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Poem Written to My Husband

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

I wrote this poem for my husband, Keith, a few months before we were married.  We will be celebrating 8 years of marriage in just a few days so as I look back at these words, I am reminded of how wonderful he was and how amazing he still is today.

Marriage is what we make of it.  Our thoughts and words dictate so much of our life, (“As a man thinketh…”), and when we know that and begin to speak positive words about our marriage, life and husband, we find that what we have spoken turns out to be exactly what we have lived.  

Our words and thoughts have more power than we give credit.  That’s why this Club was founded.  To change the conversation surrounding marriage from negative to positive.  Keith and I determined from day one we would have a wonderful marriage.  And we’ve lived exactly what we believed (and continue to believe).  Our marriage has been just as we prayed it would be.

Leaves in the fall
Winds that have ceased
Rain that cries no more
Snow on a mountain
Dew covered grass
Water in a vase
An orchid in full bloom
Morning rays of sunlight
Painted colors of a sunset
A butterfly in her cocoon
A swan in the lake
Two lovers dancing in the night
A million stars without form
A little boy resting
A little girl praying
The eye of the storm
Wherever you are
Wherever you will be
My still point in a turning world

In the eye of the storm there is always calm. A happy marriage doesn’t mean you won’t face challenges. It means when the tough times arise, you determine to take refuge in each other – in the center of it all – where you can bond, find peace, and overcome adversity…together.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Making Marriage a Priority When You’re Busy

Friday, December 16th, 2011

One of the questions I’ve seen come up most over the past couple weeks, as the Christmas season has kicked into high gear, is how to keep one’s marriage and relationship a priority during the busiest time of the year.  It’s tough.  I can relate.

Keith’s workload recently has been off the charts.  There is not enough time in his day to get everything done.  I’ve mentioned before that our way of ending each day is to ask two questions, “What was your high?  What was your low?”  This allows us to gain insight into how we perceived our workday that just concluded.  On Tuesday night, I asked these questions as usual but for the first time, he couldn’t think of a high.  Not that there weren’t any, he was just too exhausted to think.

So Wednesday I decided to carve as much time out of my day as possible to do some special things for him.  Simple things I knew would mean alot to him.  I was feeling really good about myself and what I’d done that day for my hubby.  That was until I was stopped dead in my tracks.  I realized the reason these things were so “special” was because it had been so long since I’d done them.  I’d somehow allowed the busyness of life to compete with our relationship.

So I write this to you (and myself) as a reminder to keep your (my) marriage first and foremost even through this holiday season.  There are little ways you (I) can do this and many I’ve already begun and encourage you to do the same.  None of the items on this brief list will take much time to complete but will make a world of difference in letting your husband know he is priority #1 no matter how busy you both may be:

1. Make a concerted effort to speak your husband’s love language…fluently.  If you don’t know what that means, definitely read my blog post from earlier this week: I Missed!  If you aren’t sure what your husband’s love language is then definitely have him take this online assessment test (it will only take a couple minutes and it’s free).  Knowing his love language will allow you to relate to him on the deepest and most meaningful level possible…for him.

2. Send him off for the day with a word of encouragement.  Even if you leave for work first in the morning, make sure to slow down that moment before heading out the door long enough to pause and leave your hubby with an encouraging word.  Because of our spiritual connection, the most encouraging thing I can say to Keith as he’s walking out the door is, “Honey, I’m going to begin praying for your day the moment I close this door.”  I give him a kiss, tell him “Knock em’ dead,” close the door behind him, and then I pray for his day.  It means the world to him to know I am praying for him and that God always answers my prayers.

3. Greet him with an engaged kiss when he returns from work or when you return (if you get home later).  The reason I use the term “engaged kiss” is more recently I found myself continuing to work once Keith got home (I work from home) and so he’d come in and I’d barely look up from the computer.  I’d greet him with a kiss, but he’d have to come to me because I was too busy typing.  Close the laptop, push back from the computer, get up and wrap your arms around him and welcome him home.  I know, I get it, you’re busy.  Me too.  But this is so important and will only take a couple minutes.

