Author Archives: Fawn Weaver

About Fawn Weaver

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.

Sage Wisdom

I can’t wait until Tuesday!  When I first began this Club, one of the things I wanted to do most was interview seasoned wives; those happy in love after 25+ years of marriage.  Then life happened…  I soon realized conducting interviews and then writing full length articles was far more difficult than I anticipated.  So I did four interviews and then stopped.

As I was writing the above sentence, I realized I’d conducted four interviews but had only written three articles.  Yikes!  I took an hour out of someone’s day to interview them and never even wrote the article for the site.  And now that I think about it, I don’t even know where the notes for that interview might be or the name of the person I interviewed.  

One of the greatest challenges with interviewing and writing the Sage Wisdom column was the amount of time required to do it: at least 3 straight hours.  I’d conduct the interview for approx. 45-60 minutes, write notes, and then I’d have to write the article immediately while the interview was still fresh on my mind.  I didn’t want to forget the context of each comment or the overall conversation.  But given my work schedule, how in the world would I allocate blocks of time that large?  And therein lied the problem. 

That was until two weeks ago when I had a nifty new idea.  Why don’t I just find a recorder that can tape my interviews over the phone and simply go back and write the articles later.  I wouldn’t need to write notes during my call, which would allow me to ask more natural questions, and I wouldn’t need to carve out a four-hour window at one time.

Beginning Monday, I will begin updating the Sage Wisdom column with interviews regularly.  There is no better way to learn about how to be happy and successful in marriage than to learn from those who have already succeeded.  The first interview I’ll be posting is with Sheila Wray Gregoire, a wife of more than 20 years who likes to say, “We’ve been married for 20 years and happily married for the past 14 years.”  I learned so much in my interview with her and I look forward to sharing that with you.

Until Tuesday…make it a great weekend!

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Sun or No Sun – Life Can Be Good

This is only the third man we’ve had guest post on Happy Wives Club.  It’s my pleasure to introduce you to a fabulous blogger, George Levy.  Enjoy!

As I write this post, I am looking outside the window of our city apartment, and I can’t help but notice the few people walking down the street, all wearing their warmest winter gear.  The sky is gray and cloudy and the temperature outside is 29F, but the wind chill factor makes it feel like 18F.

Once again, for the second week in a row, it’s the coldest, gloomiest day of the week… And once again, it falls on a Sunday.

But as a happily married husband, I am as happy as can be.

Why I No Longer Need it to be Sunny on Sundays.

While many people would consider this to be the worst way to ruin a weekend day, I can’t help but feel happy and grateful.

Now – let me first clarify something before you jump to conclusions…

I wouldn’t mind one bit if today were a beautiful sunny day to go outside and enjoy the weather.

But, here’s the deal – I can’t change the weather and no amount of wishing will warm things up.


Making Today a Great Sunday With My Wife – Our Way.

Having accepted that today there is no “going outside” for fresh air and a nice walk, my wife Yvonne and I instead took the opportunity to stay indoors together and make our Sunday as good as it can be.

I am proud and happy to say that I consider my Yvonne my absolute best friend in the world, and I could not think of anybody more fun and enjoyable to spend the day at home on a dark, chilly Sunday. 

“Ugly Sunday” Used to Be “No Fun Day”

I remember my life before I was married…

An ugly Sunday would completely have ruined my weekend. I can just see myself sitting at home looking out the window feeling sorry and depressed… Maybe I’d risk heading out to drop in on another single friend? Perhaps someone would brave the elements to come and visit? Flip the channels to see what was on TV… Even when I was dating, I simply did not have the level of intimacy and companionship that I have in my married life with Yvonne.

I’m SO glad that’s not my case anymore…

When the weather gets ugly now, Yvonne and I can always just make waffles…

Today, when Yvonne and I woke up and saw the dismal weather, Yvonne immediately went into the kitchen and began cooking one of her delicious, special Sunday morning breakfasts. 

I am so grateful for all she does and the personal attention she puts on making me happy, always going out of her way to cook something extra special for us (today it was eggs and waffles… Delish!)

This is a far cry from what a cold rainy Sunday used to mean to me, and I feel so fortunate that I have the chance to share a home with her.

Married life gives me that opportunity – and I get Waffles also… Bonus!

Marriage as a Lifetime Commitment to Each Other’s Happiness

Yvonne and I have been married for 7½ years. During that time, we’ve had our share of challenges and difficulties ranging from finances to health scares, to family and career issues…

I won’t say that every day has been easy and we have had many situations that have heavily stressed and strained our relationship.

