Earlier this week, Keith and I had the pleasure of attending our first Tuesday wedding. Have you ever been to a mid-week wedding? It was our first and we had an absolute blast (they even had cotton candy at the dessert bar).
The bride is the daughter of a Happy Wives Club member I met last year when interviewing her for the Sage Wisdom column of this site (see interview here). We discovered we lived only minutes from each other and instantly knew we were kindred spirits. Our families have since become wonderful friends and we couldn’t have been more delighted to support this beautiful bride and her handsome husband at the start of their new journey.
After returning from the wedding, I posted on our Facebook fan page and on Twitter the following question, “I attended a fantastic wedding last night. If given the opportunity to give your best piece of advice to a woman on her wedding day, summed up into one sentence or phrase, what would it be?”
There were so many wonderful answers I wanted to share a few of them with you:
1. “Complete honesty, trust, respect and support by both of you.” -Paula Swanson
2. “Never let the sun go down on your anger.” -Janette Smith
3. “Never disrespect your husband. Never put him down to anyone, especially your children. Build him up and appreciate him.” -Eve Aguilar McNamee
4. “Remember that just because you CAN say something, doesn’t mean you should, and be generous with one another always in all ways.” -Barbara Brooks O’Rourke
5. “You don’t have to be right. You can’t take back what comes out of your mouth, so guard your mouth. He will NEVER be perfect, it’s impossible, and neither can you, so don’t expect him to be.”-Annett Davis
6. “Don’t strive to be right all the time, because you can easily be right…by yourself.” -Twitter @KVuli
7. “Communication is key. Talking will save you from a lot of misunderstandings. Cold shoulders dont work!” -Twitter @TendayiKunaka
8. “You know each other aren’t perfect, but you are perfect for each other!! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!” -Heather Robinson
9. “Be grateful for everything your man does for you, and let go the things he doesn’t. Great happiness can come from enjoying the blessings you get! And great sorrow comes from dwelling on the things you didn’t get. Just enjoy every moment you have with him!” -Ginger McKinley
10. “Keep the fire burning. If you get distracted for too long there is always something to put out the flames.” - Kasey
Question: Which of the responses above were your favorite? And if given the opportunity to give your best piece of advice to a woman on her wedding day, summed up into one sentence or phrase, what would it be?
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!