4. Learn the art of the quickie.  Yep!  You read that right.  I don’t talk too much about sex on here because I leave that to the experts (which I’m certainly not).  But this much I know, making love keeps us connected.  There is a special bond that happens when two people literally become one, fully connected.  I won’t say much more as we’ll definitely be going into more graphic territory than I’d like.  BUT, there is a book I LOVE called Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman, and he goes into detail about the psychology of a man and why quickies can be just as important as passionate, love making sessions.  It amp’d up our sex life years ago and I highly recommend it.  But for now, until you have time to read it, just know a ‘quickie’ is much ado about something and it’s worth your while during this busy season.

5. And last but not least, check in with him at the end of each day.  Don’t let a day pass where you don’t at least have some insight into his day.  A great way to do this are the two questions I mentioned earlier, “What was your high?  What was your low?”  I’ve found these two questions to be far more effective than, “How was your day?”  The latter can be easily answered by any number of one-worded answers: fine, good, okay, etc.  But these two questions, when answered, will let you know how you can best comfort him at the end of his day.  Do you celebrate with him or do you console him?

If you add up the time it will take you to complete all of the five things listed above, we’re talking about less than an hour, and realistically, they’re broken up into increments of 15-20 minutes each.  You can find an hour spread out throughout your day.  I know you don’t think you can because there’s so much on your plate.  But think of it this way, when the holidays are over, do you want your relationship with your husband to be stronger or weaker?  If your answer is the former, make the time, find the hour.  You can do it.

QUESTION: If you could add one thing to this list, what would it be?  What one thing do you do to ensure your marriage remains a priority during busy times?  Please share your thoughts with us below.

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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Building a Marriage That Lasts

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

One of the things I love most about this Club is the unlimited amount of resources we have in learning how to build a marriage to last a lifetime.  We are a group of every day women, who adore our husbands, love being married, and don’t mind sharing what we’ve learned with each other.  

Every day, as I chat with hundreds of Happy Wives on our Facebook page, I am reminded of how important it is to be surrounded by likeminded people.  I always end my day inspired to love my husband better, respect him more and make my relationship a priority above all else.  I continue to learn so much from the wonderful members of this Club.

If you’ve visited this site before, I hope you’ve stumbled upon the section on the left-hand side entitled, “Quick Tips.”  This section contains bite sized “tips” from some of our members.  And if you’re a Happy Wife and have a “Quick Tip” to share, we’d love to hear it.  Just click here.

So today, rather than writing on a new topic, I thought I’d share some of this wonderful tips with you.  Here are just a few of my favorites:

“Respect.  Friendship.  Listen to him.  Give in when it doesn’t really matter but most of all…love.  These are the things that make a good marriage.  We’ve been married for 64 years and our love just gets deeper as we spend more time together.” ~ Beverly Winthers, Married 64 Years

“Wake up in the morning, and count your blessings.  Give thanks to God for the wonderful life you share with your beautiful man.  Tell him you love in, and then get up and start your day with a smile on your face and love in your heart..It’s worked for me…we’ll be outrageously happily married for 65 years in July.” ~Bette Frankel, Married 64 Years

“Listen to your husband when he talks, really listen, consider his advice, value it as good advice rather than considering it equal to others advice. Don’t be quick to discount it. Honor him in this way – you’d be amazed what you’ll learn from him, how he will feel respected and demonstrate his appreciation to you in ways that benefit you both! He longs to be respected, admired, and honored – it has made a difference in our marriage in the past 6 years since I learned this tip (married happily for 35 years and counting)!” ~ Denise Rounds, Married 35 Years

“A good sense of humor, my husband tells everyone that I married him because he makes me laugh, and that is probably true. You cannot stay angry when you are laughing! It’s true laughter is the best medicine, and of course, never ever go to bed angry. A sign over my daughters bed says “always kiss me goodnight”…and we always say I love you!” ~ J. Smith, Married 28 Years

“Laugh!  A home with laughter is a wonderful place to be.  Do not take life too seriously it is too short to not enjoy.” ~ Sharon Paige, Married 21 Years

“Always an “I Love You” and a kiss good-by, give a touch or a hug, stay connected physically and emotionally.” ~ K. Schatz, Married 18 Years

“Make it a rule to always greet your man with a kiss or a hug. If you are just going next door, to the market, or to a week-long seminar, make sure you give him some love in this manner, too. If you forget, give him a kiss or hug as soon as you remember! This has worked for us for over 17 years.” ~ June Summers, Married 17 Years

