This is Lori with The Generous Wife and I’m excited to guest blog for the Happy Wives Club today.
For years I heard comments like, “I have three kids, two sons and a husband,” or “Geesh, all my husband wants is sex. What a pervert!” It was OK to poke fun at your husband or talk down about your marriage. I got the impression that people didn’t want to be alone in life and marriage was the poor solution. You lived with it because there wasn’t a better option.
But that all changed one day …
At a ladies’ group, a woman shared about her decision to build her marriage (and even enjoy sex!). She had only positive things to say about her husband. We were all sort of in awe of her (and I think a little jealous) as she shared her journey. She was truly a “happy wife.” She actively and intentionally invested in her marriage and she was reaping the benefits.
Today I’m delighted to be part of that club and I know that speaking up for your marriage can make a huge difference for others. It gives them courage to find their voice if they are already a “happy wife” and encourages others (with the good kind of peer pressure) to reconsider how they are building their marriage.
Bless you Fawn and the Happy Wives Club! You are making a difference.
I hope you enjoyed this guest article. As always, I am so grateful to read your comments. Please feel free to post below and let’s keep the conversation going. Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
A yellow baby room sits empty in a corner of our home. We began designing it while in the process of adopting a child being born to a mom with three children already, the youngest just a few months old, and no means to take care of them.
We decided to adopt after some time of trying to conceive on our own and had been successfully matched with a birth mom. But as is the case with most looking to adopt, the first try was a bust and we decided not to try again. At least not at this time.
We recognize we waited until we were older in years to begin working on children (in spite of a nudging from my doc to get started several years earlier). But we were thoroughly enjoying our marriage and weren’t quite ready for the change that occurs when parenthood is on the horizon. So we waited. Possibly too long…only time will tell.
But as I look at the empty Jazmine-colored room with plush carpet we chose so our child could comfortably play on the ground with mommy and daddy, a room with one rocking chair, one reading chair and a space for the crib that leans against a wall in the garage unassembled, all I can think of is gratefulness and thankfulness.
When Keith and I married 8 years ago, I was ready to have a baby right away. But he wanted us to wait at least a year or two to get settled into marriage and to learn as much about each other as we possibly could. He wanted us to be able to focus on each other, travel a bit, and just have “us” time before we expanded our family. At first I was reluctant, then I relented, and then I fully embraced the new plan.
I embraced it so much, I forgot to think about it for years. We began living our life to the fullest and enjoying our marriage beyond a place I never knew possible. Around our 6th year of marriage, we decided to give it a whirl and work on conceiving a child.
Two years later, the baby room remains empty and I continue to be one of the happiest people I’ve ever known. I have no void in my life. I do not feel as though anything is missing. I can say, with all honesty and transparency, if we got pregnant tomorrow I’d be over-the-moon excited. But if we never have a child, I’ll still be the happiest wife on the block.
So this week, as I am thinking about all I am grateful for in my life, at the very top of the list must be the joy that overflows inside of me trusting God knows my life plan far better than I do and He knows why our family remains “just the two of us” (I love that song).
I am thankful beyond word or measure for a husband who accepts me flaws and all, loves me more than any person I’ve ever known, and inspires me daily to be the best Fawn I can be. I am thankful that without a word spoken, and with just the touch of his hand, I can feel how much I am loved.
This week, I stand in awe of this life I live and am thankful for every breath I’m granted.
Rather than blogging each day this week, as I usually would, I’d prefer to hear from you. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving week? What are you grateful for in your life? Leave your comments here and rather than people reading my words all week, they’ll read yours.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Until Monday…make it a great week!
When I think about how this Club came to be, and how much it’s grown since its inception, I have to chuckle a bit. There was no planning. No forethought. No foresight. I’d had a rough day at the office and needed to take my thoughts off of work and allow my mind a break.
I don’t remember exactly what took place at the office that day but I do remember being unusually frustrated. To cheer me up, Keith took me to get frozen yogurt (I’m not a hard person to make smile – tasty frozen yogurt will do the trick every time).
Strolling along The Commons in Calabasas holding hands, we walked passed the Barnes & Noble bookstore. I don’t remember what book I saw through the window (it’s been a while) but it must have been something with a negative outlook regarding marriage because I turned to Keith and began to vent about how the media and entertainment make marriages look so bad.
Now, considering he’s worked for a movie studio for the past 10 years, I was probably not venting to the right person . Yet, I continued, “I love being married. I’m a happy wife. I’m not a desperate housewife. I’m nothing like ‘the real housewives’ of Orange County, Atlanta, Jersey or anywhere else. But the media never shows wives like me or marriages like ours. They always focus on the negative. They’re fixated on divorce.”
Now, Keith had been married to me long enough not to know exactly where this conversation was going, but to know it was going somewhere. ”I’ve got it!” I proclaimed. ”I’m going to start a Club. It’s going to be called…hmmm…let me think. I’m going to call it the Happy Wives Club!” Cue the laughter…his not mine.
He was laughing so hard, mainly because the thought was completely random and seemingly came out of nowhere. He reasoned, not only was the name of the Club incredibly corny, but I also had a jam packed work schedule that barely allowed time to enjoy something as simple as a frozen yogurt. Touché.
Even knowing I’d have limited time to devote, I knew I had to do something. The negativity spoken about marriage was rising to a deafening roar and those who could counter it were slowly fading into a whisper. So, I went home and started writing…and writing…and writing. By 2am, the Happy Wives Club was born.
When Keith awoke the next morning, I proudly showed him the new club site and he just shook his head, “Only my wife. Only my wife.”
The Happy Wife might be missing from the pages of magazines we see at the grocery store each day, from the movies, television and most other forms of media and entertainment. But she’s not missing here. I’m a happy wife. You’re a happy wife. And we’re not the only ones.
Nearly two years after our inception, this club continues to grow each and every day. And we’ve only just begun. If you adore your husband and are a happy wife, let everyone know. Post your #adoremyhusband comments here. And if you’re not an official member of the club, it’s easy to join.
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!
A couple days ago, a fellow blogger posed a simple question on our community board, “When was the last time you went on a date with your husband?” For several people, it had been over a month. Mainly, because babysitters are expensive and getting out of the house can sometimes be easier said than done.
Coming to the rescue…one of my favorite marriage sites on the web. I’m honored to have them guest blogging for us today. Introducing…
My name is Erika and I’m here from The Dating Divas. Happy Wives Club has asked me to guest blog today and I thought I’d share with you one of my favorite date ideas. That’s what we do at The Dating Divas. Our goal is to strengthen marriages one date at a time. The Divas also like to give you some quick and easy romance ideas, a creative date once a week, intimate moments, anniversary and gift ideas and so much more. Check out this idea to get you started with a weekly date night.
