Happy Marriages, is below and you can find the full article here.
(Advance warning for the grammar police. I had two versions of this article: unedited and edited. Unfortunately, the version I sent was unedited. Don’t worry…nothing too major. But if you see a minor typo here and there, please don’t email me about it, okay? Someone already did. )
Hope your week is off to a beautiful start. Looking forward to connecting with you here on Friday.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
Are you living in a sexless marriage? Frustrated by a spouse who never gives you exactly what it is you need? Do you often wonder if you’d be better off starting over from scratch?
You’re not alone. As a matter of fact, it is quite likely your marriage falls within the majority. But that’s why I absolutely love what I do. Why I wake up each morning bouncing off the walls with excitement to share this with married couples each day:
Your marriage can be great one. It can be a happy one. And it is 100 percent your choice.
After traveling the world and interviewing happily married couples in 12 countries on six continents in search of the universal secrets of a happy marriage for my book, Happy Wives Club, there are seven things I know for sure about happy marriages.
1. Happiness is a moment-by-moment decision. One of the greatest mistakes we make is believing happiness is a result of happenstance. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Those who are happiest create that for themselves. They determine each day to look for the best in their spouse. Of course, there are idiosyncrasies and flaws (you have those too, by the way), but the happiest couples are those who make a conscious decision to choose happiness every moment of every day. And the gateway to happiness is gratitude. Couples who begin their morning focused on what they are grateful for that day, in their marriage and life, find that happiness chases after them the remainder of the day.
You can read the rest of this article on Huffington Post.
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Fawn Weaver
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