Wordless Wednesdays
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

I love visiting various blogs around the web and have an active network of more than 400 bloggers who follow me and vice versa. Every week, I see so many of them post a picture for “Wordless Wednesdays” and that’s it. They say nothing. But for some reason, I can’t seem to do just that. I always try…it never works. So maybe for me it should be “Less Words Wednesday.”
This has been an insanely busy week. But such has been my life for years. I’m juggling a little more at the present moment than usual because Keith and I are both carving a large chunk of time out of our schedules to work on a project near and dear to our hearts. At moments, my never-ending days (hence, I’m posting this at nearly 2am) make me want to go back to this waterfall in Montezuma, Costa Rica, and just play in the water.
Then I remember how incredibly blessed I am to have so much to juggle. How loved I am by my husband. How amazing it is that two of my 80-something year old grandparents, parents and five siblings are all alive and live within an hour of my home. I have the best friends a gal could ever hope for and I have you. I think about all the beauty around me, God’s love and strength, then take in a deep breath…aaah, all is well.
Yep, that was my attempt at Wordless Wednesdays. At least I tried…
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 24,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Presidential Love: Harry & Bess Truman
Tuesday, February 21st, 2012
Yesterday, we celebrated President’s Day and in honor of that holiday, I posted a beautiful letter from one of our most beloved presidents, Ronald Reagan, to his wife, Nancy. We’ve become so accustomed to hearing negative assessments of our presidents we forget they are also human beings capable of fully loving another. In the US, it is typical of the opposing parties to dehumanize each other and it’s not until after a president leaves office that we truly begin to weigh their accomplishments most accurately. That was certainly the case with Reagan.
But even before his own party, as well as the opposing party decided to honor him, he was loved and honored by his wife. Throughout his years in office, he continued to take solace in the comfort and counsel of Nancy. This morning, I
wanted to continue a theme of couples married for more than 40 years who have written love letters throughout their marriage.
In my search, I found dozens of love letters from our 33rd president, Harry Truman, to his wife Bess. So even though President’s Day ended yesterday, for us it will continue at least one more day as we celebrate another presidential love story.
Married for 53 years, until the time of President Truman’s death at age 88, they maintained their love. For 50 years they continued to write letters to each other. Beautiful letters which conveyed not only their trust in one another but their never-ending love.
The only challenge with President Truman’s letters is he wrote like a doctor. Have you ever read a doctor’s notes? Impossible! I don’t know if writing illegibly is a prerequisite for being a doctor but I’ve never met a doctor whose handwriting I could read.
The letter below is, by far, the most legible one I could found. I will do my best to transcribe it but can’t guarantee it will be perfect. What will be clear, however, is their love for one another.

Dear Bess:
I got your letter this morning and I can tell you I most certainly appreciated it. I am very glad you like the flowers and only wish they could have been more.
If I could have been in town I’d have sent you some fresh ones every day. I am hoping that you’ll be up very soon so I can get to see you. It has been so long since I last…
I had to end at transcribing page one (the photo here) but you can read more of these letters to and from, visit the presidential library here. These letters, as well as the others I will post this week, remind us that love for our spouse will continue to blossom and grow throughout the years so long as we nurture and care for it daily.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 23,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Presidential Love
Monday, February 20th, 2012
Around the US, many citizens will enjoy a three-day weekend in celebration of this wonderful holiday. People will send out Twitter and Facebook messages about their favorite presidents and an endless amount of politicking will occur over the next 19 hours. But not on this site. We will observe President’s Day not by talking politics but rather by celebrating love.
Our current president and first lady will celebrate 20 years of marriage this October so I thought it only
President Ronald and First Lady Nancy Reagan appropriate to share a letter sent from one of our beloved former presidents (while he was still governor) to his first lady around their 20th anniversary. It is a wonderful testament of love between a husband and wife.
Throughout the week, I’ll be posting notes and letters from husbands and/or wives married more than 30 years. I find it a true blessing to learn about those who have remained happy and in love until the very end. My hope is you will find great inspiration, just as I have, in learning how these wonderful couples remained in love throughout all their days.
Transcript will follow.

State of California
My Darling Wife
This note is to warn you of a diabolical plot entered into by some of our so called friends – (ha!) calendar makers and even our own children. These and others would have you believe we’ve been married 20 years.