“Always focus on the positive about your husband, especially when you’re not feeling the most positive. I keep a list (used to be a physical written list, now just mental) of his best qualities – those personality traits that will not change and endear me to him. When I ever become tempted to criticize or think negatively of my man, I pull out the list and focus on those things until my negative emotions subside.” ~ Tricia Opdahl, Married 13 Years

“Contrary to popular belief, marriage is not 50/50.  It’s 100/100.  If you all give 100% you will be successful.” ~ Danielle Keys, Married 11 Years

“Make your husband #1. It is easy to get caught up in everything else in life. Your friend’s problems, you childrens issues, the dog, the bills, the state of the economy. Just remember that your man is the one who will be there for you and is not only your husband and lover and best friend but he is the one that you can always depend on. So make him #1.” ~ Patricia Donnellan, Married 10 Years

“My grandparents just celebrated their 62 anniversary. WOW right. I asked her what her secret was. She said “God, the ability to ignore and love at the same time and always forgive.” All I can say is, it has worked for them for 62 years, 5 kids, 12 grandkids, and 31 greatgrandkids. It is worth a shot.” ~ M. Rose, Married 8 Years

QUESTION: What’s the single best piece of marriage advice you’ve ever received?  Please leave a comment below and let us know.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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I Missed!

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

This funny scene from Daddy Day Care (the first movie Keith and I saw together while dating :) ) was the first thing that came to mind the other night after Keith and I took the Love Language assessment test based on the book, The 5 Love Languages, by Dr. Gary Chapman.  Although this book has been #1 on the New York Times Bestsellers List for more weeks over the past few years than I can count, for some reason, I never felt compelled to purchase it.  Maybe I thought it was a bunch of hype because it was so popular.

That was until a week ago when I asked the readers of this Club to share the one book that has influenced your marriage the most and nearly 90% of you stated this book.  That was all I needed to convince me this book should make its way onto my bookshelf (after being read, of course).  But before the book arrived, I decided it would be fun for Keith and I to take the online assessment test.

Previously, we’d self diagnosed our love languages based on a synopsis of the book.  We determined we both spoke the same love language, Physical Touch.  And if you read my blog post from Friday, you know I diagnosed myself pretty well because on a scale of 0-to-12, I was an 11 in this category.  Unfortunately, my diagnosing of Keith’s love language wasn’t nearly as precise.

He and I both guessed his love language was also physical touch.  And really, for what man is it not?  Or so I thought…  Imagine my surprise when he took the test and on a scale of 0-to-12 his score for Physical Touch was an 5.  His love language is: Words of Affirmation.

How could I have missed that?  For 8 1/2 years I’ve missed this.  It was actually quite plain to see.  At least once a week when I’d say, “I love you,” he’d follow that up with, “Why?”  I always shrugged off that question because I’d answered it so many times it seemed silly.  But now I understand.  Answering the “why” was giving him the words of affirmation he so desired.  He may not have known how to express his need or desire, but he knew to ask, “Why?”

That’s why this video came to mind when I learned of his Love Language.  I Missed!  And I mean big time.  All over the wall and on the ceiling like the little boy in this movie scene.  So the last few days I’ve been taking more time to affirm him with my words.  To not only tell him how much I love him, but why I love him.  It’s not good enough to tell him that I appreciate him.  I need to articulate why.

I may have missed in this area before…but not anymore.  I’m making it my mission to learn my husband’s love language better.  And to speak it fluently.

What about you?  Do you know your love language?  What about your husband’s? If you don’t, I can’t encourage you enough to take the assessment test.  It’s free and it may give you additonal insight into the mind of your husband (and really, don’t we all need that, at least a little bit). 

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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P.S. Your comments are always welcome.  I love continuing the conversation long after I’ve posted the day’s topic.  Thanks!

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Welcome! 歡迎! Mabuhay! 반갑습니다! Bienvenue!

Monday, December 12th, 2011

On the right-hand side of this page, you’ll see a sidebar titled “Where Our Members Live.”  I do my best to update this the moment I see a new Happy Wife join this club from a country not previously listed.  Imagine my surprise (and delight) when I woke up this morning and needed to add 20 new countries.  Yep, you read that right, TWENTY.

One of the things I love most about this Club is it stretches across the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans (we’re still working on finding members in Antarctica :) ) and encompasses so many different cultures with so many differences but joined together by one common thread: our love.

What makes each of us happy and what causes us to be delighted in our husbands and families may vary greatly, but what is the same is we know what feels right to us.  We know what love feels like to us.  

