Making Marriage a Priority When You’re Busy

By Fawn Weaver on Friday, December 16, 2011

One of the questions I’ve seen come up most over the past couple weeks, as the Christmas season has kicked into high gear, is how to keep one’s marriage and relationship a priority during the busiest time of the year.  It’s tough.  I can relate.

Keith’s workload recently has been off the charts.  There is not enough time in his day to get everything done.  I’ve mentioned before that our way of ending each day is to ask two questions, “What was your high?  What was your low?”  This allows us to gain insight into how we perceived our workday that just concluded.  On Tuesday night, I asked these questions as usual but for the first time, he couldn’t think of a high.  Not that there weren’t any, he was just too exhausted to think.

So Wednesday I decided to carve as much time out of my day as possible to do some special things for him.  Simple things I knew would mean alot to him.  I was feeling really good about myself and what I’d done that day for my hubby.  That was until I was stopped dead in my tracks.  I realized the reason these things were so “special” was because it had been so long since I’d done them.  I’d somehow allowed the busyness of life to compete with our relationship.

So I write this to you (and myself) as a reminder to keep your (my) marriage first and foremost even through this holiday season.  There are little ways you (I) can do this and many I’ve already begun and encourage you to do the same.  None of the items on this brief list will take much time to complete but will make a world of difference in letting your husband know he is priority #1 no matter how busy you both may be:

1. Make a concerted effort to speak your husband’s love language…fluently.  If you don’t know what that means, definitely read my blog post from earlier this week: I Missed!  If you aren’t sure what your husband’s love language is then definitely have him take this online assessment test (it will only take a couple minutes and it’s free).  Knowing his love language will allow you to relate to him on the deepest and most meaningful level possible…for him.

2. Send him off for the day with a word of encouragement.  Even if you leave for work first in the morning, make sure to slow down that moment before heading out the door long enough to pause and leave your hubby with an encouraging word.  Because of our spiritual connection, the most encouraging thing I can say to Keith as he’s walking out the door is, “Honey, I’m going to begin praying for your day the moment I close this door.”  I give him a kiss, tell him “Knock em’ dead,” close the door behind him, and then I pray for his day.  It means the world to him to know I am praying for him and that God always answers my prayers.

3. Greet him with an engaged kiss when he returns from work or when you return (if you get home later).  The reason I use the term “engaged kiss” is more recently I found myself continuing to work once Keith got home (I work from home) and so he’d come in and I’d barely look up from the computer.  I’d greet him with a kiss, but he’d have to come to me because I was too busy typing.  Close the laptop, push back from the computer, get up and wrap your arms around him and welcome him home.  I know, I get it, you’re busy.  Me too.  But this is so important and will only take a couple minutes.

4. Learn the art of the quickie.  Yep!  You read that right.  I don’t talk too much about sex on here because I leave that to the experts (which I’m certainly not).  But this much I know, making love keeps us connected.  There is a special bond that happens when two people literally become one, fully connected.  I won’t say much more as we’ll definitely be going into more graphic territory than I’d like.  BUT, there is a book I LOVE called Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman, and he goes into detail about the psychology of a man and why quickies can be just as important as passionate, love making sessions.  It amp’d up our sex life years ago and I highly recommend it.  But for now, until you have time to read it, just know a ‘quickie’ is much ado about something and it’s worth your while during this busy season.

5. And last but not least, check in with him at the end of each day.  Don’t let a day pass where you don’t at least have some insight into his day.  A great way to do this are the two questions I mentioned earlier, “What was your high?  What was your low?”  I’ve found these two questions to be far more effective than, “How was your day?”  The latter can be easily answered by any number of one-worded answers: fine, good, okay, etc.  But these two questions, when answered, will let you know how you can best comfort him at the end of his day.  Do you celebrate with him or do you console him?

If you add up the time it will take you to complete all of the five things listed above, we’re talking about less than an hour, and realistically, they’re broken up into increments of 15-20 minutes each.  You can find an hour spread out throughout your day.  I know you don’t think you can because there’s so much on your plate.  But think of it this way, when the holidays are over, do you want your relationship with your husband to be stronger or weaker?  If your answer is the former, make the time, find the hour.  You can do it.

