Author Archives: Fawn Weaver

About Fawn Weaver

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.

Beautiful Melody

A happy marriage is like a beautiful melody sung only by those with a heart full of love, patience, gratitude and wonderment. 

A couple weeks ago, I came across a marriage quote online that immediately grabbed my attention.  The first reason it caught my eye was my name was attached to it.  The second reason I took notice was, oddly enough, I wrote it.  

Standing in line to board an airplaine earlier this summer, I wanted to send out a quick message on our HWC Facebook community page.  I wasn’t sure what to write and only had a few seconds to decide.  What popped into my head was this:

“Marriage: Love is the reason.  Lifelong friendship is the gift.
Kindness is the cause.  Til’ death do us part is the length.”

I read it over a few times and then pressed post.  While on the plane, that quote continued to play in my head.  Like a powerful stanza from a beautiful poem, over and over those words played back to me as if my mind had chosen to remind me of this beautiful gift I’ve been given.

So when I came across these words on another person’s website recently, I instantly smiled.  Someone agreed with me.  Although I must admit I was a bit dumbfounded anyone would quote me.  I then wondered how many more may have quoted me so I did something I never do.  I Googled myself.  

Five full pages of Google results populated for this simple quote that popped into my head while boarding a plane.  In the midst of writing today’s blog post, I decided to Google the quote again just to make sure I didn’t mistake the number of page results.  I didn’t.  Only the number of pages has now increased to seven.

The reason I think this quote has struck a chord with so many is it explains some of the best parts of marriage in the simplist terms.  Its reason, gift, cause and length.  Why I love writing about marriage is probably the same reason you enjoy reading about it.  

There is just something about this mysterious relationship that can only be understood by the two people at the center of it: you and your spouse, me and my Keith.  In my life, there is still a wonderment surrounding our union and our growing friendship enlightens me daily.

Marriage is amazing.  I love everything about it.  And to have an opportunity to meet new friends, like you, who feel the same way is pretty awesome.  I may not know you but we’re cut from the same cloth.  While everyone seems hell bent on tearing marriage down, you and I are determined to build ours up and enjoy this life to the fullest.

So tell me, what do you love most about being married to your husband?

Continuing my list of all the reasons Why I Love My Husband.  If you haven’t started your list yet, grab the button below for your own blog or social networks and join me ☺.

5. He makes me laugh…every day…multiple times a day.

6. He is my best friend.

7. I can share with him my innermost feelings and I know he’ll never judge me.

8. He’ll dance with me, even if surrounded by people, no matter how uncomfortable that makes him feel (as he did last night).

9. He never made me feel bad about not being ready to have children. And now that we’re actively working on it, he encourages me and ensures I never get discouraged throughout in the process. 

10. He makes me want to buy and wear this shirt I found online that simply says, I Love My Husband.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

COMMENTS: With more than 81,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.  

JOIN US: If haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for?  Join the club!  It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Why I Love My Husband (warning: this list may go on forever)

I was having tea yesterday morning with a new business associate when a huge light bulb turned on in my head.  I originally began this site for the sole purpose of finding other women like me; those who adore their husbands and love their life.  

Then something happened.  

The site instantly became popular, I signed a book deal (more on that another day) and then my objective seemed to shift.

Although, the purpose of this site was never to give marital advice, I began doling it out…and lots of it.  I didn’t realize I’d made that shift until Krysta and I began talking about our husbands and how much we love and adore them and my heart was filled with happiness.  

Just thinking about Keith always makes me smile from ear-to-ear.  Standing back and looking in wonderment of the life we’ve built together makes me want to skip down the street (although it’s a bit cold outside so I think I’ll stay inside and write to you instead).

But what that awesome, three-hour long conversation with Krysta also made me think about was all the reasons I love and adore my husband.

Originally, I titled this blog post, Top 10 Reasons I Love My Husband, but the moment I began writing it I thought, “There are so many reasons, how can I possibly narrow it down to just 10?”  So instead I’ve decided to begin today with the first 3-4 that pop into my head and just keep adding on from there.  I must warn you though, this could go on forever…

Beginning today until I can’t think of any more, I’m going to share at least one reason I love and adore my husband.  Why don’t you join me?  What is it about your husband that makes you smile?  What do you admire about him?  What quirk or unique aspect of his personality would drive anyone else crazy but drives you nuts (in a good way)?

