Happy 2nd Anniversary Happy Wives Club!

By Fawn Weaver on Monday, February 6, 2012

I can’t believe we are celebrating our two-year anniversary already.  This club was launched on February 4, 2010 and continues to grow daily because of people like you.  I rarely look at the “stats” on our club’s growth or how we are influencing the conversation as it relates to marriage around the globe.  However, I did take a peak this week and was amazed at what I discovered.

Each week, thousands and thousands of new visitors continue to make it to this site.  Our Facebook page, where you can find me and thousands of other happy wives every day, gave a pretty spectacular ”snapshot” of the social reach of this club.  

In the past week alone, more than 3,300 of you were talking about the Happy Wives Club on your own Facebook wall.  Out of all the things to talk about…you chose to talk about us.  

Clearly, the encouraging messages we post on Facebook daily are resonating because you clicked “Like” more than 21,000 times in the past week affirming their relevance in your life.  

And the most impressive stat, I think, was our Facebook page alone reached close to 282,000 people.  Again, we’re only talking about stats for one week.  That is HUGE!  And I’ve not even begun talking about our Twitter page and how that has been growing like crazy since we finally began using it just a few months ago.

Every time you share one of our messages on your Facebook wall or retweet one of our marriage quotes on Twitter, you share it with your entire network of friends and family.  They then share it with their network because they trust you.  When you take the time to post an encouraging quote on love and marriage, share a personal experience or words of wisdom, you have no idea how many lives you’re reaching.  

For the past couple months, new members have been joining this club to the tune of 150-250 happy wives each day.  At this pace, provided you continue spreading the word, we will exceed 100,000 members in 2012.  And when we reach that milestone, I’m going to ask each of you to change the profile picture on your Facebook and Twitter pages to the Happy Wives Club logo.  We will “paint the internet blue” (the color of the HWC logo) and in that one day, I expect our numbers to multiply like we’ve never seen before.

I am excited to see what more the year has in store for us as we continue on this journey to prove joy and marriage still go hand-in-hand, the ‘Happy Wife’ really does exist and you and I aren’t the only ones a part of this club.  

Do you know how this club came to be?  If not, here’s the story.  I think it’s kind of cool :) .  And if you haven’t joined the club yet, what are you waiting for?  Join here and together let’s change the perception of marriage in the US and around the world.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Comments: With more than 20,000 Happy Wives Club members already actively engaged on our Facebook page, what better place to share your thoughts?  Join me there and let’s continue the conversation: Happy Wives Club Facebook


Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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