4 Tips For A Healthy Spring
What happened to your New Year’s Resolution? Has it faded away like the snow soon will? Last week the time changed. The sun shines longer into evening. Spring is already upon us!
Keep your head up. Every day is a new opportunity to change your life. Spring reminds me of things made anew. From new baby animals, to a colorful array of blooms, to new commitments, spring brings new life.
There couldn’t be a more perfect time to recommit to a healthier you! Here are 4 ways to get you started.
Spring Cleaning
The holidays have come and gone and sometimes that leaves our bodies with extra pounds and extra junk in our trunks (if you know what I mean). A good spring cleanse can help you shed a few unwanted pounds, and help you get rid of some nasty toxins, and habits too. To help you follow through with any workout or cleanse, accountability is always great to help you cross the finish line. I know I would not finish half the things I wanted to do without it. Personally I’ll be doing a 21 day cleanse in my exclusive accountability group starting April 17th. You are welcome to join me. Whatever you do, make sure it’s healthy and not extreme. A good spring cleanse, or detox, can give you a good healthy boost.
Lighten Up
Winter cold is leaving us with beautiful warm weather outside. This means it’s time to get rid of the heavy winter clothes, and lighten up for spring. I think spring is the perfect time of year to get new workout gear. Just like the tires on a car, your workout shoes are only good for so many miles. Invest in a good pair of running shoes or cross trainers, as well as great light and supportive sports bras to start the season off on the right foot.
Farm Fresh to You
You’ve heard that “April showers bring May flowers.” In our house they bring a lot more than that! Every spring, usually before Good Friday, we plant a small raised vegetable garden. Instead of relying on the grocery store, why don’t you try out a small garden this year? Even someone in an apartment can grow fresh herbs and a tomato plant. You’ll have the satisfaction of eating your home grown, pesticide free, organic veggies and herbs from your own little personal micro farm.
Move That Body
Spring is the perfect time to press the reset button when it comes to working out. Running clubs, softball leagues, masters swimming, and free fit clubs all are waiting on YOU to join in. Check with your local parks and recreation department for workout groups and clubs. If you aren’t lucky enough to have that department just ask a group of friends to start your own fitness club. I dare you to try something new. Maybe try out an adult ballet class, spin, yoga, or boot camp classes. To enjoy the outdoors a dodgeball league, walking group or golf lessons could help you spring into shape.
What are you going to do this year to spring into shape?
Have a Healthy Day!
Annett @FitWithAnnett
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