QUESTION: If you could add one thing to this list, what would it be?  What one thing do you do to ensure your marriage remains a priority during busy times?  Please share your thoughts with us below.

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Christy Joy

    A hot meal! If that's something your husband enjoys. My hubby feels a lot better after he gets home and eats a home cooked dinner:-)

  • Fawn Weaver

    Mine too! Except mine is usually take out. I know, I know, I've been working on that :) .

  • paula

    Love it! wonderful Ideas Fawn.

    hmmm what to add…i would say one thng i try to do when he's working aa lot is to text and email him throughout the day thanking him for working so hard and so much for our family. as much as i hate it when he has to work a ton and we barely get to see each other i know he does too! not only is he working and being tired by that but he barely gets to see me or our son! so i make sure i notice and let him know i notice what a great job he's doing!!!

    also I try to be sure i'm in a good mood when he gets home. it's hard being home all day every day with out him, and so its easy to get all grumpy by the end of the day, but I try to be sure i've delt with all that before he walks through the door so i can greet him with a smile! AND a kiss ;)

    i need to work on some of the others you mentioned though!!! great post! thanks for sharing your insight fawn!!!

  • paula

    sorry for all the typos and lack of capitol letters. sleepy baby in one arm. typing with the other ;)

  • Fawn Weaver

    Paula, That's a skill! Typing with one hand with a sleepy baby in the other. Your suggestion is such a great one! I can just imagine the smile on his face when he gets a text or email from you thanking him for working so hard to provide for your family and to make sure your newborn has a bright future ahead. Thanks for sharing!

  • Karen Dawkins

    Including him in the gift giving decision making. I do more of the shopping than he does — he works 60 hours a week after all… but I text and ask questions as I shop. He knows what the kids will unwrap Christmas morning — BEFORE they do!

    We also make a point of having a date day in December. It's mostly to shop for the kids' Christmas books (my all time favorite gift giving tradition), but I won't do that without him. It's a gift from both our hearts to our kids. It's my favorite day of the whole month!!! (This year he was post-call and running on three hours sleep. He still managed to be engaged in the tradition, just had me do the driving)

  • Angela

    Our Pastor just bought all the young(ish) married couples the book Sheet Music.
    Just finished reading it. It was REALLY insightful.
    Thanks for the reminder to make marriage a priority.

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Karen- Your husband sounds like he's managing a whole lot and still making time for you and the kids. So happy you're doing the same in return. @Angela- What an awesome gift for your pastor to give! That is awesome.

  • Melissa @

    This is great! I guess I've never thought it out so intentionally, but it's good to have all this information right here.

  • shari lynne @ Faith Filled Food For Moms

    Right on Fawn!! Those are all great and very important tips. Sounds like you are enjoying the 5 love languages! Yeah! Thanks for the great reminders during this busy season!
    Blessings to you!

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Melissa- Me neither until I was writing this blog post! :) I hope you found it helpful and I'd love to know if you have any other suggestions. I only have 5 listed but I'm sure there's a ton. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

  • Inda

    Great post!!! Learning your spouse's "love language" is so true. It's so hard to really keep these things in mind when life is so hectic, but thanks for the encouragement!!!

  • Venassa

    I'm not married, but I think numbers 3 and 5 are so important to any relationship. And as I just recently got out of a loveless relationship (on my part) I know about bad relationships.

  • Fawn Weaver

    @ Venassa- The best time to learn about building a successful marriage is before you get married. That's what I did and it has been such a blessing. @Inda- I agree that it's tough and that's one of the reasons I'm so grateful for this community of women who are all trying. It inspires me to be a better wife every day. I hope it also inspires you. BTW – Your link was moved from the comment section but is connected to your name and post which gives you a "dofollow" link back. Thank you both for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

  • judy

    Keith is lucky to have found such a concerned and loving wife. Whilst I do agree in principal to your main arguments/suggestions it feels a bit like the song lyric 'wives must always be lovers too… ' Mind you, there's a lot of sense hidden in that sentiment. But great blog piece and very informative.