As I begin running my tally, I’d love for you to join me and keep your own Why I Love My Husband list.  If you have your own blog, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest account, copy and paste the HWC button at the bottom of this blog post to let everyone know you’re joining us in writing a list of everything that’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious about your husband.

And for those who have never seen the movie Mary Poppins (how tragic), Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is just a bunch of root words thrown together: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and docious- “educable.”  In other words, everything that makes your hubby rock!

And so my list begins here…

1. He loves me exactly as I am…not for who I may one day become.

2. He’s honest with me and honest with himself.

3. He has more integrity in his pinky finger than most people I meet each day.

4. He rides horses with me even though it’s one of his least favorite things to do (because it’s one of my absolute favorite things to do).

QUESTION: Will you be joining us and starting your own list?  If so, don’t forget to shout it out on our Facebook page, as well.  

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

COMMENTS: With more than 80,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.  

JOIN US: If haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for?  Join the club!  It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

3 Reasons Your Marriage Should Include a Daily Ritual


For some reason, when I hear or see the word ritual I instinctively think of natives sitting around an outdoor fire wearing festive clothing and doing some sort of chanting or wizardry.  I have no idea where that visualization comes from; some movie I’d imagine.  But including daily rituals in your marriage is something that can immediately transform the intimacy and connection.  It’s not magic; but it can certainly feel like it.

I wonder what comes to mind when you think of rituals and if most people who hear the term are predisposed against it.  When Keith and I were first married, every time I’d attempt to take something we enjoyed doing and turn it into a ritual (or tradition as he called it) he’d protest because what we once enjoyed he feared would begin to feel obligatory.  Then one day that all changed.

Once I returned to the States, after travelling the world and interviewing couples happily married to discover the secret to a happy marriage, I shared with him one of the secrets I’d learned was the importance of creating a daily ritual in our marriage.  To my surprise, every couple I interviewed -from South Africa to New Zealand- had a daily ritual they’ve maintained for decades.  Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, port and appetizers every night, etcetera.  

The happiest couples in the world (at least those I interviewed) all had this in common.  And these were the top 3 reasons every couple should include a daily ritual in their marriage:

1. Daily rituals build trust.  When you get together with your spouse each and every day and talk about what has transpired over the past 24 hours and what’s on the agenda for the following (or current) day, there is something about that communication that provides transparency.  It’s hard to keep secrets when you’re having meaningful and in depth conversations every day.

2. Daily rituals foster connectivity.  So many of us rush through life.  We talk via text message on our phones, email, Twitter, Facebook and so many other ways that don’t involve face-to-face conversations.  When you begin each morning with a cup of tea, even if you do nothing more than look into each other’s eyes and take in the day together, you are building a connection.  You are increasing your bond.

3. Daily rituals create longevity in relationships.  A New York Times article sent to me yesterday, New Love – A Short Shelf Life?, reminded me why taking the time to stay connected throughout marriage is one of the greatest investments we can make.  You don’t have to wait until the kids are out of the house to rekindle your friendship.  Stay connected throughout their childhood years and your marriage and their lives will both reap grand dividends.

Immediately following my return to the States, Keith and I signed up for a fitness class and began taking it together every morning at 5:30am.  We decided that class, followed by breakfast at home, would be our daily ritual.  After a while, the 5:30am class was tough for me to make because I stay up so late at night.  So now we take the class at different times during the day but our breakfast ritual remains the same.  And as you can imagine, we both look forward to that time each and every day.

QUESTION: Do you and your husband have daily or weekly rituals you do together (coffee every morning,  date night, playing Scrabble, etc)?

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With more than 80,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.  

JOIN US: If you’re happily married, join the club.  It takes only a few seconds and is FREE!