20 minutes maybe – but never 20 years. In the first place it is a known fact that a human cannot sustain the high level of happiness I feel for more than a few minutes – and my happiness keeps increasing.
I will confess to one puzzlement but I’m sure it is just some trick perpetrated by our friends – (Ha again!) I can’t remember ever being without you and I know I was born more than 20 mins ago.
Oh well – that isn’t important. The important thing is I don’t want to be without you for the next 20 years, or 40, or however many there are. I’ve gotten very used to being happy and I love you very much indeed.
Your Husband of 20 something or other.
This Ring
Friday, February 17th, 2012
For the past few weeks, each Friday I’ve posted beautiful marriage poems from around the web. This
week, I’m posting a little early and sharing with you my favorite marriage poem of all time.
Keith and I were originally scheduled to be married in the Little Brown Church in Studio City – where Ronald and Nancy Reagan were married – on April 10, 2004. I’d already picked the dress, we’d decided upon the guest list and were just 3 1/2 months away from our big day.
On Christmas Eve 2003, just four months after Keith proposed, I presented him with a jewelry box which contained his wedding ring and a scroll with the following poem written on it. Two days later, sitting on the couch in the living room of his home he said, “Honey, why are we waiting to get married?” I was puzzled for a moment, thought about it for a minute and responded, “Hmmm…don’t know.”
Keith looked in my eyes and said with a smile, “Let’s go get married.” We called our respective families to let them know we were scrapping the wedding plans and heading east. Within a couple hours we loaded up the car and drove to Las Vegas, where the following day we were pronounced husband and wife.
I share this backstory so you know this is one powerful poem!
This Ring
This ring means that I give you my life
Without question, without doubt, without reservation
That I will always love you and never be untruthful
That my commitment to you will never waiver
This ring is my pledge of fidelity
My promise of honesty
My respect, my appreciation, my admiration
For the man who has loved me beyond word or description
This ring means I will always cherish you
Keeping no record of wrong, I give you my unconditional love
Forgiving you, no matter the mistake, I give you my unconditional support
This ring means all that was once considered mine is now yours
Arms to hold; hands to caress; ears to listen; a shoulder to rest your head
This ring means I will honor and serve you
Continuously dying unto myself,
in pursuit of becoming one with you
First and foremost, a child of the most High God
Secondly, yet most wonderfully,
Mrs. Keith Edward Weaver
To my love, my life and my rock,
I present to you, This Ring
-Fawn Weaver
Inscribed on the inside of Keith’s wedding ring is the second-to-last line of this poem, “My love, my life, my rock.”
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

Comments: With more than 23,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Happy Hearts Day!
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Happy Hearts Day Everyone! Wishing you a beautiful day with your hubby. Allow the love of today to carry into tomorrow and make every day, Valentine’s Day.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 22,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
The Power of Two…As One
Monday, February 13th, 2012
“There comes a time when a man and woman realize that their separate schemes can be better achieved as a conspiracy.” -Robert Brault
When I hear the above quote, I immediately think of former US president Bill Clinton and his wife, our current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I remember meeting both of them in the final year of his presidency and found the dynamic of their relationship to be quite interesting. Almost polar opposites in terms of personality, warmth, and overall disposition.
My sister hosted a dinner event for the president one evening at her home. The following morning, she hosted a brunch for his wife. I vaguely remember the smaller scale brunch but I do remember the fundraising dinner quite well. And how could I forget? My sister lived in a gated community filled with members of the opposing political party. When they learned the city would need to close off one of the entrance gates, they just about had a conniption fit.
Her neighbors were mad at her…almost all of them.
The Man in the Cowboy Boots
But something changed when the news reported the presidential convoy was on its way to their city. When he pulled into the community, there were scores and scores of people lining the street clapping and cheering. Like a scene from a movie, he had his motorcade pull over so he could get out and shake hands. He must have stayed down there for 15-20 minutes shaking hands while security kept updating us via walkie talkies.