Each of us knows what makes us happy.  If you visited our home for a week, you’d probably be bored out of your mind!  Although Keith and I love to have fun and we spend more time laughing than probably anything else (he just cracks me up), we’re pretty simple people.  

I remember once being courted by an executive producer to be a part of a reality show.  Keith and I laughed so hard at the thought of it because half the time we’re just snuggled on the couch talking to each other.  We’re boring!  The cameramen would absolutely fall asleep or start playing Angry Birds on their iPhones.

Needless to say, our lives would probably not work for most of you. But it works perfectly for us.  Likewise, two of our closest friends have one of the most wonderful and loving marriages we know.  They’re also the most adventurous people we know.  Prior to having children, they’d regularly go backpacking throughout the world.  No hotel reservations.  No plans.  Just an airline ticket and two backpacks. They even did that throughout Germany during World Cup.  Can you imagine?  But that is what makes them happy.  Keith and I would absolutely lose our minds if we attempted to follow their path to happiness and they’d lose theirs if they attempted to follow ours.

We’re all so different.  But alike.  We’re similar in that the pursuit of happiness is our birthright and we’ve chosen to take advantage of it.  So to all the new members of this Club: Welcome! Bienvenue! 歡迎! Willkommen! Benvenuto! 반갑습니다! Seja bem-vindo(a)! Bienvenido!  We hope you’ll find great resources on here to not only strengthen your marriage but to enjoy it more and more each day. 

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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COMMENTS: To post a comment, please join me and the thousands of Happy Wives continuing this conversation on our Facebook page.

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Whew Hoo! It’s Free Book Fridays!

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I’ve been waiting all week for this. Since kicking off “Whew Hoo!  It’s Free Book Fridays!” last week with a twin-pack giveaway of Project Happily Ever After and A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage, I’ve been waiting for this Friday to be able to do it again.

Before I continue..The winners of last week’s contest are Paula and Kita P.  These names were selected by using their “Random Sequence Generator”. Congratulations, Paula and Kita!  I’ll be sending you a message via Facebook to obtain the address where your books should be shipped.

Now, on to this week.  I am excited to announce the book we will be giving away today is The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman.  This book has been on the top of the New York Times Bestsellers list for more than four years and as of this week remains #1.  This must be a great book!

Although I’ve heard about it years, for some reason, I never felt compelled to buy it.  That was until last week when I asked the readers of this blog to share which book on marriage has inspired them the most.  Nearly 90% of those who answered said The 5 Love Languages.  Immediately, I got on Amazon and bought three copies.  One copy for me.  The other two are for this week’s giveaway.  Whew hoo!

After purchasing the books, I went on Dr. Gary Chapman’s website and took the 5 Love Languages Assessment and discovered my love language officially.  If you’ve never taken the assessment, you can take it here for Free!  It’s pretty cool, only takes a few minutes, and you can’t beat free.  Here are my Love Language Assessment scores:

8 Words of Affirmation

8 Quality Time

0 Receiving Gifts

3 Acts of Service

11 Physical Touch

The highest score you can get in any single category is 12 so I guess my Love Language is pretty clear.  I’m looking forward to beginning the book this weekend and am even more excited about giving two copies away to you!

To enter this giveaway, it’s super simple (I don’t like contests that require you to jump through 99 hoops so I promise to never do that):

1. Leave a comment below answering the following question: “What do you love most about being married?”

2. “Like” us on Facebook

3. Share our Facebook fan page link on your FB wall so other’s can learn about this Club

That’s it!  Pretty simple, right?  The winners will be announced here and on Facebook next Friday.   Thanks for joining us this week at The Happy Wives Club daily blog.  

Until Monday…make it a great day!

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P.S. If you’ve still not officially joined the Club, it’s super simple and only takes a few moments.  Join here.

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Simple Acronym for Marriage: A.E.O.D.

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

Acronym for Marriage

Acronyms are great reminders to do something we otherwise might forget.  Businesses and government agencies often use acronyms to ensure customers will remember them.  IBM.  AOL. AT&T.  NASA.  IHOP.  We may not know what A&W stands for, but we know they make one awesome rootbeer float.

There is a simple acronym for marriage I’ve found to be the most effective in helping a couple grow in love, become more patient with each other and remove common frustrations within most relationships. 