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Judy- I think he's a pretty fortunate guy too (and he'd be the first to second that :) ). I'm not familiar with the song you're referencing but I do agree that 'wives must always be lovers too." But we should want to be our husband's lover. Why wouldn't we? If a man's wife is not also his lover, than who will be? I am honored (and delighted) to be my husband's lover. Thanks for stopping by, Judy, and taking the time to leave a comment. I really appreciate that.

  • Amanda

    I would add to give praise and accept that things can be done differently and still turn out ok. I try to wake up every day and think (and do) at least 1 think out of the ordinary for my man. Somedays is harder than others, but he is the love of my life and an amazing man.

  • Kara

    Thank you for posting on my crazy cabin story! I really like your blog. I feel very encouraged to do more for Steve. Is it possible his love language is spoiling me? He loves to do stuff, for me, and isn't very interested when I try to return the favor… I like your praying for his day thought, that I can definitely do!

  • Fawn Weaver

    Kara, your cabin story cracked me up! That's interesting that he gives in a different love language (Gifts) than he receives. Pretty cool. Definitely take the free assessment and have Steve take it too. It's so much fun to learn something new about each other. Especially, when you've been married a while. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment!

  • Claresa

    It's funny how time passes, and before you know it, it's been months since you've done all those special things you used to do. Lord knows I've been there. Thanks for the great advice…and the encouragement.

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Claresa- I'm no marriage expert but I am certainly a marriage advocate because I know how wonderful it can be if we'll just put in the effort to make it so. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. It's greatly appreciated!

  • Deb @ Living Montessori Now

    Beautiful post – and great suggestions, Fawn! My husband of 36 years and I find that spending time together each evening is our favorite time of the day. We take time to talk and enjoy a movie or DVD of a television series. Knowing that we can talk about anything and enjoying each other's company makes each day better.

  • Fawn Weaver

    Thanks, Deb, for your suggestion! Keith and I got the Damages season one and sat down to watch an episode or two every single night. We'd never done that before but it was alot of fun. I think it's time to find another series :) .

  • Ginny Marie

    What a great post! I sometimes call my husband at work, just to let him know I'm thinking about him. I only talk to him for a couple of minutes, since he's busy, but I think he likes it.

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Ginny- It must really feel great in the midst of his hectic day to hear your loving voice and to know he has someone in his corner. Thanks for sharing!

  • OneMommy

    I admit it. I need work on every one of these. Especially now. I've been feeling disconnected, and I'm sure he has, too. Too often I am busy with the kids or cleaning or something when he comes home and I barely say hi before dashing off to do whatever.
    Thank you for the much needed reminder.

    Since I am so bad at remembering things if I don't write them down, I'm thinking I might just need to make a few notes to myself until I get more in the habit…

  • Endy Daniel

    I'm not married yet but I found this very useful :)
    I'd add with "doing something crazy for fun", like going to cinema and throwing popcorn to the front seat n hiding, lol… yea it's silly but it would fresh both minds and it wont hurt :D

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Endy- You're so right. Having fun is so important and doing silly things is even better. Keith and I challenge each other to foot races all the time in the parking lot. I imagine people seeing us run like crazy to our cars probably wonder what in the world we're doing but it's so much fun!

  • Fawn Weaver

    @OneMommy- You and I are in the same boat. I have to write these tips down just to make sure I'm doing them – and I'm the one writing them! It's so easy to get distracted by the little things. It's a constant reminder (daily, really) because I can get distracted so easily by my "to do" list. But that't the great thing about writing these things down, I'm then reminded to actually do them every day :) .

  • Kat

    Thank you so much for this post, I really needed to read it. Lately I feel like my hubby is a little distant and is not making me a priority, but I realized that there are two people in this marriage and I am not giving 100% either. Thank you for the list, I will be implementing them into our lives.

  • Fawn Weaver

    That's awesome, Kat! I love seeing notes like this and knowing what I'm writing is connecting. Thanks for the encouragement :) .

  • April

    Found you over a discussion at Blog Frog :-) Wonderful post, I have been married for over 27 years and incorporate a lot of this in our life!