Once he finally arrived at the house, he said hello to the 100 or so paid guests waiting for him in the living room. But then excused himself and went to the other side of the house where he sat chatting with my teenage niece and nephew about school, why they didn’t like specific subjects, homework, etc, for what seemed like an hour (much to the dismay of his staff). In his trademark style, he sat with his right foot atop his left knee showing off his western boots. I know everyone who meets him tends to say the same thing but I also found it to be true in the few times I met him. He comes across as just a regular guy…and he remembers EVERYONE (still don’t know how he manages to do that).
Presidential Legacies
In 1992, as the governor of Arkansas and running for president, I remember Clinton telling voters they’d be getting two presidents “for the price of one.” And although we didn’t know it at the time, we’d later learn we also got two presidents when we voted for Ronald Reagan. After presidential scholars began methodically going through Reagan’s presidential papers, it became clear his wife, Nancy, was a huge part of his presidential legacy.
It’s now widely accepted among historians that she helped shape his now-lauded and history-making Cold War policy and had much to do with his famed, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” It’s said when President Reagan’s own political party turned against him, she was his one true confidant, supporter, partner and friend in the White House.
Although we are clearly not the Clintons or Reagans, I can’t help but relate to both of these couples because Keith and I operate in a very similar way: you get “two for the price of one.”
Two For the Price of One
Keith is a brilliant strategist. One of the wisest men I know; well beyond his 40 years of living. I’ve met few people as well-rounded as my husband. And I’ve never met a person who intently looks so far into the future, to weigh every side of an issue, in order to determine the best steps forward from today.
I am an action-oriented person. No grass grows under my feet…ever. Give me the strategy and I’ll implement it…meticulously. I’m an organizational nut and a perfectionist to a fault. Unlike Keith, I don’t like ruminating over something for too long. I’m the person at the beginning of the marathon saying, “Enough warming up already” and fires off the gun for the race to begin.
Keith is also one of the best negotiators I know and his ability to bring everyone to the table to figure out a way to work together and resolve differences is something magical. He says I’m a better negotiator than him but that’s not true. We just have two completely different styles. I’m known to say, “Give me your best offer and I’ll give you mine. If you don’t give me your best offer, I’m going to walk away because I’ll know.” I always come to the table prepared to walk away which generally allows me to get everyone’s best offer from the offset. His style is completely different but just as effective.
In certain countries, my negotiating style will never be effective. For instance, in Israel it is expected that you’ll go back-and-forth to negotiate down the price of a purchase. That stuff drives me nuts but Keith just takes it in stride. When we’re going into any sort of negotiation, we’ll assess which of our negotiating styles will likely yield the best result in that particular situation, and we proceed accordingly.
Marriage = Tag Team Partnership
In most instances, my strengths are his weaknesses and his strengths are where I most need growth. But we use this to our advantage. We are partners in every since of the word. In my professional life, I look for his input with all major decisions. I don’t need to ask his advice, but I respect his thoughts, opinions and wisdom more than anyone else. He certainly doesn’t need my advice or opinions when mulling over various decisions, but he always asks for it.
As the Robert Brault quote goes, we determined long ago that we could get twice as far if we helped propel each other there. I truly have the best of both worlds: a partner in business, a partner at home, and the best friend a woman could ever desire (and did I mention, a great lover).
So here’s my question for you. Do you have a dream in life which seems out of reach? It doesn’t need to be something in business. Even something personal or with your children. Try partnering with your spouse to get it done. Sometimes as women, especially strong and independent women, we want to do everything on our own. We feel as though the accomplishments may not be the same if our spouse helps us. But that is not the case at all. You can get twice as far in half the amount of time if you would simply learn to partner instead of going at it alone.
Your strengths are likely not your husband’s strengths and vice versa. But both of your strengths combined are a force to be reckoned with… At least that’s the case in the Weaver household. What about yours?
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 22,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Why Marriage?
Friday, February 10th, 2012
I think this may be the third Friday in a row that I’ve posted a poem on marriage to take us into the weekend. Well, if it’s not broke…don’t fix it. I hope you’re enjoying all these beautiful poems as much as I am and I look forward to joining you here next week.
Because, I have found that one person in a million,
that one person, who I love to the depth of my being,
and who loves me more,
Because, I have found that soul mate,
who understands me, better than I understand myself.
Who can anticipate, nearly always, my intricate moods,
And either, join the party, or pass the tissues.
