Dinner + Movie Giveaway {& Link Up Thursdays}

By Fawn Weaver on Thursday, February 7, 2013


One of my favorite things to do with Keith is dinner and a movie.  So when we were contacted by our friends at Fandango offering to give one of our members a Valentine’s Day dinner and a movie package, we jumped right on it.  Let Fandango help make your Valentine’s Movie Date Night (or any night you choose) a hit!  They’ll make sure you get your movie tickets…the kiss is up to you!

While you’re deciding where to see your movie check out their Valentine’s Movie Guide for tips on the perfect movie to see!  


Entering to win is easy.  Just tell us 3 reasons you love and adore your husband in the comment section below.  Bloggers: Automatically receive an additional entry by linking up to your 5 Minute Exercise post or another blog post from this week where you bragged on your hubby or added to your Why I Love My Husband never-ending list.    

One (1) Happy Wives Club winner will receive:

  • $30 Fandango gift card 
  • $50 Visa gift card

To obtain 5 additional entries (yep, that’s 5 additional times your name will be entered), click the “Follow All” button on our new Pinterest page (yes, it took a while but we finally made it there) and enter your Pinterest page url in the comment section below to let us know you’re now following us there.

And there’s one more thing to win!  You can also enter a separate sweepstakes Fandango is offering on their own Facebook fan page to win movie tickets for an entire year! Although I can’t enter the dinner and a movie giveaway (wouldn’t that be odd if Random.org selected my name?) but I can enter the dinner for a year sweepstakes.  So I did.  It took longer than I thought because you have to select a bunch of your favorite love movies, but if I win a year of movie tickets, that 4 minutes would have been worth it.  Good luck!

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Why I Love My Husband (the never-ending list):

129. I never get tired of going to the movies with him.

130. He’s not a fan of sappy love stories and yet he’s seen Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Sweet Home Alabama and Pretty Woman more times than he can count just because I love them.

131. I’m a complete wuss when it comes to violent films.  I bury my head in his chest and close my ears during the violent parts until he gives me a little kiss on the head or tap on the shoulder to let me know it’s all clear to open my eyes again.

132. He sat online shopping for boots for me this morning because I have to travel on Monday and my boots are worn out (and I’m not a fan of shopping).  He gets bonus points for this one!

133. He gives in alot.  If something is important to me, whether he understands it or not, he’ll give into it because he knows it’ll make me happy (I do the same, by the way). 

Why I Love My Husband

Why I Love My Husband

*This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Pinterest. We hereby release Pinterest of any liability. Giveaway starts Thursday, February 7th at 12:00 am EST and ends Wednesday, February 13th at midnight EST. The winners will be chosen on the 14th via Random.org and contacted within 24 hours by email, and will be announced on the top of this post. Winners will need to respond within 48 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be chosen. Each prize worth approx $350. Open to U.S. residents only. Alternate entry at giveaway@happywivesclub.com 
Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Fawn Weaver

    We generally don't enable comments on here because the Squarespace (the platform we're on) comment system is not great (to say the least) and doesn't allow us to reply to your comments. So please forgive us in advance for not responding to comments. BUT, when we launch our new site on March 13th…we'll finally have a functioning comment system. Yeah!

  • http://www.ecocrazymom.com Terri Babin

    I follow all of your boards on Pinterest! http://www.pinterest.com/terribabin


  • http://encourageyourspouse.com Lori @ Encourage Your Spouse

    (YEAH! for the new site with a functioning comment system! ) ;-)

    3 Reasons Why I Love Robert?

    He is persistent – he never gives up trying when he's set his sights on a goal.
    Robert is a great father – he has found that middle ground for both letting go of our adult children, yet still being there when they need his advice/help.
    He cleans up the kitchen after I've made a mess – AND he scrubs & polishes our flat-cooktop stove till it shines. (which takes a huge amount of time & elbow grease)

  • http://encourageyourspouse.com Lori @ Encourage Your Spouse

    And I've headed over to Pinterest and followed all! (Pinterest is my guilty pleasure – it's like going shopping without spending any money!) My Pinterest page is http://pinterest.com/loriluise/

    Happy Pinning!

