Keeping My Lens Clean & Link Up Thursday

By Fawn Weaver on Thursday, January 17, 2013


I love my husband.  Just had to get that out.  As I sit on the couch, looking around our home while writing this post to you, I can’t help but smile thinking about that handsome man named Keith.  All the quirky things he does that make me laugh or shake my head.  Like the empty cans of Diet Sunkist he seems to leave all around the house before going to bed.  Or how he can’t seem to turn off a light at bedtime to save his life.  I’m generally writing and go to bed after him, so I guess he figures I might need the light.

I love how he gets tired and conks out before having a chance to get ready for bed.  So I’ll gently tap him and out of a deep sleep, he’ll emerge, with a smile on his face as he recognizes who just woke him up.  He’s just a great guy.  Have I ever told you that?  Probably so.  And I guess it’s easy to reason if he weren’t, this Club might not exist.

There are so many benefits I’ve found to speaking (and writing) wonderfully of my spouse every day.  The first, is the more I talk about it, the harder he works to keep me smiling.  Another benefit is something I read on a bloggers site last week through the link up.  She said (and I’m paraphrasing because I can’t remember which site I saw it), “When I write a list daily containing reasons I love and adore my husband, I begin to see him through that lens.”  I just love that!

So here’s my question for you.  What lens are you using to look at your husband?  Why not create an even clearer one by joining me in creating your own Why I Love My Husband list?  No matter where you post it, on your blog, Facebook page, Pinterest, wherever.  Begin your never-ending list and link it up below.  For inspiration, hop over to some of the blogs you see below.  Trust me, I did it last week and it was very cool.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Why I Love My Husband (the never-ending list):

84. He’s a strong man when it comes to the rest of the world but a complete softy when it comes to me.

85. When he picked me up at the airport this week, we walked out with me holding no bags and him holding three.  No matter how I tried to help, he simply wanted to take care of me.

86. He gets dressed for the gym early in the morning, in the dark, so I can continue to get some rest.

87. He likes his coffee black, I’m a white coffee kind of girl, and thus he makes sure our home is never without Coffeemate and Splenda.  

88. He is a git-r-done kind of guy.  No sooner does he think something should be done that he actually gets it done. 

Why I Love My Husband

Why I Love My Husband


COMMENTS: With more than 86,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.  

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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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