What to Do When Your Husband Has a Low Sex Drive

By Sheila Wray Gregoire on Monday, October 7, 2013

What to Do When Your Husband Has a Low Sex Drive

My heart poured out for him.  I could feel his pain.  Every bit of him wanted to show how much he loved his wife, in every way, at every moment.  

But stress and anxiety were causing him to “fail” her in one way and unlike everything else, he couldn’t figure out how to “fix” it.

That happened a couple weeks ago.  I was speaking with a happily married man- who I know loves and adores his wife- and yet stress from work and other challenges were impairing him in an area he never would have expected.

Yep.  That area.  Down there.

So many men, when they are young, are taught to put so much stock in “down there.”  Alot of ego is wrapped up in their ability to please.  So what do they do when that’s taken away? 

A doctor can help.  But even that can feel so invasive (and ego crushing) to some.  So after getting this question from members of this club who didn’t know exactly how to handle this, I asked our resident sex expert, Sheila Wray Gregoire, to help shed some light on this taboo subject.

I recognize that most of you are a part of the 70-percent this is not written for so I want to acknowledge in advance that this post won’t be for everyone.  

If you are one of the fortunate 70-percent, consider sharing this post with your married girlfriends because I guarantee someone around you needs this encouragement.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Does your husband often “have a headache”?

If you’re in one of the 30% of marriages where the WOMAN has the higher sex drive, it’s easy to feel like a freak. But after surveying thousands of men and women for my book The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, I can confidently say that there’s likely nothing wrong with you at all! It’s often just a normal part of marriage.

Marriage is a lifelong journey you take together, and that journey is going to have twists and turns. It’s not always going to stay the same.  

We’re quite aware that women’s libidos change all the time, depending on the time of month, the age of our kids, and our hormones.

We often forget that men are the same way, though for different reasons. Men have hormonal fluctuations, too–though not to the extent that we do–but often men’s sex drives will ebb and flow with stress, problems at work, and even medical conditions.

In our marriage, my husband was always the one with the higher sex drive and I would struggle to get myself in the right frame of mind so that we could have a good time together–even if I was exhausted. But when pressure from work got to be too much, he started to head to bed without asking for anything, which left me perplexed and lonely.

A few years and a new job later, we’re back on track. But those times when our husbands’ sex drives wane can bring doubt and frustration.  Based on research, as well as my personal experience, here are a few tips on what to do if your husband has a low sex drive.

Figure Out the Cause of His Lower Sex Drive

So let’s look at what could be causing his libido to head south. It could be something which is easily solved with exercise (if only exercise were easy!). Obesity and diabetes can kill libido, so going for a walk every night and taking up jogging can make you both more energetic in lots of ways!

It could also be a sign of low testosterone, which means he needs to swallow his pride and talk to the doctor. But trust me, as the wife of a physician, I can promise you: telling your doctor that you have a low sex drive will not even register in the top 10 embarrassing things that physician has heard all week.

Often, though, a guy’s lower libido is just from life. He’s stressed, he’s tired, and he’s turning inward to deal with it, rather than outward to you. So what do you do in these times when you feel distant, and worried, and even a little physically frustrated?

Keep Laughing Together

If you laugh together at least once a day, you can solve almost any problem! And laughing together helps you to feel like you’re on the same page. You build goodwill, so it’s easier to talk to your spouse about issues, too–even issues in the bedroom.

And when do you tend to laugh? When you’re doing things together! So take a walk after dinner. Start exercising. Play a card game. It doesn’t matter WHAT you do, as long as you spend time together.


When he’s the one with the higher sex drive, we women are often running for cover. We don’t initiate because he always does. Then, if he goes through a period of unemployment or stress at work and he’s lost the oomph to say, “come here, baby!”, your sex life can suddenly come to a screeching halt.

Maybe this just means it’s time for you to step up to the plate. Buy some sexy lingerie. Let your hands wander a bit when you’re snuggling. Tell him what you love about his body. Even if he wasn’t interested initially, he very well may reconsider!

Deal With Your Frustration

Sometimes, though, cute panties and flirting won’t cut it. He’s doubting himself. He’s tired. And he just doesn’t know if he wants to make the effort.

In that case, you could be left with a lot of pent up frustration. Don’t make that worse by feeding that frustration with chick flicks or romance novels. Channel your energy somewhere else. Psychologists call this “sublimation”, and it really is possible! Exercise a ton. Start a new hobby. Give yourself something else to think about and get excited about, so you don’t grow resentful and frustrated at your hubby.

Keep Loving Him Through It

Remember that marriage does last decades. If you go through a period of a few years of relative sexual drought, it very well may turn completely around a few years later. So do what you can now to support him and encourage him as he’s struggling, so that he knows that no matter what happens, you’re still on his team.

QUESTION: How would you encourage a couple going through this right now? 

Sheila is the author of seven books, including 31 Days to Great Sex, a 31-day challenge for couples to work through that can help reignite that spark by prompting conversations, fun, and adventure! Check it out.


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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Lauren Lawson

    I would say just like anything in marriage it is only a season and will pass. Love these steps. Sometimes we take medication we do not realize they effect us in this way. Talk it out. It is uncomfortable to talk about your sex life sometimes I still get embarrassed but this act is an intimate act for you two, something special, it deserves the attention. Tread carefully with the pride thing. This is a sensitive area with a man.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      “Tread carefully with the pride thing. This is a sensitive area with a man.” So happy you pointed that out, Lauren, because that is key. Couples like Sheila and her husband, and the many, many others out there who have seen this season come and go, know this can make you stronger (and create an even more intimate relationship because the trust factor has been increased 10-fold).

  • Jennifer Anderson

    Thank you so much! I have felt like a freak because I’m initiating 85% of the time and get rejected a lot when it comes to “getting it on”. These are good tips to deal with it.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      You’re not a freak, Jennifer. Stress is really a downer for men and if that’s what’s causing it, that too will pass. And if it’s something more, you can look for the solution…together.

  • justme:)

    I am definitely in the 30%. My husband is the sole bread winner, going to school, teaching Wednesday nights at church, and trying to be a good daddy to our daughter. Another thing that I know weighs on his mind is he’s got baby fever, ha ha, yup, my husband has it. He keeps referencing another little girl but we both know we’re not where we want to be location wise, space wise, or money wise so that is also playing into the lower drive. I know even though he won’t admit it he gets exhausted and he is trying to be Mr. Super Man that never gets tired. I try to just be patient knowing one day things really will calm down. I love him more than life itself so the bad times really aren’t all that bad :)

    • SheilaG

      It does sound like he has a lot on his plate! The best thing you can do: keep laughing together. Spend time with him so he’s not just “Daddy” but he’s your love, too. And I understand about the baby thing; this too shall pass, and you will be in a different situation one day. But for now, really work on your friendship so that you can talk through these issues and feel intimate again.

  • Elvira

    Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU! I have been suffering in silence for awhile now. I read a few books and blamed myself for my husbands low sex drive. After our second child I put on weight so I thought he may not be attracted to me anymore. He of course denied this, but actions speak louder than words. He use to be very randy, but now we are down to a few kisses a day. I know my husband loves me and I know this is eating him up inside. Your article gave me some points to think about and discuss with him. Thank you again and I will look for your books on AMAZON…GOD bless you and keep up the good work!

    • SheilaG

      You’re so welcome, Elvira! Definitely talk to him about it, because if it’s bugging him, that’s a good thing! When it’s bugging both of you, and you both don’t like where things are at, it’s actually a much easier fix. And remember that the main goal for all of it is just that you feel more intimate and on the same page. If you can talk about that–that you want more passion and intimacy–rather than just about frequency or “why aren’t you attracted to me anymore?”–it’s an easier discussion to have. No one’s blaming anyone; you just want to get to a new place together.

  • Anon!

    I’m even ashamed of commenting using my real name. :) It really hurts when you feel rejected like something is wrong with you as a woman. I know he loves me dearly though. Thankfully, my libido changed and we’re more or less the same level now! Our sex is great, about once a week or every 2 weeks. He doesn’t need to keep up with me anymore.

    • SheilaG

      It’s always nice when libidos get in sync again, isn’t it?

  • Frustrated

    I am so frustrated and full of resentment. I am trying so hard to not be and just let God handle it. But how do I keep doing that when I have spoken to my husband about our non existent sex life and he just keeps saying he’s not interested BUT yesterday I joked about saving time and water by showering together, he agreed. Of course I got excited thinking he was interested in sex. Of course he wasn’t but did get an erection and the second he penetrated me he was having an orgasm. So nothing for me, the one who has been dying for weeks to have my husband make love to me, to have an orgasm. And even after mentioning how much I still wanted and needed him we ended up having a huge fight…again. I have never denied him sex, I would never deny him sex. I am usually in the mood if he is and when I am not after kissing, etc I am aroused and want it to. He won’t even try. I ask him what I am suppose to do with my physical feelings and he just says “I don’t know”. I feel so rejected, so unworthy, unattractive, I could go on…and up until we married we were having sex frequently. Even after I asked to abstain til marriage because I knew we were sinning. He answered by saying how can we just stop after we’ve already been having sex. So we got married and now it’s a struggle to have sex….I am so frustrated I could scream!!!!!

    • SheilaG

      Frustrated, I’m so sorry! I can just imagine how frustrated you were. And you’re really not alone. There are a lot of women who feel that way. One of the red flags I see is that he did orgasm right away. That means it’s likely not a low testosterone/medical issue or anything. He does have a normal sexual buildup. So I think it’s important to make sure that nothing else is going on. Is he using porn, which will often diminish a guy’s sex drive? Is anything else stealing his sexual desire? And if not, it sounds like you’re talking to him about it, which is good. Like I said, keep working on your friendship so that your whole relationship isn’t stressful–just this one part of it. And then, if the situation persists and he really isn’t interested in helping you out at all, I’d maybe think about talking to a counselor? Just someone who knows you in real life who can give you some ideas, or at least a listening ear? And perhaps ask him to go too? I don’t think we handle this problem really well in general; we’re never quite sure what to do with the person who doesn’t want sex. But it is a serious marriage problem, and if the person seems indifferent to the situation, we really do need to talk it through. Blessings on you!

      • Anita

        This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me….My name is maria cooker … My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa ork who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa ork brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa ork e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa ork is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man…If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa ork today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here’s his contact: drossuva@gmail.com Thank you great ork. Contact him for the following:

        (1)If you want your ex back.
        (2) if you always have bad dreams.
        (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
        (4)You want women/men to run after you.
        (5)If you want a child.
        (6)[You want to be rich.
        (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
        (8)If you need financial assistance.
        (9)Herbal care
        10)Help bringing people out of prison
        Contact him today on:

    • j.wilken

      Frustrated, I have been exactly where you are. My husband and I used to never have this problem and now it’s a major struggle. I went through the being angry and upset phase, we used to fight about it all the time, but we have made many break throughs and I now understand where he’s at, at least somewhat. My husband is a very deep person, you wouldn’t ever think so I am probably the only one on the planet that could ever see it, but he struggles with many things that “brings this area down”, 1) we are just now getting where we are “comfortable” with our finances, I just started back to work part time after 4 years of staying home with our kids and that has helped bring in some extra money and my husband is very very worried about not being able to provide for us, finances are a big struggle for him. We are still not well off by any means but me going back to work has taken off some of the stress for him and he is also learning to not worry about money so much. 2) My husband is the only person I have been with….however I am not the only person he has been with and he feels guilty for that. We also didn’t wait until marriage and he feels guilty about that as well (he was saved after we were married so this is a new thing for him being convicted about things that used to not bother him at all) And he thinks this effects our sex life now and he’s trying to work through how to get past it. 3) When we were in the throws of this I went to my aunt (the one person I can trust that won’t hold it against him and will call me out when I need it) and she gave me a little insight into the “lower drive” spouse since she was that. And she said that she was so fulfilled in the rest of their relationship that she didn’t need sex. And she said that just by observing us she could very well see that being part of it also, that he is just filled by the rest of our relationship that it isn’t something he needs a lot of.
      There are the possibilities of medical issues, porn use, and many other things but for many men it is way deeper than that and has nothing to do with you or how he feels about your relationship. Stress is a big one BUT it could have nothing to do with stress or that could only be part of the problem. But I do want to let you know there is hope, we are not 100% in this area yet, but we are way better than we were and it seems to get better everyday. My advice on what you could do because you will probably have to compromise a little, try to have fun with your husband in other ways, try to find intimacy in everyday little occurrences. Chances are he is just showing love in another way and right now your so hurt and rejected you haven’t noticed. While we are not “getting it on” as much as I would like to still, I am finding more contentment with the everyday little gestures he does to show me love (he is actually a very lovey dovey man), and that helps a ton. Also genuinely talk to him, in a caring , loving way without getting mad or upset. I had to listen to the things my husband would say randomly to begin to understand, he would throw little things in in a non-obvious way, and that’s where his truth was coming out. This may not help you at all, every marriage and every situation is diffrerent but these realizations have really helped me become more patient and more aware of where my husband is coming from.

      • Cat

        I really like this reply, it’s very kind and helpful. It gives me hope things will get better in my soon to be marriage

    • SandraAshley

      I did the exact same thing. We were having sex and then I felt guilty about it because we were in sin and so we waited until we got married and the sex drive never came back for him! I feel the same way, rejected, sad, insecure…even clingy…which is strange. He says that he has no idea why this is happening and why he has no sex drive. Have you in the last year found that anything has helped?

    • Miller Moore


      OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF JUNE 2014, And i saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called DR OSAUYI on the forum..I never believed it, because i never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until DR OSAUYI did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 24 hours just as i read on the internet..i was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you DR OSAUYI you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.. here is his website: Email:(OSAUYILOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM) Mrs Miller Moore from England

    • Simmons Flora


      Today has being the most happiest day of my life after 1 year of sadness and sorrow without being with the one i love, i tried all my possible best to make sure i make my lover happy but it never seems to work out well it was like am doing everything in vain but all thanks to Dr OSAUYI for coming to change all my worries and sadness to Joy. i knew the great man when i read some wonderful reviews about Dr OSAUYI how he has helped a lots of people on there relationship problem i was reading a magazine which then i saw great testimonies as well which then i decided not to waste time because i have missed my lover so much i decided to contact him and share all my problem with him which then he told me not to worry that he assures me that within 48 hours everything would be sorted out i believed Dr OSAUYI so much because i believe he can’t fail me but truly Dr OSAUYI never failed me a man that stand on his worlds is really a man,my husband who left me for good a year plus replied my text and returned my calls and asked me to please forgive him i was so happy am so grateful to Dr OSAUYI for what he has done for me if you are there pass the same problem or any kinds of problem just contact the great man on OSAUYILOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM call his mobile number +2347064294395.

    • Morgan Keri

      My name is morgan keri.i want to give thanks to dr.trust for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person,It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he brake up with me again.I was confuse and do not no what to do again,rather them to get in contact with dr.trust. He did a love spell that make my husband come back to me. we are now very much happy with our self. dr.trust make him to realize how much we love and need each other.This man is for REAL and for good.he can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counseling, and we’re doing very, very well,in our love life.contact email(ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com tel:+234186885231) http://ultimatespellcast-net.webs.com.//

    • David Eric

      I am David Eric,I want to say thank to dr.trust for everything he did in my life. To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one like you at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read so many testimonials of dr.tust how he help people to get back their ex lover. dr.tust answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my ex girlfriend back. i email dr.trust and tell him everything.he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the one that was to get her back to me and stay with me and to marry me.As soon as he finish the spells, my girlfriend came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful to him, that is why i am sharing this testimony to those who need his help. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what dr.trust said would happen. I’m very happy for the love spell dr.trust have done for me, my ex girlfriend is now back to me and we are living so happy. if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now…no one would believe it! contact is email address (ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com or ultimatespellcast@gmail.com tell +2348156885231) his website: http://ultimatespellcast-net.webs.com..

    • Julie Mattie

      my name is JULIE MATTIE. When i read a testimony online on how dr.drust the great and most powerful spell caster online of great ultimate temple, i was wondering how can this be true, Because many has failed me in the past without any result from them. I just let the post pass by and move on the forum. To my notice under again, Some person posted and said tested and trusted spell caster. After reading through the mail it was this same dr.trust she was talking about. So i have no other option than to really check up how he works.I was totally devastated when my beloved lover left me. It was like my entire world vanishing into sorrow and pain. I know it sounds weird but out of all the spell casters I contacted, he was the only one to give me that impression of being so true and trustful. More than his words,He brought my lover back and he made all my wishes come true. He is now loyal, pays attention to me, he offers me flowers every Sunday, and we often go out at the cinema and the restaurant. I will be forever thankful for turning my life from hell to heaven! i believe who need help should get to him for help. May God continue to use you to save broken relationship. (ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com tel:+2348156885231) to get the problem solve, Because there is no spell caster online like him.

  • Jennifer Nash

    Glad to find that I am not the only one who has to deal with this. I not ashamed to admit I love sex and it is hard when you husband doesn’t crave it as often as you. I have felt like a freak because many of my friends could care less if they ever have it. I get very frustrated with him. I initiate 90% of the time and I get rejected a lot and it does hurt. I get very frustrated with him. I feel like he is not attracted to me like he once was. We have had this discussion and he loves me deeply and is very attracted to me. He just feels stressed between everything that is going on sex is the last thing on his mind. I get he works a lot meaning 50-70 hours a week, plus school. I am a stay at home mom, so I don’t have the same stress. I have tried to explained to him that this is one way we need to stay connected. I am hoping this is just a lull for a while. School for him ends next May and our other major stress in life which is money will finally be a little more at ease. Then maybe things will pick up in the bedroom.

    • SheilaG

      Jennifer, that could very well be true. It does sound like you’re walking through a really stressful time in your marriage. Do whatever you can to keep laughing together, too, and maybe talk to him about what the best stress relievers for him are? Perhaps he could see that sex could be a great stress reliever! Ask him when the last time he didn’t feel stressed was. What was he doing? And then try to put as many of those things in place in possible!