  • http://janinehuldie.com Janine Huldie

    Thank you for another wonderful Thursday linkup. I am truly having a ton of fun coming up with posts about my husband for this and now at least he gets one day a week to shine. That said I love my husband for a you guessed it his sense of humor, for what a wonderful father he is and for always just being there for us. Thanks again and awesome contest, too. Happy Thursday!! :)

  • http://intentionaltoday.com Ngina Otiende

    Yiee to joining Pinterest! Just followed you! I also joined this past week, after procrastinating for long! That's so funny about comments! Looking forward to your new "home"!

  • http://theromanticvineyard.com Debi Walter – The Romantic Vineyard

    Three things I love about my husband:
    1. His love for the Savior.
    2. His unselfish devotion to me and our marriage.
    3. His patience and wisdom that flows so naturally from everything he says and does.

    We are on Pinterest. You can follow our boards here: http://pinterest.com/theromanticvine/

  • http://www.out-ona-limb.blogspot.com Amy@Out on a Limb

    On Pinterest here: http://pinterest.com/amykgm/

    And, I love my husband because:
    1. He never gives up on anything, though he feels sometimes that his only recourse is to quit. He NEVER does.
    2. He lets me know "in the moment" that he depends on my and why.
    3. He suffers from sleep deprivation but never fails to overcome it for me and our family.

  • Amanda

    I love my husband because:
    1) He is always trying to make me laugh
    2) He works hard to make sure we are ok financially
    3) He is patient with my faults

  • http://oursearskithome.blogspot.com/2013/02/tale-of-two-honeys.html Carol Our Sears Kit Home

    Your reasons are great, and I really appreciate them because I am exactly the same ways about movies! (As is he) He watches Hallmark/Lifetime movies withe me around the holidays, but other times too, and I can't look at the harsher parts of the kinds of movies he likes.

  • jenn

    1. he is an awesome father to our children
    2. he spends times with us when off work
    3. he provides for us so I can stay home with the children

  • Miki

    1) He works hard and without complaint for our family.
    2) He supports me in all of my endeavours.
    3) He works hard to try to understand me and what I need.

  • http://pinterest.com/jclori78/ Lori Brooker

    I love my husband because:

    1. His deep faith has brought me closer to Jesus.
    2. He provides for our family and rarely complains.
    3. He is so cute and kissable!

  • Miki

    Following you on Pinterest too! http://pinterest.com/michaelenee/following/

  • melissa

    Three of the many reasons I love my husband are….
    1. He has been my rock through some major health issues.
    2. He would do anything for me.
    3. He understands me better than anyone – and still loves me, lol!

  • Gretchen

    1. He brings me a glass of water to bed every night.
    2. He still loves me after I have blown it in many situations.
    3. He is a wonderful father to our children.

  • Gretchen
  • http://www.faithfilledfoodformoms.com shari lynne

    Ok Fawn…so my little link up isn't exactly the "reason" I love my husband..but it is a funny little story and because he is so quirky is one of the reasons I love him :)
    Great link up! Can't wait for your new site with comments! Yay!

  • http://www.beautythroughimperfection.com Paula

    He's handsome
    he makes me laugh
    He truly listens

  • http://www.beautythroughimperfection.com Paula
  • Amanda

    I love my husband because…
    1. He is so very patient and forgiving with my moodiness and rough work/school schedule.
    2. He has righteous anger for the things in this world that are against God.
    3. He makes me feel comfortable to be myself when we are together.

  • Laura

    1. He works very hard to provide for us.
    2. He knows how to handle me at my worst.
    3. He tries his best to know he's in good standing with the Lord.

  • http://www.laughwithusblog.com Esther Irish

    I love that he wants me to stay home with the children. He is a wonderful father. He still loves me even though he knows all my faults! :)

  • http://www.laughwithusblog.com Esther Irish

    I follow you on Pinterest! :) http://pinterest.com/laughwithusblog/

  • http://www.KarenAWyle.net Karen A. Wyle

    1. Even though he's one of the brightest people on the planet, he respects my intellect.
    2. He doesn't mean to be intimidating, even though he does somehow intimidate people.
    3. He has a wonderful smile.

