The One Thing to Remember About Your Husband

By Fawn Weaver on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The One Thing to Remember About Your Husband

On my way to Dallas today, I sat on the plane next to a lovely woman, married twenty-three years.

We immediately struck up a conversation and at the forefront, of course, was the Happy Wives Club.

I told her about my new book and how I traveled to 12 countries and 6 continents, interviewing couples married at least as long as she and her husband, to deduce the common denominator among the happiest ones.

As you can imagine, she then had a ton of questions.

She wanted to know as much as possible about what I’d discovered during my travels.

She then posed a marriage-related scenario and wanted to know my thoughts based on what I’d learned.  ”When major stresses happen, how did the couples you interviewed handle that?  What did they do differently?”

Teaming up and becoming a formidable foe of the challenge rather than allowing the problem to turn them against one another was the answer.  

But it wasn’t just that.  It was also a particular outlook.

So if you remember nothing else, here is the one thing to remember about your husband: 

“The best time to love with your whole heart is always now, in this moment, because no breath beyond the current is promised.”

I shared with her how my husband and I, in ten years, have always concluded our phone calls with “I love you” and never walk out of the house without telling the other how much they are loved.

Yes, we’re corny and incredibly mushy (and when I shared an office space with several other women years ago, it drove them a bit batty) but we also recognize the present moment is all we have.  

In Monday’s post, I posed the question: “What positive thing do you ‘know for sure’ about marriage?”  This was the heartfelt response from a reader, Kristen:

“I lost my husband to cancer almost 2 years ago. We had a great marriage with all the ups and downs but with lots of love, laughter and hope for the future. I can say that you have to truly cherish your life together because there may be a day that comes when you are apart and you will want to be proud of your marriage and how you treated your spouse. I meet fellow widows/widowers that are haunted by their regrets and it is very difficult for them to recover and live life again.

“Wake up every morning, take an inventory of your life and be thankful for what you have. And tell your spouse that. Tell your spouse frequently that you love him/her. Tell him/her how much you love your life together. Tell your spouse how much you appreciate them. I think sometimes we forget that part and get caught up in life. One of the most basic human needs is to know that we are appreciated, special and loved- who better than to reaffirm that than your spouse?”

The best time to love with your whole heart is always now, in this moment, because no breath beyond the current is promised.

You can weather every one of life’s storms…as long as you stick together and love fully each moment of every day.  I’m striving to have a regret-free marriage.  What about you?

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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  • surabhi surendra

    I am happily married for four and a half years. Ours is an ‘arranged marriage’ but we are happy and lucky to have true love! I think what keeps us going is the foundation on which our marriage is based. During arguments, I think of the day when I first saw him and how I instantly felt that he would be ideal life partner. This just melts away my anger and we reconcile. :D

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      I recently interviewed an Indian couple who came together through an arranged marriage. I realized there was SO much I didn’t understand about arranged marriages. As a person born and raised in the States, it was so hard to wrap my brain around such a concept. But seeing the love in their eyes -and the freedom they both celebrate- I was blown away.

  • Gwendoline

    My husband and I have been happily married for almost 15 years. We have four beautiful kids. We have been through a few storms in life. But our love and marriage was much stronger then any storm and we emerged from these storms even stronger then before. We are a team and always will be. Everything we have achieved in life is because of our teamwork and love for each other.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Teamwork makes the marriage work. Love it.

  • Christine Case

    My husband and I have been together for 24 years, married for 23. (married on our first anniversary). There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t hold hands, cuddle or hug, and tell each other at the end of every phone call, before going to sleep or when walking out the door that we love each other. He is my everything. Life is precious to be sure. My husband knows he’s adored and respected and loved <3
    P.S. Love your blog!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thanks, Christine! You’re celebrating your silver anniversary soon. That must be incredibly exciting!!

  • Jackie Maresca

    The hubs and I do the same thing on phone calls and when he leaves for work! I like incredibly mushy!!!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Me too! :

  • Sarah

    Bless you for your mission, Fawn!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thank you so much, Sarah!!

  • Vanessa

    Just join the club, Facebook page, & following on Twitter :) ! Excited & looking forward to learning more even after being married for 17 years :) . Thank you for creating the Happy Wives Club!!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Yeah! It’s nice to ‘meet’ you, Vanessa! I’m certain you will be right at home here.