  • Aesha Adams-Roberts

    There are some wonderful natural remedies that have helped with this issue, everything from stress to libido to some of the other physical & emotional issues wives deal with. It doesn’t have to be this way! There’s hope :)

    • SheilaG


  • Andrea Graf

    My husband has a lower sex drive than me and in our case there is nothing wrong with him, it’s not stress, hormones or anything else. None of the men in his family have a very high sex drive and although I found it frustrating at first, I’ve come to realize that no couple is completely happy with their sex life all of the time. I’ve also realized that although having a great sex life is helpful, sex is like the dessert in life and if I spend all my time thinking about when and how much dessert I can have I’m not going to be able to enjoy the wonderful feast that is before me.
    Once I let go of my expectations and allowed my husband to just be himself and stopped taking it personally when he wasn’t in the mood when I was, life got a whole lot more enjoyable and so did the sex.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Can I tell you how happy your comment just made me, Andrea?! You are so right! And I love your analogy of sex being like a dessert. When the pressure comes off, the sex is so much better. Agree 100%.

    • A Woman The World Deserves

      I agree with you Fawn! This has got to be one of the best ways to look at having a husband with a low sex drive. It does get frustrating, but sex isn’t the marriage, only a portion.

    • Hesjustnotthatintome

      I’m saving your comment in my phone so I can frequently remind myself of what you just said…it resonated so well with me! Thank you!!!

      • Andrea Graf

        I’m so glad, it was a real game changer for us, for sure. :)

  • Myla

    sex is important in a marriage. but i think that society today has the misconception that sex is everything or sex is love. and that without it, marriage will not survive. i think that’s wrong.

    my husband has a very high sex drive. i should be happy, but i’m not. i feel like that’s the only thing he does to prove his love for me when there are other ways i crave. i like intimacy without it necessarily going towards the sex act…. just holding hands, or lounging together on the couch is a really nice change for me.

    • Terri

      Myla, may I recommend that the two of you read “The Five Love Languages” together? I really think that it will help you both by discovering each of your primary love languages and how you can each learn to “speak” that particular love language to one another. It really helped me become and stay aware of how I can best keep my husband’s “love tank” filled by learning his love language and what makes him feel loved. Blessings! :)

      • Myla

        thank you, terri. got the ebook. will read it.

        • SheilaG

          Hi Myla, you’re absolutely right. Affection and intimacy and sex are all intertwined, but you shouldn’t have one at the expense of the other. I wrote an inexpensive book called “31 Days to Great Sex” which is 31 days of challenges to do as a couple to build your intimacy. Some of them are fun and a bit racy, but a lot of them just focus on talking, flirting, becoming more affectionate, and discussing what sex means to you and what your needs are. If you’ve never been able to communicate this to him, this may be a good place to start! http://tolovehonorandvacuum.com/2012/11/31-days-to-great-sex-is-here/

  • Amber

    It gets so easy to feel like I am the only wife out there with a higher sex drive than my husband, but this helps me know that I’m not!
    We have been married 2 and a half years and I have always had the higher sex drive. at first his was higher than it is now but he gets very stressed out at work and we have some financial issues and issues with our home (we are living with some of his family because we cannot afford rent on our own right now). I initiate about 95% of the time, and he gives in most of the time even though I can tell he doesn’t really feel like it. I get tired of initiating….it makes me feel like I’m getting what I want and he’s not, and that I’m making him do something he doesn’t want to do. he reassures me by saying that he ends up wanting and enjoying it once we get into it. but most of the time I feel like I just want him to WANT to make love to me. he tells me that if I would just give him time in between (he wants to do it about twice a month, whereas I want to at least once a week) then he would be refreshed and ready and that he would actually initiate. but that is SO hard for me. especially since I use Fertility Awareness as birth control and we have a period of abstinence around and during ovulation every month.
    we talk about all of this often and we both try really hard (he tries to give me what I want/need even sometimes when he doesn’t want to, and I have backed off a lot and I don’t ask for it as often) and we’ve come a long way. I have found that the best thing for me to do is to keep my mind off of it. I try to keep busy with work, hobbies, family, and anything else. when we are together we have date nights and we laugh and play and flirt. other than this one part of it, our marriage is 150%. we get along so well and rarely ever fight (we have arguments but they are resolved same day and we never stay mad at each other more than a few hours) and we are best friends. we never would have thought this would be the hardest part of our marriage, but it is. and I’m actually glad that this is the only difficulty in our marriage because there are people who have it so much worse. I also know that we are still young and we haven’t been married that long so these kinds of issues could easily be resolved later on. after all, we have our whole lives together =)
    and I want to encourage all the wives out there that are going through this who do not have such a responsive husband; pray for him! pray for your husband often and also pray for yourself. change starts with you. maybe there are some things God needs to change in you before He changes things in your hubby. I have realized that if I focus on me and on God changing me into a better wife and better person, my husband sees that and it makes life easier on him and opens doors for God to work in Him. I am always asking God to make me a better wife and to bless my husband in every way <3

    thanks for this post, btw!

    • W

      Wow, I felt like I could have written everything that you wrote about 2 years ago.. my husband and I have a great relationship and we hardly ever argue but the first 4 years of our marriage I was always the initiator and it hurt my feelings; I felt like I was not attractive enough for him to want me and I felt like I was forcing him into sex. He reassured me in the same way your husband did. After our second child though, my sex drive went down quite a bit and now he is usually the one who initiates because as wonderful as our sex is, I don’ feel like I have to have it anymore.
      I know how you feel and I pray that things get better for you! And yes, be happy your marriage is great!

      • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        Thank you so much for sharing your story as I know it will encourage others! <3

    • Mandy Divanna

      !!! How To Get Your husband Back & Avoid Divorce !!!

      Hello I am LOPEZ CAROL ,I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to DR.UKAKA the great messenger to the oracle of DR.UKAKA solution home,I narrated my problem to DR.UKAKA about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in USA were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR.UKAKA on his personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on: freedomlovespell@hotmail.com………………..OR call +2348133873774

  • anonymous

    Any suggestions on getting him to go see a doc? He’s all talk, but not too interested in the action. Anyone else would think he has a high sex drive based on the comments he makes, and I know he finds me attractive, but trying to talk about the doc seems to fall on deaf ears.

    • anonymous

      When we do make love, he can’t always climax either. This doesn’t seem to bother him, but it drives me nuts.

      • SheilaG

        I hear that so often from women! The problem is that if a guy has a low sex drive, he doesn’t experience that as a problem. The wife may experience it as a problem, but he doesn’t, so he really doesn’t feel any urgent need to see a doctor. And since men don’t tend to like seeing a doctor to begin with, it can be very difficult to convince a husband this is necessary. Just keep trying!

        I’d also really look at whether there’s another underlying problem, like perhaps porn or some other issue. If he’s “talking the talk” but seems more to be putting on a show, and is really resisting dealing with it, it makes me wonder if there’s something that he would rather not bring to light. So just keep working on your friendship so you can talk together, and then have a really good heart to heart and ask him what’s going on and why he won’t do anything about it. Explain that you want your marriage to be rocking and wonderful and intimate, and you’re afraid that both of you are missing out.

  • Mish @ eatingjourney

    I really struggled with this in our relationship. I wasn’t nice about it at first, because I didn’t think that men really did struggle with this. Then I backed off. Whenever he wanted to start something I went with it. We talked about it and he has had some awful experiences before and he’s stressed at work. He can’t let go of work. I’ve taken all the pressure off of him to climax, and allowed him to please me and do what feels good to him. It was hard at first because I felt rejected. Then I stopped being so self absorbed and started to nurture him more.

    • SheilaG

      That’s awesome, Mish! Stress can play such a role, and it sounds like you’ve taken steps to make sure you don’t recreate that stress at home. Anything you can do to help him process that stress and deal with it at home can be such a blessing to him in so many ways, too. Glad you’re able to talk this through more.

  • Gemmy

    I’ve been experiencing this for many years now. At times it is frustrating, painful and hurtful. I’ve prayed about it, tried to ignore it, tried to talk about it and had hopes that it would improve. We’ve tried drug remedies, one in particular costs us thousands of dollars but still didn’t work. Recently he was tested and his testoserone is low. Because of other health issues, he is not a candidate for traditional medicine cures but he isn’t proactive about trying to correct it in other ways. I love him so I keep trying even though I am usually rejected most times. I feel like I am constantly giving and not getting a return on my investment so I become weary in well doing; especially since we are supposedly trying to have at least one child. (Immaculate conception only happened once and won’t happen again!). I attempt to leave my rejection and frustration with God but sometimes it gets extremely hard. I fight through the bitterness and resentment that tries to rise up so I don’t grow cold. There have been times that I have thought of walking away or just having an affair but God’s sufficient grace is sustaining me and helping me through it all. I have to keep trusting and believing that He will work it out.

    • lora

      hi i just want to help,i have an idea about what fud supplement he may take if its ok,can u pm me in my fb acct?loradelnovio@yahoo.com.tnk u

    • SheilaG

      Gemmy, you’re absolutely right. It is really, really hard. You had this vision for your marriage regarding something that is SUPPOSED to be great, and it just isn’t there. There’s no doubt about it: that’s a hard road to walk down.

      I’d really recommend that you keep trying with the doctor. If there are other health issues, maybe work on some of those, too. I don’t know what’s going on in your case, but sometimes we don’t make great lifestyle choices, and that has really adverse effects on our health. If we start to eat better, exercise more, and cut out too many “fake” foods, sometimes we can jolt our body into coming back online.

      But that may not be the case with you. Keep working on your friendship so that you can talk to him and tell him that you feel lonely. See if you can plan ways to be intimate together at night–like reading in bed together, cuddling, praying, giving a massage–even if you don’t always make love. Just feeling close is important. And perhaps as you do more of this the rest will seem more natural. But do try to institute some choices and routines where you do get to be close, because you both need it.

      I hope that things get better for you! Most couples, too, go through cycles: sometimes he’ll have the higher sex drive, and sometimes she will. It could very well be that in ten years the roles are reversed, if that’s any consolation!

      • Dennis Rainey

        who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is James i live in Chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, DR. IYARE, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to me after the wonderful work of DR. IYARESPELLTEMPLE, my wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: dr.iyarespelltemple@gmail.com and you will have the best result. take things for granted and it will be take from you. i wish you all the best.

        Contact Dr. IYARE on: dr.iyarespelltemple@gmail.com

  • Jad Dee

    Hi Fawn! How about a downer for that thing down there? :)

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      I don’t know any man who wouldn’t love that! But for those impacted by the various issues mentioned in this post, it’s quite a bit deeper than that.

  • Hillary

    Thank you so much for writing about this! There doesn’t seem to be enough discussion this on this topic. My husband and I struggled for several years after we got married. Although he has a medical condition that made things harder for him, mostly I think the stress of working full time and going to school part time was the main reason his sex drive was lower. Things are way way better now that his schedule isn’t so harried. In fact, we finally made the decision that school was not worth it for us at this stage in our lives. Having him being a fully functional husband and father was more important, especially while our children are little. I wish I could have read an article Ike is when we were going through the worst of things.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thanks, Hillary. I’m so happy you shared your experience so other women in this community could also be encouraged. <3

  • Nicki

    Sometimes, it can indicate a heart problem. We were surprised to see this symptom of his faulty valve affecting our love life. But I have to say, in over 30 years of marriage, I have come to visualize each night as a tiny patch in a quilt that is being sewn together to make a covering for us. The dark ones add to the beauty eventually.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      WOW! Love the illustration you used. Thank you so much, Nicki.

  • anon

    my husband works away for two months and we see each other for about four times in that two months so the sparks are there and both our sex drives are high but when he is home for two months things changes as we both have things to do and believe me sex is sometimes the last thing on my list, but what we have figured out is to think about sex like he is leaving the next day and I don’t get to see him for two weeks it never gets tiring because we both know what its like to be without each other.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      That’s a great suggestion!

  • Wanting to help husband

    My husband is a great husband but in the area of romance in the bedroom, its lacking because he has low testosterone and diabetes and it hurts him, we are going to doctor Monday and hopefully something will help. I love this man more than life itself but to be honest I am having a hard time with orgasms lately because he is just not into with me. So I just have turned myself off totally to sex. When we do have sex its on a Saturday and Sunday morning, planned and he has to read a story to get himself siked up to be with me which just totally shuts the excitement down for me. I am a blonde, petite and outgoing and he says its not me but I have a hard time with it as our sex life use to be so exciting and now its like lets do this to make her happy with once a week which is fine if I felt like he was there with me. I need advice, I have a strong marriage that I hold so precious to my heart, I just want some bedroom excitement back into it.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      How did your doctor appointment go? Sounds like a huge step in the right direction!

  • chikawut

    I am in my first year of marriage- our anniversary is next month. I have been dealing with this issue for a while now… probably 8/12 months. I am so thankful I stumbled upon this thread after seeing it as a listed article of interest. It is so relieving to know that I am not alone in feeling this way. I had no idea there was another 30% of women who experience this.
    I love my husband, I pray for him, our marriage, myself…. I look forward to our journey ahead. We have gone through so much within this year alone: both our parents divorcing, his grandfather dying, i switched schools three times, moving twice (me three times), planning our wedding, my father being diagnosed with prostate cancer, getting a puppy, adjusting to his job, adjusting to living together…. NO WONDER his libido is low.
    Unfortunately mine is high as ever! It doesn’t help that I compare our sex life to what it was when he was courting me, a time of life where we both had a significant amount of less stress and more time on our hands.
    This year has taught me over again the Ecclesiastes message- “For everything there is a season…”
    It has been encouraging to read that this has happened to other couples, and will not last forever. I know this is a period for me of drawing close to God, but I desire to draw close to God with my spouse, and I love that sex is another way to do that….
    Le sigh….
    I guess I just need to keep praying.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      So happy you’ve been encouraged by this thread! And yes, it’s just a season and you and your husband will be able to work together to determine what’s wrong (based on the year you’ve had, sounds like maybe stress) and to help guide your sex life back on track. Rooting for you!

    • Emily

      WOW! I thought I was alone. I am in my 1st year of marriage too, our 4th month, and I had no idea how to feel with this bombshell. I brought it up with him this week, ‘why am I always initiating it etc’ and he said he had been thinking the exact same thing – why am I(she) initiating it all. He feels weird about it too.

      We are best friends and have such open conversations and I am so happy that I brought this up instead of becoming bitter about it. Now to discuss are there any trigger factors: stress, finances, the fact that I am exercising and he isn’t, or me earning marginally more money then him or if he genuienly has a low sex drive.

  • LPT

    This was something we dealt with a lot over the past 27 years (which is how long we’ve been married) My husband did see a doctor to rule out any serious problems. We also did this because we had secondary infertility that was determined to be from a low count. Mostly, we just dealt with the problem and it was frustrating and caused more than one argument. My husband did exercise and that helped some. After losing his job last year that was kind of the nail in the coffin and he was also diagnosed with high blood pressure but was told it was probably due to the stress of losing his job. I did some research on-line for natural ways to lower blood pressure. One of the things suggested was the amino acid L-Arginine. It was sold at Wal-mart and inexpensive and there were no side effects listed that would effect him (such as cold sores) so I started giving him 500 mg a day with his other vitamins. That was a very low dose. About 4 to 6 weeks later I started noticing he was chasing me around the house and his desire was better than when we got married by a LOT. So, I did a little more in-depth research on L-Arginine and found that it could also increase desire. Since he’d already been given a clean bill of health other than the blood pressure whe’s kept using it. I promised I’d share this information any time appropriate because of how well it’s worked for us.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      This is such a blessing, LPT! Thank you for sharing this as it will help so many.

    • SheilaG

      That’s awesome! I’ve never heard of that, but I’ll look into it and recommend it.

  • Stressed

    what if its the women with low sex drive? My husband has a very high sex drive and I just need help getting to where he is, what do I do? all we now is fight. Our marriage need some work.
    Please help

  • Serenity

    Thank you so much for this post. I have been going through this and feel absolutely miserable, like I’m not pretty enough (though he tells me every day I’m beautiful) or that he wants someone else. Truth is, I’m STILL frustrated, and some days, I’m so spazzed out, I feel like ripping out my hair and going crazy. But thank you for this post. I very much appreciated it and look forward to reading so much more.

    • SheilaG

      You’re so welcome! And you’re absolutely not alone.

  • Frantic

    I am at my wits end! My partner of 3 & a half years is not the slightest bit interested in sex anymore. I can’t go on like this much longer. It’s been 10 months now & no matter what I do ( & I know what to do!) I get no reaction. He either pretends to go straight to sleep or just lies there like a starfish & doesn’t respond. He doesn’t touch me anymore. When I kiss him even he responds as if he’s kissing his grandmother. I of course haven’t reacted in a positive loving way. How can I be supportive when my needs are constantly being ignored? I am trying to be understanding but it’s not easy. it seems I am the only one suffering here. He has even said he could go on indefinitely without sex in his life.
    Our sex life prior to this has never been fireworks but at least we were having sex & he was initiating occasionally. He has seen a doctor & says that nothing is wrong, but I’m not convinced. I am worried there is something more insidious affecting him (like his heart for instance) The medication he ordered he doesn’t even take because it gave him headaches. He won’t investigate any alternatives because “its embarrassing”! FFS! It seems as if he’s just waiting for me to chuck in the towel because he hasn’t got the guts.
    The sad thing is I love him so much. I know I sound angry but it comes from the hurt I feel over this.
    It’s not something I can talk to my mum about. I have no-one to turn to.