  • http://pinterest.com/courtneybettle Courtney

    I love my husband because:
    (1) He is passionate and committed.
    (2) He is selfless and caring.
    (3) He makes some of the best and most creative meals I've ever had!

  • Shannan

    Three of the many things I love about my husband:
    1. No matter what life has ever brought us, he has always supported and loved me every single step of the way. Instead of allowing life to cause strains on our marriage, it has always made us stronger.
    2. My husband is the most amazing and selfless Daddy to our kids (almost) 4 kids. He is their hero and always makes sure that no matter what is going on, he stops everything when they ask him to. It means the world to me to have a husband who is so present in all of our lives!
    3. My husband is a man of God. He joyfully goes to church, prays daily and has taught our kids about Jesus. There is not a more solid foundation that you can make for your family than one built on unbreakable faith! I am so thankful!

  • http://www.adrims.com Adri

    I love my husband because:

    1) He is the most considerate person I've ever known. Whether it is surprising me by picking up my favorite cereal at the grocery store, or noticing when I'm having a bad day and offering me hugs and cuddles – he is always thinking of me (and others) first and taking action to show people he cares.
    2) He stands up for what is right and inspires others, including me, to do the same.
    3) He is SO smart. I learn something from him every day, and he is passionate about sharing things he learns with others.

    I could go on and on and on and…you get the picture! He's the best. <3

  • http://www.adrims.com Adri
  • http://www.jaimekirlewcouponing.com/ J’aime K.

    I am now following all of your great posts on Pinterest. Here's mine —> http://pinterest.com/jaimekirlew/

  • Amy

    Three more reasons to love my hubbie:

    1) He comforts me
    2) He is the hearth that warms me
    3) He is the protector of our family

  • eunice b

    I love my husband because he:

    1. Has a great sense of humor, and always tries to make me smile

    2. Is loving and patient and puts God first in our marriage

    3. Works diligently, and encourages me to do my best even when I don't think I can

    ~eunice b
    tigergal01 @gmail .com

  • eunice b

    I'm following you and here's mine. :-)


    ~eunice b
    tigergal01 @gmail .com

  • Megan

    We have only been married a year and a month, but I already know I will love him forever because…
    1. He is such a wonderful spiritual leader… who loves Jesus so much.
    2. He loves me even when I am being a toot!
    3. He continually makes me a better person.

  • Misty

    I love my husband because:
    1. He can always turn my frown upside down
    2. He prays with me
    3. He teaches our two boys how to treat a lady…by example

  • Misty
  • megan
  • Tracy

    The things I love about my husband:
    1) His love for Jesus
    2) His love for our family
    3) and I love his smile! It's contagious!!

  • Raquel Wilson- Hisvirtuouswife.com

    Why I love my husband, Let me count thy ways:
    1. I have never never ever experience the love of Christ through anyone (except my parents), until I met my husband
    2. My husband keeps me grounded. Through prayer & the power of God my husband helped changed my life.
    3. My husband, Puts our family first & always tries to do the right thing. he is an excellent role model.

  • http://stayingonanewcourse.blogspot.com/ Candace T

    I'm following on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/pontiuspython/

    1. He's willing to listen to me; even at 3 in the morning when I have nothing of real value to say.

    2. He's been a vital part of my support system as I've struggled through this high risk pregnancy.

    3. He doesn't hold me back.

  • Katie Williams

    I love my husband because:
    1. He motivates me to be a better me.
    2. He loves me through the hard times and the esay times.
    3. He has an amazing body :) .

  • Katie Williams

    OH and I follow on pinterest! http://pinterest.com/kwilliams418/

  • Fawn Weaver

    Love all these Why I Love My Husband lists. Woohooo!!

  • amanda hall

    1.He think I am just as beautiful post babies even though I look nothing like my former self.
    2.He is a hands on dad
    3.He has the same sense of humor as me.

  • Deidra Carlile

    I love my husband because
    1. He is my best friend
    2. He treats me with love and respect
    3. He still makes my heart pitter patter after 15 years of marriage

  • http://tisthammers.blogspot.com Carrie

    1} He's an amazing man of God!

