Top 10 Blog Posts of 2011

By Fawn Weaver on Friday, December 30, 2011

This has been a fantastic year for HWC! Earlier this week, one of my blog friends, Paula, listed her top 10 most popular blog posts of 2011.  I loved it, so I decided to borrow the idea.  The only difference is all the blog posts on this list were written within the final quarter of the year. The reason for this is the daily blog section of HWC wasn’t added until October (an exciting addition for us).  Before that time, it was an article-driven site and I only posted 1-2 articles per month.

Without further ado, here are the 10 most popular blog posts for 2011:

#10: God Bless That Man! - Ah, the adventures of learning how to cook.  My first experience with cooking for my husband took three trips to the grocery store, a mad search for a vegetable called prosciutto (I know, it’s meat…but I didn’t know that then) and a day that ended with a wonderful lamb & feta cheese lasagna but caused me to avoid the kitchen for the next 8 years. 

#9: Poem for My Husband - Excerpt from post: Marriage is what we make of it.  Our thoughts and words dictate so much of our life, (“As a man thinketh…”), and when we know that and begin to speak positive words about our marriage, life and husband, we find that what we have spoken turns out to be exactly what we have lived.

#8: I Missed! - This is one of my personal favorites because it was a huge lesson I learned in 2011.  Until this time, I thought I knew Keith’s “love language” and had been loving him based on that presumption.  It wasn’t until recently that I learned I was loving him the way I’d most like to be loved and it was time I learned how to speak his language…fluently.

#7: Simple Acronym for Marriage - Excerpt: In marriage, there is an acronym I’ve found to be the most effective in helping a couple grow in love, become more patient with each other and remove common frustrations within most relationships.  A.E.O.D: Accept Each Other’s Differences 

#6: How This Club Came to Be - Excerpt: [Keith] was laughing so hard, mainly because the thought was completely random and seemingly came out of nowhere.  He reasoned, not only was the name of the Club incredibly corny, but I also had a jam packed work schedule that barely allowed time to enjoy something as simple as a frozen yogurt.  Touché..

#5: Top 10 Marriage Blog of 2011 - Press Release: Stupendous Marriage, the online authority for marriage blog rankings, has released their 2011 list as voted by their readers. Nearly 2,000 readers cast their votes for the Top 10 Marriage Blogs on the web. Happy Wives Club claimed the #2 spot.

#4: Project Happily Ever After - Excerpt: There are certain things we have determined to do – intentionally – every day.  So in writing this post, I thought about things my husband, Keith, and I do daily. Without fail.  To continue on our path to Happily Ever After.  And here’s our Top 5. 

#3: Making Marriage a Priority – 5 simple ways to let your hubby know he’s priority #1 no matter how busy you may be.  Excerpt: One of the questions I’ve seen come up most over the past couple weeks, as the Christmas season has kicked into high gear, is how to keep one’s marriage and relationship a priority during the busiest time of the year.  It’s tough.  I can relate.

#2: What Are You Thankful For? - Although this post wasn’t tough to write, I certainly wondered if I was revealing too much.  I am an open book when it comes to my marriage which can be tricky at times because Keith is such a private person.  He loves this Club and loves the reason it was founded so he allows me to share alot more than he’d otherwise be comfortable revealing.  In this blog post I talk about our inability to conceive and what we’ve gained from this experience.

#1: Don’t Blink - My personal favorite blog post this year.  It’s the story of how and why I went from Los Angeles to Las Vegas and back in a matter of a few hours and why I was dancing in the car like a madwoman at 4am trying to stay awake.  I love this post…but then again, I’m definitely biased.

Thank you for visiting Happy Wives Club this year.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you and hope we’ve inspired you as much as you’ve inspired us.  This will be my final blog post for 2011.  I plan to take the next few days off to simply enjoy time with my hubby but look forward to chatting with January 2nd.

Happy New Year and as always…make it a great day! 

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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Fawn Weaver

    Thank you ALL for joining us throughout this year. The Club has grown tremendously in the past few months since we launched the "Daily Blog" section and we're on track to reach 100,000 members worldwide in 2012. That will be one exciting day! Happy New Year all and I look forward to chatting with you in the new year.

  • Kasey

    I am looking forward to sitting down this weekend and reading these posts. I only recently "found" you, so I have lots of catching up to do! :)

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Kasey- I'm so happy you "found" us :) . And I'm looking forward to you sharing which one is your favorite. Thank you for taking the time to comment and Happy New Year!

  • Paula

    I remember enjoying a lot of these! I'm looking forward to reading the ones I've missed!!!

    thanks for the shout out <3

  • Rhonda Neely

    What a great idea for a blog post. I will be reading all the top 10 posts over the weekend. Thank you so much for sharing the posts and the idea. May your 2012 be prosperous in every way.

  • Colleen (FNF)

    I didn't have enough going on with the blog to even determine what my top post would be, let alone ten.

    This blog has been a great find for me. I'm so glad that I've "met" you, Fawn. I've told my best friend (and sister in Christ) about this site too! :-)

    Keep up the momentum for 2012. :-)

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Colleen- 2012 will be the year for "Failure is Never Final :) ). Thanks for sharing this with your sister! @Rhonda, thank you so much. The same to you and your family. @Paula- Thanks for the great idea! Thank you all for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate it.

  • Chasity

    Fawn, I just had to stop by and check out your blog. You left a comment on my "She Gave" post from a few days ago, but you mistakenly thought I was a man speaking about my wife. I agree with your sentiment that it would be great to have more males blogging, but I am the wife/momma and I was writing about my daughter. :) Although my husband is a wonderful man, I doubt you'll ever find him authoring a blog. I hope your 2011 draws to a beautiful close. Our year in movie format is up on our site. Blessings!

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Chasity- That's funny! I went to your site thinking I was going to the blog of a woman but then read the posting and thought, "Oh, this must be written by her husband" because it was referencing a woman who gave and who melted your heard but never actually mentioned the woman being referenced. Completely my fault for assuming. I'll have to check out your year in movie format. Sounds fun. Happy New Year.

  • Angela Joseph

    Hi Fawn,

    Congratulations on the great job you're doing. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. May God richly bless you and your family in the New Year!

  • Mona

    Looking forward to being a part of the Happy Wives Club in 2012!

  • Fawn Weaver

    Thanks, Angela! I love meeting new bloggers out here in cyberspace :) . @Mona- And we look forward to having you! Wishing you both the most fantastic New Year. Welcome to 2012 :) .

  • Jamie

    Great list, Fawn! I am excited to see where 2012 takes you! Keep up the amazing work. =)

  • Fawn Weaver

    Thanks, Jamie! Happy New Year. Hope you rang it in with lots of love. <3

  • Isabel

    I am thrilled i found this site also, Dawn. While i follow a few blogs, i found myself not coming back to read blogs that were full of drama. I know that sounds harsh as everyone has challenges, but it seemed that there was a lack of respect, some bashing that wasn't funny to me, to maybe get readers.

    I'm going to go back and read these "Best of" posts since i haven't been here long! :)