The Problem With Marriage Cynics

It’s a fascinating thing.  When a woman falls in love with a wonderful man, we all rally around and make her excitement our own.  When she becomes engaged, we clap, we cheer, we smile and tell her she’s the luckiest girl in the world.  She holds out her ring finger and we inspect the hardware and spend hours fawning over it.

Almost immediately, the wedding plans are underway.  Bridesmaids and groomsmen are selected.  The maid of honor and best man are told of their new honors.  Wedding colors are chosen and a venue selected.  For months, sometimes even years, the ceremony and reception are planned with painstaking detail.  No stone unturned, no “t” not crossed and no “i” left undotted.  We tell the bride how lucky she is to be getting married.

Then something changes.  Almost instantly.  From the moment she says “I do,” so many around her become cynics.  They warn of all the challenges she’ll face, how difficult it will be and how much “work” marriage will require.  In what seems like the blink of an eye, the love everyone told her she was so lucky to find, is the same one she’s being warned will one day cause her pain.

And therein lies the problem with marriage cynics.  Somewhere along the road of life, their eyes have been blinded to love and their hearts jaded by hurt.  They build a woman up during her dating and engagement years just to turn around and tear her down as soon as the minister has given her groom permission to kiss the bride.  

In this (above) televised Mobbed engagement proposal seen around the world, millions watched in amazement with tears swelling in their eyes.  It pulled at heartstrings -more than 15 million of them- because most people, even in this day and time, still love a good love story.

So what causes a person to change from marriage advocate to cynic?  I wish I knew this answer.  Maybe you do.  But what I’d ask, for everyone’s sake, if you’re one of those who feel the need to “warn” a newlywed of all the challenges she may encounter along the way, please don’t.  Support her, encourage her, challenge her to be a better wife, but do not set her up for failure.  Do not plant seeds of discord.  Give her hope from the very beginning that true love still exists.

This, my friends, is the best wedding gift you can ever give a bride…and her groom.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

Comments: With nearly 80,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook Community page, what better place to share your thoughts? Join me there and let’s continue the conversation.  

JOIN US: If you’re happily married, join the club.  It takes only a few seconds and is FREE!

A Happier You. Today.

How might your life change if you added in just a little more happiness?  How would the world around you change if you chose to see it through a prism of faith?  The success you’ve longed for, not only in your marriage and family, but in every aspect of your life is yours for the taking.  

This past 21 days has not been about increasing your momentary happiness.  It’s not about giving that singular emotion a bit of a boost.  My goal, and I hope it was achieved (but only you can be the judge of that), is that you would desire happiness in every aspect of your life and see the benefits of interjecting it everywhere possible.

And just in case you missed any portion of this series, the following is a quick table of contents of each of the topics from the past 3 weeks.  Browse through them or begin the series today.  You won’t regret the few minutes a day it’ll take you to read them.  I promise.

Intro: 21 Days to a Happier You

Relationship with Self

Day 1: It’s Time to Get it Together

Day 2: 5 Easy Ways to Jumpstart Your Diet

Day 3: Exercise Your Way to a New You

Day 4: Celebrate Little Victories Every Day

Day 5: Road to Happiness

Day 6: Give Yourself a Break

Day 7: Pursue Your Passion

Relationship with Others

Day 8: Building Better Relationships (For Your Own Health)

Day 9: Igniting Happiness All Around You

Day 10: Top 5 Reasons to Love the Unlovable

Day 11: Gaining the Upper Hand in the In-Law Relationship

Day 12: Become the Happiest Family on the Block

Day 13: Release Your Expectation of Perfection

Day 14: Quickly Boost the Happiness in Your Marriage

Relationship with God

Day 15: The Happiness Triangle

Day 16: Seeing the World Through a Prism of Faith

Day 17: Is Faith in God Important for Lasting Happiness?

Day 18: God + You + Your Spouse = Happy Marriage?

Day 19: It Takes More Than God to be Happy

Day 20: Receive Joy.  Choose Happiness.

Before this series, you may have seen happiness as something temporary; an emotion based upon external circumstances.  At the very least, I hope you’ve now been convinced otherwise.  Life is about choices.  And happiness is no exception.  It is a choice.  Your choice.  So why not choose it today?

