How to Plan an (Im)Perfect Romantic Weekend

By Maggie Reyes on Wednesday, May 29, 2013

For our 6th wedding anniversary we planned a mini-getaway driving from Miami to Boca Raton, Florida for a little Anniversary Romance. Here is how we did it:

We both have big projects going on at work and didn’t want to take a whole week off. We decided to do a short weekend away to make it easy to celebrate without embarking on a complicated trip.

Checking in isn’t just for airlines! Check in with each other – especially when planning a trip. What’s going on outside of home? Is there a big work project on his mind? Do you have a deadline coming up. Trips are no fun if you are worried about other stuff.

We looked at several luxury hotels and then looked for specials – we knew we wanted to feel pampered and special and could spend a little more since we were only booking for one night. We found a great deal at the Boca Resort – late checkout, 15% off spa services, breakfast buffet all included in the room price.

Breakfast for two could easily have been $70.00. Having it included in the room rate is a huge deal and well worth the extra minutes on checking the hotel website to see what is available. *Always* check the actual hotel website for last minute deals and weekend packages.

As we were planning this particular weekend the new Star Trek movie was just coming out. On our way to Boca there was a huge Imax 3D Theater which was the perfect place for these two Sci-Fi Sweethearts to start the day.

Look around – what is close by that could add fun or adventure to your trip? Don’t we all just miss what is in our own backyard sometimes?

Do not over-schedule. I repeat – do not over-schedule. I can spot an over-scheduler a mile away because I totally used to be one! Eat breakfast at 9am, Massages at 11, lunch at 1pm, Tour at 2:30….whenever you get tired just *reading* the plan for the day – it is a huge red flag, You have over-scheduled and if you are going to have a good time, you are going to have to stop that. On Saturday the only scheduled item was the movie, on Sunday a couples massage everything else we did organically and followed our moods and inspirations. Twice we went on walks through the grounds of the hotel – they were not only visually beautiful, but sweet moments of just us, talking and sharing and smiling and laughing. Personally, those are my favorite kind!

Vacations, even mini-ones should include a feeling of calm – whenever you are feeling rushed, stop, delete something from the plan, schedule free time, and let the place where you are and the moment you are experiencing surprise you.

Pack lingerie or something equally scandalous that will surprise your husband. It’s a romantic weekend which means we up the romance quotient in whatever way is romantic *to you* and *to him.* It could be surprising him with his favorite candy bar or in my case, with a little science fiction movie magic but regardless, pack lingerie – especially if you don’t usually wear it at home.

Romance is whatever we make it. For some it’s waking up late, for others it is starting early. Whatever romance means to you, think about how to include it. Then prepare, pack, and surprise.

Boca Resort - Romantic Weekend

What is your favorite memory from a weekend getaway? Please share in the comments.

Maggie Reyes

Life Coach, Writer + the Founder of
Maggie Reyes is a Life Coach, Writer + the Founder of Her romantic-yet-practical approach to wedded bliss has been featured on Project Happily Ever After, Daybreak USA, Cristina XMRadio and Military Spouse Magazine. When she’s not writing, working or creating pins for her fabulous Facebook Community, you can find her cuddling with her hubby, reading a romance novel or embracing how the words “over-achiever” and “TV Junkie” can still go in the same sentence, to describe the same person. Learn how to love like a newlywed no matter how long you have been married at


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  • Kim Hall

    My favorite suggestion of yours is to schedule less than you think you will do. We have been on too many vacations and getaways in which we try to pack way, way, way too much into our limited time. We end up frazzled, tired, and decidedly unromantic. Our last vacation, although not taken alone, was deliberately under scheduled. We had such a great time!

    • Fawn Weaver

      This is exact reason we do our best not to vacation with other couples because we plan to do nothing on our vacays. Literally, nothing. And then when we get to a place, if we stumble across some cool things, great. If not, we’ll just walk around the city and make stops along the way. The most relaxing way we’ve found to vacation. We live be our calendars at home, the last thing we want to do while away is vacation based on a specific schedule. Just thinking about it stresses me out (LOL).

      • Maggie Reyes

        Fawn Weaver, I love you. In other news (hehe) we do take family vacations and then take “just us” vacations – we have found we like a mix of both. But definitely need “hubby/wifey alone time.”
        The hubs has taught me to have more adventures and I have taught him “the art of puttering.” Everyobdy wins!

    • Maggie Reyes

      Kim Hall, I love “deliberately underscheduled” I will use that phrase and smile on my next vacation.
      Person: What are your plans?
      Maggie: Well, we have deliberately underscheduled so as to maintain our sanity and matrimonial harmony. ;-)

      • Kim Hall

        It does have a fun ring to it, doesn’t it? I love how you use it. Thanks for the smile!

  • Mary Heinz

    Plan Less….waaaayyyyy lesss!!! I love that. For my birthday my husband surprised me with a night at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables , FL. (Luxury) we packed sleepwear and underware…nothing more. We ordered room service and relaxed in our beautiful suite! It was heaven. Since we gave two children under the age of 9 we always have to planned vacations with tons to do for tge kids, so any time we get to escape, just the two of is is a mini vacation for sure. Great post!!!

    • Fawn Weaver

      Sleepwear and underwear only – LOVE that!

      • Maggie Reyes

        Fawn! You have now met my best friend in the whole wide world – since 6th grade. Mrs. Mary Heinz. She is both brilliant and hilarious.
        Mary! Yes, WAY LESS! On it! ;-)

        • Fawn Weaver

          No way! It’s so nice to meet your best friend, Maggie! <3

  • Joycelyn Jones

    I agree with the scheduling less. My husband and I watch for package deals for nearby B&Bs, hotels, etc in our area or within a couple hours drive and we just go and veg out, enjoy the scenery and try new restaurants. It’s fun just to get away. We have adult children so we can go at a moments notice.

    • Fawn Weaver

      That’s a great idea! We’ve been wanting to stay at a B & B for years and just haven’t done it. Where do you usually go to look for the package deals?

    • Maggie Reyes

      Jocelyn, what’s your favorite B&B? We stayed at one we *loved* in St. Pete, FL – they baked fresh cookies every night…then we stayed at one in Virginia that was right next to very loud train tracks and it was such a bad night’s sleep, we haven’t stayed in one since!

  • Ana_Wilde

    My favorite kinds of weekend breaks are the ones where you go away without a plan of any kind. We have been to Paris a few times, but the last trip was my absolute favorite because we didn’t push ourselves to see the sights (we’d already seen them anyway) and just strolled around, sat in the sun in the Jardins de Luxembourg, drank coffee at pavement cafes, ate great food and generally just drank in the atmosphere. Very relaxing. We did the same in New York the second time. Maybe the answer is to go everywhere twice – and get the “must sees” out of the way :)

    • Fawn Weaver

      That’s a great idea! We definitely prefer having no plan at all. That’s especially fun in certain European cities where there’s a museum or tourist “must see” on every block. You almost stumble upon them every 3 minutes.

  • Sarah

    We JUST booked two days ago a weekend getaway coming up in late August for our 3rd anniversary! To some, the 3rd is no big deal, some may even still be in the newlywed stage, but to us it is! In that 3 year period, we have had one big move, a big job change and TWO kids! So we definitely needed this!

    We’ll be leaving Friday morning to Galveston Beach in Texas and returning Sunday.. might I add.. NO kids!! Just the two of us, going back to our roots, enjoying us time. So excited :) Only plan that weekend we have is to visit a fun pier and dining out at Rainforest Cafe which was the restaurant I took him to celebrate his birthday a month after we started dating :)