Why Marriage?
Because I want the whole world to know,
that we have found each other.
That the search that drives me out of bed each morning,
through floods of heartaches, sorrows and pain,
can have an end.
There will still be heartaches, sorrows and pain,
But now I have someone to share them with.
Why Marriage?
Because I know that from now on,
we will not always be the vision of loveliness we are today.
I might be less than perfect, you might be, the housemate from hell.
So I want that thread of hope and promise, that binds us together,
to keep my love tethered until storms departs.
I know that love is not something you can build a wall around,
something that you can fence in, and guard.
Love is a butterfly, which constantly flies towards the light,
and when a gust should blow our love of course,
I want our marriage to be the solid candle that burns brightest.
Marriage is my declaration of commitment,
and my hope to grow old with the one I love.
The one, I can no longer imagine life without.
The one, with whom I want to share a smile,
and in that smile say a hundred years of shared memories.
Someone whose arms will never tire,
if they are around me.
I want, all that went before, to be considered waiting.
Waiting for the fates to drive us together.
I want the time we spent together, outside marriage,
to be the time we built and tested our relationship,
and now fully proven we move forward.
Why Marriage?
Because I want the world to see that we have become one,
a union bound by our love and the love of our friends, all encompassing.
And… most of all, because we want to.
-Donald Teale
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
The Happiest Wives in America
Thursday, February 9th, 2012
Who are the happiest wives in America? According to a new report by the University of
Virginia’s National Marriage Project, “When Baby Makes Three,” the surprising answer is: women who attend church at least weekly with their husband and have four or more children.
Interesting. I can’t imagine a wife being much happier than I am and we have no children (not because we’re preventing it…just hasn’t been in God’s plan for us until now). Among the report’s findings: Married parents do better if they spend time with each other, spend time with their children, are generous in helping out one another and have a satisfying sex life.
Pro-child attitudes are also very important. Agreeing that raising children is “one of life’s greatest joys” doubles the likelihood that these younger married women report being very happily married. ”We found that pronatalistic attitude is one of the top five predictors of marital happiness” for both wives and for husbands, the authors state.
Another large factor in the happiness of married women in America is their religious commitment. And not just their own, but their husband’s, as well. Only when husbands and wives both attend church regularly are wives more likely to be very happily married. Sixty-four percent of wives report being very happy when they and their husbands attend church (or synagogue or temple) regularly, compared to about 50 percent of wives in a marriage where only one spouse goes to church (or neither spouse does).
Wives in marriages where both spouses go to church regularly are also only about one-third as likely to report their marriage is at risk of divorce. (Husbands in these marriages are only one-quarter as likely to report thinking of divorce).
Seventy-seven percent of wives in marriage where both husband and wife believe “God is at the center of my marriage” report being very happy, and just 1 percent of such wives report feeling their marriages may end in divorce.
The survey indicates religious husbands with four or more children “are more likely to engage in regular acts of generosity — such as making coffee in the morning for their wives or frequently expressing affection — and to spend more quality time with their spouses compared to other husbands.” Well, I’d certainly hope so!
Here’s what many around the web are saying was the most surprising discovery in this new report:
On average, the happiest marriages among the current generation are those who have no children and those who have four or more children.
So what are your thoughts? Are you wildly in love with your husband, a happy wife, and don’t fit into the results from this survey? Or does this survey accurately reflect you and those around you?
Yesterday, we talked about the results from the Married Sex survey. Today, let’s chat about the happiest wives in America.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
How Important is Sex in Marriage?
Wednesday, February 8th, 2012
According to a new sex survey commissioned by, the largest content-driven community for women online, sex in marriage is incredibly important – to women. No research needed to be conducted to let us know how important sex is to men in marriage. But we did need a survey to debunk the myth that married women are not also highly sexual beings.
Married sex is a beautiful thing and I love talking about it (much to the dismay of my far more private hubby). What I loved so much about the release of this report yesterday was seeing so many journalists from USA Today, Huffington Post, and almost 20 other media outlets speak positively about married sex. America needed to hear that message. We need to have this story written more often.
So how important is sex in your marriage? Would you be open to tips to spice it up a little more? Later today, I’m honored to be joining, sex expert Dr. Ian Kerner, and two other hosts for a Twitter party. Come chat with us and Let’s Talk About Sex!