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Receive Joy. Choose Happiness.

Joy vs. Happiness.  I have never quite understood why anyone would want to pit happiness against joy rather than making a decision to enjoy both.  I’ve wondered this for the past couple years as I’ve had so many tell me that happiness isn’t necessary; all you need is joy.  I can’t say I agree with this but it also could be true.  But why does it matter?  

There are plenty of things I don’t need but I still enjoy.  I need spinach and other dark green veggies.  But I enjoy a delightful warm spinach salad with hard boiled eggs, red onions, and applewood smoked bacon.  I need clothes to wear and shelter over my head.  But I enjoy a comfy pair of jeans or yoga pants and an insulated residence with four walls and a heater. 

I could never understand why it was so important for people to make such a distinction.  And what was even more confusing was those usually making this distinction are the very ones who seem the least happy in their own lives.  Then one day it finally hit me.  If joy is a fruit of God’s Spirit and happiness is the fruit of our own choices, joy becomes an easy scapegoat for those who would prefer not to accept responsibility for their own happiness.

I love people.  I love seeing everyone succeed.  And even more, I love seeing everyone happy.  But so few live a life that would fall under such a category.  Why is that?  It’s something that continues to boggle my mind because happiness is the birthright of each of us.  It is an emotion that we can choose to feel at any moment of our lives.  

When my father passed away recently, all six of his children went on the stage to thank everyone for coming out and helping us send him home in grand fashion.  After our only brother spoke on the family’s behalf (poor Dad, he had 5 girls in the house), a photographer asked us to stand together and take a picture.  

A week later, my mom gave me a copy of the picture and said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you guys were at a party!”  She said this with a smile on her face because she knew we’d chosen happiness and received joy in the midst of it all and decided we wanted to celebrate him as he most desired.  We didn’t hide our pain.  We simply allowed our joy and happiness to override it.

If you didn’t join us yesterday, I encourage you to take a minute to read the daily blog post, It Takes More Than God to Be Happy.  And even more importantly, if you weren’t able to join us on Tuesday, you’ll want to know why Seeing the World Through a Prism of Faith is so beneficial for your life, love and health.

On this 20th day of our 21 Days to a Happier You, I want to encourage you to not get caught up in the semantics of joy vs. happiness.  Choose both.  Double your lot in life -in the best way possible.  And don’t settle for anything less than everything this life has to offer you, including happiness.  

Whether we want to admit it or not, happiness is a choice.  So for the sake of your own life, choose it this very moment and every moment hereafter.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

It Takes More Than God to be Happy

I wrote the title of this post and then felt the need to quickly clarify as I knew that statement would likely elicit some protests.  But I had to write it because I’ve met so many women over the years who absolutely love God but are as definitively unhappy.  

I am a firm believer in the benefits of happiness and the power of choice.  For this reason, I couldn’t write the final week of this series -sharing the components of the happiness triangle and why a relationship with God is imperative- and not address this crucially important topic.  I use the phrase crucially important because happiness is within everyone’s reach and too many choose not to grab hold of it.

Since beginning this site nearly three years ago, I’ve had thousands upon thousands of women tell me all one needs to be happy is God.  And nearly as many have told me happiness isn’t important because all a person needs is joy.  I have now been studying happiness -what causes it and what depletes it- long enough that I feel confident in disagreeing with both of these opinions.

The debate over happiness or joy we’ll chat about tomorrow.  But for today, I want to share with you why I began this post by stating it takes more than God to be be happy.  For one thing, God did not set it up that way.  We all have choices.  We’ve all been given free will.  What we sew is what we will reap.  Our choices are not predetermined and a person’s happiness is not predestined.

One of the most fascinating statistics found in the U.S. Census report released last year was their reporting on marriage and divorce.  The majority of states with the highest instances of divorce are in the Bible Belt, an area known for their deep religious roots, social conservatism and their church attendance per capita.  

The most recent census mirrored that of the last census results released in 1999.  And although last year’s results surprised many people, it didn’t surprise me in the least.  Just as it takes more than God to be happy, it takes more than God to have a happy marriage.  It requires the right mindset; the right God-given mindset.  