      • Vanessa

        Nice to meet you too Fawn:)!! Thanks!

  • Kelly@TheNourishingHome

    Amen, Fawn! So, so true! This really struck a cord in my heart! Thank you for this reminder and for sharing this beautiful advice from Kristen. What better gift can we give to one another than to love with gratitude each moment we have together. My father passed away unexpectedly at age 50 in his sleep and I always think about my Mom telling me they had an argument that day, but praise the Lord they had always committed to following God’s Word in Eph 4:26-27. They made-up that afternoon and told each other they loved each other. The Lord called my Dad home that night. This has continually been on my heart and it’s impossible for me to ever part from my husband without him knowing I love him with all my heart. We really don’t know how much time we have with those we love, but we can choose to make the time we do have full of love and joy when we commit to living “I love you!” everyday!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      It has been so awesome hanging out with you this week at Allume, Kelly! Just saw this comment and I’ll see you in just a bit and we’ll chat about it :) .

  • Rachel Knight

    My husband and I have been married for nearly two years. We tell each other that we love each other many times each day. We never leave without saying goodbye and I love you. We pray together every day and separately too. We trust each other and respect each other and we ask each other’s opinion. We also check in with each other so we know where the other is and what we are spending. This keeps us united and accountable. We are also quick to say sorry and to forgive. We don’t hold on to things and we never go to bed angry. We sort it out then and there. If we need some time apart to think we give each other space but we address the issue quickly. We think that our marriage is very strong and healthy. We know that we are loved and cherished.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      To know you are loved in cherished is one of the most beautiful comforts in the world.

  • Robin B.

    My husband and I were happily married for 28 years before he was unexpectedly taken away from me at the age of 53. We said I love you all the time. I have no regrets about anything. I just regret that we didn’t get to grow old together or see any of our plans for the future come true. It still breaks my heart that he’s not here for so many parts of my children’s lives. Our daughter will he getting married soon and he won’t be there to walk her down the aisle. He can’t be here to watch sports with our son. So always tell your husband how much you love him because you don’t know when you might lose him.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Wow, Robin. Thank you for this. So appreciate your note because it reminds us all of what is most important.

  • Esther Wiltz

    Hi Fawn, do you have advice for couples who are married but living separately? Did you interview anyone in this situation? I have a Praying Wives conference call and I always feel that those who are separated feel left out when everyone is celebrating. They are holding on to hope. Would appreciate any help you can give so I can be a blessing to them.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Hi Esther! So sorry I can’t help with this. I’ve not interviewed any couples living separately. I only interview couples who have been happily married 25 years or more. I search couples out like that all over the world (and it’s so uplifting to meet and interview them). There are so many sites and books geared to those with broken marriages but HWC just isn’t one of them. Would you like some suggestions?

      • Esther Wiltz

        So grateful for your response. Well my husband and I have been married for 36 years so we would have qualified for your interview. Blessings to you.

        • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

          Yes, you would have. Next time :) .

          • Esther Wiltz

            To Mel…thank you for your suggestion to watch the info from Doug Weiss re: Married and Alone. I believe I will be able to suggest this material to some of the wives I speak with. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

    • Mel

      Hi Esther, you might want to read a book by Dr Doug Weiss called Married and Alone. Also here is a link to a discussion with great insights on the issue. I hope you find it helpful.

      • Kim L.

        Doug Weiss is speaking more towards married couples who live together, but where the wive feels completely alone in the marriage. I do hope it helps Esther. Doug Weiss is also good for spouses of Sex Addicts to read.

  • Rachel Ramey

    A friend of mine lost her husband several years ago. Shortly afterward, she wrote a post about all the “little things” she missed – things like his “whisker hairs in the sink.” These are the kinds of things we can have a tendency to find annoying – his beard hairs on the sink, socks on the floor, etc. (Although my particular husband never leaves his socks on the floor!) But every beard hair on the sink is an indication that he’s HERE. That has always stuck with me.

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Wow. This is powerful, Rachel. Thank you! Don’t be surprised if you see me write about this soon :) .

      • Rachel Ramey

        It definitely changes one’s thinking!

      • Rachel Ramey

        You were at Allume? I wonder if you met my mom and my sister. My mother was there – Vicki Bentley (and she will celebrate her 36th anniversary in a couple weeks, if I calculated correctly!) – and my sister, Rebekah McBride.

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