But I will say without a doubt, that being married and assuming the responsibility for all that it entails has helped us both successfully go through all those challenging moments.

In other words, being together as a married couple has helped us deal far better with all those difficult situations, than if each of us would have attempted to tackle them on our own.

Yvonne makes me a better me… And I work hard to do the same for her.

I know that I am a much better person because of Yvonne and for all that she helps me achieve. And in return – I live up to my side of the relationship and do everything I possibly can to help her be the best person she can be.

I believe this approach of always looking out for what is best for each other is one of the key reasons for our happy marriage.

I really mean it when I say that “I love being happily married.“ That applies to good times and bad times… On warm, sunny days when everything is rose colored… and also on dreary, dark and cold days when everything seems gray and gloomy.

That is one of the key things that I love about my marriage and married life:

No matter what the weather – or life – throws our way, we can always trust that we will have each other in our corner for support, friendship, love… and even waffles.

About George and Yvonne Levy:  George and Yvonne Levy are the creators of I Love Being Happily Married, an online magazine focused on Happy Marriage skills and education, and conceived with the global mission of Spreading the Joy of Marriage.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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5 Things I Learned from Dating My Husband

Today’s guest post is by Ashley, a fabulous blogger friend.  It is my hope you will learn as much from her as I have since stumbling upon their marriage blog months ago.  Enjoy!

I’ve known my husband since we were two years old.  That being said, we are still quite new to marriage.  While I am a happy wife, I have to admit that I never imagined how much work it can take at times to maintain a happy marriage.  One of the most trying times we’ve had (and this surprised me) was right after we got married. 

After the wedding was over, the gifts were unwrapped, and we had returned from our honeymoon, we fell into a bad routine.  Between work, mortgage payments and other obligations we seemed to stop having fun together like we used to.  As if overnight the passion, butterflies and spontaneity seemed to vanish. What happened to the man I fell in love with? It was then that I realized he was probably asking the same questions to himself.  We got so caught up in the mundane details of life that we had forgotten to live. 

That’s when I had a brilliant idea to break us out of our rut – I started dating my husband all over again.  I know it’s not rocket science, but the simple idea of turning off the TV, getting up from the couch, and going out together once per week has revolutionized our relationship.  We laugh more, tell better stories, and have new things to talk about. 

What I found most surprising was that after talking to friends, I discovered that I wasn’t alone and I wondered if other people might benefit from my experience. That was over 6 months ago and my husband and I have been dating weekly ever since. Through all of our new experiences we’ve grown a lot and learned plenty about ourselves and our relationship. In the hope that I can help other wives beat their boring routines, here are 5 things I’ve learned from dating my husband. 

1. Make it a priority

As I said before, life can get in the way of living and the only way around it is to make your relationship a priority.  Plan a date night and stick to it.  Whether it’s once a week or once a month is up to you but once you’ve planned your night, don’t cancel or reschedule because something else comes up.  If you don’t make your relationship a priority – no one else will do it for you. 

2. Take a risk

Try something new.  One of my favourite dates was an introductory scuba diving lesson at a community pool.  I’ve always wanted to try scuba diving, but to be honest, I’ve always been a little too scared.  Driving to the pool my husband confessed that he was nervous too!  We agreed that together we would face our fears and support each other.  The date was a huge success and we both loved it.  On our next vacation we made it a priority to go scuba diving in open water.  We would never have that incredible experience if we didn’t take a risk with our date night. 

3. Have fun

Don’t put a lot of pressure on yourselves.  You don’t need to book bungee jumping lessons if that’s not your style.  Since starting this project, some of my best memories have been stay-at-homes dates with good food (and good wine) talking until all hours of the night. Pushing yourself can be fun, but relaxing at home can be just as rewarding.

4. Take turns planning dates

It’s important that you both take responsibility in planning date nights.  This is a relationship that you are in together and it should mean as much to both of to keep things interesting. As an added bonus you get to enjoy anticipating dates that the other has planned. 

5. Choose happiness

Fawn once wrote that “happiness is a choice”.  I choose to be happy.  I choose to put my marriage at the top of my priority list.  I choose to get up off the couch and go out with my husband, no matter how tired I am after work.  I choose to laugh, have fun and try new things.  I choose to be a happy wife. 

Do you have regular date nights with your husband? What are your favourite things to do?  What are your secrets to maintaining your happy marriage?