I’m like you; my husband’s schedule is busy and he’s often gone on the weekends, money is tight, and we have two little munchkins (one being a newborn.) With all of that going on, date night often ends up being at home after the kids are in bed. So why not have date night on Wednesday? Wonderful Wednesday! No rule that Date Night has to be on the weekend.
So the kids are in bed and you don’t want to stay up TOO late with work the next day, so what should we do for date night? The DATE WHEEL! I put together a Date Wheel that you just have to spin to pick what you are going to do.
You just print, cut it out, and stick on the date options and you are ready to go! The options are interchangeable (stick them on with Velcro or tape or magnets) so you can change them out depending on your mood or availability. I even left a few blank so you could create your own ideas to use as well!
Oh and a word to the wise, I laminated mine. This way I can reuse again and again without printing a new one. I can also use a vis vis or dry erase marker to write on the blank option cards. Thanks to the fabulous Aileen, of Lil Buckaroo Designs, for creating this printable date wheel. You can DOWNLOAD for FREE the Date Wheel with instructions of how to put it together to use for your next date!
Sticking with the inexpensive and easy theme, I sent my husband a text earlier in the day informing him that date night was happening TONIGHT!
Once the kids were in bed, I pulled out the Date Wheel and explained to him how it worked. We added a few more of our own ideas and then I let him spin.
This was perfect for us because half our battle on date night is deciding what to do. Neither of us wants to decide and we’ll usually just end up in front of the TV.
But all of these ideas are EASY at home dates and don’t take any prep work. We had so much fun playing games and are looking forward to next week.
Sometimes the best dates are the simple and inexpensive ones. Wednesdays may be my new favorite night!
Thanks to Fawn and Happy Wives Club for letting me be here today!
Erika, thank YOU for sharing this great tip with us. We greatly appreciate you stopping by and kicking off the discussion today.
Does anyone else have a great stay-at-home date suggestion? What do you think about Erika’s date night tip? I loved it! What about you? Please leave your comments here and we’ll continue the conversation well into the night.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
This past weekend was bizzy with an extra izzy. My adorable 7-year old niece, Jayla, had been asking to have a sleepover for months and I promised her the next time Uncle Keith went out of town, and I could give her my full attention, we’d have a sleepover.
Well, our sleepover date officially began Friday night. Due to other commitments, I wasn’t able to pick her up until 9:30pm and before I arrived my sister told me on the phone that Jayla was lobbying to be able to sleepover two nights instead of one. Oh boy! I LOVE my beautiful niece but when I tell you she has all the energy in the world bottled into her little 3′ body, I’m not kidding.
But since I’m Auntie Fawn, like to spoil her a bit and don’t like to say no unless the request is unreasonable, my work plans for the weekend were now being modified and it would be a Nick Jr. and Disney kind of weekend.
Friday night, we stayed up until 11pm watching Mary Poppins and eating microwave-popped kettle corn. I then slept in small corner of our California king-sized bed because Jayla and her 5 stuffed animals took up the rest. By 8am Saturday morning, we were up and headed to the International House Of Pancakes where Jayla decided bouncing up and down on the booth seat no less than 25 times was fun (all the while Auntie Fawn was getting incredibly dizzy watching).
Saturdays are usual “pajama day” at Jayla’s house where she and my sister make a day of lounging in pj’s all day. Well, we couldn’t stop the tradition so even though we were going out, I let her keep her new Hello Kitty pajama pants on (shhhh…). There were kids still walking around in their Halloween costumes so why couldn’t she wear her comfy pajama pants all day?
From IHOP, we went home and finished watching the rest of the movie we fell asleep watching the night before. As soon as the end credits began to roll, we were on our way to the Long Beach Aquarium where we’d experience 800,000 sq. ft of exhibits, including a large shark tank, a place to touch stingrays, jelly fish and starfish and more marine life than I’ve seen in my entire 35 years of living.
For lunch, Jayla’s choice was Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. where we only had 30 minutes to order, eat and pay so we could get back to the aquarium before the sea lion show. Whew, we made it in time to get seats for the show, followed by a sea otter show, followed by two more shows. And did I tell you the aquarium was 800,000 sq. ft and we walked around that place all day? We stayed until the aquarium was about to close and by the time we left I was ready to pass out.
We made the hour drive back home and once we arrived, Keith’s folks were there (thank goodness) so I could get some work done while Mom Scott kept Jayla company. While working, I could hear Jayla laughing, playing, running around and joking nonstop. Beginning at 10pm, I’d yell out to Jayla, “Sweetie, I need to you begin winding down.” Of course, she’d say okay and would calm down significantly and then 15 minutes later she’d completely forget the request and return to her usual bouncing self.
At midnight, she turns to Mom Scott and says, “It’s midnight so I think I’d better start winding down.” I love this kid! Two hours after my initial request but, nonetheless, she finally decided it was time.
I’d told Jayla with adding the extra sleepover day she’d have to share me with work and would need to play without me Saturday night and a portion of Sunday to which she was (as she always is) perfectly fine. Sunday morning, she woke up to find me back at work on my computer, gave me a hug and headed straight into the family room to watch cartoons.
Day two started off with me making breakfast followed by the world’s longest shower by a child. She sang at the top of her lungs, snapped her fingers and danced for what seemed like 15 minutes. I was just hoping there’d still be enough hot water for me. After showering, our day got a little crazy. Read here to find out why I had to suddenly hop on a flight to Vegas and drive back to Los Angeles at midnight after being in Vegas for only 30 minutes. Whew! The word “tired” could not begin to accurately express what I felt by the time my head hit the pillow at 4:30am yesterday morning. But I wouldn’t trade my time with Jayla for anything in the world for one simple reason: I need her.
Spending time with Jayla always reminds me of how I was before I let the world in to the core of my being. Before I allowed hurt, disappointment, worry or “realism” to affect my natural optimism. Jayla represents to me the life I strive to return to, one that is dictated by my heart’s desires rather than what I think can or should be accomplished.
Have you ever met a child and thought, “Wow, that’s exactly the way children should be,” without worry, concern and always optimistic about the day”? Even if things don’t go perfectly as planned or desired, they look at that as a temporary setback and continue to move toward what it is they desire to get out of that day. They haven’t yet learned to doubt themselves, to be suspicious of the motives of people. In other words, they’ve not yet been jaded.
I look at Jayla and think that’s exactly the way God would like me to be with Him. To ask for whatever I desire and if He says no, to simply be okay with it and move on to the next desire trusting that the reason I heard “no” to begin with was in my best interest. When I tell Jayla no about something, she never whines or cries about it, she simply finds something else to ask me about that’ll result in a “yes” response. And it works every time.
