Quick and Healthy Back to School Breakfast Ideas

By Annett Davis on Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not only am I a happy wife, but I am a happy homeschooling mom of 2.  I can’t believe that school is starting!  No more lazy mornings. One thing we never miss at my home is breakfast and neither should you. These healthy breakfast ideas are not only great for moms, they are perfect for anyone with a busy schedule!

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It gets us off to a great start. I know I’m not as crabby when I eat breakfast.  People who eat breakfast tend to have a healthier body weight.  Children and adults perform better mentally after having breakfast, which translates to better grades and doing a better job at work. 

Here are some quick and healthy back to school breakfasts that your family will love!

Yummy Muffin Breakfast Frittata-  I make these in big batches and freeze them. Or make them the night before you have a busy day, and just warm in the microwave!  You can add tons of veggies, a little cheese and they are wonderful! Sometimes I make them in various shaped muffin tins (my little princess loves hearts). :)

PBBB-  This is a super fast and healthy meal.  Take half of a whole wheat bagel and spread your favorite peanut butter on top.  My kids like to make their own peanut butter.  Top with a layer of bananas and you are good to go.

Delish Breakfast Sandwich-  Think “McBreakfast” sandwich but healthier.  Top a whole wheat English muffin with eggs, cheese and Canadian bacon.   You can make tons of these ahead of time, individually wrap in plastic wrap, place into a freezer bag, and freeze.  Pop in microwave to warm or in oven.  Yummy!

Shrek or Hulk Smoothies- Another popular quick and healthy back to school breakfast option are you guessed it green smoothies.  It literally takes about 3 minutes to make! Just add 2 cups baby spinach, 1 frozen banana, 1 cup peaches (fresh or frozen), 1 cup pineapple, 1 teaspoon spirulina powder, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, and enough water to mix in your blender. Blend until it’s perfect for you.

If your hubby or kids can’t get past the green color use ½ cup of spinach and 1 cup of berries to make it purple or red. 

 For 6 more quick and healthy back to school breakfast ideas head on over to FitMomsFitKidsClub.com for some of my family favorites!

What’s YOUR favorite fast and healthy back to school breakfast?

Annett Davis is an Olympian in Beach Volleyball. She loves great food and helping people get healthy over at GetFitWithAnnett.com. Her favorite topics are marriage and anything fitness related. Being married to her soul mate, Life Coach and author Byron Davis for 16 wonderful years, Annett loves being a homeschooling mom of 2. She blogs over at FitMomsFitKidsClub.com, and inspires kids to grandmas to get in shape for life in her private accountability groups.

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