    • SheilaG

      Hi Frantic,

      I’m so sorry you’re going through this! That must be very lonely. A couple of things that stood out to me in your comment: First, I’m not sure if you’re actually married or not. You called him your “partner”. Sex does tend to mean something different once you’ve made a lifetime commitment, because there’s a real depth of intimacy there. When we live as if we’re married, but we aren’t married, sometimes that intimacy can be hard to get to. You each have different ideas of where the relationship is going, and it’s really complex emotionally.

      I think right now it’s likely hard for you to make decisions because you’ve invested so much in the relationship. But what I’d ask I guess is do you want to live the rest of your life with this man, just as things are? If not, then I’d suggest ending the relationship before you invest more years of your life into it.

      If, on the other hand, you do want to commit, then I’d suggest that you do that, if you’re sure. But that doesn’t guarantee that the sex problems are going to go away.

      I’d check two main things: is he using porn? Quite often porn use wrecks a man’s sex drive. And then I’d insist that he go to the doctor, and even go with him if need be. If he isn’t willing to work on this, then he likely isn’t willing to commit to you enough to make a good marriage.

      But I think you need to sort out your issues with the status of your relationship first. It sounds like you’re in limbo, and that’s never a good place to be because the relationship is tenuous enough that you can’t really tackle real problems. If you know that you’re either working towards marriage or that you’re splitting up, then these issues become clarified.

      Hope that helps, and I wish you all the best!


    • Erin Cody

      It’s unbelievable how fortunate I feel after finding your website. For the past 6 months, I have been so depressed after losing my husband to another woman. My money situation worsened so much that I thought I’d have to file for bankruptcy. I had a huge amount of debt and I didn’t know what to do. Out of complete and total desperation, I contacted many of those so-called individuals who promised powerful magic, witchcraft or black magic. None of them worked and none were as wonderful, affectionate and warm as Dr Marvel has been. He is definitely different from the others and I felt immediate hope and strength from hearing about the promises he had to offer. He carries an air of purity and divine strength that is as pure as fresh snow on the ground. I requested Kofi’s most powerful spells and I was relieved right away that I had someone to solve my problems for me. His spells worked wonders and I am now back with my husband and my money troubles resolved itself after winning the lottery. Dr Marvel, I have no idea what I would have done without you being there to help me out. Here is his website http://extremespellhome.webs.com.you can also reach him via email extremespellhome@hotmail.com.or call +2348106985072

      With best regards, Erin.

  • Ns

    This was incredibly encouraging….. I’m 5 months pregnant and a lot of things have changed: we moved, our finances are tight, and my husband’s job is fairly intense right now (and his hours fluctuate from days to nights). We are very close, get along very well most of the time, and he tells me how attractive he finds me, but with everything (including my lowered sex drive with pregnancy) sex has been almost nonexist….. We talk about it and try to fit it in, but it just seems too forced lately… Which had me really scared and feeling insecure… After reading everything you wrote, and feeling as though you were looking in on our lives (but with a very positive outlook), I feel so encouraged!!! Thank you!!

  • Been there

    This article and the author’s reponses to questions about it seem to suggest that when a couple goes through this, it is a temporary thing, that you weather the storm, that things get better in this department. I can tell you from personal experience that it doesn’t always get better and that sometimes, it just is the way it is and there is nothing a woman can do to change it. I think that accepting this has its own stages: anger, denial, sadness, resignation, etc. and I have gone through them over and over again. When I think I have finally accepted it, a few months later, I go through a stage of sadness again then anger….
    The reality is that oftentimes, this “problem” never goes away and, unfortunately, the lower desire spouse has the power in the relationship regarding this issue and there is nothing the other spouse can do to change it. From a practical perspective, I liken it to a compatibility issue: one person likes it, the other isn’t so into it. Unfortunately, unlike any other activity you can engage in, this is one that it is expected you do ONLY with your spouse. Like skydiving but he doesn’t? Find a skydiving pal! Into sappy movies and he isn’t? Go to one with a girlfriend! But if your spouse isn’t interested in sex with you, you are out of luck. If kids aren’t involved, it’s probably best to say goodbye and find someone who wants to enjoy and treasure you the same way you want to enjoy and treasure them.

    • SheilaG

      Hi there! Thanks for your comment, and I am sorry for all the sadness and rejection you’ve gone through.

      You’re right; for many couples this is a longstanding issue. I guess what I would say, then, is to figure out WHY it is longstanding. If it’s something that’s going on, and it isn’t due to stress or testosterone issues, then there has to be an underlying reason. And usually that reason is a combination of porn use, possible abuse as a child, sexuality issues, and others. In other words, it’s a deep seated issue. And that issue is likely holding him back not just in the bedroom but in other areas of his life, too.

      I would say that the best thing to do is to try to get to the root of it and then deal with the root. Not wanting sex is only the symptom of the issue. The root could be something quite difficult, but with God’s help you really can bring some healing.

      Leaving him would just let the root remain. I think, as spouses, we owe it to each other to help bring healing in areas of our lives where we are wounded and messed up. And perhaps having an open dialogue and setting up some real boundaries and getting some counseling can help. I’ve seen couples recover from things like this, and they get a new lease on life. But that root really does need to be dealt with!

      • gg

        Hi Sheila,

        I’m the female of one of those couples where it’s a longstanding issue. My husband takes Cialis, but that helps only minimally. He started taking Cialis after I prompted him to talk to his doctor. I’m going to suggest he mentions low testosterone specifically to his doctor on his next visit, but that’s not for several months. IMO, his doctor should have tested him for that rather than just give him Cialis, but that’s a separate issue.

        It’s more than that though…..truthfully, he’s an unimaginative and lousy lover. We’ve been together 9 years, married for 4. I’m 50, he’s 57. When we first started going out, I’d go down on him. After he was done, he’d get up and walk away, leaving me unsatisfied. After 2 or 3 times of this happening, I told him that’s a problem. Seeing as I’m the one with the higher drive, leaving me unsatisfied is double damage. His response when I first brought this up was “once I’ve gotten off, I have no desire to get you off”. Isn’t that the epitome of a bad lover, someone only interested in their own pleasure? :(

        I’ve been painfully specific in articulating my needs. I told him I’d like to have sex 2-3 times per week. If you can’t do that, then however many times we don’t in a week, I need that many compliments to make up for lack of sex. I’ve been overweight my entire life, and I have very low self esteem as a result. His lack of desire/attention/compliments feeds into my insecurities. He’s the most passive man I’ve ever met in regards to sex. He’s affectionate otherwise (like holding hands, peck goodbye, hugs). There are times I’ve lost weight, and honestly it doesn’t seem to spark his libido at all.

        There are times I strip down to bra and panties, or put on lingerie and sit next to him. He might say “ooh”, but does nothing. He never kisses me passionately, but that seems to be common amongst men in long term relationships. I think it’s maddening that they seem to think that what worked early on in the bedroom doesn’t need to be continued. Just last week, he went down on me, but hadn’t kissed me nor touched my nether regions whatsoever. He doesn’t seem to understand that I need to have passion built up. I’m fairly certain he wouldn’t want me to go to work on his downstairs when he was flaccid. We have discussed all of these things many times, but he doesn’t learn,

        I usually have to initiate, but 90% of our sex life goes like this: I go down on him, and afterwards, he half-heartedly assists in my masturbation. Hopefully you can see how this is very boring for me. We have intercourse once per month or less, always missionary. I have tried toys, lingerie, sexy stories I tell him during sex, but nothing seems to really get him excited enough to want to pleasure me. I’ve told him that I want to be attacked, not treated like I’m his duty. When I’ve suggested doing something different, I’ve loved it and told him effusively how much I enjoyed it. It never happens again unless I ask for it. I’ve even tried suggesting adding a man to the mix for both of us, but he says he’s not interested in men whatsoever. I”ve checked his browser/phone history, and he doesn’t seem to be watching porn, so that’s not it.

        His oral skills are almost non-existent, even after lots of coaching. He also has the driest tongue I’ve ever experienced, so I’ve told him to make it wetter than he thinks it needs to be. I’ve coached him on pace, the amount of pressure, the up/down motion rather than side to side. Despite this, he still can’t really please me orally, and has to be constantly reminded of every last instruction. He’s a highly intelligent electrical engineer, so it’s not a mental incompetence issue.

        While you may say that I need to “drive” and always be explicit about my needs at that moment, I’d really prefer if he would just learn what I want/like, especially since I’ve been so vocal about it. I want to be ravished as I ravish him (and have said that too), but nothing I say or do helps. I love him very much and believe that he loves me, but the lack of desire/sex bugs the hell out of me Any suggestions for me?

        • Aimee

          Maybe at least part of the problem is you are a little TOO vocal about things. I think a helpful hint every now and then is usually well received. It sounds more like you are giving a lot of instructions. Maybe he feels like he can never get it right so why bother. Maybe he has given up on trying to please you because he feels it’s impossible. I kind of get that impression myself. It’s very demoralizing for a man to feel incompetent all the time. Maybe try focusing on and encouraging what he does right, or well. There must be something to praise him for. Men are fragile a bit and need to be built up, not torn down. I think we as women are the same way.

  • Deprived wife

    Ive been with my husband for 22 years & for at least the last 13 years there has been a dismal amount of sex. Im talking last year was 3 times–& then before that there were periods of like 18 months then 1 & another 12 or more months in between again. Hes like my bestfriend– he supports all i do– is happy to see me– loves having me around– but thats it. He does grope my bust or ass & front & puts his hand down my pants for a grab– & then that seems to be enough. I love him with everything but im so desperate for love & affection & an intimate relationship with him but its just not happening. Hes used all types of excuses as to why he “cant” & even says his foreskin hurts & maybe ineed acircumcision but then still wont seek medical advise… Im so emotionally overbeing taunted by his passionate kisses & feeling ups — is he not seejng how im affected?? Im ready to end an otherwise happy marriage cause i just cant keep up like this.

    • Deprived wife

      Still no change even with trying to talk to him….. Im just soooo lost!!

      • deprived too

        I feel your pain. It’s been over 2 years for me with no sex from my husband, so you’re ahead of me because you at least did it 3 times in a year! (married for 4, together for 9) And no passionate kisses either. Nice sweet friendly kisses. He wants to touch my boobs, but more like a 13 year old boy would want to… interested in them like a teenager. I feel the same way as you though. The rest of the marriage is good and he’s my best friend. But without intimacy, I am becoming really resentful. My husband is also always coming up with excuses about why he doesn’t want to do it, and I’ve asked him point blank if he is still sexually attracted to me, and he says yes. It’s difficult when other men definitely find me sexy and attractive, and my husband just doesn’t seem to care.

  • Eressea

    Some how I believe that it is my fault. My husband was my first and only. We have been married for 1 1/2 years. Our sexual relationship was more frequent when we were engaged. Three months before we were married I had to under go surgery for ovarian cysts. Four softball sized endometriomas were removed. Less than a year later I was back at the doctor for another cyst. Watchful waiting proved that the cyst ruptured. I had sinus surgery in June and was back in the Emergency Room in October with another cyst. Surgery in December resulted in 3/4 of my left ovary being removed. My right ovary was buried with scar tissue, adhesions, and attaching itself to other organs. I am 25.

    January 2014 came and my OB/GYN says that it will be very difficult for use to conceive. He suggests starting now. I feel like I am a failure. We want a child, my husband adores our nephews and niece. However we only have sex once a month. If I am lucky we make love 3 times a month, and this was before the surgeries. We are both 25 and young, I feel rejected.

    My husband is in his last semester of online grad school, he is working as a manager for a grocery chain, and has an internship at a local archive. I am a teacher and we rarely have evenings or weekends together. When I am ovulating he is too stressed or too tired. When I initiate sex he makes the comment that it is better to do every other day wen trying to conceive then he is too tired.

    I love my husband, I know that he is under a large amount of stress, but being rejected again and again is becoming unbearable. When we talk he apologizes and says that he wants to cuddle. I am worried that due to my ovaries and our infrequent intercourse that we will never be able to conceive.

    I feel as if it is all my fault. If I didn’t have three surgeries in two years, if I was healthy, if the medical bills would stop coming, if my ovaries worked… maybe this wouldn’t happen. All things considered I just want my husband. I want to be loved by him, even if we don’t conceive right now. I just want to be loved. I miss my husband.

  • Imported Wife

    I’m so frustrated with my husband’s low drive that we have ugly fitghts about it, my respect for him got even lower than his drive, I have feelings of hatred against him often, I deisire a lover and can’t get a good nght of sleep by thinking about sex and when I finally fall asleep I have crazy sexual dreams! I had friends to talk to him about it, no help. I feel humiliated, angry, unwanted, unlovable, sad, depressed… And sometimes I wish I would never desire sex in my life. I wish there was some medicine to help me not to feel sexual drive or pleasure. He was never a sex machine ever since our honeymoon.I would iniciate most of the times and still is like that, but he has asked me to stop iniciating… I would divorce him, but got 4 kids with him, I can’t just think about my happiness. As for him, I don’t even know if he loves. He says often that he does, but to me love between man and woman involve sex. That is just natural. Today I see myself getting grampy all the time, harsh even, sad, crying having dirty thoughts… I’m a mess and sometimes I wonder why to live o miserably. I get emotional conection through touch, physical, sex… He needs to first gey emotinally conected to then get to the bed. But even then, is not that often that he wants sex. Once a month sometimes not even that. I feel miserable! Help! How can I stop wanting sex? Is there something safe I could take or do?

  • Imported Wife

    Sorry, I forgot some information about me, might be useful… I’m 35-y-o, latina, 4 kids, homemaker. He’s is a philosofer, 38, american. I know that being from different cultures is part of the problem, or I think it is.

  • Fed up

    Reading all of this has been helpful. I have a 10 week old baby and I last had sex when she was born. We basically only had sex on ovulation days. During my pregnancy I initiated often and he rejected me. I keep wondering now why he hasnt made a move for it now after baby has been born. I keep trying not to put pressure on him so Im not bringing it up. When we did discuss it he did say that he has some issues an this has no impact on the way he feels about me, he has no interest in any other woman. He loves me and its just all in his mind. I have no idea if he was or is active on porn but my mind is trying to find answers. Can anyone tell me how this would affect his behaviour so much.

    • SheilaG

      Hi Fed Up! That is really tough, especially with a new baby and you’re trying to figure out your relationship with someone new to the mix! It does sound like your husband has something going on, since he has acknowledged it, and I think talking to him about how much you want to be close to him, and how you don’t want either of you to miss out on how great marriage is, may help. I’d ask him if he would talk to someone–a counselor, a pastor, etc–so that he can get these things out. I have a post on how you can communicate about that here. Hope that helps!

  • Fed up

    sorry last sexual encounter was when she was conceived

  • Jessi

    I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Harry and I have worked things out, and we are moving in together in May. I am so happy and excited, and so grateful to you. The funny thing is, I’ve also changed my way of thinking and doing as well…. I understand that the way he loves is different from mine, and thats ok. I havent been this happy or content in a very long time, and it shines on my face so much everyone notices. I will definitely enlist your services again, and recommend you to anyone that will listen. Thank you very much, you have done something wonderful for me, and I will never forget it. From my heart, Ancientfathersandmothers@gmail.com you are the best of all.

  • Glen Victoria

    AN Amazing Testimony On A Spell Caster Who help me to get pregnant, So me and my partner have been trying for a baby for the last 5 years now and we have had no luck. I don’t have a regular cycle so it is hard for me to tell when I’m ovulating or not, but we always have sex at least 2 times a week, sometimes more. I know it can take up to a year to conceive but everyone i know who have had a baby have conceived within 2-3months of trying and it is really getting to me. my partner had a fertility test about a year ago and his sperm were fine. I’m thinking it could be a problem with me but I’ve never had any symptoms of any problems. My partner does smoke and have the occasional drink, and i used to smoke and also have the occasional drink. i know i’m slightly overweight but that shouldn’t affect our chances too much,one faithful day my friend told me to contact a spell caster that help her aunty, then i contact the man on this email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com , after three months the doctor confirm that i am pregnant thank you Dr Babaka for helping me get a baby, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine.

  • Worried

    Hi all, hope you don’t mind me joining the discussion. I am 27 and my partner is 36. He is my best friend and I love him with all my heart, but our sex life is really getting me down. I would say that we had a healthy sex life when we first met, but in the past few months his sex drive has become non-existent. He blames his age and says that he thinks men his age just aren’t as “up for it” but I’m not sure if that’s true. I have recently put on about two stone in weight and I am feeling quite self conscious so it is hard for me to believe that he still finds me attractive, and this is making things worse because I now feel reluctant to initiate anything in case he rejects me. Our relationship is otherwise good and we are both fit and healthy. He has recently said that he would like us to try for a baby and this seemed to have a positive effect on his libido and gave me more confidence initiating things! But last night we had just started having sex and when he got a text message, and stopped what he was doing to read it and reply. I know this is such a small thing but I feel so hurt that he could just switch off like that as if he wasn’t in to it at all. This has brought to the surface all of these feelings of humiliation, and sadness that I am unable to seduce him and turn him on. I know it would be wrong to try for a baby when these issues are unresolved (not to mention difficult!!) and we are still using contraception. I don’t want to sabotage this relationship, I do really love him, but I struggle to imagine a future where I am content to have a relationship where sex is for business rather than pleasure. I told him a few weeks ago how unwanted I felt and he was really upset that I felt that way, but nothing has changed and I can’t see a way of getting things back on track. I’m really worried that our problems in the bedroom are a sign that we don’t have a future together.

    • SheilaG

      Hi Worried,

      That is worrisome! Definitely. Just a couple of thoughts: It sounds like you aren’t really sure about your commitment to the relationship. Are you married? If you aren’t, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the relationship rather than think about a baby. It’s great that you’re friends, but sometimes we can do things backwards–start a real relationship, live together, have a baby–and only later realize that we don’t actually want to commit. Maybe it’s time to take stock and ask yourself: Is this how I want the rest of my life to be?