If she has a momentary setback, it doesn’t define the remainder of the day. It’ll barely define the following ten minutes. A smile remains on her face and when someone is really nice to her she’ll tell me, “People are so nice! When you’re nice to people they’re always nice to you back.” Touché
She is genuine. She is authentic. She is optimistic, gentle in her words and kind in her approach toward people. She never feels entitled and is grateful for everything she receives. She has full faith and trust in her father.
That is exactly what I desire for my own life and strive toward it each day. To be kind, gentle, genuine, authentic and optimistic. To give my all to whatever I do completely unconcerned about whether I fail or succeed knowing any place I fall short of an overall goal is simply a momentary setback. To have complete trust in God, my heavenly Father, and to love unconditionally.
I may have been utterly exhausted from this active weekend but it was all worth it. I wouldn’t change this weekend for even a second. So as I continue to progress in this blessed week, I have one goal and one goal only: to be just like my seven-year old niece.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
I turned on the evening news
Saw an old man being interviewed
Turning a hundred and two today
Asked him what’s the secret to life
He looked up from his old pipe
Laughed and said “All I can say is:”
Don’t blink
Just like that you’re six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you’re twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don’t blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your “better half”
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you’re praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don’t blink
I was glued to my TV when it looked like he looked at me and said
“Best start putting first things first.”
Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can’t flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it’s worth
So I’ve been tryin’ ta slow it down
I’ve been tryin’ ta take it in
In this here today, gone tomorrow world we’re livin’ in
Naw, don’t blink
Life goes faster than you think
It was so appropriate when this Kenny Chesney song came on the radio on the rushed drive to the airport tonight. The day had certainly not gone as planned and now I was dashing down the 101 to the Burbank airport to hopefully catch the final Southwest Airlines flight to Las Vegas.
The morning began peaceful and without rush at 7am. My niece, Jayla, was with me for a weekend sleepover while Keith was in Philadelphia for a men’s retreat. I began writing what I thought would be the blog post for today until Jayla came in to inform me she was hungry. And so the active portion of my day would officially begin.
I quickly whipped up some oatmeal with butter, brown sugar and chopped apples and a slice of buttered wheat toast on the side. We sat down at the table and enjoyed Nickelodeon playing in the background. She lobbied to extend our play date for one more night as I reminded her that she had school tomorrow and we’d already extended it from one night to two and Auntie Fawn had a lot of work to get done.
We agreed to make the most of the day and go to a matinee movie before returning to her home. We lounged around in our pajamas until 11:30am when we needed to take showers and get dressed for the 12:30pm show. That’s when the “Jayla Show” began. Have you ever tried to get a child to move quickly to do something they really don’t want to do? Well, trying to get little miss Jayla to pack all her things because it was time for our play date to end was like trying to get a tortoise to move a little faster. She went slow as molasses.
Finally, she was packed, showered and dressed and alas…we were too late for the movie. So we’d need to catch the 2:30pm show. But wait, that wouldn’t work either because Auntie Fawn had a conference call set to begin at 3pm so we’d need to go to the 4:30pm show. And this is where it got interesting.
I’d spent an hour or so on the phone with Keith this morning while he was waiting for the car to take him to the airport. When the car arrived, we ended the call and agreed to meet at LAX at 9:50pm. That was until I received a call nearly five hours later that his plane still hadn’t taken off due to mechanical issues and they’d now be routing him through Atlanta and on to Vegas scheduled to arrive close to midnight.
He asked me to check for flights leaving Vegas around midnight heading to any of the four airports in the LA area. I searched for flights in vain as there was no flight leaving after 9:30pm. His meetings in LA set for tomorrow are not negotiable so getting home before the morning was not an option for him.
Knowing all this, I immediately went into action. Conference call would need to be held while I was in route to honor my commitment to my niece and take her to the movies. I found a theater a little farther away with a 3:15pm showing and although we’d be a bit late we’d get there and I could get on the road. I’d decided to travel to Vegas.
I purchased the airline ticket while Keith was still in route to Atlanta and asked his mom to take me to the airport. I knew Keith would be exhausted from traveling all day and the likelihood of him being able to sleep on the plane was slim-to-none. The idea of him renting a car and driving home alone in the wee hours of the morning made my heart sink for one simple reason: Don’t blink.
So much we take for granted. We assume our loved ones will always be with us. We trust God will keep those we love most alive and well. But the reality is tomorrow is never promised. No breath beyond the current is guaranteed. If Keith was going to make the drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at midnight, I’d be with him every mile.
So that’s how I ended up sitting in gate C5 at McCarran International Airport, with a computer on my lap, typing this post at 10:40pm on Sunday night. I’m excitedly awaiting my Baby’s plane to arrive so I can be by his side as he makes the journey back home. Don’t blink.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
Finding time for ourselves is probably one of life’s most difficult challenges. Especially, living in Los Angeles where the pace is probably faster than everywhere else in the country (with the exception of maybe New York, D.C. or Chicago). We rush. That’s what we do. We rush from here to there, from the times our eyes open to the time they close for the night, we are busy trying to get through our checklist of 1,001 things we need to do that day.
Looking at my calendar today, I realized there is no break. Every moment from 7am (when I began washing clothes) to 9:30pm (when I pick up my niece for a long awaited “sleepover with Auntie Fawn”) is taken. I have four conference calls with the first one beginning in an hour and as soon as the last conference call ends, I have a short period of time to make some preparations for everything else I need to do for the remainder of the day. Lord, can I please have an extra hour or two or three today?
I can ask God for extra hours or days all I want but the reality is I’ve been given 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. For Keith and me, 24 of those hours each week (sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday) are reserved for the Sabbath so that gives us 6 days to get everything done and at some point we need to sleep. That’s why I cherish my yoga time each day and a fantastic cup of tea.
When I sit with my morning cup of tea, I can push “pause” on life for just a moment and take in the beautiful day and all the many blessings of life. Spending time with God, my husband while sipping on a hot cup of tea is my favorite way to start the day. But that’s not the only time I press pause. I’ve learned to stop and reflect on the beauty of life even midday.
With rare exceptions (like today), I stop in the middle of the day to practice yoga. I am fortunate to be able to work from home most of the time so at some point between the time I begin working in the morning and the time I conclude in the evening, I pull myself away from the computer, pop in one of my favorite yoga videos and get to work. This is some of my most cherished “me time” each day.
I love yoga for a number of reasons. One is it reminds me to remain focused on what is most important in my life, God and family, and it requires that I place my mind on pause for at least the present moment. It reminds me of what is needed if I’m going to gain or maintain balance in my life. I must focus on what is important and allow the rest of the world to spin around me; creating my still point in a turning world.