    2} He makes me happy when skies are grey. No really, he does! He always knows what to say… and if he doesn't know what I need he asks.

    3} He's my best friend. I'm so happy I get to spend all my days with him!!!

    Following on Pinterest, already ♥

  • Rudi

    Three of the many reasons I love my husband….
    1. He cares so much about other people and selflessly gives his time to listen.
    2. He takes time to do the dishes for me when I make a mess in the kitchen!
    3. He leaves me love letters in unexpected places that brighten up my day.

  • http://sheeptotheright.com Carol Hatcher

    1. My husband is patient and kind.
    2. He loves the Lord.
    3. He is a great father to our three children.

  • http://sheeptotheright.com Carol Hatcher

    I'm following you on Pinterest! :) http://pinterest.com/carolhatcher/

  • http://www.coffeenutt.blogspot.com Kim

    How fun! Thanks for offering this to us, Fawn!

    1. He's incredibly generous with his love.
    2. His kisses are heavenly!
    3. He looks for ways for us to spend time alone together.

    My Pinterest address is: http://pinterest.com/nuttnhoney/

  • Kriss Spencer

    I can only list three? Oh my!
    1) His love for Jesus Christ!
    2) How he chooses to lead his household, not afraid or ashamed for us to stand apart and be bold witnesses for Christ!
    3) His dedication to providing and modeling what a man should look like in this, a day of blended genders, blended lines and graying distinctions of character and morals.

    Thank you for what you do!

  • Keisha


    Here are three reasons why…

    1. My husband will sacrifice anything to keep our son and me happy!
    2. He is a Christian man who respects everyone, and will help anyone.
    3. He comforted me during labor and delivery more than the doc, and helped me get our son out before he suffered trauma.

  • Ginger

    Because he makes me laugh,
    Because he takes care of me and our children,
    Because he loves me despite all of my quirks and craziness…

  • Ashley Green

    1. He's my best friend! We have a blast together :)
    2. He's trustworthy, intelligent, kind, and hardworking.
    3. He's the most optimistic person I know. It a delight to be around him!

    I could keep going all day!

  • Kristin Llorente

    I love my husband:

    1. because he literally loves being a dad and is so adorable when he plays with my son
    2. because he works hard to provide for our family
    3. because he honestly cares about making our marriage work

  • Deanne Barnes

    3 reasons I love my hubby:
    He puts me first, always!
    He is humble and thoughtful of others!
    He Loves God and lives like it!

    I'm following on Pinterest!

  • Heather

    1-He displays what love truly is
    2-He is a wonderful father
    3-He surprises me all the time

  • Becca O.

    1. He makes my happiness essential to his own
    2. My heart always has a safe place
    3. I never have to go through anything alone. He's always there!

  • http://www.marriagelifeministries.org Alecia

    1) He works his butt off for our family.
    2) He gets as giddy as a school girl when it comes to golf
    3) He loves cuddling and watching movies with me!

    I also followed on Pinterest! http://pinterest.com/starca4/

  • http://pinterest.com/369gigi/ Jennifer Vann

    Three reasons I love my husband…
    He is a good father and has always been there for our boys
    He knows when I am sad and always makes it better
    He accepts me for who I am, flaws and all

  • http://pinterest.com/369gigi/ jennifer

    I followed all on pinterest

  • Teri Martinz

    1) He loves me unconditionally
    2) His a funny guy
    3) He acts like a big kid which our kids love

  • Julie Nettleton

    I love my husband because he puts our needs above his own every day, he is always trying to make me laugh, and he wants to slay all of the dragons

  • Rachel Bowen

    1. He loves God!
    2. He is a great father to our boys.
    3. He tells me I love you everyday.

  • http://twentyfiveseasons.com Sophia

    The three reasons I love my husband are:
    - he protects me at all costs
    - he is my biggest encourager
    - he loves me in spite of myself

    There are so many more, but that's all for now.