A.E.O.D: Accept Each Other’s Differences

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know I’m a bit of a klutz. I stumble over my own feet, run into walls, and step on my husband’s toes often. For the first few years of our marriage, I accidentally kneed him in a very important place so many times that he’d brace himself whenever I came near.

I pace in front of the television and yell at the players on my favorite team, the San Antonio Spurs, when they’re giving up a game. I am not a fan of the word no or the phrase “you’re wrong” and can list many instances in which I did not respond well to either. There were times in the past, as Keith often pointed out to me, when my thinking and my speaking seemed to be one action.

What I just described about myself is the polar opposite of my husband, Keith. He is always calm, collected, rational, reasonable, well-spoken, and never, ever says anything without thinking about it first. He is a diplomat who weighs all sides of an issue prior to addressing it. He has great poise (doesn’t ever run into walls) and enjoys sports but is never fully invested in the outcome of the game. He loves feedback and can accept positive or negative types. He doesn’t mind being proven wrong.

However, he can sit in front of a television for hours watching back-to-back episodes of Mecum Auto Auction or Landscapers’ Challenge. “Really?” I’ve asked. “Are you kidding me? Didn’t you just see a garden that looked just like that in the last episode?”  He unwinds by doing random internet searches on topics like, “What happened to Ralph Macchio?” or “Where’s Tutti from Facts of Life?”  He’d rather spend Sunday morning waxing his car or pulling weeds than relaxing on the couch (which is definitely my preference).

>In an airport, his semi-claustrophobic side kicks in, causing him to resemble a drill sergeant. He does not want me to stop at any shops, get food, or even go to the bathroom. He wants to get to and from the terminal with little distraction. This is a challenge to me, because I like to look at everything, say hello to everyone, and pick up candy and sweets in as many places as possible.

Initially, it hurt my feelings when he’d begin barking orders at me whenever we were in an airport. But then I realized how uncomfortable being around so many people made him feel, not to mention all the people bumping into his large six-foot-four frame as we walked. So now I make a conscious effort to walk quickly with him to the gate of our flight before commencing my search for the best candy, sweet, or treat.

When Keith and I were first married, we couldn’t have been more different from each other. But over the years we have begun morphing into one another’s likeness. The transformation is amazing to watch. We still have a lot of differences, but we have found ourselves sharing more similarities with each passing day. That has come as a natural progression, because we’ve chosen to accept each other’s differences. His differences don’t annoy me, because I understand they are a part of who he is, and vice versa.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the qualities that make our spouses different are also what make them great.  What made us fall in love with them was not that they were so much like us.  Do we now think so highly of ourselves that we want our spouses to be just like us? How arrogant. What small-mindedness.

For Keith and me, where he is weak, I am strong, and where I am weak, he is strong. Our differences balance each other out this way. Together we are wiser, richer, and stronger than if we were by ourselves. That is the beauty of marriage. The power of two is greater than the strength of one.

The next time your spouse does something different from the way you would do it, rather than stewing, try considering how the action makes them special. Marvel in the unique characteristics of your husband and accept them. Don’t try to change him. He will grow over time, just as you will too. Be patient.

I desire to be more of the wife Keith would like me to be, mainly because he accepts me the way I am and trusts that in time I will continue to grow and evolve.  He has mastered the art of A.E.O.D.  Marriage is not a sprint.  It is a well-run marathon. 

Today, I run into fewer walls, step on Keith’s toes with less frequency, can stomach the word no and the phrase “you’re wrong,” and only yell at the Spurs when they are in the NBA playoffs or finals—giving up the game! It’s not perfect, but for me, it’s growth.  

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book.  I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way.  It’s a marriage book like none other.  Guaranteed.

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Top 10 Marriage Blog of 2011

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Thank you to all who voted us into the Top 10 Marriage Blogs for 2011.  Not only did you vote us in, we received enough votes to be ranked 2nd on the web.  For those disappointed we didn’t nab the #1 spot, I assure you the 11 ladies who did, The Dating Divas, truly deserved that ranking.

Last week, when I learned we were a finalist, I knew we’d need the votes of many of the members of this Club in order to make it into the final Top 10.  But my stomach cringed every time I clicked “Send” on an email asking you to vote because I don’t like spam so I don’t like sending it.  But I’m so happy I fought the knots in my stomach (this one time) and sent out the emails because you truly rocked the vote!