I mentioned this in a post last week about balance. Anyone who practices yoga knows one thing about balance: if you lose focus, you’ll lose balance. If you’ve ever seen a yogi perfectly balanced on one leg with hands outstretched or reaching toward heaven, you’ve witnessed something the majority of the world cannot accomplish. Balancing with our own body. But I’ll tell you the secret to what they’re doing and anyone who desires can do it. The secret is simply to pick a focus point and do not take your eyes off of whatever you’ve chosen to fix your gaze.
It’s that simple. One of my favorite yoga poses is the tree pose because it was such a difficult pose for me during the first five or six years I practiced yoga. I could not keep balanced. I’d wobble all over the place and then finally I’d just drop the other leg so both feet could be squarely rooted on the earth. But I was determined to get it so I’d try and try and try. Finally, I figured it out and that’s why I love it so much. The key to the pose, as is the case with every pose, is simply to find a focus point and not to shift my eyes. Now, I can stay in this pose for longer than I could ever imagine without even the slightest wobble.
When practicing yoga, balancing always reminds me of the necessity to maintain focus. I cannot experience a balanced life without maintaining focus. For me, that means keeping God first, my hubby right behind and then our family and friends. Although work and the overall busyness of life can sometimes seem all-consuming, finding time in the day to stop, reflect, pray and gain perspective always helps me to live a balanced life. I might wish for another hour or two here and there but who doesn’t?
Making the most of my brief time on earth and cherishing every moment of it is my goal each day and if that is how I measure success, I will always be a successful woman.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s post. Please comment below and we’ll continue the chat. Looking forward to it.
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!
Can you believe it? We’re finally at step ten to creating and maintaining a recession-proof marriage. When I kicked off this blog series with the article entitled Money, Money, Money, I only thought I’d be writing on this topic for a couple days. And now several weeks later, there’s an entire plan to help you and your family kickstart your financial independence.
As you may already know, this is the first blog series on the Happy Wives Club and the first time I’ve ventured into the topic of finances. But since it’s on everyone’s mind right now–-even the members of this Club–I thought I’d be remiss not to share with you what I’ve learned on my personal road to financial freedom.
This article ends our 10-step series. If you’ve missed any of the first nine steps, I encourage you to go back and review them: Step One, Steps Two and Three, Step Four, Step Five, Step Six, Step Seven, Step Eight and Step Nine. For your ease, I’ve also included a brief synopsis of each step below.
STEP ONE: Stop comparing yourself to others and learn to be content (or even better, happy) with exactly what you have in this moment. As Rick Warren said and I love repeating, “If the grass is greener on the other side, that’s because your neighbor has a higher water bill!”
STEP TWO: Team up with your partner in life, your spouse, and pray for wisdom. This is different from the prayers you may have prayed until now. You’re not asking Him to magically make your debt disappear or magically increase your income. You’re asking Him for the wisdom to allow you to do it yourself. No one knows your financial future better than Him so that is the life source you want to stay connected to throughout this process and beyond.
STEP THREE: Strip down your image. There is no doubt that a part of the instruction God will give you will require great sacrifice and that means you will need to be okay with whatever anyone else may think of you. Don’t allow your fear of what others may think keep you straddled with the burden of debt. It’s just not worth it.
STEP FOUR: The 10/90 Rule. Many financial experts will tell you about the 80/10/10 rule and it is what Keith and I follow. But I learned early in my adult life that the 80/10/10 was a goal but for those desiring to financial freedom, the 10/90 rule is a requirement. It is what I used 15 years ago to turn my financial situation around and I’ve never met a person for whom it did not work.
STEP FIVE: Allowance isn’t just for kids. You’ve probably discovered, like most people I know, that budgets are similar to New Year’s Resolutions: everyone makes them but few actually follow them (at least beyond the first month or two). Budgets are usually blown but allowances are not.
STEP SIX: Redefine the American Dream. This step begins the process of helping you pay off your debt and learn to live below your means. Keeping up with the Joneses, Kardashians, Steins or anyone else is a recipe for failure. Defining the American Dream for yourself is the key to success.
STEP SEVEN: Let stuff go. Using the analogy of “how to catch a monkey” we’re reminded how our refusal to let some things go could cause us to remain in debt and not live the financially free life we were meant to enjoy. And like the monkey, who is caught because of his refusal to let go of a booby-trapped treat, our decision to “let go” can change one’s life.
STEP EIGHT: Workin’ 9-to-5 is a movie and an award-winning song, not the way to obtain financial freedom. Get creative in coming up with ways to bring more income into your household. Think outside the box and you’ll get to “recession-proof” much faster than you may think.
STEP NINE: Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your financial situation. Be patient and diligent as you begin this road to financial freedom. Your reward will far outweigh your sacrifice. What’s important is that you stay the course. It won’t happen overnight but your road to financial freedom is just as much a part of the journey as the destination itself. Make the most of it as a family and don’t lose focus.
And the 10th and final step:
STEP TEN: Get comfortable with loss.
I know, I know, you were probably expecting me to end this series on a super high note that would cause you to run into the street, pump your fist in the air and scream, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Sorry if this step doesn’t make you do that but hopefully it will allow you to sink into your couch with a cup of tea and simply say to yourself, “Yes, got it…I can be okay with that.”
Here’s the deal, at the height of 06′, 07′ and 08′ when homes were selling at overinflated prices, money was cheap and obtaining a loan to buy a house, boat, complete a remodel or do whatever we could possibly hope or dream, a lot of us made poor financial decisions. We decided to borrow more than we should have and now that this recession has really whacked us a hard one, it’s time to face some realities.
One of the greatest freedoms I’ve gained in my life is learning to be okay with loss. Everything happens for a reason and many things we “own” are only for a season. You and your family may complete steps 1-9 and still find you can’t get from under this financial cloud that’s been hovering over your home for the past few years (and for some, even longer). What it will take for you may be to simply let stuff go.
What kind of things am I referencing? Anything you’re holding onto that by keeping it is preventing you from joining us on the path to financial freedom. There are many things and only you know what they are but something as simple as a FICO score can be what is preventing you from getting on the right path. I love what Dave Ramsey says about FICO scores:
The dreaded FICO score. It’s that number that’s associated with every credit report. We all know about it—most people have one—but what does the credit score really mean? Like it or not, your credit score is not an indicator of winning financially. All it tells you is whether you are good at borrowing money and paying it back. That’s it.
But let’s take a deeper look. How is your FICO score determined?
35% of your score is based on your debt history.
30% is based on your debt level.
15% is based on the length of time you’ve been in debt.
10% is based on new debt.
10% is based on type of debt.
It’s the I-Love-Debt Score
Your FICE score is an I-love-debt-score, isn’t it? Does it factor in your income—or, even better, your debt-to-income ratio? Nope. Does it factor in your savings accounts, net worth—anything other than debt? Absolutely not.