The details to join us are below and to get more information on the event, click here.

I hope to see you tonight on Twitter. Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Discussions vs. Arguments
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012
I have a confession to make. And please don’t hold this against me. My husband, Keith, and I don’t
argue. Never have. He’s not perfect. And I’m certainly not perfect (this world could not contain my list of imperfections). We just do our best to understand each other and to always presume innocence.
I’m not the easiest person in the world. I’m strong, independent and opinionated. I’ve been an entrepreneur and/or manager of people for the past 17 years and set a pretty high bar of excellence for others, as well as myself.
That being said, when it comes to my husband, I do my best to remain patient and to presume innocence. I recognize my marriage as being the most important earthly relationship I will ever have and I treat it with the respect it deserves. My husband does the same.
I remember once when a good friend shared with her husband that Keith and I didn’t argue, he told her that was impossible. He said, “I’m going to ask Keith.” When he posed the question to Keith he was
amazed at what he learned: With a great amount of patience, and the willingness to forgive even before a spouse makes the request, it is possible to ease into discussions instead of crashing into arguments.
Last week, I ran across Rene Syler’s website, Good Enough Mother, for the first time and a guest writer, William Jones, was speaking about the same thing in an article entitled: “Is My Marriage In Trouble.” I loved a list he included on the differences between a discussion and an argument. I immediately posted a note and asked if I could share that list with you.
So here’s what I’d LOVE to know from you. In marriage, do you consider there to be a difference between an argument and a discussion? Do you think arguments are necessary? Take a look at the below list and tell me if you agree with the various distinctions.
1. A discussion = People take turns really listening to each other.
An argument = Everyone’s talking; nobody’s listening.
2. A discussion = Two people against a problem.
An argument = Two people against each other.
3. A discussion = Is about the situation at hand.
An argument = Is seldom actually about the thing being argued over.
4. A discussion = Is about an important issue.
An argument = Is seldom about anything except who’s right and who’s wrong.
5. A discussion =There are millions of good reasons to have one.
An argument = There is NO good reason to have one.
6. A discussion = Can solve a problem.
An argument = Never really solves anything.
7. A discussion = Ends when people agree on a solution.
An argument = Doesn’t end: it just waits to be brought up in the next argument.
8. A discussion = The people who solve the problem win.
An argument = Nobody wins.
Question: If someone could teach you how to communicate with your husband in a way that allows you to express your thoughts, emotions and feelings without arguing, would you try it?
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
Happy 2nd Anniversary Happy Wives Club!
Monday, February 6th, 2012
I can’t believe we are celebrating our two-year anniversary already. This club was launched on February 4, 2010 and continues to grow daily because of people like you. I rarely look at the “stats” on our club’s growth or how we are influencing the conversation as it relates to marriage around the globe. However, I did take a peak this week and was amazed at what I discovered.
Each week, thousands and thousands of new visitors continue to make it to this site. Our Facebook page, where you can find me and thousands of other happy wives every day, gave a pretty spectacular ”snapshot” of the social reach of this club.
In the past week alone, more than 3,300 of you were talking about the Happy Wives Club on your own Facebook wall. Out of all the things to talk about…you chose to talk about us.
Clearly, the encouraging messages we post on Facebook daily are resonating because you clicked “Like” more than 21,000 times in the past week affirming their relevance in your life.
And the most impressive stat, I think, was our Facebook page alone reached close to 282,000 people. Again, we’re only talking about stats for one week. That is HUGE! And I’ve not even begun talking about our Twitter page and how that has been growing like crazy since we finally began using it just a few months ago.
Every time you share one of our messages on your Facebook wall or retweet one of our marriage quotes on Twitter, you share it with your entire network of friends and family. They then share it with their network because they trust you. When you take the time to post an encouraging quote on love and marriage, share a personal experience or words of wisdom, you have no idea how many lives you’re reaching.
For the past couple months, new members have been joining this club to the tune of 150-250 happy wives each day. At this pace, provided you continue spreading the word, we will exceed 100,000 members in 2012. And when we reach that milestone, I’m going to ask each of you to change the profile picture on your Facebook and Twitter pages to the Happy Wives Club logo. We will “paint the internet blue” (the color of the HWC logo) and in that one day, I expect our numbers to multiply like we’ve never seen before.