Thank you again and don’t forget to leave a comment below letting us know what you think about our top ranking.  Until Thursday…make it a great day!

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This Club Just Keeps Growing

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Did you know the Happy Wives Club has been growing recently at a rate of 75-100 women per day?  That is alot of happy wives!  This past weekend, I posted on our Facebook page the following question, “What do you love most about your husband?”  As you can imagine, we received tons of great responses.

One of the things I love most about this site, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages, is when I pose questions like this to other women, it requires that I also self reflect on my own relationship and my own husband.  And every time I do that, I realize just how blessed I am to be married to Keith.

Many times, we focus on the big things our spouse does and forget about the smaller, more mundane tasks, like taking out the trash, working hard each day to provide, being the protective covering over our home, taking the car for a smog check, just to name a few.

This weekend, Keith looked at the stack of papers piling high on my desk and decided I needed a new filing cabinet.  But he wanted to get one that would match my office furniture perfectly.  Since the only one he could find matching that description assembled was over $600, he did the unthinkable.  He bought an unassembled wood filing cabinet.

Now, that may not sound too bad but for the fact that this cabinet seemed to have 1,000 pieces.  And to top it off, the instructions were not that clear.  The entire living room floor was covered in parts for this 3-drawer filing cabinet.  I offered to help, but as most hubbies would do, he kindly declined.

So I asked if I could watch a movie I’d just gotten while he worked.  And of course, the movie I wanted to watch was a total chick flick, Sweet Home Alabama.  So this poor guy is trying to figure out how to put this file cabinet with way too many pieces together while being forced to listen to Reese Witherspoon and her hunky southern costar play cat and mouse games in the background.

This was certainly not his kind of movie.  But he knew I’d been looking forward to watching it, while spontaneously bursting out in random song and dance every now and again:

Sweet home Alabama, oh, sweet home baby

Where the skies are so blue and the governor’s true

Sweet home Alabama, Lordy

Lord, I’m coming home to you, yeah yeah

Keith is such a loving and accepting man, so he just shook his head and gave me his, “only my wife” signature smile and kept building.  When he finished, I had the most perfect filing cabinet that will help me organize the mess on the left-hand side of my desk.  And he had nothing but the satisfaction of doing something kind for his extremely grateful wife.

So as we kick off this fabulous week, I’d love for you to share with us a small (seemingly mundane) thing your husband recently did for you that made you smile.  What small act or gesture fills your heart with gratefulness at its mere thought?

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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 P.S. Are you a member of this Club yet?  It’s super simple.  Join Here.


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Whew-Hoo! It’s Free Book Fridays

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

It’s almost 1am and I’m still awake because I’m so excited about our very first giveaway!  I didn’t want to wait until the morning to post it.  

Beginning today, we are launching “Whew-hoo!  It’s Free Book Fridays.”  Each week, I’ll give away some of my favorite books on marriage, becoming a better wife and getting the most out of your relationship.  

I’m an avid reader and buy so many books Keith once placed a book-buying moratorium on me.  He said I had so many books there wasn’t room for anything else in our house!  A slight exaggeration…but it is true I love a good book.  To this day, if you open any closet or armoire in our home, you’re going to see books stacked.  Okay, I concede…I probably have too many books.

I’d love to start an HWC book club one day but there’s just no time for that now so this is the next best thing.  Every Friday, I will give away some of my favorite books, as well as books from authors who have been kind enough to offer their best-selling books to the readers of this blog.  

Here’s the only caveat: I have to personally like the book or it must already be a best-seller.  This way, I’m not giving away books you wouldn’t purchase for yourself.  What would be the fun in that?

So let’s get started.  Since this is the very first Free Book Friday, let’s give away a two-pack.  So excited!

Project Happily Ever After by Alisa Bowman

If you read my blog post yesterday, you know I have an enormous respect for this author and fellow blogger.  In this book, Alisa, bravely tells the story of how she went from wishing her husband dead to renewing her wedding vows.  Her four-month project was a last ditch effort to save a marriage that many – her friends, her colleagues, and even her mother – had written off as hopeless.