The only way to have a good credit score is to go into debt, stay in debt, and continually pay your accounts perfectly—without adding too much debt or paying too much off. In other words, stay in debt for as long as you can. How ridiculous is that?
I know this isn’t what we were taught. It’s not what the previous generation told us about credit and the importance of maintaining a high credit score. But it’s another fact of life we have to accept if we are going to move forward and out of debt. If you plan on climbing out of debt, staying out of debt and ensuring you are not a “slave to the lender,” as the Proverb says, you may have to forego this score for now. You won’t need it anyway. The only way you need it is if you plan on borrowing and if I haven’t convinced you over the past few weeks that borrowing is what got the entire world into this big ole’ financial mess then I don’t know what more I can say.
But if I have been successful in convincing you that debt-free is the way to go, I encourage you to find a plan and get started ASAP. My favorite plan so far is Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover but you can find a number of plans online for free. Decide which plan works best for your family and don’t be afraid of loss.
You may have to lose in order to gain but in the end, what is peace of mind worth to you? To me, it’s worth everything.
I hope this financial series has been helpful for you. It has been amazing for us living through it. Keith and I had to pay off well over $100,000 in debt in order to become debt-free (sans mortgages) and now we’re actively engaged in getting those paid off. When we make a decision to have canned chicken salad or soup for dinner (which happens several times a week) instead of a nice steak dinner at our favorite restaurant, we know it is for a reason. This is only a season and we don’t mind sacrificing now to get to our desired place later: 100% Recession-Proof. Join us in this journey!
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
Comments: With more than 15,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
We are finally on step nine of our 10-step plan for creating a Recession-Proof marriage and household. For those joining us for the first time, with the exception of a few posts here and there, we’ve been focusing on finances for the past couple weeks. I recognize that financial strain is the number one cause of arguments and divorce right now and those who may have joined the club as “Happy Wives” even just a year ago could now be feeling the pinch in their relationship.
And although nearly all of the writings on this blog focus on the life of a happy wife, during this poor economy I thought it necessary to address a challenge many of my fellow wives are facing. For this reason, I began this series of writings. If you haven’t had a chance to go through the archives, I encourage you to go back and review Step One, Steps Two and Three, Step Four, Step Five, Step Six, Step Seven and Step Eight. For your ease, I’ve included a brief synopsis of each step below. But I definitely recommend taking the time to go back and read each step individually.
STEP ONE: Stop comparing yourself to others and learn to be content (or even better, happy) with exactly what you have in this moment. As Rick Warren said and I love repeating, “If the grass is greener on the other side, that’s because your neighbor has a higher water bill!”
STEP TWO: Team up with your partner in life, your spouse, and pray for wisdom. This is different from the prayers you may have prayed until now. You’re not asking Him to magically make your debt disappear or magically increase your income. You’re asking Him for the wisdom to allow you to do it yourself. No one knows your financial future better than Him so that is the life source you want to stay connected to throughout this process and beyond.
STEP THREE: Strip down your image. There is no doubt that a part of the instruction God will give you will require great sacrifice and that means you will need to be okay with whatever anyone else may think of you. Don’t allow your fear of what others may think keep you straddled with the burden of debt. It’s just not worth it.
STEP FOUR: The 10/90 Rule. Many financial experts will tell you about the 80/10/10 rule and it is what Keith and I follow. But I learned early in my adult life that the 80/10/10 was a goal but for those desiring to financial freedom, the 10/90 rule is a requirement. It is what I used 15 years ago to turn my financial situation around and I’ve never met a person for whom it did not work.
STEP FIVE: Allowance isn’t just for kids. You’ve probably discovered, like most people I know, that budgets are similar to New Year’s Resolutions: everyone makes them but few actually follow them (at least beyond the first month or two). Budgets are usually blown but allowances are not.
STEP SIX: Redefine the American Dream. This step begins the process of helping you pay off your debt and learn to live below your means. Keeping up with the Joneses, Kardashians, Steins or anyone else is a recipe for failure. Defining the American Dream for yourself is the key to success.
STEP SEVEN: Let stuff go. Using the analogy of “how to catch a monkey” we’re reminded how our refusal to let some things go could cause us to remain in debt and not live the financially free life we were meant to enjoy. And like the monkey, who is caught because of his refusal to let go of a booby-trapped treat, our decision to “let go” can change one’s life.
STEP EIGHT: Workin’ 9-to-5 is a movie and an award-winning song, not the way to obtain financial freedom. Get creative in coming up with ways to bring more income into your household. Think outside the box and you’ll get to “recession-proof” much faster than you may think.
And today we’re adding:
STEP NINE: Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your financial situation. Be patient and diligent as you begin this road to financial freedom. Your reward will far outweigh your sacrifice.
Finances are such a tricky topic because many would simply prefer to ignore any financial difficulties until they can no longer be ignored. I remember having a business partner years ago who would leave his bills unopened. There was something about not opening the bills that allowed him to pretend they weren’t there. It reminds me of an I Love Lucy episode I adore.
I can’t remember the episode exactly but I remember for some reason Lucy was in charge of paying the bills. She gets so behind in her payments and finds them all to be overwhelming so she comes up with a simple solution. She puts all the bills on one of those things that goes in the center of the table and spins around (for the purpose of moving food around the table) and spins it really fast. Whichever bills remained on the “spinning thing” was the ones she would pay.
It’s classic Lucy and certainly makes for a hilarious episode. But unfortunately, that’s how a lot of us handle debt. We pretend it is not there until we can no longer ignore it. By that time, there’s a mounting pile of bills that need to be paid. And even if you make all the minimum payments, it seems to never decrease. That’s one of the reason people get discouraged when they begin a mission to pay down/off all their debt.
I won’t attempt to give you a step-by-step plan to paying off your debt here because this blog series would go on for another two weeks and it’s unnecessary. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover or his similar book based on Biblical principle, Financial Peace. Keith and I followed the plan in Total Money Makeover (making a few tweaks here and there as made most sense) so that’s the one we always recommend to friends.
You can also find websites online with free advice on paying off your debt and giving you step-by-step plans to do so. As to not make the mistake of endorsing the wrong ones, I’d suggest you Google “how to pay off debt” and then find the one that makes the most sense for you and your family. Once you’ve found the right plan, just begin. Beginning is 40% of the battle. The other 60% is having the patience to see it through until the end.
When Keith and I began paying off our debt, we were extremely strict. We’d eat like college students on a minimal weekly budget (canned tuna and chicken, anyone?) but we could do that because we were squarely focused on paying off our debt. We remained focused the entire time.
A couple days ago, when I was walking along the marina early in the morning, I began thinking about something the instructors in my yoga videos always say right before we begin a balancing pose, “Find a focus point, it helps with balance.” Anyone who does yoga knows that if you begin a balancing pose and do not have – and maintain – a consistent focus point, you will topple right over. Alternatively, if you find a focus point and keep your eyes focused, you won’t fall.