Ashley and her husband write about their date night adventures at  Each week Never a Dull Date reviews a creative date idea and offers tips, highlights and potential pitfalls so that you can make the most out of your next date. Whether it’s your first, fifth or five hundredth date, we’re sure that Never a Dull Date will help to keep your dating life from ever getting boring!

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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I am grateful for the sun that rose over the boats on the marina this morning The sun rising over our “backyard”

I am grateful I have the opportunity to walk by those boats every morning to begin my day

I am grateful for a husband who woke me up this morning with a kiss

I am grateful for the warm cup of decaf coffee this morning, three teaspoons of cream and Splenda

I am grateful for four wonderful sisters and one brother

I am grateful for both of my parents being just a short drive away

I am grateful for my career albeit incredibly hectic at times

I am grateful for the fragranced candle burning to soothe my morning

I am grateful for food in the fridge, running water, electricity and a nifty trash chute

I am grateful for the restful sleep last night and in advance for even better sleep this weekend

I am grateful God’s plan is masterful and he knows so much more than me

I am grateful for this fabulous laptop I have sitting in front of me as I stay warm near the heater

I am grateful.  I am grateful.  I am grateful.

At times, life can be a bit of a whirlwind and right now is one of those times.  But I hold on to my gratefulness.  It guides me through each day.  The first thing I say at the beginning of the day and the last words I speak before I fall asleep at night: Thank you.

Today, as an innumerous number of thoughts pass through your mind, pause for a moment and simply say thank you.  You have so much to be grateful for, as do I.  So let’s head into the weekend with a grateful heart and an intention to live in the moment.

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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Honored to be His Wife

I adore my husband.  Have you gotten tired of me saying that yet?  It’s not just that he’s one of the most wise and humble men I know.  And it’s not only because he loves me to pieces.  It’s because of all the achievements in my brief 35-year life, my greatest honor is being my husband’s wife.

Sometimes I think about what each of you, on the other side of this web page, must be thinking when you read my words.  Here I am, this businesswoman who spends all day managing multiple teams, two companies and a never-ending list of tasks.  And yet, my favorite subject is the love of my life.  In the middle of the day, no matter how busy either of us are, we pause to call each other and simply say I love you.

Keith is the only person in my cell phone with a special ring tone.  When he calls, the song that plays is Easy Silence by the Dixie Chicks.  When I think about the lyrics of this song, I’m reminded of why I feel so fortunate to be loved and cared for by such a wonderful man:

Easy silence that you make for me
It’s okay when there’s nothing more to say to me
And the peaceful quiet you create for me
And the way you keep the world at bay for me

No matter how crazy my day may be or how hectic this life has become, I receive a call from my love and all is well.  We both take solace in the voice of each other.  It’s our serenity in the middle of a clamorous day.  Each of those calls (and we do call each other alot) represent a still point in this turning world.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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I Accidentally Crashed a Wedding!

I can’t believe Keith and I crashed a wedding.  We’re now officially wedding crashers!  It was one of the most beautiful weddings we’ve ever witnessed.  We were both misty-eyed throughout the reciting of the vows and cheered when they were announced husband and wife.  The only thing different about this wedding than all others we’ve attended was we not know the bride and groom.  Not only did we not know the bride and groom, we didn’t even know anyone who knew them.

Before you begin to think Keith and I are off our rocker, please allow me to put this into proper context.  Last Sunday, we got a late start so rather than attending the church where we’re members, we visited a local church with later service times.  

Upon entering the church lobby, we were asked if we were there for the wedding.  ”Nope.  Just for the church service,” we responded.  The greeter smiled and pointed us in the right direction.  Once we’d entered the church auditorium, I noticed a white runner trimmed in rose petals down the center isle.  We were directed to seat in the section just to the right of it.

This church has the most phenomenal praise and worship team we’ve ever heard.  Keith and I wrapped one arm around the other and swayed side-to-side, singing songs of praise to God.  After the last song, we all sat down and the woman on the stage announced we would all be witnesses to the greatest blessing on earth.

Immediately following the announcement, the groom and his best man came out and stood on the stage as two little girls began walking down the isle dropping rose petals from their baskets.  People in the audience began to cheer.  Clearly, they were expecting this.  Next, the matron of honor walked down the isle followed a few minutes later by the beautiful bride and her father.  

Once the bride was halfway down the isle, the microphone was passed to the groom who finished singing the remainder of the song.  He serenaded his bride for her final 10-15 steps.  By this time, I was already sniffling.