      I know you don’t want to sabotage the relationship, but sometimes that’s the danger of rushing things before the commitment. If you haven’t married yet, then the relationship is always unstable, and it’s hard to bring up the difficult issues because then the relationship might end. But then what happens is that those difficult things are never dealt with, and they mushroom. If the relationship can’t handle difficult things, then you really need to ask yourself what you want from this.

      If you are married, then I’d say things a little differently. I think it’s important to get to the root of WHY he doesn’t want sex. It’s not normal for a 36 year old to have virtually no sex drive. So I’d rule out health issues and I’d rule out porn use. Often it’s one of those two things. Just investigate it and then decide on what’s the best route to take to deal with it.

      Sorry you’re going through this! Hope that helps.

    • Suazi

      Hi worried,

      I am sorry you are going through this! I understand, I am 28 and my husband is 39. We have been together for 4 years now. His sex drive is very low and he says it is because of stress and the last thing on his mind is sex. I started noticing that he will masturbate and watch porn maybe once a week and whenever he travels… That made me feel horrible. We talked about it and he says that masturbating it is not sexual!!! I just cannot understand that! I felt like I did not want to be with him anymore for that and other issues… We were very disconnect emotional and physical. I got pregnant (we were not trying) and my sex drive got craaazy high. If I could I would have sex all day. It is so frustrating that I cannot share that with him.
      I think if you are going through this right now, it is not the right moment to plan getting pregnant. Even if sex is not everything in a relationship, I think it is very very important-emotional and physical! Feeling unwanted by your partner it is not a good feeling and you still very young to start feeling insecure or trying to figure it out what is wrong with you!

      • Worried

        Hi Suazi, that must be so hurtful for you, I can totally sympathise. Maybe your husband does see masturbation as more of a stress relief thing rather than a sexual experience. I suppose that there is no pressure to ‘perform’ which I think can be at the root of many men losing their sex drive or feeling reluctant to initiate sex. At the time of posting, I was feeling really hurt and concerned for my relationship. But I realised that I was talking to the wrong people and that my partner was the one who needed to know how I felt! I showed him my post and he was so upset that I had felt that way. We have since been much more open with each other and I have made an effort to spend quality time together. It is so easy to get bogged down with work and chores and to forget to take time to speak to each other about more important and interesting things! Happily our sex life (and relationship overall) has naturally improved since we have been able to talk about how we are feeling. You said that your husband is very stressed – maybe you need to look at ways of relaxing together? I am no expert, and I totally appreciate that these things are a lot easier said than done. On a happier note, congratulations on your pregnancy :)

    • http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com/ Jeffrey Dowling

      How I was able to get my husband back from those home breaker

      OMG…… You’ve told my story….. my name is Mrs Elizabeth Mayberry and am From California,United States ,i am hear to give testimony of how i got back my husband, we got married for more than 9 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce.then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, they casted the spell and after 2 days my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still love me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that Dr Brave casted on him that make him comeback to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you Dr Brave for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend, ex lover and girlfriend to contact Dr Brave with this via EMAIL:bravespellcaster@gmail.com or kindly visit he website http://enchantedscents.tripod.com/lovespell/ , and you will see that your problem will be solved without any delay.

  • Jo

    I have searched everywhere for discussions like this and am glad I finally found one. My husband and I have been married for 3 and a half years, dated 3 and a half years before marriage and have a baby girl of 2. I have been battling with his lack of sex drive for years. He told me its because I was living with my mom and felt uncomfortable so we moved out, then he told me its because he is stressed at work so I took on more things at home to make it for comfortable and relaxing for him. Then he said it was my cooking, so I put more effort into cooking. We went to a marriage councillor who my husband said that our fighting was putting him off, so (after a lot of practise and self control) I stopped fighting and encouraged more and spoke to him when there were problems…even ignored and left things so he wouldn’t feel ‘putt-off’ by me because I was fighting with him. We went to a Doctor to check if he had a low libido and our GP said that his sperm count looked normal and couldn’t see anything wrong. I have tried dressing up, watching a blue movie together, surprise dates, even computer game nights where he could just relax and nothing has worked. When I speak to him about it, we have sex about once a week for about a month, maybe two then we are back to 2 months going by and it doesn’t bother him. I have been to a psychiatrist about my issues with my self esteem because I feel its me…I have lost my baby weight and do my best to look good but he doesn’t notice anything. What makes it more frustrating is that when we do eventually have sex, he only lasts a few minutes because he says it feels so good he cant hold it. He doesn’t last long enough to let me finish so I am permanently feeling frustrated. I have managed to work through the frustration and be a happy wife and mom but its taking its toll. I make sure dinner is ready, our baby girl is bathed when he gets home so he can relax…don’t know what to do anymore. I used to be scared that I might have an affair if the situation presented itself but now I feel nobody would want this old saggy rag anyhow

    • Lora

      It’s really sad, what you are going through Jo!! I’m going through the same situation so i can totally understand. My boyfriend whom i’ve been dating for 2 years now, living together for a year and half have the same problem. we were rabbits when we first started dating, then we decided to start living together since we both are students and we can save money and all. But after about 3 month we started living together everything changed. He was never in the mood he is always tiered, or has a headache or has to get up early or you name it. I tried to talk to him and he said its because he is in a bad situation concerning our finances and he is too busy , oh… so many reasons really. and then i stopped initiating and we started going a month or two with him not being concerned. Then i started dressing up, making plans, party hopping he would be up to it later, but he would say he is tired and goes to sleep leaving me all charged! Now i don’t even try, since trying and being rejected is making me loose my self esteem every other day.

      • Jo

        Hey Lora, I feel for you and totally understand…glad to hear its not just me…Just as long as you don’t resent yourself or think there is anything wrong with you. You are still young so flaunt it and feel sexy – even fake confidently sexy if you have to till you believe it. If you were active before, sure he will notice when other guys start noticing. Good luck hun and hope all comes right for you… <3

  • Henry Nancy

    After being in relationship with my husband for nine years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email is (LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM } tel.+2347053977842) you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything.

  • smith

    I want to introduce this doctor who cured me and save me out of the sickness of HIV, With miraculous spiritual powers , herbal healing powers and herbal medicines from

    natural herbal plants. DR.utimate is a leading herbalist healer on the entire African continent. I use pure natural herbal remedies and his ancestral powers to heal and solve all sicknesses, infections as well as

    solving all problems in nature of mankind, I AM BLESS With a very powerful gift to cure people, I use traditional medicine and Natural PRODUCT to cure HIV AND AIDS,

    MADNESS, CANCER ETC, traditional herbal medicines are often used as primary treatment for HIV/AIDS and for HIV-related problems including dermatological disorders, nausea, depression, insomnia, and weakness. Herbal Medicines are often used as primary treatment for HIV/AIDS and for HIV-related problems. For more information contact my email: utimatespellhome@gmail.com

  • Vera Morgan

    I have just found the right one and the greatest spell caster on earth who has brought back my happiness and turned my world around by helping me get my ex partner and helped me get back my life cause i was totally frustrated after 6years of hardship and pain, a friend of mine buzz me on my email saying i should cheer up cause solution has come. At first i was like what are you saying, then she mentioned the name ‘EBOEHI’ and i must thank my savior Great DR EBOEHI who has play a very vital part of my life making me a great person and the most happiest person today you are a great man who is bless by powers with traditional healing spell caster, after Great DR EBOEHI has help me get my ex back he also help me recover what i have lost in past years i must thank him (Great DR EBOEHI) the life he has restored back for me and my happiness. Now i am doing well in my work and also with my partner, Great DR EBOEHI is a very great spell caster you need to know just meet him and with your problem and it will be over.. Email him via: (supernaturalspelltemple@gmail.com)

  • promise

    Dr. Abuya I love to be on your testimonial page to spread my happiness. Your hard work and effort is greatly appreciated especially from me. My boy-friend is back home. We are back together. He pick me up from my station today. I haven’t saw him in 6 month. I wasted so much time with other spell casters and should have stuck with you originally. You are a truly gifted spell caster and I just wanted to take the time to show how you and tell the world how grateful I am”thanks to Dr. abuya, contact him if need his help on how to bring back your lost husband or boyfriend to your heart again on; dr.abuyalovehome@gmail.com

  • promise

    I have been trying for 10 years to get pregnant and needed help! Been going to the doctors but still nothing. the doctor said my husband and i are fine , I don’t know where else to turn. until one day I read how dr.abuyalovehome@gmail.com helped others get pregnant ONLINE i then contacted the great spell caster via email and he cast a pregnancy spell for me and gave me a 2months sure guarantee that i will become pregnant , and exactly 6weeks later I went to check and i was pregnant and later on i gave birth, i can never forget the great spell caster that`s opened my blessings of conceiving today its marking 5years my son was born and i also have a baby girl who is one and half years old, i want to use this medium to tell other women out there who is having pregnancy issues not to wait for years like i did contact him today email: dr.abuyalovehome@gmail.com

  • Melissa Lopez Melissa Lopez


  • blessing

    Hello my good friends please do not see this strange cause it my life story about my healing, i was having HIV for good 6yrs. Things were not working fine for me due to my health status i know longer have friends know lover it even takes time before my family co-operate with me due to this i tried all possible means i can to get this devilish sickness out of my body i went to hospitals hierarchies and other heath organization but all remains the same still yet i never gave up cos i was not born with this illness so i decided to take it over to the internet to see if i could get remedy, on my search i saw a testimony of a woman, she said she was also having a terrible sickness for over 3yrs but now she is healed i was surprise at first when i saw her test so she wrote a name dr EHIAGHE and also gave his email id so i mailed them which is (ehiaghespellhome@gmail.com) i told them about my problem and after the processes he told me that am healed but i never believed he told me to go and confirm it from the hospital were i have been taking treatment still i never believed also although he gave me evidence that the sickness was gone.
    Finally i decided to go for check up and to my surprise my doctor said the sickness was know longer there with thought of joy i started shearing tears.
    My friends today am now married bless with 2kids, so if you have any sickness kindly email (ehiaghespellhome@gmail.com) sir i will forever remain in you debt.
    Thank you sir am grateful.

  • aja

    I lost my virginity at 37. I waited for him to find me and he did. 9 years younger than me. He and his brother 10 years older than him started a very successful business and by the time he was 29 he owned his home outright. he can make love to me only once and sometimes he goes soft half way through. He has anxiety, and lots of stress but once the trigger has been pulled, theres no round two. His mind is on work and maybe other things and I have to say to him, baby come back to me. I’m super in-love with making love with him. he makes me orgasm numerous times but, only on Monday, Wednsday, and Friday. Sometimes I feel like i’m on his to-do list. How is it that I am now a happily married 39 year old nymphomaniac? For my husband only of coarse. I think my husband has a low sex drive and have no clue what to do to encourage him into having not just more sex but, intimacy. He tells me that I kiss sometimes with too much aggression, and at the sometime say we have incredible sex. Am I just being selfish? I feel just awful sometimes…like i’m almost begging him to touch me. Im a 39 year old teenager and i’m desperate for help.

  • jessica Ben


    indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life. Am Posting this

    to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a

    way out.

    1. Get your lost money back

    2. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long time

    3. Remove bad spells from homes, business & customer attraction etc.

    4. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.

    5. Read all your problems before you even mention them to him

    6. Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away

    7. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution

    8. Eliminate in family fights

    9. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities

    10. Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart

    11. I destroy and can send back the Nikolos (water spirit, sleepless nite, up presses

    by wicked powers,) if requested

    12. heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation

    13. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice

    14. Recover stolen property and whereabouts of people that hurt you.

    15. Bring supernatural luck into

    16. Pregnancy spell to conceive baby

    you can reach him here or if

    Interested Persons should contact him via E-mail

    Contact Information Bellow

    EMAIL: ebhomanspelltemple@outlook.com


  • Lidia Mckinney

    Do you need help to save your marriage, relationship or you want help to bring back your ex lover contact Dr. ikhine on agbadado@gmail.com or call him on +2347060552255 who help me solve my marriage problem

  • It’s maddening.

    Hey, I think even I am one like you. I never had sex before marriage. And after marriage, I found him with a very low testosterone level. I never got a sex life, i always fancied before marriage. Now i go dry for weeks and always i have to drag him towards having sex. He would never come near me for it, instead he pushes me away when i go near him for it. I spent 5 years of my marriage crying and screaming in mind. Now we have decided to visit the doc for the treatment of his low testosterone level. Otherwise i can’t survive in this marriage for next 10 years like this i guess.

    • Lost and confused

      Know how you feel, I’ve even contemplated having a ‘friend with benefits’

  • Lost and confused

    Struggling big time… I met my partner in sept 13 and although we didn’t rush into sex we became active in October, it was fabulous and we fell inlove and decided over the next 6 months we would live together as we lived 75 miles apart… Then in dec the sex disappeared… I’ve not moved in with him yet but made all plans to move and live together with my son and give my home up and I do t know if I can live in a relationship without sex when I want him and love him so much. I have a new job to start that is fantastic. Handed my notice in at my current place and my sons looking forward to moving… We e talked about it but nothing is happening…I am so down I do t know what to do, please help!

  • Nicolas Nayla

    Hello my is NICOLAS NAYLA i want to share my testimony on how i married for the pass 10yrs
    without even conceiving a baby and i have done all the medical check up
    and the doctors said am okay yet i was still unable to conceive until
    one faithful day i was on the internet doing some research and i saw a
    testimony share by someone on how a man call Dr ALEKA help her to get
    conceive a baby after casting a pregnancy spell for her and i have no option
    than to also contact this man on this same email which is supernaturalsolutioncenter@gmail.com and to my greatest surprise after he has cast
    the spell for me and he told me to have sex with my husband and i did
    as he instructed me and to God be the glory at the end of the month i
    miss my period and i want for hospital for check up again and the doctor
    said am two weeks pregnant and i was so surprise and all this all came
    through with the help of Dr ALEKA once again contact him supernaturalsolutioncenter@gmail.com or you can also him on his website http://supernaturalsolutioncental.webs.com/
    for your help
    because he just save my marriage and i know many of you are out there
    with the same problem don’t hesitate to contact him now.

  • Diego Emily

    I have something to share with you!!! There is a great joy in my heart which I want to share with the world,My name is diego emily,I am from Argentina,I had misunderstanding with my husband few years ago,which led
    to our break up and he never wanted to hear my voice again,He saw a beautiful girl more prettier than me,but as time went on I met latifat temple,He is a great spell caster, I contacted him through his email and explained everything to him,He said that I shouldn’t worry because my lover will come back to me on his knees begging for forgiveness,I bought some
    item that he told me to buy for the preparation of the spell,After everything was prepared he told me that my lover will come to
    me with in 48hours begging for my forgiveness, My greatest joy now is that he actually came back to me and fell on his knees begging for forgiveness, and today we are happy
    together,Do you have any problem with your loved ones and Do not know what to do? Well worry no more because latifat temple can provide you with a spell to get him or her back just as he helped me,Contact latifat temple today via email: latifathealingtemple@gmail.com,he will help you too,a big thanks to you once again latifat temple,may your gods continue to bless your good work,I will tell the world about your good work.

  • Venus

    i know this is an old tread but heres my story; I been with my husband for 6 years in total 3 of them in married life, when we start i wait a lot to have sex i want it to be sure about him, when we finally start to have sex it was very awful, i have been abused and my self esteem was very low so i didn’t enjoy sex properly i feel most of the time i was doing something nasty and wanted to puke, but i wanted to heal, he help me heal, to feel normal, to feel love there is no doubt in my mind that he loves me and everyone who know us always tell me we where meant to each other. I heal we grow up as couple, we enjoy sex together, laugh, share, everything. but now from almost two years i was the one who initiates the sexual relation because he lost the interest, i starter to feel like I force him, he insist i don’t, I try everything (and i really meant anything) to catch his attention and still nothing, now im spec ting a baby (still don’t know how it happen because we only have sex once in that month is just a miracle) we are really happy but my sex drive is really high now, and when we get to have sex he does it just “sufficient” so i don’t “complain” this was like a month or so, now be no longer have sex, i love him and i know he loves me and i guess in the end that’s is what its important but it just to hard to feel so rejected, so unattractive when it comes to sex i just feel so desperate, when we talk he cant tell me and honest answer, he cant tell if is something im doing wrong, the discussions always end in nothing …. and maybe in this moments is my hormones talking but i being thinking about leaving him

  • Mandy Divanna


    Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Laura Zamora i live in United State,and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring husband,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he did not love me anymore So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(freedomlovespell@hotmail.com}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {freedomlovespell@hotmail.com},i f you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Ukaka for bringing back my husband,and brought great joy to my family once again.(freedomlovespell@hotmail.com}, Thanks..

  • lara

    I want to say thank you thank you thank you to Ancient Dr Zuma zuk spell temple for everything so far. To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonials of other people at this website and after I talked Dr Zuma zuk who answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr Zuma zuk, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get him back to me and stay with me and want to marry me.As soon as he started on the spells, my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Zuma zuk said would happen. He’s always there when you need him and that’s also after the spell is done. I’m still waiting for the spells to completely manifest, but with all that has happened so far I’m very happy because given only four months ago in March, if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now no one would believe it! Lara. contact is email address spiritualherbalisthealers@gmail.com

  • Hansford ann

    My name is Handford Ann,i base in canada.i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back mex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and others.contact email(ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com call +2348156885231) what will i have done if not the great help of dr.trust. Thanks Handford Ann from canada.

  • Hansford ann

    My name is Handford Ann,i base in canada.i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and others.contact email(ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com call +2348156885231) what will i have done if not the great help of dr.trust. Thanks Handford Ann from canada

  • Hansford ann

    My name is Handford Ann,i base in canada.i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and others.contact email(ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com call +2348156885231) what will i have done if not the great help of dr.trust. Thanks Handford Ann from canada. ..

