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Grab Your Family & Hit the Road

Our travel contributors are passionate about all things involving planes, trains, automobiles {and boats :) }. Live vicariously through their families as they take you to some of their favorite places around the world. Then pack your own bags and hit the road with your family (and that includes those with a family of two: your hubby and you).

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5 Tips to Travel Well as a Couple

Traveling as a couple can be tricky – but with a little planning your experience can be terrific. You just need a few simple tips to …

Best Places to Spread Out a Spring or Summer Picnic

I don’t know about you, but about this time of year, I am ready for summer. Although I live in Little Rock, Arkansas (where the winter …

5 Must-See Places in {or Near} Glacier National Park

Where is your favorite place to visit? Some people love big cities. Others long for the ocean. As for me and my husband of twenty-three years, …

The World Outside Our Window- Vegas Penthouse Style!

The view is breathtaking and surreal. From where I sit peering through a modern picture window fitted with electronic graphic shades, I see the Eiffel Tower, …

A Visitor’s Guide to Berlin, Ohio

I’ve been married to John for twenty-four years. Some women show their men they love them by providing a back rub or going on a hike. …

Exploring West Virginia

My husband, Robert, and I were born and raised in Canada. We currently live in the United States, but return frequently to visit our parents. Driving …

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