A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage by Sharon Gilchrist O’Neill

I recently met Sharon via email and learned about her fabulous book.  I haven’t read it but the reviews are great.  Quick snippet: “Here’s a little philosophy to set the stage. Many have conceptualized marriage as tedious, lifelong work, day in and day out. That’s enough to make anyone ponder jumping ship. Marriage, to me, is better thought of as a creative work in progress. Just as the artist or writer has times when his or her work flows and all is going well, so does a marriage.” – page 15-16  

To enter to win this fabulous two-pack:

1) Leave a comment below answering the following question: “What book on marriage has inspired you the most?”

2) Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (you can fid the links on the top right-hand side of this site :) )

3) Click on “The Top 10″ button below and vote for Happy Wives Club to be a Top 10 Marriage Blog of 2011.  We’re already a finalist and voting ends this Saturday.

That’s it!  You’re now entered to win.

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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Project Happily Ever After

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Yesterday, I was honored to be featured on one of the top marriage blogs out there, Project Happily Ever After.  The creator, Alisa, is an amazing woman.  She went from hating her marriage and husband to falling in love with both – and in a major way.  I have a huge amount of respect for her and her blog.  And she has an awesome giveaway for you at the bottom of this blog post.

Originally written for and published on Project Happily Ever After

I grew up in a home with parents who were well-known marriage counselors.  I learned a lot about marriage from an early age and can truly say it was one of the greatest blessings of my life.  I’d eavesdrop on couples on the brink of divorce and glean wisdom from each conversation.    

When I married, I seemed to instinctively know what pitfalls to avoid.  I understood the trickiness of bringing together two people with distinct personalities and asking them to become “as one.”  I’d read a number of books on marriage, personality differences and becoming a “whole” person before marriage. 

Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I now know how rare it is for one to go into marriage fully prepared for what is on the other side of the curtain.  And consequently, my beginning eight years ago until now has continued to be a bit of a fairytale. 

This is what I love most about Alisa’s story.  She and I have lived out completely different beginnings in our marriage but have ended in the exact same place: a place of unconditional love, acceptance, passion and peace.

How we arrived at this place in our relationships may be different but how we continue to grow is likely quite similar.  There are certain things we have determined to do – intentionally – every day.  So in writing this post, I thought about things my husband, Keith, and I do daily. Without fail.  To continue on our path to Happily Ever After. 

And here’s our Top Five: 

5. Stay physically connected.  Have you ever tried being upset with someone you are hugging, kissing, or holding hands with at various times throughout the day?  It’s pretty impossible.  Even just brushing up against each other and touching each other’s palms.  Gently stroking the side of each other’s face while looking in each other’s eyes takes only a few seconds, but has benefits that will stay with you throughout the day.

4. Come to the table together to eat.  Keith and I have extremely hectic lives and dinner together is not always possible.  But every day, we either begin the day together with coffee and tea or we end our day together dinner.  One or the other.  We stay connected not just physically but emotionally.  I know how he feels because I ask him each and every day.  We talk about everything. 

3. Know your spouse’s highs and lows.  Every day when Keith walks through the door, he’s exhausted. He works in a role that is incredibly demanding with little room for error.  He sits down and would be perfectly happy not to talk about his day.  But in our house, that’s not an option.  There are two questions we always answer for each other, “What was your high?  What was your low?”  Knowing these two things gives each other insight into the other’s day.  We learn of each other’s worries, fears, challenges and successes.  Each day. 

2. Accept each other’s differences.  Keith and I come from very different backgrounds.  We both achieved success in business before we’d met each other.  We’re iron-willed with great conviction about what we believe.  But neither of us are perfect.  Not even close.  I have more quirks in my personality than I can count. And vice versa.  So how arrogant would it be for me to want him to be just like me?  To do things as I would do them?  Arrogant…and impossible…so I reckon not to try. 

1. Choose happiness.  Not long after Keith and I first said “I do” we were confronted by negative comments about marriage everywhere we turned.  We heard about everything from the ‘first year blues’ to the ‘seven year itch.’  It was incredibly rare to hear the words “Happiness” and marriage used in the same sentence.  But there was at least one time I can remember.

Riding in the crowded elevator almost eight year ago, with Keith’s arms wrapped around my shoulders and my head nestled into his chest, a woman observing our affection began doing what so many had done before her, “Hold on to that.  It won’t last long…”  But before she could finish her less-than-positive statement, a woman also riding in the elevator added her two cents: “Happiness is a choice.  My husband and I have been married 29 years and we have chosen to be happy.  Every morning when we wake up we choose to enjoy our day with each other.  We choose to be happy.”  With that, she looked Keith and I square in the eyes and said, “Choose to be happy and it will last.”