The same is the case with dancers. Have you ever watched a child spin around in excitement several times and then start stumbling everywhere because they’ve lost their balance? What about you? Do you remember the last time you spun around in circles and how dizzy you got after turning only a couple times? But then a dancer can spin dozens of times in a row, without a break in between, and will never get dizzy. Do you know why?
Dancers fix their gaze on a single location or thing with every spin. If you videotaped a dancer and then watched the tape in slow motion, you will notice their head turns well before the rest of their body. They do not take their eyes of off whatever they have made their focal point (except for a fraction of a second). This technique is called “spotting.”
Most people have been in debt long before they even realized that’s what it was called. Meaning, we have grown so accustomed to using credit that until the recession began, many of us didn’t even realize we were going so far into debt. Keith and I were certainly that way. But once we determined as a family we were going to climb out of that financial hole, we did so with all our effort and might and remained patient with the process.
There’s an old saying, “By the inch it’s a cinch, by the mile it’s a trial.” Take this step-by-step. Determine that you’re going to change your mindset about image recognizing that what matters most is the peace in your home, not what others might think about how much you have or what you just bought.
One of the things I truly believed helped Keith and me is we told everyone close to us that we were beginning this journey. We let them know in advance not to expect expensive presents anymore and for us to be extremely frugal when we went out with them. So many watching our excitement as we began paying off our debt decided to join us and they too began the journey to financial freedom. Sharing what we were doing with others also made it much easier for us to stay the course. It was almost like we had accountability partners without actually having them.
Determine the right plan for paying off your debt and simply begin. And then continue. And continue some more. One of the other things Keith and I did was we gave ourselves a “reward” for every major debt we paid off. A few days away was usually the reward we chose but maybe it’ll be going to your favorite (yet pricy) restaurant or for those who love to shop, purchasing something you’ve wanted but have delayed it for months. It can feel discouraging to work 60-70 hours a week and then come home and eat like a broke teenager. So that’s why we gave ourselves gifts with every milestone. Just do what’s right for your family. What’s important is that you stay the course.
It won’t happen overnight but your road to financial freedom is just as much a part of the journey as the destination itself. Make the most of it as a family and don’t lose focus. Next up: the tenth and final step.
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!
This weekend I had the pleasure of going to a fantastic engagement party for a wonderful couple. As is probably customary with engagement parties (not sure, I think this was my first), many family members got on the mike and gave the newly engaged couple advice. While looking at the bliss in their eyes throughout the night, I kept thinking, “Please hold on to that. Please hold on to that and don’t let anyone take it away from you.”
Early the next morning they were on my mind so I sent them a note sharing the best advice Keith and I have received since getting married eight years ago. It has carried us through every day of our marriage and what an awesome marriage this has been and continues to be!
When the Club was first launched, this was one of the first blog posts I wrote and although I’ve never posted the same information twice, I thought this would be a great time to share with the thousands of new readers the best piece of advice I’ve received about marriage and the one piece of advice I always give.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
Reprint from February 21, 2010:
I recently received an email from Kristi, a new member to our club, “I wanted to let you know how encouraging your website is! I am a newlywed who has been married for a month, and it has been the best month of my life. I absolutely love marriage and my husband, and I know it will continue to get better with time. I am amazed by the number of women at work and in other places who have told me how difficult marriage is and how “the first year is the worst.” I am determined to remain a happy wife and to avoid falling into the trap of negativity towards my husband. Thank you for showing me I am not alone!”
This note articulated exactly how I felt the first few years of my marriage. Not long after Keith and I first said “I do” we were confronted by negative comments about marriage everywhere we turned. I was dumbfounded by the number of friends, family members and casual acquaintances who would make comments with regard to how difficult marriage is and how once the “honeymoon phase” ends we will need to face the realities of marriage. We heard about everything from the ‘first year blues’ to the ‘seven year itch.’ It was incredibly rare to hear someone speak encouraging words to us about lifelong love and marriage. It was even rarer to hear the words “Happiness” and marriage used in the same sentence. But there was at least one time I can remember and that conversation has remained with me for all our married years.
A few months after we were married, Keith and I were at a couples retreat called Dayspring. After one of the sessions, we were riding in the crowded elevator back to our hotel room. As usual, Keith’s arms were wrapped around my shoulders and my head was buried into his chest. One of the women on the ride observing our affection began doing what so many had done before her, “Hold on to that. It won’t last long…” Before she could even finish her less-than-positive statement, a woman by the name of Pat Ashley added her two cents: “Happiness is a choice. My husband and I have been married 29 years and we have chosen to be happy. Every morning when we wake up we choose to enjoy our day with each other. We choose to be happy.” With that, she looked Keith and I square in the eyes and said, “Choose to be happy and it will last.”
Her words were heaven sent. They were like pouring rain on the Mohave Desert. They gave us hope that in spite of all the negative comments so often heard, there were those who still believed in the power of marriage and enjoying life as a couple until ‘death do us part’. We determined that day in spite of all the negative connotations associated with marriage we would choose to be happy and to enjoy every moment of our life together. It is a choice. We made that choice and we continue to make it each and every day.
What you and I consider happiness may vary greatly. But what we have in common is we both know what happiness means to us. Have you made the choice to be happy in your marriage? To enjoy every moment of your limited time together? If not, you don’t know what you’re missing. Happiness is a choice – so choose it!
COMMENTS: With so many Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.
JOIN US: If you’re happily married, join the club. It takes only a few seconds and is FREE!
I am ending this work week excited for a few reasons, one of which is my pastor just sent out a reminder letting us know daylight savings time ends Sunday which means I will get an extra hour of sleep this weekend. And man o’ man do I need that extra hour. The second reason is this week I discovered something extraordinary. When I sent out a link on my Facebook page letting everyone know about the recipe contest, I received as many notes about people who planned to submit recipes as I did those asking could they have a copy of the ones submitted. So my excitement stems from the fact that I now know I’m not alone in this non-cooking world.
For the longest time, I’d always hear people say, “I love to cook!” and couldn’t figure out for the life of me why. Last week, I shared with you my disastrous adventure to the store (3x) to pick up ingredients for an Emeril Lagasse recipe and how that traumatic experience kept me out of the kitchen for the next 5 years. So when I’d hear my sisters or other women tell me how cooking was one of their favorite things to do I couldn’t help but think I must not have the “cooking” gene.
To me, it always seemed to be a better use of time to pick up food on the way home rather than mess up a perfectly clean kitchen with dirty dishes. Not to mention, although everyone always says cooking costs less than picking up takeout, I’d experienced the exact opposite. That 9×9” lasagna I told you about (yes, Emeril’s fabulous recipe) cost me close to $90 (and did I mention three trips to the grocery store).