  • Hansford ann

    My name is Handford Ann,i base in canada.i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and others.contact email(ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com call +2348156885231) what will i have done if not the great help of dr.trust. Thanks Handford Ann from canada. .

  • mabel

    Life can be so funny sometime because i still find it to believe that just within 48 hours Dr.Eziza was able to change the mind of my lover who left me and said all kinds of terrible words to me before leaving me and through the powers of Dr.Eziza she was able to change her mind and came back to me. At least i now have rest of mind that she is mine forever because Dr.Eziza has helped me to cast a powerful spell on her to make her my lover forever. This is the more reason why i want people out there to know the powers of Dr.Eziza and helpful it can be. If you are seeking for help on how to get your lover back the right thing to do is to contact Dr.Eziza on these contact information which are via mobile: +2348058176289 Or via email: ezizaoguntemple@gmail.com

  • feelinginadequet

    this is the best article I’ve read on this subject. :) i’m new to this whole wanting sex more and i never imagined it would be an issue. I just got married in January. I’ve never been physically intimate with anyone except my husband. I’m an attractive young women, blonde, thin, curves in the right places. never had trouble getting guys interested when i was single, so i never imagined I’d have trouble in my first year of marriage! My husband says its cuz he’s overworked and sore and stressed. and I believe him but at the same time it leaves me feeling very low. like i’m not good enough or i’m weird for wanting sex more than he does. dwelling on my feelings isn’t going to help any so I appreciate the real input on things i can do to maybe help the situation or to just be ok with it. though i admit i have tired a few of them already to no avail. but its good to know i’m on the right track and have a few more things to try as well as the advice to love him through it. sometimes its easy when you are hurt to forget marriage is a two way street. no one can be perfect and we have to choose to love each other through our imperfections. thanks you for posting :)

  • britney

    I and my boy friend as been separated for a long period, I cam across different spell caster and they were all unable to bring my lover back. I was so sad and almost gave up on him when i met a spell man called DR OLOKUM, who helped me get my lover back. Ever since then i have been so happy and couldnt believe it would happen. He also helped me with success spell, I have been living happily with my lover now and will be getting married soon. Here is his contact if you need his help. LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM

  • Ero Lovespell

    I really want to thank Dr Ero for saving my marriage. My husband really treat me bad and left the home for almost 1 month i was sick because of this, then i contacted eromosalspiritualtemple@gmail.com for help, they told me that my husband is under a great spell of another woman. They cast a spell of return back of love on him. And he came back home for forgiveness and today we are happy again, i want you all who are having relationship, ex and even husband problem to contact eromosalspiritualtemple@gmail.com

  • Catherine

    I am about to marry my partner of 8 years. I love him desperately. He is my one true love. My best friend, my soulmate. However i have always had a higher sex drive than him. When i try to broach the subject with him he gets angry and frustrated and walks away. I know he is under a lot of pressure at work and he says this is why he doesn’t want sex, because he is so tired and stressed. I do understand this as he works so hard. We are getting married soon and i know he is also terribly worried about money, especially as he is the main breadwinner., it makes me feel selfish for wanting it. In the last year he has been amazing. I have long term, chronic candida which has basically killed our sex life and other gynaecological problems resulting in operations. He never pressured me for sex once, and has always been supportive. I also recently told him i was sexually abused and i think subconsciously it has pushed him away. When we talk about sex he says that the last year has been very unsexy with all my problems which is true. I wonder if its killed our sex life for good. I know i love him desperately but i feel like i cant even talk about sex without him going crazy which makes me feel even worse and more isolated. People constantly tell us we are the perfect couple and are great together. It feels like a horrible secret that everyone thinks we are perfect yet we are having these problems. I think, if only you knew how it really is you wouldn’t be saying that.

  • Loveth Mark

    Thank you so much Ekpikuspelltemple@live.com for all your hard work. I really believe that you are real. . I’m so grateful for all your help for getting back my husband.Ekpikuspelltemple@live.com I believe that you have helped me turn my life around and get out of a rather dark and scary place. I can not thank you enough. God bless you….loveth

  • Emil Bouchard

    My Name is Emil.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single…when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life…I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job…he told me he gonna help me…i don’t believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Us the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he’s busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday…My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she’s doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that again.it was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven’t seen anything yet… he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for help.you can mail him to agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com I cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck:agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com.Once Again His Email Address Is: agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com

  • Tina Mario

    We have been married for 29 years and my libido is much higher. I have never said no to sex in our entire time tigether. There have been months and even a whole year when we had little or no sex and it made me feel worthless and unloved. I did these things to fix it:
    I quit complaining because it just made him feel worse and he really couldn’t get himself into the mood or initiate sex–he just was too stressed.

    I started losing weight and exercise vigorously every day for 50 minutes. I look better and he noticed. I have more stamina but increased sex drive, oh well

    But the key to getting my husband back was blow jobs, lots of them. When I started initiating sex and going straight down there, it changed the dynamics of everything. We had intimacy but I was offering him pleasure. I wasn’t demanding anything. Truthfully there were very few times that I didn’t start the action and this just became foreplay. But whatever the result, we were intimate and loving again, he perceived that I cared about his pleasure and most importantly I learned that I needed sex not just for the physical release but because I needed that emotional reassurance.

    Now I still initiate sex most but not all times but I’m not sad about it. My husband gets regular sex and more blow jobs than most 51 year olds

  • Mrs. Steffee

    I would like to share my story. Maybe you all can share some insight and help me out. My husband is 30 years older than me. I am 26 and he is 56. I love him very much and we have a child together. Our son will be 2 in January. Our sex life used to be great. In the third trimester of my pregnancy he stopped having sex with me because he was afraid that he was going to hurt our unborn son. After our son was born I had a lot of health problems that lasted about a year. It’s been about 6 months since I began feeling like myself again. He has no sex drive now. We have sex maybe once a month and when we do he lasts less than a minute. He doesn’t seem concerned about my pleasure anymore. We didn’t even have sex on our wedding night and that was a little over 11 months ago. I am very faithful to him and want to be with him. However, my thoughts have begun to stray towards cheating and I can’t stand to think that way. I’ve tried everything that I can think of to rekindle our relationship. Nothing seems to get him in the mood. Sometimes we have arguments about our sex life and he calls me a freak for having a high libido. I don’t feel like I’m a freak. My sex drive was like this before and during my pregnancy and now it’s back to being that way again. I just want the man with whom I fell in love back.

  • stephanie


    Good day, my name is stephanie and i would love to share a wonderful testimony. I was happily married for about Four years before me and my husband started having problems haven tried some spell casters i thought all hope were lost and i cried for a long time before i was introduced to a prophet called Brian Carn by a friend of mine that helped put everything back in order by his special prayers and today we are still happily married so i want to use this media to challenge anyone of you who is passing through difficulties to contact this man, we were created to have the best of life not to cry every night and day i know how it hurts because have been there so if you know you are passing through any challenge contact him on his email prophet Dr,kokotemple@mail.com this is the best spell caster that has ever lived am so sure of that because he has also helped some of my friends.again his email is Dr,kokotemple@mail.com

  • sonia


    If your lover is cheating on you, or is about to do so, this spell will stop immediately the temptation to go with someone else. The powerful effects of this White magic spell will make your partner’s attention and feelings focused on you alone. Once the spell is successful, your lover will never look at someone else with the eyes of desire and you will be forever his or her everything! homeofhelpingsolution@yahoo.com

  • Carol Andersen

    Carol Andersen,

    This was even faster than I could dream of. Thank you for taking time to listen to me and answering all my emails. I feel emotional strong again. My confidence is back and I see my future clearly. I am forever grateful for your help in re-uniting me with my old lover.if there is any one out there ineed of help pls contact d.rriveshebalisthome@gmail.com

    Carol Andersen, Seattle, USA

  • Tanya

    My name is Tanya i live in USA were Divorce seems to be the other of the day,i was married to my husband Lawson for 18 years and we were living happily together with our 3 kids and all of a sudden their came this sad moment for the first time in my life i curt my husband having an affair awith a lady outside our marriage before this time i have already started noticing strange behavior like he used to spend some time with us, comes home early after work but since he started having an affair with this lady all his love for his wife gone and he now treats me badly and will not always make me happy.I had to keep on moving with my life never knowing that our marriage was now leading to divorce which i can not take because i love Lawson my husband so much and i can’t afford to loose him to this strange Lady,i had to seek a friends advice on how i could resolve my marriage problem and make the divorce case not to take place and my husband live this Lady and come back to me again having heard my story my friend decided to help me at all cost she then referred me to A spell caster named Priest Ajigar, my friend also told me that Priest Ajigar have helped so many people that were going through divorce, and also finding possible ways to amend their broken relationship. To cut my story short i contacted Priest Ajigar and in just four days after the spell was done my husband left the other lady and withdrew the divorce case all till now my husband is with me and he now treats me well and we are living happily together again all appreciation goes to Priest Ajigar i never could have done this my self, so to whom it may concern if you are finding difficulty in your relationship or having problems in your marriage just contact Priest Ajigar he is Powerful and his spell works perfectly,i am somebody who never believed or heard about spell but i gave it a try with Priest Ajigar and today every thing is working well for me and if you need his help his email is (priestajigarspells@live.com)


    my husband and i have been separated for a long period of time, I came across different spell caster and they were all unable to bring my husband back. I was so sad and almost gave up on him when i met dominionspelltemple@gmail.com who helped me get my husband back. Ever since then i have been so happy and couldn’t believe it would happen. contact him ,dominionspelltemple@gmail.com

  • Elizabeth Thompson

    I’m honestly not sure what to think anymore…. My husband and I have only been married a month and we’re young. You would think that we would be intimate very often and be enjoying ourselves as newly weds… but the truth is, I’m going crazy….
    Although we are both Christians, we did start becoming intimate before we got married. It was the same then too. We were going to get married next year, but the Lord convicted us and we moved it up almost a full year. I honestly believed that this might change things. That the sex would be more of the “making love” and that he’d be more willing and wanting because the internal battle was settled… Not quite. I can count how many times on one hand…. I know he sees me struggling and wants to improve. But he seems just as lost and frustrated as I am.
    I do love him very much. But this is killing my self esteem, self worth…. I already plan on getting more exercise and eating healthier for myself, but I’m so lost…. As a new couple, I feel like I shouldn’t be having this struggle right now….. But I do love him, and I know we can get through this, no matter the outcome. :)

    • SRiv

      I am in a very similar situation, so I totally empathize. I wish I could give you advise, but everything I have tried hasn’t worked. Just know that you are not the only one. I have been married a year and we barely ever, if ever, have sex. I just want affection from him and to feel close to him and since we got married, it feels like it has gotten worse.

  • SRiv

    I can understand what a great number of you are talking about. I am so depressed, frustrated, angry and confused with my husband and my sex life. When we first met, I had just gotten baptized after a divorce and a subsequent verbally abusive relationship. I was committed to not having sex until marriage and I felt good about it. When I ran into my now husband, we had dated in the past, it was like we were meant to be. That God had brought us back together. We dated for some time and everything was going well. As we got closer, we began having sex and the more we had sex the worse I felt. I felt like I let God down. I talked to my husband about it because we went to church together and he was ok with abstaining. However, it was a long road trying to explain to him why I wanted to wait. However, he said that he loved me so much that he was willing to wait to support me. Apparently, during the first 6 months before we got married, he was masturbating. I didn’t know that and I got frustrated because I felt like he wasn’t sacrificing anything to be faithful. Once he stopped masturbating, to “appease” me, all affection stopped. He said that he was unable to be affectionate and not want sex. I got so insecure and felt so alone that I began to be the one who slipped. I felt like my sex drive had gone through the roof!! I wanted sex all the time. So I slipped several times and came onto him and we ended up having sex. At this point, we both felt guilty, but I was still able to enjoy it at that point until we finished. He felt guilty even when we were having sex because he believed it to be so wrong. This went on until our wedding. We did not have sex on our wedding night and the one time we had sex on our honeymoon was very awkward. Since then we have sex MAYBE one time a month and it is getting less and less. He has been to the doctor and it is not physical. He has been to a therapist and they said he is depressed and now he is on medication. He has tried working out and we have tried couples therapy and nothing seems to help. He says that he thinks that the reason he can not be affectionate is because he feels guilty about it still and he holds his emotions in. I know that he feels like he is unable to share a lot of things with me because I struggle with criticism. I have been a lot better and have done everything that he has requested around the house and at work and have really gotten control over my temper and tried to be more gentle with him, but even that is not helping. I feel like he is holding onto resentment for me slipping having sex before marriage and “forcing” him to sin and for me having mood swings. However, what he seems to refuse to consider is that I was very depressed during this time. I struggle with bipolar disorder and so my mood swings can be completely random sometimes and he gets very anxious when I get upset. Like I said, I have gotten a lot of this under control and we have talked to my parents about their sex life and how my dad deals with my mom, since she is very much like me, and he told my husband he needs to learn to compartmentalize and realize when I am upset, most of the time it is not at him. Mind you, our relationship outside the topic or act of sex and affection is literally as perfect as it could be. We have fun together, we travel, we enjoy each other’s company, but he and I both know that we are not happy with the way things are. I was on the verge of moving out and we went to his brother’s wedding and promised each other after seeing their vows that we would not give up. He asked me not to give up on him and I did too. So here we are still trying. I am trying to be extra sweet and trying to help around the house more and give him as much freedom as he needs, control my moods, force myself to workout when many times due to the depression, I struggle to do, but nothing seems to help. I have bought books, we have attended a small group, and nothing. I feel like getting him to open up sexually and emotionally is impossible. However, I do know that when his dad died, it took him 5 years to recover from it because he kept the emotions in. We have been together now for 3 years and I am fearful that this is going to continue for a long time still. I don’t know what to do at all. I am completely exhausted. I am not sure if anyone can relate. My husband has even said that he believes that even if he was harboring resentment, which he claims he isnt and doesn’t act in any other way like he is, that he should still want to have sex with me because he is very attracted to me, but he doesn’t know why he has no drive to initiate ever. I am so sad and depressed. I love my husband so much, but it is so hard when I get attention from others all the time and I can’t get it from my own husband. He hears people say, your wife is so beautiful, etc…and nothing seems to resonate with him. He says I love you, hugs and pecks me when I leave and come home, but there is no making out and no intimacy beyond that. Does anyone have any suggestions about what to do? I am out of ideas!!

  • swathi

    I and my husband hardly have sex once a month. When we were newly married, we had 2 or 3 times a week. But now, after just 2 years, its gone down down down..He doesn’t like it if I initiate. He laughs and mocks at me. so i have stopped initiating. On few occassions, he initiates but then doesnt go ahead as he hasn’t bought a condom. He is very irresponsible in such matters.Sometimes I get angry as he is not satisfying me, and when I tell him that he immediately gets ready. But I am not in mood. The problem is he never tries later in the day or next day. He just gives false promises that we’ll do daily from “today”. That never happens. I am 23 and he is 29. I have no hopes of having a good sex life anymore.

    • SheilaG

      Hi Swathi, I’m sure this is absolutely so frustrating for you! I’m sorry for that. Sex should be something beautiful for both of you in marriage, and it seems as if you’re really not experiencing that.

      I’d just encourage you to perhaps get to the root of the issue. Why is it that he isn’t interested in sex? It’s very rare for a 29-year-old to have no sex drive, so I’d wonder: does he have low testosterone? Is he very stressed? Or is he getting his sexual desire met elsewhere (through porn, etc.?) I know that’s really heavy, but you need to look into it, because your marriage won’t get better until you figure out the why. The fact that he is mocking you when you initiate makes it sound like he really doesn’t see sex as an intimate thing, but more just a physical thing, which also sends up red flags to me. I’d just try to get to the bottom of it!

      I wish you all the best,

  • sickofOmom

    i would be naive if I said anything else but this is how it’s always been. I actually broke up with him twice during our dating years because of it. I remember my mom saying if he is not affectionate when you are dating then do you think it will change when you get married? well shortly after the marriage I was perplexed that we were in our ‘honeymoon’ phase only having sex about once a month. I actually met with a lawyer, we hadn’t even been married a year so it would have been an annulment. I don’t know why he fought so hard for the marriage, it really was not emotional for me. I’m miserable, let’s end this, you are gay or something, I don’t know, but at this point I don’t care, I just want out. I don’t know, maybe he was so humiliated he didn’t want me to tell anyone his secret (his grandfather was gay so who knows). Anyway, the man is a salesman & a very good one. He got me to stay. I got pregnant. We’ve been married now 14 yrs. I know, you’re thinking I’m stupid & many nights that I cry myself to sleep I’m calling myself stupid, so no need. Well, I’m staying for my son. I love him DEEPLY as any normal would….but I highly doubt we will stay together after he’s an older teen because guess what, all the same problems still exist & by now my resentment & anger that my youth was wasted on a low sex drive man has turned to anger

  • Mara Walker

    50-year old woman with one ovary gives birth to triplets.

    “I am 50 years old and my husband is also 52. I had a surgical operation and one of my ovaries was removed and the doctors told me that I would only be able to conceive by a divine miracle. God intervened and I gave birth to a baby boy who later died. After seeking for help through prayers from Dr ABU FATIMA, the gods intervened again and I conceived and to the glory of gods I gave birth to triplets, two boys and a girl. Dr ABU surprised me because one of the babies looked exactly like the one that died.” thanks to Dr Abu Fatima. contact him if you are in the same situation i pass through via email abufatima77powerspellcaster @ g mail . com or call him direct +2348164210522.

  • Francisca luis

    My name is lius Francisca, and I base in U.S.A…My life is back!!! After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Jatto, which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Lydia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Jatto E-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him VIA Email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before Dr Jatto, is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man… If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High drjattosplltemple@gmail.com anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here’s his Email drjattosplltemple@gmail.com OR CALL +2349035512062..

