5K the Fun Way!
Have you ever imagined running a 5K and thought there is no way you could do it? Does the thought of participating in a 5K scare you to death? Ever think that those races are all the same and you want to stop participating in them? Or, are you like me, you HATE to run, and you’d rather eat a plate of worms than run anywhere, at anytime, for any reason?
If you said yes to any of the above questions I’ve got great news for you- 5K’s can be FUN!
There’s a popular trend of new 5K’s that got even me excited about participating in one. (Which is a miracle, just ask my husband.) No more straight lines, or jogging around a boring old park in circles. These events are now exciting, they have obstacles, awesome themes, and get this they are FUN!
*Disclaimer- No I haven’t done one yet, but now that they are this cool, I’m planning on it!
I’ve scoured the web and found five 5K’s that you must check out. They all have their own unique twist. These events are all over, so check online for one near you.
Annett’s Top Five Picks To 5K the Fun Way!!!
- The Color Run- This run is a unique race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. Its nickname is the “Happiest 5K on the Planet”. This is an un-timed race where thousands of happy participants are doused from head to toe in different colored powders at each kilometer mark. Everyone starts off wearing white and at the finish line there is a “Finish Festival” that pumps out a vivid color explosion. In 2013, over 1 million participants at 100 sites are expected to experience the rainbow of color via the Color Run. This is a great relaxed race for a husband and wife team.
- Dirty Girl- Don’t worry everyone here runs like a girl, the name describes it all. No one leaves this un-timed adventure race clean. You will run some, and go through obstacles with names like PMS (Pretty Muddy Stuff), Dirty Dancing, and H2OMG! If you think an obstacle is too tough don’t worry you can skip it. This unique ladies only 5k will leave you a dirty hot mess, but you will have so much fun doing it! Dirty Girl events encourage the participants to be proactive about their breast and ovarian health. Cancer survivors can register FREE!
- Run For Your Lives- This 5K was definitely the most unique one that I’ve heard of. If you are like me, and loved the movie World War Z, you’ll LOVE this race! We’re talking ZOMBIES! This race is called Run For Your Lives because that’s just what you’ll be doing. As if running from zombies wasn’t enough, this race features a ‘blood pit’, smokehouse, and a maze where zombies may be waiting for you around any corner. As you run the zombies try to take away your 3 flags that are around your waist. The event ends with an Apocalypse party. If your hubby is into scary movies this would rock his world! A date to die for….pun intended.
- Shape Diva Dash- If costumes, tutus and boas sound more appealing than mud pits, and barbed wire, the Diva Dash is for you. This is an all women’s obstacle adventure with different degrees of difficulty. For you ladies who like to win, there is a competitive wave, and the top three finishers in each age category from 12-60+ get a prize. If you just want to have fun and finish, that’s ok too. You don’t have to be timed. In fact some obstacles give different degrees of difficulty so you can go as hard or as easy as you like. If you like to shop, there are plenty of venders offering free swag and samples for you to try.
- Foam Fest- This 5k has a little bit for everyone. If you like to be dirty, there’s mud for you. If you like foam and water, well they have that there too. Obstacles, yep plenty of those. You’ll feel like a kid again in the bouncy ball pit, or in the water running over huge floating aqua ‘lily pads’. The Stumpy Jumper pit combines foam and hop scotch. Imagine jumping on inflated stumps (and maybe some balls) hopping on them in a slippery foam-filled jumper. Sound fun? My favorite is the 50-foot Slip-In–Slide! This is another one that you and your hubby can have a blast doing together.
Who says running and working out has to be boring? With fun adventure 5K’s like these you will not only get more physically fit, but you will have loads of fun! These aren’t the only fun 5K’s around, just search the web, new ones are starting every year. Try one out with your husband!
Remember the couple that’s active together…stays together.
Question: Which one of these 5K’s would YOU like to try?
image source: thecolorrun.com
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