Join the 1,000,000 Member Challenge

By Fawn Weaver on Friday, May 17, 2013

Join the Million Member Challenge

Do you love being married?  Do you adore your husband?  Does your life represent the exact opposite of the lifestyles portrayed in shows like Keeping Up with the Kardashians, The Real Housewives of…Everywhere, Mad Men?  

If so, you should Join the Club!

You may not know this but women like you are the reason this club was founded and why we continue to grow by several hundred members daily.  We are the antithesis to what is portrayed in the media every day.  

Loving marriages do exist and we think it’s about time we saw these positive portrayals on television and in the movies.  I certainly would love to see a marriage like mine -one without a bunch of drama and a couple still head over heels in love- on the small (or big) screen.  What about you?

Your spouse and my spouse, you and me, we declare through our actions every day that true love does still exist and it doesn’t have to fade as the years go on.  Like fine wine, when tended to, it just gets better over time.  

Happily ever after isn’t a fairy tale; it’s a choice.

I must say one thing though as sometimes people confuse happiness with perceived perfection.  

Becoming a member of this club doesn’t mean you have a perfect spouse or a perfect marriage.  It simply means you’ve chosen to look beyond the imperfections in both.  After all, there is no such thing as a perfect person, so how can there be such thing as a perfect marriage?  

There is, however, such a thing as a happy marriage and a couple being in love til’ death do them part.  As a newlywed 10 years ago, I was shocked by all the negative comments we received from people “warning” us about the pitfalls of marriage.  They made life together sound like a constant battlefield.  It’s not.  At least it shouldn’t be.  And my hope is this club would represent that message to the world.

When a woman gets married for the first time, rather than hearing countless stories of all the things that can possibly go wrong in marriage, she can join us here to learn all the things that can possibly go right.  The Happy Wives Club is counter culture.  Your marriage, for that matter, is counter culture.  

But there are couples out there who need to be encouraged, who need to know in spite of what they see on television, in the magazines and online, they can create a marriage built to last a lifetime.  

Every time a new member joins this club -and we continue this journey to find at least 1,000,000 happy wives around the world- we are collectively saying to the world: All husbands don’t cheat.  All wives aren’t miserable.  And happy marriages do still exist.  Together, let’s change the way marriages are perceived in the world.  Are you in?

QUESTION: Are you a member of this club?  If so, let us know in the comment section below.  If not, join us today and post a comment below that let’s us know you’re in!

Until Monday…make it a great weekend! 

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JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Helena@ChronicMarriage

    I’m in Fawn! I love what you’re doing with the Happy Wives Club. No matter the struggles and challenges that come our way in life, our marriages can be a refuge in the storm. Yes, building a happy marriage takes intentionality, persistence, patience, communication and selflessness, but the end result is so worth it. I wouldn’t trade my happy marriage for anything in this world. Keep preaching it from the rooftops Fawn! :)

    • Happy Wives Clubâ„¢

      Yeah, thanks Helena! So happy to know you’re in :) .

  • Daniksa Durán

    Im in Costa Rica, Im 34 in a couple weeks I will be happily married for 16yrs. :) IM TOTALLY IN :)

    • Happy Wives Clubâ„¢

      If I calculated this correctly, you got married at 18. You have DEFINITELY defied the odds and I’m so happy you’re now a member of this club :) .

  • Sassy1

    I’m in Texas, and have been blessed with a happy marriage for 13 years! I’m in!

    • Happy Wives Clubâ„¢

      Awesome! We have alot of members from Texas. Must be in the water over there! :)

  • Thalia Miller

    Just joined from Texas, happily married since 2001. I’m in. :)

    • Happy Wives Clubâ„¢

      Yeah! So nice to meet you, Thalia.

  • Raquel

    I’m In! My husband and I have only been married for year but so far the growth of our marriage relationships has proven to be one of the most beautiful realities I’ve experienced! It really struck me what you said about hearing all the bad things that could happen. My husband and I are recovering addicts and the odds of people making it as a couple in our situation are slim. It’s such an such an inspiration to see so many couple, no matter the odds making it!! Live the dream :)

    • Happy Wives Clubâ„¢

      You are so right. The odds are stacked against you, but who cares about odds! It’s your life and living the dream, as you said, is the way it should. We’re all rooting for you, Raquel!