Happiness is a choice.  Genuine happiness requires making a daily choice to love God, life and everything in between.  God makes your burden lighter.  He makes your challenges bearable and the tests of life understandable.  Seeing the world through a prism of faith never ceases to make life worth living.  

Gratitude naturally begets happiness.  When you wake up in the morning, grateful for the day before and thanking God in advance for what will occur in the hours ahead, you are setting your day up for success.  You are telling the world your day will be great.  This doesn’t mean everything will be perfect and all will fall in line just as you’d like, but it does mean you’ve chosen to believe all things are working together for your good and before the day ends you will have plenty more reasons to give thanks.

Happiness compliments joy.  Many believe joy negates happiness or deems it unnecessary.  They argue joy is permanent and happiness is temporary.  We’ll chat tomorrow about why this isn’t true.  But for now, I’ll leave you with this.  Happiness is only temporary if you choose it temporarily.  And it is dependent on external circumstances only if you’ve chosen to allow that dependence.  

Happiness is a choice.  Your choice.  So what will you choose?  

Until tomorrow…make it great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

God + You + Your Spouse = Happy Marriage?

Several months ago, while I was traveling around the world, interviewing couples happily married 25-years or more in search of the secret to a happy marriage, I discovered something fascinating.  Something I wasn’t quite expecting.  I determined there were 12 common denominators between all of the couples.  Twelve glaring similarities I simply could not ignore.

From Canada to South Africa to Mauritius, London, Rome, Croatia, the Philippines, New Zealand and Australia, interviewing each of the couples was like speaking with a variation of the same.  Their cultures were diverse, how and where they grew up in the world was different, even their faiths were dissimilar, and yet they were so alike.

When deciding who I would interview in each country, I had only one requirement of the people setting up the interviews.  I asked my friends who’d grown up in other countries, or lived in the countries I’d be visiting, to point me to the one couple they think of when I mention what some believe to be an oxymoron, “happily married.”  

I was in search of that one couple who have been so consistent in their love and affection toward one another that their families, friends and communities all took notice.  I only wanted to interview couples in each of the 12 countries I’d be visiting who over the years have proven their love to be real.  And each of the couples I interviewed fit this mold.

What I didn’t use to determine who would be chosen for interviews was race, socio-economic class, upbringing, culture or even their faith.  But one of the things I found most interesting after interviewing them all is they each had a belief in God.  All of them prayed for answers when they could not find them on their own.  

One couple I interviewed in New Zealand, Mark and Barbara, fell in love with each other after Mark had been given a life threatening cancer diagnoses.  The doctors said they had given all the treatments his teenage body could take and informed his family he had no more than two years to live.  Now, happily married for more than 28 years, they contribute their life together to a unwavering faith and trust in God.

Story after story, each couple proclaimed their love for one another and their love for God.  They shared with me how difficult communication would be if they didn’t have a faith in Someone much greater than them.  Someone who could serve as a liaison between the two; helping each other understand one another better.

So when thinking about boosting the happiness in one’s marriage, I have to wonder if it is even possible to be blissfully happy in your marriage for 10, 20, 30, 40 even 50 years and not have a relationship with God.  I’m not sure.  I can’t answer that question because I’ve traveled the world interviewing happily married couples and am yet to meet one who fits that bill.  

Then again, maybe that in and of itself answers the question and reminds us why a relationship with God is one of the three components of the happiness triangle.  On the other hand, I’ve met many couples and singles who love God and are absolutely miserable.  But there is a reason.  And for that, you’ll have to join me tomorrow as I take on the misconception that all you need is God to be happy.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Is Faith in God Important for Lasting Happiness?

How in the world did we get to Day 17 of our 21 Days to a Happier You series so quickly?  In this final week, we’ve shifted our focus away from deepening the relationship we have with ourselves and those around us, and toward the third relationship needed to complete our happiness triangle.  The relationship that gives us an ability to develop genuine and lifelong happiness in our lives (no matter what may be going on around us).  A connection with the One who is greater than all of us combined.

