The Perfect Love Letter {& Link Up}

By Fawn Weaver on Thursday, February 14, 2013

I can’t believe it’s already Valentine’s Day!  Happy Heart’s Day to all of you.  We truly are a lucky group of women (and our hubbies are even luckier :) )!  

This past week brought tears to my eyes as I joined so many of you in completing the 5 Minute Gift.  What an honor it was to write that letter to my husband.  How painful it was to think of having only five minutes to say all there is to say before leaving this earth for good.  But I’m so happy I did it because an exercise like that gives you perspective.  

As I visited the sites of other bloggers doing the same, I was happy to know I wasn’t the only one who cried throughout that exercise!  It was tough, right?  Well, this week it was my husband’s turn.

Before boarding a flight to Nashville on Sunday, my husband gave me a page torn from a yellow legal pad.  The words on the top of that sheet of paper, folded in three, were, “Only 5 min… My Honey.”  When I opened it, I discovered a love letter like none other.  It began:

Dear Honey,

I only have 5 minutes to express how amazing out time together has been.  You have been a blessing to me and the best wife I could have ever hoped for…  I love you more than “I love you” can express.

I would love to share the entire letter with you but I think there are some things I should allow to remain just between Keith and me (I trust you understand).  But there is one line I really love that I’m certain he wouldn’t mind me sharing with you:

If you are well-able, I want you to enjoy life…  I want you to have a place with a view, travel, and be your usual Fawn-self.”

Just reading that line again feels my heart with cheer and sadness all at the same time.  That man loves me.  More than life itself.  And I’m so grateful to have had this time together.  So have you written your letter yet?  If not, what are you waiting for?  I promise, you won’t regret it.  Not even for a moment.  

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Why I Love My Husband (the never-ending list):

148. He’s a man of few words.  But he makes every word count.

149. He’s so sensitive about how others feel that last night he sent me a text asking if I’d Facebook his spinning class instructor to let her know he was going out of town and would be missing her class. (how many people would even care about that?)

150. Just thinking about him makes me smile.  

151. Although I left the house a bit of a mess when I left for the airport, I have no doubt it’s in perfect condition for when I return (he never likes me to come home to a mess, even if I’m the one that left it that way).

Why I Love My Husband


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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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