  • tinker

    I have read the comments in the discussion with interest and hope and some sadness. I am 35, married for 7 years together for 10. My husband has just turned 39. The last time we had sex was when I was 30 and then some intermittent sex last year until we separated. We seem to be unable to let go of each other, fear, guilt love, not sure which. I have always wanted children but he didn’t. We married and I accepted that children were not a part of our lives but I was happy as we had a satisfying relationship and I thought that would be enough. We tried some therapy but he doesn’t want to engage (we’ve had 3 sessions) I don’t want to leave him, he is a good man and we enjoy company but I miss being touched and kissed. I feel exhausted all the time and have no real zest for life anymore and so have tried various activities to keep me distracted and busy but nothing satisfies that need. Am I just being selfish? Is this just a part of being married? I’m not sure what to do anymore. I have thought about leaving him but I am a believer that you marry someone for life and work through the trials of life together. I know that if I stay sex and sexual intimacy are off the table, but does anyone have any suggestions how we can bring back some fun and passion into our lives again? I have off loaded to friends and family when we separated as people were shocked, they thought we were perfect, and I no longer feel that I can off load as I feel as if I am complaining and I have chosen to stay so I should put up and shut up! I do feel lonely and when I read that there are so many marriages like mine I realise that I am not alone. I just don’t know how they survive without resentment.

  • eriannamoric

    Hello to every one i want to testify of what a spell caster has done for me,i was in a relationship for two years happy with my partner few months to our wedding she left me and went after another man she never came back home again, i cry all day looking for help i have contacted so many spell caster but no result one day i was on the internet when i came across a testimony on how Dr OLOKUM helped some one to get back his lover so i gave a try and it work out for me am so happy to have my lover back to my self again thanks once again Dr ehiagwina for helping me to bring back my lover if you are passing through the same problem or any kind of situation and you think all hope is lost my dear is not. contact Dr OLOKUM on his email:LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM is better you call him +2347053977842

  • mchlwellington

    Am Cannon shelly from Usa, i am sharing about my experience and testimony online in search of a spell caster that will restore my marriage and make me live a happy life. I was introduced to a spell caster by my neighbor and i contact him. to my greatest surprise i never though that there was going to be a real spell caster for me but i was amazed when i met a real one in the person of His Majesty,HIGH PRIEST OZIGIDIDON who helped in in bring back my man and making me have a happy marriage and home and also help in restoring back my job and life and sincerely it is to numerous for me to mention, i just can’t thank him more that enough for all he has done but i want to sincerely thank him for restoring my hope that there are still real spell casters out there. Indeed he is so real and true to his job. i am glad i met him and i will hold him in high esteem till i leave this earth. Your HIGHNESS i will never let you go you are my foundation.High priest can be gotten on highpriestozigididon@gmail.com. i know when you contact him and he worked for you, you will definitely come back to thank me. high priest is so great and powerful.. i have lost the adjective to classify him.

  • Nosa Jeffery

    The best RECIPE FOR LOVE I have EVER found has been with Dr Agbadi Oracle spell!!!!!!! LADIES, WAIT NO LONGER!!! I am in 7TH HEAVEN because I was guided to Dr Agbadi Oracle spell by my own spirit guide, and my relationship was successfully REPAIRED when it was DYING a slow DEATH!!! Just TRUST IN GOD and know that magic lies within you as well, if you deem it so!!! I have met my SOUL MATE for LIFE and know that no matter what, this cannot be TAKEN from me!! All BLESSINGS to the magnificence of Dr Agbadi Oracle spell!! All thanks dragbadilaguspelltemple@gmail.com make sure you contact this man he can help… HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: dragbadilaguspelltemple@gmail.com

  • Nosa Jeffery

    My name is audrey, I almost took my life because of my ex who left me and stop picking my calls. He said do not trust me anymore, I tried to convince him, but he will not believe me until we had a fight and broke up for 8months, after then I realize I can not live without him because of the love I have for him. I tried everything possible to get him back, but non worked for me, some fake spell casters scammed me and went away with my money until I came across this man called DR Agbadi, he cast a spell for me and behold my ex came back after three days, begging me for forgiveness, I was so surprised that spell caster like Dr Agbadi still exist. If anyone here needs some help, with all sincerity, contact Dr Agbadi SPELL via his email: dragbadilaguspelltemple@gmail.com.

  • Nosa Jeffery

    My name is kuart . I found a great spell caster online who helped me to get back my husband who has left me for pass 4 years. we where married for 9years without a child and my friend introduce me to a real spell caster which i never believe it exist but after the meeting of this spell caster my problem where solved and now i am with my husband who left me for pass three years my life and my entire family are now happy now i have three kids with the help of this great spell caster. Thanks Dr Agbadi of dragbadilaguspelltemple@gmail.com if you need any spell, you can email him will be in the best position to help you. I wish you good luck and success.

  • Nosa Jeffery

    Three weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. it all started when i Travel to UK to spend my holiday with my friend,i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when i came back from UK i saw him with a lady kissing, i was frustrated and it gives me sleepless night. I called my friend told her what happened and she introduce me to a spell cater who helped her long time ago. Which i contact him and i never believed that the spell will work so easily because i have contacted many spell casters to get him back all they do is to take my money with no result. I am happy to tell you all that my boyfriend is back and committed to me alone and he do whatever i ask him to do with love and care. All thanks to Dr Agbadi the great magician who helped me to restore my boy friend to me:dragbadilaguspelltemple@gmail.com.. Email this powerful and authentic spell caster via email now: dragbadilaguspelltemple@gmail.com

  • camera111

    I’m a fifty-two year-old white male, in perfect health. I’ve been married for 16 years.

    I lost my sex drive for the same reason that some of my peers did. Our wives determined to use sex as a ‘weapon’ at some point, a means to impose power. I don’t rightly know if this came from some self-help guide or from something in the media, but it appeared to take place the same year for many. So from a point where we were in a normal loving relationship, suddenly it became one of sex only as a gift to be given for ‘good behavior’ – say after putting up some shelves on a Sunday afternoon.

    That worked for a little while but soon but I cottoned-on. Whilst some of my peers had and have affairs, I neither have the willingness or desire to embark on one (I find many women my age to be ‘damaged’ by their own marriages, and the younger ones are just often a bit creepy).

    So in the end the desire faded away. My wife figured-out too late what she had done and although we never talk about it, I know that she curses herself for blundering. For me not having a sex drive has become preferable; I can never be held to ‘ransom in the bedroom’ and I can never be disappointed. If anything I’ve mellowed a little, a lot more relaxed about things, particularly when I’m not hoping for sex. On reflection I think I prefer the lower sex drive. My wife ‘loses it’ sometimes, particularly as the energy I used to use for sex has been diverted into other things (I run now and the belly has gone completely), but she understands I can’t get something back I don’t miss now.

    I would recommend though any male seeing the same change have themselves checked-out thoroughly. I did. I was offered the usual Cialis and Viagra but having found it a cheerier life without sex, and so declined.

    • SheilaG

      Hi there! That is so sad that your wife used sex like that, and you’re right–many women do and it does ruin intimacy.

      The only thing is, I’m wondering if even though you now find you can settle for little or no sex, and you’re happier this way, is this really what you want in the long term? Yes, it will be messy, but I wonder if actually talking about your feelings with your wife and getting everything on the table would be healthier. Yes, it could be messy. Yes, it means being vulnerable. But do you really want to live two separate lives for the rest of your life, and give up your chance at real intimacy? Nothing compares to it, and most people can find it once they start being honest and working through those hard conflicts.

      If you seal yourself off from intimacy, you may be protecting part of your heart, and you may be bringing everything back under your control, but you’re also losing out on a lot of potential for real love. And perhaps if you broke down some of those walls and really had it out with your wife, you could find that again?

      Otherwise you may feel like you’ve maintained moral superiority, but I don’t know that’s a really great prize.

  • Miller Moore


    OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF JUNE 2014, And i saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called DR OSAUYI on the forum..I never believed it, because i never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until DR OSAUYI did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 24 hours just as i read on the internet..i was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you DR OSAUYI you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.. here is his website: Email:(OSAUYILOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM) Mrs Miller Moore from England

  • Miller Moore


    OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF JUNE 2014, And i saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called DR OSAUYI on the forum..I never believed it, because i never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until DR OSAUYI did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 24 hours just as i read on the internet..i was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you DR OSAUYI you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.. here is his website: Email:(OSAUYILOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM) Mrs Miller Moore from England…..

  • Simmons Flora


    Today has being the most happiest day of my life after 1 year of sadness and sorrow without being with the one i love, i tried all my possible best to make sure i make my lover happy but it never seems to work out well it was like am doing everything in vain but all thanks to Dr OSAUYI for coming to change all my worries and sadness to Joy. i knew the great man when i read some wonderful reviews about Dr OSAUYI how he has helped a lots of people on there relationship problem i was reading a magazine which then i saw great testimonies as well which then i decided not to waste time because i have missed my lover so much i decided to contact him and share all my problem with him which then he told me not to worry that he assures me that within 48 hours everything would be sorted out i believed Dr OSAUYI so much because i believe he can’t fail me but truly Dr OSAUYI never failed me a man that stand on his worlds is really a man,my husband who left me for good a year plus replied my text and returned my calls and asked me to please forgive him i was so happy am so grateful to Dr OSAUYI for what he has done for me if you are there pass the same problem or any kinds of problem just contact the great man on OSAUYILOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM call his mobile number +2347064294395…

  • Simmons Flora


    Today has being the most happiest day of my life after 1 year of sadness and sorrow without being with the one i love, i tried all my possible best to make sure i make my lover happy but it never seems to work out well it was like am doing everything in vain but all thanks to Dr OSAUYI for coming to change all my worries and sadness to Joy. i knew the great man when i read some wonderful reviews about Dr OSAUYI how he has helped a lots of people on there relationship problem i was reading a magazine which then i saw great testimonies as well which then i decided not to waste time because i have missed my lover so much i decided to contact him and share all my problem with him which then he told me not to worry that he assures me that within 48 hours everything would be sorted out i believed Dr OSAUYI so much because i believe he can’t fail me but truly Dr OSAUYI never failed me a man that stand on his worlds is really a man,my husband who left me for good a year plus replied my text and returned my calls and asked me to please forgive him i was so happy am so grateful to Dr OSAUYI for what he has done for me if you are there pass the same problem or any kinds of problem just contact the great man on OSAUYILOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM call his mobile number +2347064294395…..,

  • http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com/ Jeffrey Dowling

    How to get back your ex husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend,

    Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Jeffrey Dowling,i live in Texas,USA.and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(bravespellcaster@gmail.com}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same Website: http://enchantedscents.tripod.com/lovespell/,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Brave for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.{bravespellcaster@gmail.com} Thanks for reading.,

  • sarah


    This white magic love spell is an elite spell that creates the strongest love energies for you to receive from your soul mate a marriage proposal. As I have a very important consideration for marriage and love, this spell has permanent effects of course. This spell does create an intense connection between two soul mates so that their relationship will last forever, once the two lovers are united by the bonds of marriage.pls contact him he is will to solved your marriage problem email contact dodogodsolution@yahoomail.com posted by

  • Richard Sophia

    My name is Richard Sophia, i think its a good thing to share this
    wonderful testimony because am so happy now, i have been married for
    four years, with two kids, and a lovely husband, i was having a sweet
    family, until when things started getting sour, my husband started
    coming home late at night, started ignoring my feelings and needs, i
    later found out that he was having an affair with with another woman,
    this was tearing my family apart as my children was been affected a lot,
    i didn’t know what to do, my heart was so saddened, until i came in
    contact with one Dr. OGBIDI, a spell caster, on a marriage website, i
    told him about my problems in my family, he told me he is going to fix
    my family and bring back my husband if only i could provide what will
    be needed, i did as he asked and he fixed my family for me and my
    husband broke up with the lady and came back home and asked for forgiveness,
    am so so happy today, i cant hide this but share the good news,
    he can help you with the following……..1. Get YOUR boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife
    back..2. Heal all kinds of sickness.. 3.Fix barrenness……4.
    Wealth/Riches….5. Cancel a divorce order 6. Fix addition to drugs and

  • maria cooker

    This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me….My name is maria cooker … My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa ork who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa ork brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa ork e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa ork is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man…If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa ork today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here’s his contact: orkstarspell@gmail.com Thank you great ork. Contact him for the following:

    (1)If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4)You want women/men to run after you.
    (5)If you want a child.
    (6)[You want to be rich.
    (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8)If you need financial assistance.
    (9)Herbal care
    10)Help bringing people out of prison
    Contact him today on:

  • Morgan Keri

    My name is morgan keri.i want to give thanks to dr.trust for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person,It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he brake up with me again.I was confuse and do not no what to do again,rather them to get in contact with dr.trust. He did a love spell that make my husband come back to me. we are now very much happy with our self. dr.trust make him to realize how much we love and need each other.This man is for REAL and for good.he can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counseling, and we’re doing very, very well,in our love life.contact email(ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com tel:+234186885231) http://ultimatespellcast-net.webs.com…….

  • George Ewumbua

    OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF JUNE 2014, And i saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum..I never believed it, because i never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 24 hours just as i read on the internet..i was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.. here is his website: http://priestazibasolutioncenter.webs.com Email: priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com. along with his mobile number+2348100368288….. Mrs Chris Windy from Los Angeles…….

  • Sevda Gulea

    Have been all over looking for solution to my Marriage until i tried out the internet, I found Dr. Zexta Gio whom people talked about and shared good testimonies about him, My Husband has decide to leave our marriage, because he said he can’t stand my mom, But i love my Husband so much that i can let him leave after 8years of marriage. So the Dr. Zexta Gio did changed the whole problems and issue to testimony, He did a spell to calm and reconcile my mom and my Husband and then carryout a spell to make my husband love me more and remain in our marriage. I saw results after 2days and to be frank and sincere, this Dr. Zexta Gio is a God sent. My family is as peaceful and lovely as i asked for. I’m grateful friends in case you need the help of Dr. Zexta Gio kindly mail him on (airehobhuanuagbontemple@yahoo.com). Sir, i will forever recommend you all over the world.

  • Equally frustrated

    Oh my goodness!! I too am so glad to have stumble upon this article. I really thought I was alone and that something was wrong with me. I work at an I OBGYN office and the provider that that assured me that some women just have more hormone s etc… and so it was not unusual to want sex more often then other women.
    I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4yrs now, sex was a struggle from the beginning. I felt rejected , I felt like what is wrong with me , if he doesn’t or never did find me attractive, then why did he bother asking me out from the beginning and then decide we would go out in more dares, and then began dating. I want to and I do , understand sex isn’t everything but I have the desire and it’s not being meet. At the begin he finally admitted, after several months, that he had gone to the doctor when he first wanted to talk to me because he knew something was wrong. The doctor prescribed him medication, which I’m assuming we’re the generic brand to viagra or something similar. He states he didn’t want to depend on medication and they were too expensive.
    I wanted to understand, I still do want to understand where he is coming from but I have needs that , even though I finally broke do wen.and bought a vibrator, I want them satisfied by him and not the vibrator. I’ve had it for well over 5 mo. or so and have only built the courage to use once.
    It’s especially frustrating because he is the type if person to usually comment that individuals with “issues” , ” it’s all in their head, they can deal with it etc…”
    He spends alot of time in front of the TV, on his phone, drinking and playing video games and often times smoking weed. I feel that if he has the energy for that, why not put it towards making love to.
    I’ve gotten over crying over the situation every night and only cry a handful of times a month.
    I initiate sex, I give him hints, I text him sexy reminders that I want sex yet nothing seems to work. He will come to bed ” early” sometime s but falls right to sleep. The longest we have gone w/o sex has been a month. We only usually gave sex on a Saturday or Sunday during the day.
    I’ve moved in with him and decided to have a baby even still sex is just as in frequent. We lost the baby he stated he would change his way but yet no major changes. I get so emotional, I throw it in his face, ” you said things would change”, “I’m ovulating” ” another month we passed the fertility period” yet nothing.
    After almost a month, we had sex during a time frame that I figured we possibly already missed our chance again. I cried and cried and keep asking God to give me a sigh but even after asking and getting the ” sign” that this relationship is not for me, I always reason with myself and stay in the relationship.
    Anyhow, we are pregnant again 7 wks . We finally had sex after about a week , he come I was left with the urge . Couple days later i mentioned to him that I was not satisfied. He stated I know, im.sorry but yet it’s been two days and like always, everyday I get home thinking I’ll get some tonight just like i did tonight. instead even after i reminded once more that I wanted him, he continued is drinking , watching tv, listening to music came to bed early soothed me as if soothing a baby and quicker than you can say goodnight, he is asleep and snoring .
    I’m SO upset with myself for continuing to let it bother me. I just can’t help it. Especially when I once found him masterbating even after I had just finished coming on to him. And then another time I found condom box in his car. He claimed his coworker must have placed them there. I can’t help wondering if he is having sex with a prostitute.

  • jassica

    Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Edwin Wallace i live in United State,and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(kemespelltemple@gmail.com }, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {kemespelltemple@gmail.com },i f you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr KUME for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.(kemespelltemple@gmail.com }, Thanks..