  • Jami

    I adore my husband because…

    1) he puts his arms around me and holds me when I am angry and being unreasonable, instead of trying to tell me I'm being unreasonable
    2) his work ethic and his determination to never fail his family
    3) he makes me feel loved, every day

  • Jami

    Following on Pinterest. http://pinterest.com/jamilynn/

  • http://www.gracevandenberg.com Grace

    My husband is truly EVERYTHING God knew I needed in this life…
    (1) He has the patience of JOB and treats me like a queen. Nothing's a bother for him.
    (2) He loves God – has faith that is naturally on display for others to see. Practically lives at the church donating his time and resources for the spreading of the Good News of the Gospel… easy to submit to someone who is totally committed to God and knows the meaning of "Love your wife as you love your own self".
    (3) He makes me super-juice shakes each morning – for breakfast and lunch, and he does his own laundry.

  • http://www.tonyapeele.com Tonya Peele

    I love my husband because…..
    1. He is always thinking of what's best for our family.
    2. He fills our house with laughter.
    3. He is a great father.
    4. I love snuggling against his smooth skin.

  • http://www.removethemakeup.com C. Elleanor

    Yay for pinterest!!! Following! :) http://pinterest.com/nomakeup3/

  • Joanna R.

    I love my husband because….

    1. He supports & shares my desire for me to stay home with our youngest daughter while she is still young.
    2. He has an active relationship with the Lord.
    3. I can talk to him about anything.


  • Tabathia B

    Reasons why:
    1. When I was in ICU he took care of me and the kids
    2. When I went back to the hospital for another week he took care of our newborn and brought her to see me weekly
    3. He loves taking the kids to the park, doing inventions and working on crazy experiments with them and he loves to cook because I don't really enjoy cooking everyday

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  • Jessica F

    1) Always makes me feel beautiful
    2) Makes me laugh nonstop
    3) Is a great father

  • Jessica F

    following on pinterest: http://pinterest.com/jfong1130/

  • meredith

    I love my husband b/c
    1) He has the biggest heart and he is wise enough to know when to listen and when to offer advice
    2) He has an amazing point of view (even if we dont always agree)
    3) He's really cute!

  • meredith

    I follow on pinterest http://pinterest.com/mermont84/

  • http://www.jeradandstephanie.com Stephanie

    I love my husband because:
    1) He was very sick after brain surgery last month but when I had cramps he still asked if he could get me a heating pad.
    2) He is the best and most attentive lover I have had and I can't keep away.
    3) He is sensitive and is not afraid to show that side of himself.

  • Nenita Gabe

    I love my hubby most because

    1.His very patient to me inspite of my habitual lose temper.
    2.He will everything just to make me happy even if against his will.
    3.His very caring,loving,thoughtful and respectful to me being his wife.

  • Mami2jcn

    1. He makes me smile everyday
    2. He had a vasectomy reversal so I could have another child!
    3. He works so hard to provide for us and allow me the opportunity to stay home with our kids.

  • Mami2jcn

    I follow you on Pinterest–http://pinterest.com/mami2jcn/

  • Claudiya Parsons

    I love my husband because he is my better half! First I love him because he is the sweetest kindest man I kno! He cares so much about me! He watches out for me! 2 he has been there for me thru thick n thin. We have had our ups and downs our rough times n our greAt times. 3 he loves our son so much! That's the biggest reason that I live him more than I cld ever imagine. He is the best dad ever!

  • Neiddy

    I love my husband because:
    - Because of him I am a better person, He brought me closer to our Lord.
    - He showed me the definition of love with this actions : He is patient, kind, not self-seeking and he always protects, trusts and hopes
    - He wakes up early on the weekends to give the kids breakfast, wash dishes and do other things around the house so I can get a little bit extra sleep

  • Neiddy

    Following you on pinterest http://pinterest.com/neiddy/

  • Destiny

    There is only one reason I love my husband — I made a choice to love him.
    However, there are many things I love about him!
    His willingness to do any housework that needs to be done without any prompting.
    He follows what God has for him instead of his dreams.
    He is incredibly patient with me.

  • Destiny

    Just followed all your boards on Pinterest.

  • Shauna

    1. He sacrificed and fought for his children!
    2. He loves me unconditionally.
    3. He makes me want to be a better person.