Author Archives: admin

Genuine Happiness

Sprinkles of Happiness


TEXT:  Sprinkles of happiness can be found in the simple things of life.  A bike ride.  A back rub.  The tranquil sound of ocean waves.  A hearty meal with family.  A beautiful conversation with a friend.  But genuine happiness -the kind that lasts beyond a short moment in time- can only be found within.  It is not based on circumstances but rather a choice;  a decision to live and enjoy each day with love in my heart and gratitude on my lips.  -Fawn Weaver

My Love Letter

My love

TEXT: My Love, Just a moment ago, I thought about you and my heart was filled with gratitude. So before another moment goes by I want to say thank you. Thank you for the late night laughs and the early morning kisses. Thank you for holding my hand through this life and proving that good men do still exist. Thank you for your love and friendship. And most of all, thank you for the pleasure of being your wife. -Me