Wiping tears with end of my shirt sleeve, I smiled from ear-to-ear, absolutely beaming with excitement.  The bride and groom exchanged vows – some of the most beautiful Keith and I have ever witnessed – and then the groom asked if he could say vows to the two flower girls.  Apparently, the girls were daughters of the bride and he wanted to pledge not to replace their biological father but to always be their “second dad.”  It was touching.  Moving.  I cried. 

Fast forward to the end of the wedding, they were named husband and wife, kissed and embraced, and Keith and I cried.  Tears continuing to swell in our eyes, we just held each other tightly.  This was one of the best church services we’ve attended and one of the most exciting wedding ceremonies we’ve had the honor of taking part.  And we still don’t know the names of the bride and groom…  

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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My plan this morning was to post another wonderful love letter from a couple married at least 40 years.  But I guess that will have to wait just one more day because I have exciting news to share., the 35th largest website in the US and the 67th largest in the world, announced yesterday its Reader’s Choice nominations and Happy Wives Club has been selected as one of the Top 5 Marriage Websites for 2012.  And although we feel incredibly fortunate to have made it into the Top 5, if you’ve been reading this blog for any period of time, you probably know I’m a recovering perfectionist.  Because of this, I try not to set a bar for myself that requires everything I do be perfect (the best, numero uno, etc).  However, in this case, striving to be #1 just seems like the right thing to do (wink :) ).

You can help ensure Happy Wives Club secures the top spot by voting your heart out!  Every day, you can vote for us on by clicking the Readers Choice seal above or by clicking this link.  There are only two rules to voting: 1) You must either vote while logged in to your Facebook account or using your email address; and 2) You can vote one time, per email address or FB login, daily.  We’d love it if you would think of us over the next four weeks and vote as often as possible.  If you vote for HWC as many times as I voted for Scotty McCreery to win American Idol, I know we’ll win by a landslide!

Voting will conclude March 21st, at which time, I’m confident you would have carried us to victory and will name HWC the Top Marriage Website of 2012.  Wow.

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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Wordless Wednesdays


I love visiting various blogs around the web and have an active network of more than 400 bloggers who follow me and vice versa.  Every week, I see so many of them post a picture for “Wordless Wednesdays” and that’s it.  They say nothing.  But for some reason, I can’t seem to do just that. I always try…it never works.  So maybe for me it should be “Less Words Wednesday.”

This has been an insanely busy week.  But such has been my life for years.  I’m juggling a little more at the present moment than usual because Keith and I are both carving a large chunk of time out of our schedules to work on a project near and dear to our hearts.  At moments, my never-ending days (hence, I’m posting this at nearly 2am) make me want to go back to this waterfall in Montezuma, Costa Rica, and just play in the water.  

Then I remember how incredibly blessed I am to have so much to juggle.  How loved I am by my husband.  How amazing it is that two of my 80-something year old grandparents, parents and five siblings are all alive and live within an hour of my home.  I have the best friends a gal could ever hope for and I have you.  I think about all the beauty around me, God’s love and strength, then take in a deep breath…aaah, all is well. 

Yep, that was my attempt at Wordless Wednesdays.  At least I tried…

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Presidential Love: Harry & Bess Truman

Yesterday, we celebrated President’s Day and in honor of that holiday, I posted a beautiful letter from one of our most beloved presidents, Ronald Reagan, to his wife, Nancy.  We’ve become so accustomed to hearing negative assessments of our presidents we forget they are also human beings capable of fully loving another.  In the US, it is typical of the opposing parties to dehumanize each other and it’s not until after a president leaves office that we truly begin to weigh their accomplishments most accurately.  That was certainly the case with Reagan.

But even before his own party, as well as the opposing party decided to honor him, he was loved and honored by his wife.  Throughout his years in office, he continued to take solace in the comfort and counsel of Nancy.  This morning, I wanted to continue a theme of couples married for more than 40 years who have written love letters throughout their marriage.  

In my search, I found dozens of love letters from our 33rd president, Harry Truman, to his wife Bess.  So even though President’s Day ended yesterday, for us it will continue at least one more day as we celebrate another presidential love story.

Married for 53 years, until the time of President Truman’s death at age 88, they maintained their love.  For 50 years they continued to write letters to each other.  Beautiful letters which conveyed not only their trust in one another but their never-ending love.

The only challenge with President Truman’s letters is he wrote like a doctor.  Have you ever read a doctor’s notes?  Impossible!  I don’t know if writing illegibly is a prerequisite for being a doctor but I’ve never met a doctor whose handwriting I could read.