Based on my limited cooking experience and the amount of dishes I see pile up every time one of my family members who “love to cook” decides to do so, I surmised cooking was not for me. But I didn’t talk about it much because I didn’t want all my fellow wives to think I wasn’t taking care of my hubby because I’ve been bringing takeout home for eight years. Well, here’s the beauty of this Club. I learned a lot of you have been getting takeout too! And a few even admitted you make food that’s less than edible but your family continues to eat it because you’ve at least tried.
So today’s blog post is for all those like me who may not possess the “cooking gene” and at this point would simply settle for liking it a little. Wonderful members of this Club sent in their favorite recipes last week and I’m excited to share them. The criteria for the submissions were they had to use only a few ingredients and be super simple to make.
So far, here’s what I’ve discovered. Those like me who are afraid of seasoning with salt because it pours out clear onto most foods and before you know it you have the saltiest piece of chicken ever, fear not! There are a ton of recipes that don’t require salt so we can ease our way into that ingredient. And the world’s greatest invention could possibly be…drumroll please…the crockpot!
Most of you probably know this already but I didn’t so I’ll share it with all the kitchen-challenged women like me: you can put a bunch of things in this fabulous piece of cookware, plug it in and leave the house – for hours! I am officially in love with the crock pot. The very first recipe I made, easing my way into this fabulous world of cooking, was a slow cooker recipe. It required only three ingredients, was fail-proof and even my 7-year old niece could have made it perfectly.
So for all those who have asked me for the recipe, rather than emailing each of you back separately, here it is for your cooking pleasure:
1 – Beef Roast (I bought a 2.5 lb one on sale for less than $8)
1 – 10oz. can of Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup
1 – packet of Lipton onion dip mix
That’s it. That is the entire recipe. I told you it was fail-proof. All you do is rinse the beef with cold water and then pat it dry with a paper towel. Put a pan on the stove large enough to fit the roast, turn the pan on high and pop the piece of meat right in the middle. You only want to brown it so flip it over after 30 seconds or so. Do this on both sides of the cut of meat and then turn it on its side and brown each side. This whole process should take 2 minutes max.
Once your roast has been browned, pop it in the crock pot, pour the can of soup over it, evenly sprinkle the onion dip mix over the entire top, cover it with the top and cook it on the lowest setting possible (on my pot it simply says “low”). Begin your day and 8 to 9 hours later – voila! One of the best tasting roasts you’ve ever had. The gravy is so delicious I burned the inside of my mouth not once but four times. I was so excited it turned out so well I kept tasting it directly from the pot (not a good idea, by the way).
And an added benefit to this roast was the extra gravy it made. If you have any leftover (I had about a cup leftover), add some Wondra Quick-Mixing Flour (directions on the can), put it in the freezer and when you’re serving rice, mashed potatoes, chicken or anything that can be spiced up with some delicious gravy, you’ve already got it in the bag (literally, the Ziploc bag). My grandmother, who is a fantastic cook, makes the best gravy and this one wasn’t too far off. She puts her leftover gravy in a shallow square Tupperware container, puts it in the freezer, and then cuts off frozen squares as she some. She heats them up in the microwave and they taste just like the gravy was freshly made.
To all the fabulous cooks out there who enjoy what you do, please keep submitting recipes for the “Please Help Me Learn to Cook!” contest. Women like me need your help! And based on the responses I’ve been receiving, there are plenty of kitchen-challenged women out there waiting for some dishes even they will feel confident enough to tackle. Don’t forget to submit the most delicious, simple recipes you’ve got by November 14th so you can be entered to win the $25 gift card to Starbucks, or Barnes &
Finally, to all the women like me who’d prefer to pick-up takeout rather than wash all the dishes that come along with a home-cooked meal, I’m going to take one for the team and test out as many of these submitted recipes as I can and share with you all of the best ones. Look for me to post easy and delicious recipes that require the least amount of ingredients and use the smallest amount of dishes possible. And don’t feel left out of the contest. Later this month, I’ll be looking for you to submit your funniest experiences in the kitchen. I told you mine and I can’t wait to hear about yours.
Tomorrow I’m trying Amanda’s Lime Chicken Tacos. This was one of the first recipes to be submitted and now that I’ve got the hang of the crock pot, I think I’ll try another.
Lime Chicken Tacos
1.5 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts
3 Tbl. lime juice (fresh or bottled)
1 Tbl. chili powder
1 cup frozen corn
1 cup salsa
Place chicken breasts in slow cooker. In small bowl, mix lime juice and chili powder. Pour over chicken. Cook on low 6-8 hours. Remove chicken from crock pot; shred. Add chicken back to crock pot along with corn and salsa. Heat until warmed through. (Doesn’t take long.) Serve in tortillas with your favorite taco fixins.
Talk to you in a couple of days. And remember, happiness is a choice so make every day a great one!
I love my husband. He’s the most wonderful, supportive and loving person I’ve ever known. And I know he loves me if for no other reason than his enormous patience.
When Keith and I married, I didn’t cook. I knew how to cook (following a detailed recipe to the “T”) but just thought it was a big ole’ waste of time. A few months into our marriage, I decided I wanted to make him a delicious dinner. So many people gave me cookbooks as a wedding present (including Keith ) so I figured they must be trying to tell me something.
So I pulled out the cookbook with the most interesting cover, best colors and pictures throughout and decided that would be the day I’d cook for my honey. The cookbook I chose…drumroll please…Emeril Lagasse’s, “From Emeril’s Kitchen.” Couldn’t I have at least started off with the Betty Crocker book someone bought me?
Of course not, because I love a good challenge. Which is also the reason I didn’t choose something simple like roasted chicken. I had to try the Lamb & Feta Cheese Lasagna recipe. Really? Out of all the recipes to choose from I pick one that involves lightly roasted pine nuts, freshly chopped rosemary and oregano leaves and something I’d never heard of before that day, prosciutto.
So let me tell you how my cooking adventure went that day. I got up with all the excitement in the world and pulled out Emeril’s cookbook. I created my grocery list and headed to Gelson’s supermarket.
Tomato paste. Check. 1 1/2 pounds of lamb. Check. 1 pound of lasagna noodles. Check. 1 pound of ricotta cheese and 6 ounces of feta cheese. Check, check. I was feeling good until I realized there were certain things on the list I simply couldn’t find at Gelson’s like the prosciutto.
So I headed to the second store, Vons, and continued my shopping. Why couldn’t I find prosciutto there either? Nowhere in the fresh produce section was prosciutto to be found (okay, stop laughing at me). And why could I not find fresh rosemary or oregano leaves in the seasonings section?
