Inspiring While Being Inspired

By Fawn Weaver on Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yesterday, I celebrated eight wonderful years of marriage to my best friend, lover, chief encourager and husband.  Every day I’ve awoken since 2003, he’s inspired me to be a better friend, person and wife.  He’s accepted me just as I am, with my innumerous flaws and quirks, and never insisted I change or get better but rather simply inspires me by his unconditional love.

For those who’ve noticed I’ve not blogged much over the past week, please forgive me.  The last week of December around the Weaver household is always jam packed.  My husband is a Christmas eve baby (this year we celebrated his 40th bday), we then celebrate Christmas with family, our wedding anniversary is the 27th and then just a few days later we celebrate New Year’s eve.  That’s four holidays in just one week.  Whew!

So if you’ve been looking for my normal daily postings, I promise I’ll get back to that right after the New Year.  But something tells me we’re all so busy during this time of year, it’s possible few have noticed.

A couple days ago, Keith and I took our favorite 7-year old (our niece, Jayla) ice skating, and I wasAlthough I’m nearly 30 years her senior she teaches me so much. reminded of how amazed I am that I get the opportunity to inspire people daily through this Club.  I’d not been on the ice in at least 20 years so I wasn’t sure if I’d even remember how to stay upright.  Jayla had gone ice skating a few weeks prior for a friend’s birthday party so she was feeling pretty confident.  That was, until we hit the ice.

The first 10 or so times around the ice, I was watching others who skated slightly better than us (most people were wobbling around trying to figure out how to skate and many kept finding themselves sliding across the ice on their buttocks).  After watching the moves of those managing to stay on their feet, I felt myself becoming more and more comfortable.  Enough so, that I stopped gripping the outer ice rink wall with my right hand.

Jayla, on the other hand, was still getting the hang of it.  She asked that I hold her hand and we’d just skate together until she became comfortable.  Around the 10th or 11th lap around the rink, she was ready to let go of my hand and skate on her own.  But she wanted me to stay close by just in case she fell.

Near the 17th or 18th lap around the rink, she was feeling good and no longer needed me to stand watch.  As I skated 6 or 7 feet behind her, I saw her begin going up to others who were struggling to skate asking them, “Would you like me to help you skate?”  This was a 7-year old who’d just remembered how to skate herself, and she was now offering her help to kids twice her age.

At one point, as she began to feel more confident, she saw a few people take a tumble on the ice andJayla on her own with Auntie Fawn well into the backdrop. commented, “I don’t think many of these people know how to skate.  They just keep falling.”  Watching as her confidence increased so quickly made me chuckle a bit inside.  She was offering to help while she was still learning herself.

I immediately began thinking about this Club.  I’m a marriage advocate, not a counselor.  I distnguish the two greatly because a marriage advocate inspires and encourages, a counselor counsels.  I am inspired by this Club as much as I hope to inspire.  Many of the things I do daily in my marriage I’ve learned from members of this Club.

Each and every day, you inspire me.  You encourage me to be the best wife I can be to my husband and you inspire me to love without limits.  My goal is to encourage you to inspire others through your love for marriage and your husband.  When you’re sitting among a group of women who begin husband-bashing, my hope is it will be your voice that rises above that situation and turns the discussion positive.  It only takes one person to completely change the course of a converstion. 

So today, as I’m thinking of the past 8 years with my husband, the ice skating excursion with my niece, and this Club, I am incredibly grateful for all three.  You have taught me so much.  Not that your intention was to teach, but my objective was to learn and thus the two go hand-in-hand.  So thank you for inspiring me as I hope to inspire you.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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  • Fawn

    Oh, how I love being inspired. It's the best feeling in the world. Well, at least one of the best :) .

  • Kasey

    Fawn, I think one of the reasons you are so efficiently inspirational is that you drip with sincerity. You have a wildly popular website with gobs of followers, but you reach out and connect with people! Your posts on marriage are always spot on and I leave here (or FB) with renewed purpose. Thank you for being YOU! And happy, HAPPY anniversary!!

  • Teresha

    Happy Anniversary, Merry Christmas, happy Birthday to your husband and Happy New Year!
    You are right…wedding anniversaries are holidays to be celebrated and exalted! Happy WW!

  • Ginny Marie

    Such a busy week for you! Happy anniversary! You are very inspiring, Fawn.

  • Lori

    Happy Anniversary! It's wonderful to be a part of such a positive 'club' – Happy Wives! Thank you for the opportunity to shout it out, and the reminder of all the ways we're blessed and can be a blessing.

  • Christy Joy

    Happy Anniversary Weavers!!! You inspire The Meeks' to be better everyday. You also inspire is to reach the highest point of corniness:-)) we're almost there! Last but not least, you inspired me to spread the happy wives message to the world~therefore, I changed my lisence plate border to, "I love my life as T. Meek's Wife!" Yeah! Love you sis❤

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Christy Joy- You changed your license plate? Whew hoo! You have almost reached our level of corniness. LOL. Love you so much! @Kasey- Wow! That you so much for your kind words. @Lori, Ginny & Teresha- Thank you, thank you, thank you! We had a fantastic anniversary. And thank you for being an encouragement. I am so glad you found our site. Thank you for taking the time to comment. It is truly appreciated.

  • Penelope

    How beautiful! Happy anniversary (and I'm an advocate too, not a counselor, but a happily married advocate :) ) Happy New Year!

  • sofia

    Happy,happy anniversary!!!! i wish you more than you can think of or imagine.i am always happy to read from you.
    You always inspire me,and i am always filled with the desire and the urge to be a better wife to "my one and only"best friend
    my love,and my husband.i am happy i found this great club.i learn something each day from HWC. Kudos,keep the good work.

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Sofia- Thanks for visiting us every day. I'm so encouraged to know you get something out of this site daily. Yeah!! @Penelope- That's fantastic! I love meeting new marriage advocates. We need more like you. Thank you both for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate it.

  • Kim

    What a busy week! Our youngest was born on 12/23, so I understand completely the busyness of the season. So glad you are inspired and inspiring. There is such a need for wives to know it is truly a good thing and normal to love and respect their husbands!

  • Fawn

    Thanks, Kim! I truly appreciate you taking the time to not only visit this site regularly but to comment every time you're here. It is greatly appreciated.

  • Marianne

    Happy Anniversary to you & your husband! I think your sweet neice has a beautiful role model in her Aunt :)

  • Evette

    Sending my love and anniversary wishes to you and yours Fawn! So…..I completely 100% agree with the lic. plate change as one of the most corniness (is that even a word? ) things I've ever heard BUT Love it! How does this sound………I love my life being Peter Martinez Wife! LOL Oh so corny! May just change it too, we may even start a trend in Lake Arrowhead!

  • Fawn Weaver

    @Marianne- Thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to comment. It's greatly appreciated. @Evette- I think your license plate idea is fantastic! My license plate frame says, "Love My Life as K. Weaver's Wife." That's not corny! Well, maybe just a little bit :) .

  • sarah

    great post fawn.though i am not always a happy wife .(not even sure if i am still a wife)i do strive to be happy and chose to live my life that way. and i agree that as long as you love what you do and live what you say.(and write),you become an inspiration to a lot of people.

  • Fawn

    @Sarah- I want to be an encouragement to you through this time, if I can. Please email me at God bless you.

  • krystyn

    What a great post! We are the same..our anniversary is on the 20th and it was 8 years this year, too!

    Looks like you had fun skating, too!

  • Fawn Weaver

    Thanks, Krystyn! That's awesome. Your anniversary is exactly 7 days before ours. Love it :) . Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I appreciate that!