One of the greatest benefits of believing in God and nurturing that most important relationship, is you have a dependable friend to share your trials with.  And not just any friend, but One who is able to take the challenge and give you the wisdom to overcome it.  When we make the mistake in believing solely in our own abilities, we rest the weight of the world squarely on our own shoulders.  But we were never meant to carry such a heavy load.

A belief in Someone much greater than all of us gives us the ability to create a still point in a turning world.  It allows you to look at everything around you, be grateful for all that has happened (the good for obvious reasons and the bad because it’s taught you so many lessons and made you the person you are today), and trust that your future is bright.  To know with certainty in your heart that the water in front of you is not a mirage.  

If your future rested solely in your own hands, there would be little to be happy about.  The stress of the world would take refuge in your mind.  If my life was based solely on my own brilliance and ability to make things happen, writing daily articles on happiness would be impossible.  I simply would not have the words (or genuine expression). 

The good news for me and for you is there is a God looking over the earth and orchestrating our lives.  There is a God willing to take all of our challenges and burdens onto His shoulder so we can be relieved of having them on ours.  

Knowing this, allows us to look at all struggles as temporary and to maintain our happiness and joy throughout the good times and the tough ones.  

So is faith in God imperative to lasting happiness?  I’ll let you make that determination.  In my own life, that answer is absolutely.  Happiness is a choice and with the grace of God, you have the ability and option to choose it every day of your life.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Seeing the World Through a Prism of Faith

I have only once met a happy atheist.  That is not to say more don’t exist.  I’m simply observing that I’ve only personally met one.  I oftentimes wonder if the reason for that is how difficult the challenges in life must seem if there is no one greater than us out there.  

If our only salvation is mankind, and we know human beings to be so flawed, is it possible that optimism is nearly unattainable for those without a faith in Someone bigger, greater, omniscient, omnipresent who we know keeps our best interest at heart?  

Viewing the world through a prism of faith in people and a belief in God allows us to see the best of all things, without being naive or so optimistic that pragmatism falls on deaf ears.  Seeing the glass as half full is something that proves to be challenging without a faith in people and a belief that Someone -much greater than us- is in complete control of the universe.

I recently read an article from a series in Psychology Today called The Mystery of Happiness.  In it Dr. T. Byram Karasu states, “The prism of faith catches the light and disperses it on every aspect of your life, whether it is health, work satisfaction, marital contentment, or death. Pessimism is spiritual starvation. Seeing the world through the no-faith prism is simply a misunderstanding of life.” 

Pessimism can be a life suck.  It more often than not will reveal itself as a thief of happiness.  It takes away what is rightfully yours and replaces it with a distortion of reality and facts.  

Regularly assuming the worst from people and in life is one of the shortest journeys to unhappiness.  Driving on that rocky road keeps us on guard; always on the defensive.  In sports, a strong defense is what wins the game.  In life, the exact opposite is true.

There was once a time when people believed pessimism and optimism were as a result of personality; traits inherited at birth.  But science has since proven these two distinctive outlooks are mindsets we adopt as situations arise rather than something passed down generationally.  They are learned responses.  

The good news, however, is we have always been and will always be in complete control of our outlook.  How we view life, and thus our ability to create happiness within it, lies in our beliefs.  And an ability to change your outlook from pessimistic to optimistic rests solely in your decision to do so.

Many argue there are uses for pessimism in the world.  I agree.  But when it comes to creating and building happiness in your life, viewing the world through a prism of faith rather than optics of pessimism will quickly prove to be the gift that just keeps on giving.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

The Happiness Triangle

It’s Day 15 of our 21 Days to a Happier You series and it is my sincere hope you’ve gained more over the past two weeks than you ever thought possible.  This week, we will tackle one of the weightiest topics I’ve ever attempted on this blog.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, when I kicked off this series, I shared with you my belief that there are only 3 things that impact our overall happiness for better or for worse:

Relationship with Self

Relationship with Others

Relationship with God

I knew from the moment I typed that third line, these next 7 days would be the most challenging in the series to write.  

One of the reasons I had that thought was because I know HWC is quite possibly one of the most diverse women’s community in the world.  

