TEXT: “While the world does their best to mold you into a cookie cutter version of everyone else, a great spouse is there to encourage you to simply be your best self: kind, loving, authentic, and perfectly imperfect.” -Fawn Weaver
TEXT: ”The pathway forward isn’t always easy. At times the road is long and winding; filled with dips and turns around every corner. The climb is steeper than expected and dreams are oft times delayed. But this I know for certain: As long as I’m with you and you’re with me, we will arrive at our destination together…and right on time.” -Fawn Weaver
TEXT: “3 Things you cannot recover in life: The Word after it’s said, The Moment after it’s missed and The Time after it’s gone. So choose your words wisely, embrace every moment you have with those you love, and never waste time arguing over things that will not matter in the last 5 minutes of your life.” -Fawn Weaver