Limited & Exclusive Offer – 72 Hours Only!

By Fawn Weaver on Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Wives Club Target Promotion

I am SO excited about this offer I am sharing with you today.  But first I have to give you the back story so you know why it’s so important.

As you know, a couple weeks ago the Happy Wives Club book was released.  And if you saw the New York Times on Sunday, you likely know the book debuted at #3 on their Best Sellers list.  

It also debuted on the USA Today Best Sellers list.  This is just amazing and I am so appreciative of this remarkable community of supportive book buyers.  Thank you!

What you probably don’t know is the week of the launch was incredibly challenging for me.  Life throws you curve balls and usually I can manage, but this time they were just knocking me out.  

Keith and I flew to New York for what we expected to be a media tour surrounding the book.  But very little seemed to go right and we spent most of the time in our hotel room…waiting.  

I have to admit, I concerned myself with a feeling that perhaps no one would respond and questioning what it all meant.

On the morning of the launch, Keith and I decided to put the media situation behind us and go enjoy seeing my book in a retail store for the first time.  Without going into details, if we thought the media situation was bad, this was even worse.

It rocked our day.  We’d previously understood the book would have premium placement, but it was buried in the very last row of the first store we visited (and not even on the shelves at all in two more we went to – sitting in the back in a stockroom).  Perhaps I shouldn’t say this, but I was heartbroken. 

Fast forward to the end of the week, after a tough time in New York, I began getting notes on social media from those who saw the book in Target, purchased and had begun reading it.

Although my first “store experience” wasn’t great, we decided to brave one more attempt – this time at Target.  I’ll admit, I was a bit trepidatious when entering the store.  

Keith on the other hand was optimistic (or at least put on a brave face for me) and entered with excitement.  He quickly led the charge to the book section.  Walked down two rows and didn’t see the book.  Would this be deja vu?  But that wonderful man of mine didn’t give up.

He turned down another row, headed toward the Best Sellers section and slowly turned toward me grinning from ear-to-ear.  There it was, my labor of love two years in the making, in the row above books like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean in and Giada’s new cookbook and below all the Duck Dynasty books (there’s a lot of those, my goodness).

We left that Target and went to another.  Same experience.  We enjoyed the experience so much, the following day we went to another Target.  Purchasing one book at each store.  

In an instant, Target redeemed what had begun as a very challenging week for me.  All that didn’t come together the week of the book launch no longer mattered.  One of the largest retailers in the world stood up and said, “We believe in the Happy Wives Club movement!”  And I am grateful beyond words.

That’s why I’ve been dying to do something special for them for the past few weeks.  And I think my publisher and I came up with something pretty amazing!

If you go to Target this week and purchase the Happy Wives Club book (it’s 20% off!), my publisher will send you a second copy for one of your closest friends – for FREE!.  

Then, at the beginning of next week, both you and the friend or family member you chose to join you on this journey, will receive a private Facebook invitation from me inviting you to an exclusive book club where you can ask me any and all questions about the book.  I will personally answer every question.

So here’s how it will work:

1. This week, go to your local Target store and pick up your copy of Happy Wives Club in the Best Sellers section for 20% off.

2. Take a picture with the book either in the store or right out front.

3. Share your picture on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram).

4. Fill out the short form below (make sure to include the best email address to contact you).

5. Get a FREE copy of Happy Wives Club for someone you know that needs encouragement in their marriage, simply needs to believe happy marriages still exist or someone who is already happy in their marriage and would love to celebrate it.

You’ll then receive an email from us on Monday to obtain the name and address of the person you would like to have receive the book (it can go to you too).  That’s it.  Voila!  What do you say?  Will you join me in helping say “Thank YOU” to Target for their amazing support of Happy Wives Club.   

First Name*    Last Name*

Email Address*

Social network URL where you shared your picture*

Would you like to receive an invitation to Fawn's private book club?

*Sale has been extended one day through the close of business on Sunday, February 2nd.

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Jacy Pulford

    I love Target and was planning on buying your book there so this is awesome! Will def be making a special trip there just for this :) You rock, Fawn. God bless you!!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Awesome! Thanks, Jacy. Keith no longer refers to them as “Target,” he’s renamed them to, “Our favorite store.” It’s so cute :) .

  • Lori Ferguson

    That awesome guy of yours, Fawn… “But that wonderful man of mine didn’t give up.”
    Persistence pays off – and provides encouragement exactly at the time needed!

    Thanks for sharing your story – AND the awesome offer!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thanks, Lori! Our hubbies sure do make us better, don’t they?

  • Jan Mihraj

    I purchased the book at Target today and have submitted my entry for the free gift book. Now that I started it, I don’t want to put it down. Thanks for pursuing the subject and for writing the book and starting this whole happy wife movement. I’m a proud “happy wife” and am glad to hear from other happily married couples. :) <3

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Outstanding! Thanks, Jan.

  • Stephana Bledsoe

    I didnt received confirmation of my submission, but I did it twice. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the book & can’t wait to share it!

    • Brittany White

      The same thing happened to me and I submitted it twice. I hope it works!!!!

      • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        Thanks, Brittany and Stephana! You’re all set. I received your submissions. Thank you so much for taking part! You’ll receive an email on Monday. <3

  • Skye Moore

    If I purchase two can I get two or is this a limited offer?

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Hi Skye! So sorry for the delay. Yes, if you purchase two, you can submit it twice.

  • Nicole Milkowski

    Went into Target today to get my book and you may be happy to know there were only 2 copies left! I can’t wait to start reading mine. I filled out the form but there was no confirmation that it was received so I hope I did it correctly. Thank you so much for this special offer. I know just who I want to bless with a copy. God bless you and your marriage!

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thank you so much, Nicole! Forgot to set up the form to make sure you’d receive a confirmation. Yours has been counted :) .

  • Brittany White

    I absolutely LOVE Target and have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of this book!! My mom and I went through Target yesterday with her holding my crutches and I in the wheel chair to snag this amazing book and picture!! Thank you so much for this offer! I thank you more than words can ever describe for creating this marriage revolution, there is too much negativity out there about marriage and the dear sweet hubbies.
    I submitted it twice, but had no confirmation, how do I know if it worked?

    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Me too, Brittany! Target love all around :) . And yes, I got your entry so you’re all set! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • April

    Hi Fawn! I was super excited to buy your book yesterday from Target. I took a picture and posted it and submitted tr form with the link but haven’t received an email yet for the free copy I wanted to give to me friend. Did I do something wrong? Thanks!


    • Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Hi April! Nothing wrong at all. I haven’t had a chance to send out the email to everyone but will tonight. It’s coming soon :) .

      • April

        Thank you Fawn and thank you for your beautiful ministry!