With members in more than 100 countries, hundreds of different cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, beliefs, faiths and values, stating a person’s relationship with God is pivotal to their overall happiness can potentially raise more questions than it deliver answers.  

But I also knew I had to be honest with you and share that I’ve met very few people who have found true happiness (and certainly a happy marriage) without a belief in Someone much greater than themselves. 

Maybe it’s because of how I was raised or perhaps my unwavering belief in God is partially a result of something I once heard my pastor, Rick Warren say, “I don’t personally have enough faith to be an atheist.” 

I didn’t begin this club two years ago with the hope of changing people’s religious views and I am not going to begin adjusting its purpose now.  I’ve spent close to two decades studying happiness -its causes and effects- but I do not, in any shape or form, consider myself an expert.  I am a perpetual learner (and applier of what I’ve learned).

My personal experiences, and those of the thousands of others I’ve spoken to on this subject over the years, has caused me to conclude the most challenging road to happiness is a faithless one.  

For this reason, I could not in good faith write a 21-day series on boosting your happiness and not spend one-third of that time on the benefits of building a stronger relationship with God.  

I recognize this will not ring true for everyone, and for those in which this does not settle well, I say to you, “Grace, my friend.”  I ask you, with the greatest humility, to forgive me in advance if this portion of the series causes you any form of disappointment.  And if you’re certain this doesn’t impact your happiness, feel free to ignore me (promise, I won’t be offended :) ).  

On this site, I write solely from experience -always have, always will- and recognize my vantage point is shaped by those experiences (as well as the many I’ve interviewed over the years) which may differ greatly from yours.  And I respect that.  I respect you.

I write this final week out of a desire for everyone in this club to not only be happy in your marriage but in your life.  I’m certainly stepping out of my comfort zone by writing it (if you can’t already tell) and recognize it most certainly will not be what you’re accustomed to reading here in my daily posts.  But I trust, if you return here for the next six days with an open heart, your ability to create and build happiness in every aspect of your life will be yours for the taking.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Quickly Boost the Happiness in Your Marriage

Today we wrap up the second week of this 21-day series and I can’t think of a better way to end it than focusing on the relationship with our spouse.  When we began this series, I mentioned there are only 3 things that impact our overall happiness for better or for worse.  

The first is the relationship with ourselves; how we view and treat ourselves.  The second is our relationship with others; how we view, interact and treat those around us.  This week, we’ve focused on building better relationships with our family, in-laws, communitythose you find difficult to love, and our co-workers.  And today, we’re talking about building up a better relationship with your spouse.

Such a topic is difficult to do in one blog post, and in less than 500 words, so I will share with you the one thing I believe most couples -even those with great marriages- can benefit from doing more.  It’s something I learned from my husband when a married couple inquired with him about our communication styles.  They wanted to know why (and how) we seemed to communicate so well.  His response was an ‘aha’ moment, “I always presume innocence in all situations.”  

“Meaning, I presume that we both want to understand each other,” he continued, “and I know that we both love each other madly—not for just a season, but for our lifetimes. With that perspective I can approach whatever situation with as much gentleness as possible.  Which allows us to ease into conversations rather than crashing into arguments.”  

For so many, arguments don’t stem from a lack of communication, but rather they arise from an absence of patience and a failure to presume innocence.  Not one of us is such a great communicator that we will never be misunderstood.  Interpretation contributes just as much to understanding as listening does.  That is why presuming innocence and being patient in conversation with your spouse is so important.

Happiness in a relationship does not mean you are without arguments.  But fewer arguments and greater understanding can certainly lead to an increase in happiness in your marriage.  Benjamin Disraeli, the former British Prime Minister wrote in a letter to Queen Victoria’s fourth daughter on the announcement of her engagement, “”There is no greater risk than marriage.  But there is nothing happier than a happy marriage.“  

One of the best ways to boost the happiness in your marriage is to decrease the misunderstandings.  And I believe, after having interviewed couples from around the world on the secrets to their happy marriage, one the best ways to decrease the misunderstandings is to slow down the conversation (apply patience) and presume innocence.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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