  • David Eric

    I am David Eric,I want to say thank to dr.trust for everything he did in my life. To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one like you at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read so many testimonials of dr.tust how he help people to get back their ex lover. dr.tust answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my ex girlfriend back. i email dr.trust and tell him everything.he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the one that was to get her back to me and stay with me and to marry me.As soon as he finish the spells, my girlfriend came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful to him, that is why i am sharing this testimony to those who need his help. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what dr.trust said would happen. I’m very happy for the love spell dr.trust have done for me, my ex girlfriend is now back to me and we are living so happy. if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now…no one would believe it! contact is email address (ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com or ultimatespellcast@gmail.com tell +2348156885231) his website: http://ultimatespellcast-net.webs.com

  • Roland Jane

    Join the great Illuminate to be rich,famous and. wealthy .for
    on how to become a member kindly fill the following
    informations below.
    Full name…..
    You are to take the oath and made an agreement that you will
    never betrayed the Brotherhood,because no going back after
    filling the form!!Our Oath is this: if i ever try to disclosed this
    secret out to any body or betrayed the society,you are to reply
    this message along with the details you fill…let me die with the
    sword of the Lucifer .you are expected to say this after filling
    hurry up now and make
    contact with us today ayokospellcasterJoin the great Illuminate to be rich,famous and. wealthy .for
    on how to become a member kindly fill the following
    informations below.
    Full name…..
    You are to take the oath and made an agreement that you will
    never betrayed the Brotherhood,because no going back after
    filling the form!!Our Oath is this: if i ever try to disclosed this
    secret out to any body or betrayed the society,you are to reply
    this message along with the details you fill…let me die with the
    sword of the Lucifer .you are expected to say this after filling
    hurry up now and make
    contact with us today ayokospellcaster@gmail.com
    yours forever!! feel free to join us. riches are
    yours forever!!

    our call +2347055620537

  • love is kind, love is patience

    This article really helped me. I was alone in my bathroom closet on my computer feel frustrated, resentful and biter, while my husband laid in bed frustrated over his lack of interest with sex. He has talked to his doctors and nothing has helped him. But after i read this article i went to him and laid beside him and whispered in his ear that everything is ok and i know he loves me he shows me threw other ways everyday, he new I meant what I said and I did mean it, sometimes we women, myself mostly, forget the hormone changes and emotions men go threw…with that my husband has been threw so much physically and mentally lately now I can understand his low sex drive really has nothing to do with me. Relaxing him helped and reminding him that i saw how much he loved me threw other efforts comforted him….10 minutes later he was all over me:))))

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Your note made me SO happy to see! And I’m not surprised in the least that after you reassured him all was well, you were in this thing together, and removed the pressure from him, that his sex drive ramped up immediately. Sounds like his low sex drive may be related to stress (and having a lot on his mind). That’s probably why the doctors weren’t able to help. But you were…and that is awesome!

  • julei lucas

    I was married for more than 9 years now. I thought I had a great
    marriage. Then, he decided we should have an open marriage because no child. Can you imagine? I didn’t want to lose my marriage that I valued so much, but there was just no
    way could I be okay with what he was asking…. So here’s what I did. Instead of
    licking my wounds, I went into action… I Used Dr. Zaza’s love spells we are
    now back again… here is the dr Zaza Email: drzazaspelltemple100@hotmail.com or you can also call him with his mobile number +2348103508204 Becky Sanders, Australia.

  • Mark Thompson

    My name is veronica Mark Thompson from Canada I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is still unbelievable to me until now. I had a problem with my husband 4years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine called sandy told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem, his name is Dr Salami. I email Dr Salami the spell caster and i told him my problem and, i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short.that he is ready to help me bring he back to me, that i should not worry my self that it will only take one day for me to cast the spell that will bring he back, Before i knew what was happening my husband called me and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and i was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy. Thanks to Dr Salami for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is (salamispiritualspelltemple@gmail.com) or you call his phone no +2347056024545 you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too.(salamispiritualspelltemple@gmail.com).

  • Mark Thompson

    My name is veronica Mark Thompson from Canada I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is still unbelievable to me until now. I had a problem with my husband 4years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine called sandy told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem, his name is Dr Salami. I email Dr Salami the spell caster and i told him my problem and, i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short.that he is ready to help me bring he back to me, that i should not worry my self that it will only take one day for me to cast the spell that will bring he back, Before i knew what was happening my husband called me and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and i was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy. Thanks to Dr Salami for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is (salamispiritualspelltemple@gmail.com) or you call his phone no +2347056024545 you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too.(salamispiritualspelltemple@gmail.com).

  • Julie Mattie

    my name is JULIE MATTIE. When i read a testimony online on how dr.drust the great and most powerful spell caster online of great ultimate temple, i was wondering how can this be true, Because many has failed me in the past without any result from them. I just let the post pass by and move on the forum. To my notice under again, Some person posted and said tested and trusted spell caster. After reading through the mail it was this same dr.trust she was talking about. So i have no other option than to really check up how he works.I was totally devastated when my beloved lover left me. It was like my entire world vanishing into sorrow and pain. I know it sounds weird but out of all the spell casters I contacted, he was the only one to give me that impression of being so true and trustful. More than his words,He brought my lover back and he made all my wishes come true. He is now loyal, pays attention to me, he offers me flowers every Sunday, and we often go out at the cinema and the restaurant. I will be forever thankful for turning my life from hell to heaven! i believe who need help should get to him for help. May God continue to use you to save broken relationship. (ultimatespellcast@gmail.com or ultimatespellcast@yahoo.com tel:+2348156885231) to get the problem solve, Because there is no spell caster online like him. ,.

  • Mega drought

    It’s interesting to read this. I’ve been married for 4 years and my husband and I have been together for over 9 years. At this point, we haven’t had sex in over 2 years, probably close to 3. :-( We don’t have kids, we are in our upper 30s. I’ve been making excuse after excuse for what it hasn’t happened… we had a few bad years with employment and I know he was depressed about losing a job and not being able to find another right away, thought he has an advanced education. I kept thinking “Maybe when X changes, then he’ll want to be intimate”. But it hasn’t happened. He said he related to the commercials for low T, so he did get tested a couple of years ago, and they said he was borderline and did nothing.

    I’ve asked him if he’s still attracted to me sexually and romantically, and he says yes. He uses the dogs as an excuse, and I say we can put them up. When I have tried to initiate, it goes nowhere. He also has ED, and honestly, his penis has always been fickle… he’s an analytical type and I think he thinks too much and loses his erection. He has said that he just doesn’t even want to try when he thinks it’s not going to happen. I have told him that I don’t think it’s normal that an active young couple who seem happy in most respects should not be having sex. But, in the evenings, he sits in his chair and I sit on the couch, on our respective laptops. I ask if he wants to cuddle, and he usually doesn’t. When he kisses me, it’s chaste. I asked when he last masturbated and he said he didn’t remember. I think his libido is non-existent. I told him that perhaps he should try Viagra or Cialis and he is open, but makes excuses about money. I will probably make an appointment for him to 1. Get his testosterone checked again, and 2. Get some Viagra.

    The problem now is that I’ve tried so much, I just don’t even know if I want to try any more. We did have a lot of sex at the beginning of our relationship, but then it started getting more difficult. We only had sex once on our honeymoon, and it was even a challenge to get him to do it on our wedding night. I’m so frustrated! I know that marriage isn’t all about sex, but we have absolutely no intimacy. The dogs cuddle with me more than my husband. I feel like I am just living with my best friend, who is a roommate… We get along great in other respects. I’ve wondered, since I’ve always been the breadwinner, if that’s part of it, but he has always said that he likes that I’m successful. At this point, I don’t know what else to do other than try to get him so medication. You can’t force a man to do something, they get resentful. But at the same time, my resent is pretty huge right now. When you keep getting shot down, you don’t even want to try any more. Any thoughts?

    • same situation

      Hey Mega drought, I’ve not got any advice to give, but just wanted to let you know I’m in the same boat and feel the same way as you. I’m 39 and have been with my partner for about 8 years. After the first six months or so, the sex and kissing and other little intimacies dried up. He says he loves me and I do love him, but it’s hard! I’m always looking for ways to make him interested in me. I’ve always had low self-esteem and this just exacerbates it. I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice, but know that you are not alone!

    • Sleepless in Canada

      Hi Mega,
      I can 100% relate to what you are saying. If your name wasnt on the bottom of this I would think it was me writing it! I am the one in the marriage with the higher sex drive for sure. We go weeks without sex and then we usually only have sex when I initiate it. My husband disagrees with me when I say this. He feels he initiates but this is not true. I feel extremely unworthy, unattractive to him and of course lonely. I try lingerie, perfume, sweet words of affection for him etc but they dont seem to work. My mind often wanders and I wonder “what if” with other fellows that i had in my life before him. I find myself fantasizing about those lost days!
      I have been the one that has suggested to my husband to get his testosterone levels checked, which he willingly did however, they came back in the normal range. I always wonder though about ranges as if you are at the bottom end of the range could this not still spark a problem?? If his testosterone level was more in the mid range perhaps he would be more willing? Has anyone experienced this or can comment on this range and how it works?
      He has ED so went to the Dr to get some Cialis. It for sure works however, it will only work the Dr says if the male has sexual interest to begin with. If there is no sexual interest unfortunately Cialis does not create this feeling for him.
      My husband excercises regularly and is not overweight. Finances are of no concern either so there is no stress there at all. We have 3 beautiful children who we both adore. I just want to be able to show my husband how sexy I find him and share this intimacy with him way more than once a month or even longer. It seems to me that I am on a one way street and perhaps the writing is on the wall for me, and I just am failing to see it. Any thoughts back?

  • steven

    There is help out there i have always thought life is a complicated issues until i met this great man the Dr abubakar of drabubakarlovespell@gmail.com, it all started when my wife and i had problems it was almost tearing my home apart our relationship was almost non existent until i lost my job all the problems were now compounded and my threatened and filed for divorce i had nothing to do and nowhere to go then i came across a post on the internet on how dr abubakar of drabubakarlovespell@gmail.com helped one woman who was in need, i never knew all this spell casters are powerful so i decided to give it a shot and behold i was surprised when he told me not to worry that everything will be alright i never believed him i had my doubts because my wife was a very stubborn woman someone very hard to convince so i did everything he asked of me and to my surprise my wife started begging me to accept her back that she didn’t know what came over her and i was called back in my place of work and compensated and i was also promoted all thanks to one man dr abubakar of drabubakarlovespell@gmail.com, if you are ever in problem or in need don’t look anywhere else just contact this one man drabubakarlovespell@gmail.com and he will help you out in whatever situation you find yourself again i want to say thank you sir for all you done for me your son from the UK steven williams,,.,.,

  • jessica

    Am Jessica by name My ex-boyfriend dumped me 6 months ago after I
    accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in
    my life but he refuse to have any contact with me.I was so confuse and
    don’t know what to do,
    a friend of mine introduce me to Dr Ayelala by giving me his email, i never believed until
    I contact him and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me after 3days that my ex will return
    to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my
    door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not
    only that,we got MARRIED.all thanks to Dr Ayelala. If you have a
    similar problem, please contact him on doctorspellsolution@hotmail.com

  • Anita

    My name is Jessica Luis, and I base in USA…My life is back!!! After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called DR VOVOLA , which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped DR VOVOLA ‘s e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before DR VOVOLA , is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man… If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High vovolaspellcast@yahoo.com anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here’s his contact: vovolaspellcast@yahoo.com

  • Anita


    Every One. I want to give a special thanks to the prophet that helped me got my partner back. my name is Danielle steven, early this year, i and my wife started having some issues and she left me and the kids even when i loved her so much. I was frustrated to the extent that i started looking for links on the internet on how to get her back. One day i came across a testimony in which a lady was testifying of how this prophet helped her got her man back i was able to contact this DR VOVOLA and helped me put everything in order and my wife came back to me just as i wanted. this prophet is great if you know you have any problem here is his email address vovolaspellcast@yahoo.com if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:,.,..

    1) If you want your ex back.

    (2) if you always have bad dreams.

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.

    (4) You want women/men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.

    (8) If you need financial assistance.

    you can contact him via: website: http://vovolaspellcast-com.webs.com/

  • meribeth

    HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK!!! i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to Prophet ogul for bringing back my husband wholeft i and the kids for almost two months. i am very muchgrateful to Prophet ogul. I pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine. for help you can reach him on his email address: doctorogul@gmail.com he is very powerful and can solve any kind of problem below.
    Do you want your ex lover back?
    Do you want to get pregnant?
    Do you want your husband to appreciate you?
    Do you want to be famous or rich?
    DO you have hiv cure?
    Do you your business to grow excessively?
    Do you want to be honorably good academically?
    Do you need a job?
    Do you need a husband?
    Do you have problem in your marriage life?
    Contact doctorogul@gmail.com today for speed help:

  • Katherina

    I want to appreciate Dr.Kasee of ONIMALOVESPELL@GMAIL.COM for bringing back my husband who left me and the kids for almost 2 years. i never taught i would never get him back untill i saw a comment online about dr. Kasee and i contacted him, after following all instruction given to me by Dr.Kasee, my husband came back begging for forgiveness within the space of 48hours. Thanks doctor your spell is really great. For those of you who have marriage/relationship problem should contacct him for hel via onimalovespell@gmail.com . And experience it your self.

  • Sharon Lummus

    there was a time my husband was having low drive and early ejaculation during sex.. we tried lots of hospitals to see solution for it but was not successful…it was a frienfdthat introduced us to Solverking whom then helped our marriage check www solverking com or contact them at ajamugashrine gmail com

  • Joanne

    My partner and I have been together for 15years. He started working away from home. Away for 4 weeks back for one. He for the first 11 years had a rediculous sexual appetite. Two to for times a day. As soon as he started working away if we are intimate once in five weeks I am shocked. I tried playing hard to get for months, nothing! Tried to he the one who instigated in all sorts of ways, nothing. He has all sorts of excuses. Tired, a sore shoulder, watching youtube… the list goes on. He kept telling me stories of guys showing erotic pictures of their wives. Men going to hookers on their day off etc. And can’t understand why I am getting paranoid. I have never been the jealous type, if he is going to cheat, I will never know!
    Now I can’t help but think I am revolting. I have previously walked out infront of him naked as the day I was born. All he did was ask me to move as I was in the way of the TV. He even turns down blow jobs. Who does that.
    Help. Am I wasting my life with someone who has already left the party?
    Am I just a convenient babysitter? I gave up my business and the country I lived in so that he could live in hos own country and so that our three kids would live in a better environment. I am miserable and frankly ready to pack his bags.

  • Daniella Pal

    My husband is back!!! I had a problem with my husband 8 months ago,which lead to us apart. When he broke up with me,I was no longer myself,I felt so empty inside .Until a friend of mine told me about one of her spells that helped her in same problem too that she found on a television program. i emailed the spell caster and I told him my problem and I did what he asked me. To cut the story short,Before I knew what was happening,not up to 48 hours,my husband gave me a call and he come back to me and told me he was sorry about what has happened, I’m so grateful to this spell caster and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me.If you need his help,you can email him at (onimalovespell@gmail.com)or tel +2347051705853 and he will also help you.

  • Smith Stanley

    Thanks to Dr Dros for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family?

    Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Jeffrey Dowling,i live in TEXAS,USA.and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(Drossuva@gmail.com }, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website Drossuva@gmail.com ,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Dros for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.{Drossuva@gmail.com } , Thanks.

  • chris windy

    name is Amelie Roseline. A little over 15 years ago, I went through a
    divorce which left me living in fear. I was afraid that my heart would
    never heal. I was afraid that each day would be more meaningless than
    the next. I was afraid that I would never love again. After several
    months, I hit rock bottom. It was then I saw a friend comment on net on
    her she was helped by a love doctor, so I had to make–a choice between
    fear and hope. i made up my mind by contacting the great love doctor
    via mail on how i could get my husband back to love me again because i
    love him so much. he replied and gave me some little advice and assured
    me that he will bring back my happiness . which actually in that actual
    time i had a knock on my door surprising for me to see that it was my
    husband whom has abandon me for 15 years ago pleading to me that i
    should forgive him for his attitude over me, i accepted him back for the
    sake of love and for the children that has been lacking the love of
    there father and today we are one family again with our kids together
    living a lovely life While the last 15 years have been a challenge,
    today has mark the beginning of the best days of my life. I was able to
    rebuild my life and find more love for him again by the love spell
    from the love doctor. For all of you out there suffering from
    heartbreak or facing adversity, I want you to know that life can hold
    meaning again. A better, brighter path lies ahead. And love, in many
    forms, awaits you. Choose hope. In this, you will always find
    love.contact him via his website: priestazibasolutioncenter.webs.com. mail: priestazibasolutioncenter@yahoo.com mobile:+2348100368288 THANKS….

  • MissusPete

    I am in the perhaps-unusual situation of being a woman with a very high sex drive, yet who is married to a much older man (29 years’ difference…I’m 48, so you can imagine this makes a huge difference in this area). We have only been married for eight years now; at first, he was much more “interested,” and we had a great physical relationship for the first couple of years – much better than the one I suffered through with my disinterested, low-drive, unimaginative previous husband (note: this is NOT why he and I split up, though…that was more for ‘Biblically-justified’ reasons, sadly). However, since our marriage, he has suffered lung cancer and the removal of most of one lung, a broken hip and later on a hip replacement (and lots of pain in between the two), and many recurring bouts of pneumonia. Added to that were job losses (I was downsized two times, so our financial situation plummeted – he’s been long retired) and my teens’ high-energy behavior, along with general aging, and you can imagine what happened to our private times! At first, I was hurt and lonely, and felt completely rejected. There had been one incident early-on where he mentioned, without any prompting from me, that his son’s girlfriend was “a little prettier” than me, and this of course caused a lot of disruption between us (this girl really isn’t – and I’m not putting myself on any pedestal – but she was a new person in the family’s midst, and around my age, so he was just having a little brief infatuation, or so he claims); between all of this, we have struggled with our personal life for some time. However, I have chosen, with God’s help, to understand that the majority of our problem is NOT relational (and fact, it’s likely that almost none of it is), but rather that I chose to pledge myself to a now-elderly man, and this is just what happens. Once in a great while – maybe every six months or so – we are both happily surprised (!), but otherwise it’s a long time in between; yes, it’s difficult for me, as I’m in my prime, and I do very much miss being loved physically (OH, he is also from the time when ‘other options’ for pleasuring just ‘weren’t done’!). I value those times that we are together in that way, and I have decided to promise the rest of the time in purity to God, just as if I were single. In some ways, I have the best of both worlds, as I can spend time keeping myself (including my thoughts) focused on God’s work, my family, etc., rather than worrying about physical relationship aspects; also, I can focus on enjoying the emotional times spent with my husband; I know that, statistically-speaking, we likely don’t have any hope for even a 20-year anniversary, so I am trying to make our times together count in the ways that matter most. Someday, my situation may change, and I might be the ex-widow, new wife of a man with a great sex drive. But you know what? Until that happens, I cherish the man I’m with now, and thank God for the chance to spend time, energy, and attention on HIS kingdom, too! :)

  • Hurting

    My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years now, and we’ve had sex maybe 12-15 times per year. We waited until we were married before we had sex. I was a virgin, he was not. While we were dating and engaged, he wouldn’t keep his hands off of me. I had to tell him to back off many, many times… And all of a sudden after we got married, it’s like he just turned off. We didn’t have a “wedding night” until 3 months into our marriage. This had left me with deep wounds. He stopped being affectionate, stopped sleeping in the same bed as me… Everything. He won’t let me touch him. I’ve tried everything – I always initiate – lingerie, just going to bed naked, talking sexy to him, etc. – he doesn’t want to have sex, generally speaking, more than once per month.

