TEXT: In French, you don’t say, “I miss you.” You say, “tu me manques” which means, “you are missing from me.” I love that.
TEXT: I want to inspire my husband. I want him to look at me and say, because of you I didn’t give up.
TEXT: “I’m here not because I am supposed to be here or, because I’m trapped here, but because I’d rather be with you than anywhere else in the world.” -Richard Bach (The Bridge Across Forever)
TEXT: No relationship is all sunshine, but once you’ve learned how to play in the rain, you’ve discovered the secret to surviving the passing storm together.
TEXT: “3 Things you cannot recover in life: The Word after it’s said, The Moment after it’s missed and The Time after it’s gone. So choose your words wisely, embrace every moment you have with those you love, and never waste time arguing over things that will not matter in the last 5 minutes of your life.” -Fawn Weaver
TEXT: “How did you manage to stay together for so long? We are from a time where if something is broken, we fix it, not throw it away.”