I am excited to see what more the year has in store for us as we continue on this journey to prove joy and marriage still go hand-in-hand, the ‘Happy Wife’ really does exist and you and I aren’t the only ones a part of this club.
Do you know how this club came to be? If not, here’s the story. I think it’s kind of cool
. And if you haven’t joined the club yet, what are you waiting for? Join here and together let’s change the perception of marriage in the US and around the world.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
I Promise
Friday, February 3rd, 2012
I read this poem and immediately thought of my husband. And moments later, I thought of you. Follow my lead on this happy wives.
Before the end of the weekend, take a pencil or pen and jot this poem down on a note card or a blank sheet of paper, then address it to your husband. I can just imagine the smile on his face as he reads these words from you:
I promise to give you the best of myself
and to ask of you no more than you can give.
I promise to respect you as your own person
and to realize that your interests, desires and needs
are not less important than my own.
I promise to share with you my time and my attention
and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship.

I promise to keep myself open to you,
to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost
fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow along with you,
to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.
I promise to love you in good times and bad,
with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how.
Completely and forever.
-Dorothy R. Colgan
Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook
5 Special Gifts for National Husband’s Day
Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

On January 22, 2014, we sponsored an unofficial new holiday: National Husband’s Day. A special day set aside for the nearly 1 million women in the Happy Wives Club community to celebrate our husbands.
Initially, my hope was we’d be able to get a government official to proclaim the day on our behalf. Our team began working on that and quickly realized the many complications of getting a date named as a holiday officially. But who needs official?
National Peanut Butter Day is one of my absolute favorite holidays. No government official has yet to recognize that officially but that doesn’t stop me from indulging in a few more spoonfuls of that tasty stuff just at the mention of its national holiday.
So let’s celebrate our special day together!
To make it easy, we’ve come up with 5 special (and free) gifts you can give your husband today to commemorate the occasion.
1. Print this certificate. If you didn’t get a chance to print this off last year, you may still want to print it now to let your husband know you’re a proud member of this club and because of his love, you’ve sponsored this day honoring him. This is the original sponsorship certificate so it includes the original 2014 date. Here is one dated for 2015.
2. Customize this proclamation. If you printed the above certificate last year as one of the original sponsors of National Husband’s Day (or even if you didn’t), we’ve created a customizable proclamation for you to give your husband this year. Customize it. Print it out (legal size paper). Frame it. Then deliver to him a gift sure to make him proud. (If your computer doesn’t allow you to customize the PDF, print this one to handwrite his name and your name instead).
3. Print a customized Book of Love. This fantastic DIY coupon book from The Dating Divas is something sure to knock your husband’s socks off. Surprise him with this creative book that gives him all the things he wants most…one coupon at a time.
4. Write the perfect love letter. Have you ever written your husband a love letter? Not just a few words at the bottom of a card but actually write the card yourself? If not, today’s a pretty fantastic day to sharpen your writing skills. To make it easy, here are 7 ways to write the perfect love letter.
5. Spoil your spouse date night. There’s no better night than tonight to spoil your spouse. This date night is all about doing what your husband loves to do. No marital compromise here –this is his night!
Any excuse to celebrate those fabulous hubbies of ours is a good enough excuse for me.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

We’re SO close to our goal! JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book. I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way. It’s a marriage book like none other. Guaranteed.
On January 22, 2014, we sponsored an unofficial new holiday: National Husband’s Day. A special day set aside for the nearly 1 million women in the …
Do you remember when the women of this club sponsored a national holiday for our husbands? Last year, on January 22nd, we designated a special day …
We’re getting closer and closer to the 5th anniversary of the Happy Wives Club and the unveiling of our new site. (I’m so excited I could …
I am having so much fun counting down to the 5th anniversary of this Club and the debut of our new website by posting our 20 …
I am so excited to continue this countdown to the 5th anniversary of the Happy Wives Club by posting the 20 most popular articles of all …
I’m continuing the countdown of our Top 20 posts while counting down the days to our Club’s 5th anniversary on February 4th (and the unveiling of …