The letter below is, by far, the most legible one I could found.  I will do my best to transcribe it but can’t guarantee it will be perfect.  What will be clear, however, is their love for one another.


Dear Bess:

I got your letter this morning and I can tell you I most certainly appreciated it.  I am very glad you like the flowers and only wish they could have been more.

If I could have been in town I’d have sent you some fresh ones every day.  I am hoping that you’ll be up very soon so I can get to see you.  It has been so long since I last…


I had to end at transcribing page one (the photo here) but you can read more of these letters to and from, visit the presidential library here.  These letters, as well as the others I will post this week, remind us that love for our spouse will continue to blossom and grow throughout the years so long as we nurture and care for it daily.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Presidential Love

Around the US, many citizens will enjoy a three-day weekend in celebration of this wonderful holiday.  People will send out Twitter and Facebook messages about their favorite presidents and an endless amount of politicking will occur over the next 19 hours.  But not on this site.  We will observe President’s Day not by talking politics but rather by celebrating love.

Our current president and first lady will celebrate 20 years of marriage this October so I thought it onlyPresident Ronald and First Lady Nancy Reagan appropriate to share a letter sent from one of our beloved former presidents (while he was still governor) to his first lady around their 20th anniversary.  It is a wonderful testament of love between a husband and wife.

Throughout the week, I’ll be posting notes and letters from husbands and/or wives married more than 30 years.  I find it a true blessing to learn about those who have remained happy and in love until the very end.  My hope is you will find great inspiration, just as I have, in learning how these wonderful couples remained in love throughout all their days.

Transcript will follow.

State of California


My Darling Wife

This note is to warn you of a diabolical plot entered into by some of our so called friends – (ha!) calendar makers and even our own children. These and others would have you believe we’ve been married 20 years.

20 minutes maybe – but never 20 years.  In the first place it is a known fact that a human cannot sustain the high level of happiness I feel for more than a few minutes – and my happiness keeps increasing. 

I will confess to one puzzlement but I’m sure it is just some trick perpetrated by our friends – (Ha again!) I can’t remember ever being without you and I know I was born more than 20 mins ago.

Oh well – that isn’t important. The important thing is I don’t want to be without you for the next 20 years, or 40, or however many there are. I’ve gotten very used to being happy and I love you very much indeed.

Your Husband of 20 something or other.

This Ring

For the past few weeks, each Friday I’ve posted beautiful marriage poems from around the web.  This week, I’m posting a little early and sharing with you my favorite marriage poem of all time.  

Keith and I were originally scheduled to be married in the Little Brown Church in Studio City – where Ronald and Nancy Reagan were married – on April 10, 2004.  I’d already picked the dress, we’d decided upon the guest list and were just 3 1/2 months away from our big day.

On Christmas Eve 2003, just four months after Keith proposed, I presented him with a jewelry box which contained his wedding ring and a scroll with the following poem written on it.  Two days later, sitting on the couch in the living room of his home he said, “Honey, why are we waiting to get married?”  I was puzzled for a moment, thought about it for a minute and responded, “Hmmm…don’t know.”

Keith looked in my eyes and said with a smile, “Let’s go get married.”  We called our respective families to let them know we were scrapping the wedding plans and heading east.  Within a couple hours we loaded up the car and drove to Las Vegas, where the following day we were pronounced husband and wife.

I share this backstory so you know this is one powerful poem!

This Ring

 This ring means that I give you my life

Without question, without doubt, without reservation

That I will always love you and never be untruthful

That my commitment to you will never waiver

This ring is my pledge of fidelity

My promise of honesty

My respect, my appreciation, my admiration

For the man who has loved me beyond word or description

This ring means I will always cherish you

Keeping no record of wrong, I give you my unconditional love

Forgiving you, no matter the mistake, I give you my unconditional support

This ring means all that was once considered mine is now yours

Arms to hold; hands to caress; ears to listen; a shoulder to rest your head

This ring means I will honor and serve you

Continuously dying unto myself,

in pursuit of becoming one with you

First and foremost, a child of the most High God

Secondly, yet most wonderfully,

Mrs. Keith Edward Weaver


To my love, my life and my rock,

I present to you, This Ring

-Fawn Weaver


Inscribed on the inside of Keith’s wedding ring is the second-to-last line of this poem, “My love, my life, my rock.”

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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Happy Hearts Day!


 Happy Hearts Day Everyone! Wishing you a beautiful day with your hubby.  Allow the love of today to carry into tomorrow and make every day, Valentine’s Day.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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