We have made that choice daily since 2003 and continue to do so every moment of every day.

Enter to Win Best-Selling Book: Alisa has been absolutely wonderful and is offering a few copies of her book to you for free!  To enter to win Alisa’s best-selling book, you only need to do two things:

1) Comment below on this post.  We’d love to hear your thoughts!

2) Like us on Facebook

3) Follow us on Twitter 

That’s it and you’re automatically entered to win Alisa’s best-selling book!  The winners will be notified next week.  Until Friday…make it a great one!

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Top 10 Marriage Blogs Finalist!

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

I’m so excited to announce the Daily Blog for Happy Wives Club has been nominated for the Top 10 Marriage Blogs award (2011) as voted by the readers of Stupendous Marriage.  I’ve seen this awesome “Top 10 Marriage Blogs” badge on several of my favorite sites and this year, we were nominated, and are among the finalists.

When I received the email letting us know we’d been nominated, I ran into the kitchen to tell my mom-in-love and then into the office to tell Keith.  ”Honey, we’re going up against some of the most popular marriage blogs on the net like, The Dating Divas, Project Happily Ever After, Anonymous8 and Engaged Marriage” I excitedly shared with him.  His response was classic Keith, “They’re goin’ down!”  I just love that man.

Well, I’m glad no one has to “go down” but I certainly hope you’ll vote us into the Top 10.  It’s simple and will only take a few seconds.

First: Click on the Top 10 button to the right

Second: Scroll down to the area immediately following the list of blog links

Third: Use the drop-down box to select Happy Wives Club

Fourth: Submit your vote!

It’s that simple.  If a few thousand of you will take the time to vote, I’m hopeful we’ll make it into the Top 10 Marriage Blogs of 2011.  Voting will end December 4th and winners will be accounced December 5th.


Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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5 Special Gifts for National Husband’s Day

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

National Husband's Day

On January 22, 2014, we sponsored an unofficial new holiday: National Husband’s Day. A special day set aside for the nearly 1 million women in the Happy Wives Club community to celebrate our husbands.

Initially, my hope was we’d be able to get a government official to proclaim the day on our behalf. Our team began working on that and quickly realized the many complications of getting a date named as a holiday officially. But who needs official?

National Peanut Butter Day is one of my absolute favorite holidays. No government official has yet to recognize that officially but that doesn’t stop me from indulging in a few more spoonfuls of that tasty stuff just at the mention of its national holiday.

So let’s celebrate our special day together!

To make it easy, we’ve come up with 5 special (and free) gifts you can give your husband today to commemorate the occasion.

1. Print this certificate. If you didn’t get a chance to print this off last year, you may still want to print it now to let your husband know you’re a proud member of this club and because of his love, you’ve sponsored this day honoring him. This is the original sponsorship certificate so it includes the original 2014 date. Here is one dated for 2015.

2. Customize this proclamation. If you printed the above certificate last year as one of the original sponsors of National Husband’s Day (or even if you didn’t), we’ve created a customizable proclamation for you to give your husband this year. Customize it. Print it out (legal size paper). Frame it. Then deliver to him a gift sure to make him proud. (If your computer doesn’t allow you to customize the PDF, print this one to handwrite his name and your name instead).

3. Print a customized Book of Love. This fantastic DIY coupon book from The Dating Divas is something sure to knock your husband’s socks off. Surprise him with this creative book that gives him all the things he wants most…one coupon at a time.

4. Write the perfect love letter. Have you ever written your husband a love letter? Not just a few words at the bottom of a card but actually write the card yourself? If not, today’s a pretty fantastic day to sharpen your writing skills. To make it easy, here are 7 ways to write the perfect love letter.

5. Spoil your spouse date night. There’s no better night than tonight to spoil your spouse. This date night is all about doing what your husband loves to do. No marital compromise here –this is his night!

Any excuse to celebrate those fabulous hubbies of ours is a good enough excuse for me.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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We’re SO close to our goal! JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book. I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way. It’s a marriage book like none other. Guaranteed.

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5 Special Gifts for National Husband’s Day

On January 22, 2014, we sponsored an unofficial new holiday: National Husband’s Day. A special day set aside for the nearly 1 million women in the …

6 Easy Ways to Exceed Your Spouse’s Expectations

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The Husband Gratitude List

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