Author Archives: admin

Recipe for Love

TEXT: Recipe for Love.  Ingredients: 1 cup of romance, 1 pinch of humor, 2 spoonfuls of joy, 1 lb of compatibility, 3 tablespoons of trust, 1 cup of respect, 1/2 lb. of sharing, 1 zest of tenderness and 3/4 cup of patience.

The Greatest Risk

TEXT: “There is no greater risk than marriage.  But there is nothing happier than a happy marriage.” -Benjamin Disraeli, Former British Prime Minister in a letter to Queen Victoria’s fourth daughter on announcement of her engagement.

A Woman’s Heart

TEXT: A Woman’s Heart.  One of the most beautiful things in the world is a woman’s heart.  It is fragile yet strong.  Delicate yet resilient.  When a woman gives you her heart, she gives her most prized possession.  If you love, nurture, cherish, and protect it, she’ll give you the world.