Finally, I purchased all the groceries I could find and headed home to take inventory of what I still didn’t have. 28-ounce can of diced tomatoes in their juices. Check. Oh, wait…why does the recipe also call for a 14-ounce can of diced tomatoes? Didn’t see that one. But why didn’t the recipe just say I needed 42-ounces of diced tomatoes. I was already starting not to like cooking and I hadn’t even fired up the oven yet.
But I wasn’t going to let anything keep me from preparing this special dinner I set out to make for my hubby, so I returned to the store — for the third time — to pick up the remaining items on my list. Up and down the produce isle looking for the prosciutto, I finally broke down and asked the produce man where I could find it. Looking a bit baffled he said, “Ma’am, the proscuitto is in the deli section.” What would it be doing in the deli section, I thought to myself.
Ah ha! Prosciutto is a meat not a vegetable. Okay, one problem solved. Now, about those lightly toasted pine nuts and fresh rosemary and oregano leaves. After realizing the fresh leaves were in the produce section (not the seasoning isle) and the pine nuts would have to be purchased untoasted, I finally had everything I needed to begin cooking.
By now, it’s in the middle of the day and I’ve been shopping for ingredients in this one recipe for several hours. So I begin to prep. First, I needed to determine how to toast the pine nuts since that wasn’t in the recipe. Do I put them in the oven or the skillet? I decided toasting sounded like something I could do easily in a skillet.
Chopped the fresh leaves, cooked the lamb, boiled the noodles and began to pull everything together. Somewhere in the midst of all this, Keith called to see how my day was going and boy did I give him an earful. Not only did it take me three trips to the grocery store but now that I’ve prepped the food, there are literally pots, pans and dirty chopping boards all over the kitchen. What a mess!
Keith could hear the discouragement and frustration in my voice so he gave me a gentle “I love you” and I got back to cooking. After an hour or so of prepping came the moment of triumph. I could finally layer all the ingredients into the 9″ square glass pan and exclaim “Victory!” Then I looked at the dish and thought, “All that for this tiny amount of food?”
Nonetheless, I was finally done and could put the lasagna into the preheated oven (at least I knew how to preheat an oven ) for 50 minutes. Halfway through the baking, and in the middle of me cleaning two sinks full of dishes, Keith returned home with a beautiful bouquet of white roses. I thought, “God bless that man!”
The end of the story is the lasagna came out and was one of the tastiest either of us have had and it all seemed worth it. Sort of. Keith swears that experience traumatized me because it took me another 5 years or so to even attempt to make another recipe and even then I’d make the same recipe over and over and over again.
When my sisters and I were growing up, my mom was similar in that she only cooked a few meals. Oddly enough, Keith’s mom was the exact same way. Now, both my mom and his mom are two of the best cooks around but neither of them really learned to cook until we were grown. Thus, I never found cooking to be important. The funny thing is once my mom learned to cook, she wrote a book entitled, ”God is in the Kitchen Too,” containing all of her favorite recipes.
Almost eight years after my first adventure into cooking for my new husband, I’ve probably cooked eight times (I know, I know) and although Keith teases me about it, he’s never made it a big deal. Which is why I want to do something special and begin cooking for him on a weekly basis. But I need your help!
I need really tasty recipes that don’t involve toasting or roasting anything in advance, no chopping fresh leaves and a simple recipe to follow. Prep time and the ingredient list have to both be extremely short. So I’m asking all of the readers of this blog to help me fall in love with cooking (or at least to like it a little more).
Do you have a recipe your family absolutely raves about but is so simple to make it astonishes you how much they love it? Great! That’s the recipe I’m looking for
. I’m hosting a contest over the next two weeks. If you’ll send me your recipe, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $25 gift card of your choice for Starbucks, Barnes & Noble or Amazon. The drawing is
completely random, automated and done through a third party site. Just post your recipe here in the comments section and then click on this link to enter your full name and email address so I can contact you in two weeks if you’re the winner.
I’m so stoked about this. After 8 years of takeout, I’m going to battle the kitchen again but this time I’m determined to win!
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
On January 22, 2014, we sponsored an unofficial new holiday: National Husband’s Day. A special day set aside for the nearly 1 million women in the Happy Wives Club community to celebrate our husbands.
Initially, my hope was we’d be able to get a government official to proclaim the day on our behalf. Our team began working on that and quickly realized the many complications of getting a date named as a holiday officially. But who needs official?
National Peanut Butter Day is one of my absolute favorite holidays. No government official has yet to recognize that officially but that doesn’t stop me from indulging in a few more spoonfuls of that tasty stuff just at the mention of its national holiday.
So let’s celebrate our special day together!
To make it easy, we’ve come up with 5 special (and free) gifts you can give your husband today to commemorate the occasion.
1. Print this certificate. If you didn’t get a chance to print this off last year, you may still want to print it now to let your husband know you’re a proud member of this club and because of his love, you’ve sponsored this day honoring him. This is the original sponsorship certificate so it includes the original 2014 date. Here is one dated for 2015.
2. Customize this proclamation. If you printed the above certificate last year as one of the original sponsors of National Husband’s Day (or even if you didn’t), we’ve created a customizable proclamation for you to give your husband this year. Customize it. Print it out (legal size paper). Frame it. Then deliver to him a gift sure to make him proud. (If your computer doesn’t allow you to customize the PDF, print this one to handwrite his name and your name instead).
3. Print a customized Book of Love. This fantastic DIY coupon book from The Dating Divas is something sure to knock your husband’s socks off. Surprise him with this creative book that gives him all the things he wants most…one coupon at a time.
4. Write the perfect love letter. Have you ever written your husband a love letter? Not just a few words at the bottom of a card but actually write the card yourself? If not, today’s a pretty fantastic day to sharpen your writing skills. To make it easy, here are 7 ways to write the perfect love letter.
5. Spoil your spouse date night. There’s no better night than tonight to spoil your spouse. This date night is all about doing what your husband loves to do. No marital compromise here –this is his night!
Any excuse to celebrate those fabulous hubbies of ours is a good enough excuse for me.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
We’re SO close to our goal! JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.
THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book. I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way. It’s a marriage book like none other. Guaranteed.
On January 22, 2014, we sponsored an unofficial new holiday: National Husband’s Day. A special day set aside for the nearly 1 million women in the …
Do you remember when the women of this club sponsored a national holiday for our husbands? Last year, on January 22nd, we designated a special day …
We’re getting closer and closer to the 5th anniversary of the Happy Wives Club and the unveiling of our new site. (I’m so excited I could …
I am having so much fun counting down to the 5th anniversary of this Club and the debut of our new website by posting our 20 …
I am so excited to continue this countdown to the 5th anniversary of the Happy Wives Club by posting the 20 most popular articles of all …
I’m continuing the countdown of our Top 20 posts while counting down the days to our Club’s 5th anniversary on February 4th (and the unveiling of …