Perfect Cure for Cabin Fever

By Kim Hall on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cure for Cabin Fever

Today’s post is by one of our fabulous contributors here on Happy Wives Club, Kim Hall @ Too Darn Happy. A couple weeks ago, she wrote a guest post and everyone loved it so much I asked her to write another. I’m SO happy she said yes!  I hope you enjoying reading it as much as I did.

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Did you catch that awful bug that goes around this time every year?

Here in the Northeast U.S., it tends to strike with a vengeance towards the end of the snow season, but before the flowers awaken.

You can’t miss the symptoms:

A bone-deep weariness, difficulty breathing, and an unbearable urge to throw off multiple layers of warm clothes as we run screaming through the streets, crazily yelling, “I can’t take this cold weather anymore! Bring on spring!”

Today’s guest post is by one of our regular contributors for Happy Wives Club, Kim Hall @ TooDarnHappy!  You loved her guest post a couple weeks ago so I asked her to write another and I’m so happy she said yes!


My dear hubby and I were struck with an extraordinarily virulent strain of the dreaded Cabin Fever in the thick of our innkeeping days. Our B&B was particularly busy in the winter, and consequently our hours were long, time for rest and relaxation was short, and patience was stretched thin.

When the snows finally began to recede, we were surprised and delighted by a mid-week day that dawned clear, bright and sunny, with zero chance of guests.

Work schedules quickly took a back seat to some good old-fashioned fun.

We dragged our kayaks out of hibernation from the old chicken coop and headed down to the still-frozen pond along with our camera gear, and proceeded to get really silly. We posed and played and laughed until our tummies hurt. “Hold on! I’ve got an idea,” Keith would yell, and then we’d give that a whirl. I’d run and slip across the ice to my tripod, set up the shot, and try to get back quickly without falling before the timer popped the shutter.

I love that my husband has a playful spirit.

He loves that I am an encourager.

Together we are at our best.

Although we still face regular temptation to snap at each other, we make a mindful choice every day of how to respond to bumps in the road. After all, we only have three choices in any situation: to accept, leave or change it. (For more on the applying the Three Door Rule, see here.)

What choices did we make on that spring day?

We chose grateful acceptance, because we weren’t sticking with our jobs and responsibilities.

We chose to change our state of mind and hearts by indulging in some wacky fun.

Additionally important, we chose gratitude: for the beautiful weather, the opportunity to spend quality time together, and especially for the winter that always, always gives birth to spring.

The next time you are experiencing Cabin Fever, apply intentional choices sprinkled with a generous measure of gratitude, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel!

Question: How do you cure Cabin Fever?

May you find happiness wherever you are! Kim @ Too Darn Happy


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Kim Hall

Kim Hall created Too Darn Happy with the mission of helping you find happiness in all circumstances through the encouragement of faith, the practice of gratitude, and the discovery of joy, all spun together with fresh perspectives, practical advice, and a personal touch. She recently authored her first ebook, Practicing Gratitude and Discovering Joy-30 Days to a Happier You.


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  • Amy L. Sullivan

    You’ve got yourself someone special, Kim! I always say one of the the things I love most about my husband is that we can have fun together. He’s my favorite person to go on adventures, travel, or just act plain silly!

    • Kim Hall

      Thanks, Amy. I think so! It if always refreshing to hear from other wives who really enjoy their husbands!

  • Tamara Bowman

    I’m in New England too. Today is one of my least favorite days – not warm, not cool – but a blah in between. Not sunny, not completely overcast either. I am making an effort for the kids to treat these days as any early spring days and we went to the park and had a blast. I know that with the exception of last year, it generally takes until May to have consistently warm weather in MA. And yet each year, I find myself surprised that I’m wearing a jacket in April. Onward and upward, just the same!

    • Happy Wives Clubâ„¢

      Onward and upward! I love that phrase :) .

    • Kim Hall

      Well, at least the more overcast days make for better photos! :-)
      I think that is our Yankee optimism, Tamara, being surprised that we have to still wear jackets in April.

  • Alicia Bruxvoort

    Kim, I can’t remember the last time my guy and I just did something silly for the sheer fun of it- seems the kids are always concocting goofy ways to play, but after reading this post, I’m realizing that I need to invite my mate into something more playful than a late night chat. Thanks for the inspiration

  • ruzzel01

    Excellent article. Explained very detailed.