    This kills me. He completely misrepresented himself before we were married – I crave physical affection, it’s how I feel loved. I’m not a high maintenance wife. I’m responsible with money, our bills are always paid on time, I do work outside my home and we live paycheck to paycheck yes, but we’re able to save a little money for retirement out of each paycheck, too.

    I’m beyond frustrated. I go through periodical mourning, like a previous poster described, every few months or so. I’ve explained myself up and down to my husband and been good about it – I haven’t attacked him or anything. I get no response. We have two children together (who were, of course, planned because he wouldn’t touch me unless I knew I was ovulating). If we didn’t have our kids… Honestly? I probably would have left him by now. I hate going through cycles of depression, feeling unattractive, angry and hurt, and then hating myself. That, to me, is a toxic relationship. He won’t go to marriage counseling, and he’s told me before that I should just find another man to be with. Obviously, I’m not about to cheat on my husband… But now I’m thinking that divorce might be the only way for me to be able to find real love. I don’t want to think about that, but the truth is… I need someone who appreciates what I do for them and wants to reciprocate with love for me. Being in a parallel marriage is terrible, horrible, awful. I don’t wish it for anyone. And I don’t know what the right thing for me to do here is. It tears me up.

  • sensualwife

    I read posts like this, and so very often, men would much rather deny the root of their low libido. Is it any wonder, when they measure their masculinity, in how they do or don’t perform? An inattentive spouse, while she may not help aging challenges in the sex arena, surely isn’t the cause of that libido loss.

    Wake up fellas, it’s time to reinvent how you approach intimacy. You cannot get the easy and quick fix that your younger year actions gave you without effort.

    So very sad, this situation, for oh so many couples.

    I’ve always been attentive and sexy. In fact, I married a man, who likened me to winning the lotto. Gosh, but when that libido took a dive, the finger pointed to me, and my goodness he couldn’t even say what it was specifically that I did or didn’t do to bring this hell on him in lack of sexual interest or performance.

    There is a severe danger when you rewrite the story of what you think of your wife. You begin to believe that new story… maybe she is sickly (that finger pointed to me even though I wasn’t), or maybe she wants too much intimacy (and that is threatening) so a man will say she is being too dominant?

    So very sad to see a good man go down, while you scramble around with health issues to make certain it’s not going to be a hidden heart issue… First sign of Heart Disease is often E.D. in men. Oh the worry, amid all the insults to that woman’s femininity and sensual hunger.

    My husband let it slip, he was afraid that if he did go elsewhere, he’d just embarrass himself if he couldn’t perform sexually. But opps… he can’t remember ever saying that!

    You know deep down, your physical functions are not the same. You know it’s not her. Gosh be a man and be smart, reinvent the way you approach intimacy and give that lady who is supporting you the affection and truth she deserves. That would be strength to see… and I’d be so damn impressed and look up to my guy once again.

    How you handle this will show how much integrity and strength you have. Or you can take the easy (hard for her) selfish way out and point that finger away from yourself.

    How can you approach intimacy without a reliable errection:

    Tantric practices (two way please)
    Exercise together
    Healthier diet together
    Long embraces out of nowhere
    Ask her to help you get through this difficult time. Acknowledge that you have a challenge, and that challenge can benefit you both as you reinvent intimacy in a whole new way together.

    Whats the worse thing you can do:

    Turn to internet porn
    Turn to an old girl friend online
    Speak negatively to yourself and others about your wife.

    ENOUGH FINGER POINTING… We are adults… Tsk Tsk!

    It’s up to the MEN… the protective wall surrounding what they view as their masculinity is like a tower to climb.

  • IAmWorried

    I have been married for little over 2.5 years. I met my husband through a matrimonial site, we met couple of times before deciding to get married. We said yes to each other after we spoke/met for a month (considering we were living far from each other and did not have lot of time to meet personally, so mostly phone calls). After we got married, I soon realized he has some issues in bed. It would take me a long time to get him aroused. I knew he was attracted to me and so was I but our sex life started very bad. I thought it would improve as he starts getting comfortable with me. It actually did a bit but we never had sex more than once a week or once in 2 weeks. Whenever I tell him, I want more sex, he says that this is basic nature and he doesnt see sex as a very important part of life. We also visited a sexologist and he prescribed him some medicines. But I am afraid that any doctor will ever be able to change my husband’s nature of ‘not feeling sex important’. I, on other hand, find sex to be one of the most IMP part of married life. We are very much compatible with each other in all ways in life, we just lack on competibility on sexual front. This issue is driving me crazy, and I feel I will never experience those highs in life which a lot of other women do. I dont think I want to stay in those 30% women side who crave to have sex and keep fighting for rest of their life to have a balance between their husband’s low desire and their desire.

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    FRUSTRATED.COM – i am so happy to hear there are other women out there suffering with the same thing, i was begining to think i was the only one… I mean which man doesnt want sex??? i kept asking myself. people who i spoke to immediately said he was GAY or having an affair… but in my heart i know there is something deeper than this…I am going to try and talk about it tonight and see what happens, because its been a week now that i have been BEYOND angry with him after this has been going on for about 7 years now. We have divorced, seperated twice and the problem still remains..so being nice doesnt help, being angry doesnt help, being quiet and ignoring him doesnt help,,,so i hope talking about this now whether he wants to or not is going to be the break through, before i commit a serious crime here…

  • Jacqueline Ashley

    Am Jacqueline Ashley from UK, i want to say a very big thanks to the GOD of Dr SK, for using his anointing water to heal me from DEADLY HIV DISEASE, i was diagnosed positive three years ago, and since them my life has never been as it was before, i cried a lot pray to GOD, seek for help from different people across the world, ask family and friends for help too, but they all failed me and because of this sickness i was about to loose my job, the only place where i do find some money to pay for my bills and take care of my self, kids and family, i cried all day through praying to GOD to forgive my sins, but still yet, there was no way out, i seek help from different helpers who i met online, still yet i still remain in the same condition, i seek help from different herbalist no one was able to help me until i met a friend on Facebook, he directed me to Dr SK, which i called him on phone and speak with him and also write to his emails, he sent me two healing anointing water and also send me a piece of note telling me how to use it after fasting and his videos and audio CD. it was really amazing after watching them all, and after using the anointing water, i went for check-up and my result came out negative, till now i have been in a good health and i always go for check-up every weekend and still yet negative. thanks to Dr SK for healing me, you also can be free today from different types of disease and all types of problems if only you believe on him and have faith on GOD by using his anointing water and i promise you that you heart will be fills with joys and smiles… here is my private email jacquelineshley@outlook.com email Dr SK via email address on dr.skhivhomefcure@gmail.com and be free today to all viewers accross the world and to all listeners smiles from MRS Jacqueline Ashley

  • not alone but lonely

    Just found this while searching Google to ease my mind. Have been married 6 years, 2 kids 4 and 2. Had a horrible year but my husband was always the one w desire. We seperated nearly 9 months when i was told of several times I’d been cheated on (he told me personally) few months went by we reconciled only for him to do it again. After that, found out he’s bipolar. Since he’s been on meds, we just eccentrics started living together again. I had these expectations and ideas to spice up our love life bc i didn’t want him going elsewhere for it- to my disappointment. He is just so not interested and rejects me daily. We’ve had sex 6 times in 2 months and only bc i was crying and he felt bad. It crushes me. Idk what to do but it instantly makes me feel he gets it elsewhere or is involved with someone else but i monitor him so closely- it’s nearly impossible. He blames it on kids and lack of time but makes no effort for us to spend time together so we can have moments. I’m just at a loss and need for him to be interested to show me I’m not a fool for taking him back!

  • helenlondon12345

    Therefore, I conclude that I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE in this world who got a problem with their husband, with sex life. One of our roles as a wife, we have to be submissive but looking at with my husband I don’t see anything aggressiveness or intensity to make love with me. I did so many things to caught his attention and particularly to let him know what my intention is. It’s really FRUSTRATING! I don’t know what I’m gonna do that time. Due to my desperation, I had a self-research regarding with testosterone. So one of the sites/articles that popped was this, click here: http://energysupplementx.com/limitless-health-benefits-testosterone-boosters. It worked! Gradually, we back our sex life as if we are newly-wed!

  • phil vicky

    A powerful spell-caster named Dr.cliton helped me to bring back my love who left me while I was six months pregnant and went on a peace keeping mission in Holland. We both love each other and it was a shock to me and it really broke my heart. I tried to call him and both of his lines were disconnected. I tried to reach him on social networks but he deleted me off of them. I tried to reach his parents and they told me that their son said that he does not love me and does not want to see me and they do not know what is wrong. I cried and cried everyday because I loved him very much. Until I gave birth and the baby was one year old, I could not get my love back. Again, I was confused. I do not know what to do and I also lost my job and I have no money to take care of the baby. I was miserable in life so I cried to my sister and told her my problem and said that she knew of one powerful spell caster that helped her when she could not get pregnant. I contacted him by email and he said he will help me and told me that a woman cast a spell upon my husband and said he will help me break the spell so my husband will come back to me and be mine forever. It was a great surprise to me that everything that he said came to pass. My husband came back to me immediately, saying that I should forgive him. I am sending a very big thank you to this powerful and real spell caster. I pray for him to live long and do more of his wonderful work. If you have any kind of problem disturbing you in life, you have to contact this drclitonspelltemple@gmail.com

  • Henry Westwood

    Hi, Am Henry west by name, I can believe is possible that HIV can be cure what a great man he have done it for me also I never believe all this comment and post about him, I was very sick, I am HIV positive over 10year,just last year I keep reading the testimony post about this man named DR.SK they said that the man is so powerful he have cured to different diseases, I keep monitor the post of some people about this man and I found out this man is real I contacted him for help because I was having such problem this man reply to my email after some hours, I inform he about my problem that I have this virus for 10year now this man said that I should not worry and I should not disappoint him, what he about to do for me now is just a gift from his gods and his father’s that I s should regard him if am cured I should write the true about him, I said no problem because I never have the believe that I will be cured someday but thanks god for my life for curing me through this man this man ask for my details which i send for him, and he said that he want to have some consultation on it how to get me cure I wait for his respond this man reply me back after some minute he said that I need to provide so thing need for the curing I try and do so after everything is done I found out I was again my strength back my tissue start developing he ask me to go for hospital test I did and I found out there was no HIV found in my body again what a miracle thanks doctor for help me out from this illness i will continue doing this according to my promise if you need his help just contact him now through his email dr.skhivhomefcure@gmail.com and here is also my email henrywestwood1@gmail.com incase any further question..

  • Henry Westwood

    Hi, Am Henry west by name, I can believe is possible that HIV can be cure what a great man he have done it for me also I never believe all this comment and post about him, I was very sick, I am HIV positive over 10year,just last year I keep reading the testimony post about this man named DR.SK they said that the man is so powerful he have cured to different diseases, I keep monitor the post of some people about this man and I found out this man is real I contacted him for help because I was having such problem this man reply to my email after some hours, I inform he about my problem that I have this virus for 10year now this man said that I should not worry and I should not disappoint him, what he about to do for me now is just a gift from his gods and his father’s that I s should regard him if am cured I should write the true about him, I said no problem because I never have the believe that I will be cured someday but thanks god for my life for curing me through this man this man ask for my details which i send for him, and he said that he want to have some consultation on it how to get me cure I wait for his respond this man reply me back after some minute he said that I need to provide so thing need for the curing I try and do so after everything is done I found out I was again my strength back my tissue start developing he ask me to go for hospital test I did and I found out there was no HIV found in my body again what a miracle thanks doctor for help me out from this illness i will continue doing this according to my promise if you need his help just contact him now through his email dr.skhivhomefcure@gmail.com and here is also my email henrywestwood1@gmail.com incase any further question

  • http://anti-aging-today.us/ Anti Aging Today

    Thanks for sharing this experience. Loss of libido seems to be be very closely related with age,which means that as men age their desire for sex seems to decline based on an article I recently read. Here’s the link to read the full article http://bioidentical-testosterone.com/causes-of-low-libido-in-men/

  • Lydia laures

    I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex love back. I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month, But when I meet a friend that introduce me to DR Olawole the great messenger to the whole world who God has given him the grace to help people in their relationships, I narrated my problem to DR Olawole about how my ex love left me and also how I needed to get a job in a very big company. He only said to me that i have come to the right place were I will be getting my heart desire without any side effect. He told me what i need to do, After it was been done, In the next 2 days, My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness, I was called for an interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director.. I am so happy and overwhelmed that I have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Olawole at the following email address and get all your problem solve.. No problem is too big for him to solve. Contact him direct on: ugbeninspellsolutiontemple@gmail.com And get your problems solve like me….. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: ugbeninspellsolutiontemple@gmail.com,

  • Lydia laures

    I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex love back. I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month, But when I meet a friend that introduce me to DR Olawole the great messenger to the whole world who God has given him the grace to help people in their relationships, I narrated my problem to DR Olawole about how my ex love left me and also how I needed to get a job in a very big company. He only said to me that i have come to the right place were I will be getting my heart desire without any side effect. He told me what i need to do, After it was been done, In the next 2 days, My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness, I was called for an interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director.. I am so happy and overwhelmed that I have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Olawole at the following email address and get all your problem solve.. No problem is too big for him to solve. Contact him direct on: ugbeninspellsolutiontemple@gmail.com And get your problems solve like me….. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: ugbeninspellsolutiontemple@gmail.com

  • 666great illuminati

    THE GREAT POWERFUL DR:OGUL SPELL CASTER THAT CAN CASTER ALL PROBLEM BRING BACK MYHUSBAND:if you are in need in spell caster, that can help me bring my EX LOVER BACK Email:doctorogul@gmail.com My name is Miss joy I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called dr ogul has just done for me ,this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called john we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friendof mine told me about thisman and gave his contact email to me: DOCTOROGUL@GMAIL.COM then you won’t believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great dr ogul or what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:
    1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) If you need financial assistance.
    (7) If you have an HIV and you want to be cure.
    contact him now for immediate solution of your problems call doctorogul@gmail.com doctorogul@gmail.com

  • frustrated

    My husband and I have been married a few months now (both in our 40′s). He agrees I have the higher drive. When we were first dating we started having sex for awhile and it was great. Then he asked to stop for religious reasons, which I agreed to do. I felt this was a good thing as a christian and only served to strengthen our relationship. He has always been and continues to be very affectionate with me. On our honeymoon I was surprised I did most of the initiating and after that I have done so almost every time. He rejects me often claiming he’s too tired or not in the mood, but tries to reassure me its not me by being affectionate and telling me how beautiful I am. Even when we do have sex (typically once a month, twice if I’m lucky, and we are still newlyweds) it almost seems like he’s doing it just for me or its just something he wants to get over with as fast as he can. I rarely am satisfied. He only will have sex on weekend mornings, so I look forward all week to the weekend and if he shows no interest then when he leaves the bedroom I end up crying in my pillow or in the shower from disappointment. I just want to share that intimacy and joy with my husband. When I try to talk to him he just admits he has a lower drive and says he’s in his 40′s so its what I can expect. I dont want to make him get performance anxiety so I try not to push the issue too mucg. My fear is if we are only having sex 1-2 times a month after a few months of marriage what will it be like after 3-5 years for us. Completely sexless? How will I feel or how will it effect our marriage? Our marriage is wonderful in every other way, so I’m trying to just accept this but I yearn for my husband to want me as much as I want him. I just want a husband who looks forward to the next time we are alone so he can make love to me. This does not seem normal for a man, especially at the start of the sexual part to a relationship, and my husband keeps trying to convince me it is.

  • Reboana Onthatile

    i want to let the world know about Dr, Paul the Great spell caster that brought back my husband to me when i thought all hope was lost. Dr, Paul used his powerful spell to put a smile on my face by bringing back my man with his spell, at first i thought i was dreaming when my husband came back to me on his knees begging me to forgive him and accept him back and ever since then he loves me more than i ever expected so i made a vow to my self that i will let the World know about Dr, Paul because he is a God on earth. Do you have problems in your relationship ? have your partner broke up with you and you still love and want him back ? Do you have problem with your finance ? or do you need help of any kind then contact Dr, Paul today for i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you just as he helped me. Dr, Paul email is: astoriashrine@gmail.com

  • Reboana Onthatile

    i made a vow to my self that i will let the World know about Dr, Paul because he is a God on earth. Do you have problems in your relationship ? have your partner broke up with you and you still love and want him back ? Do you have problem with your finance ? or do you need help of any kind then contact Dr, Paul today for i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you just as he helped me. Dr, Paul email is: astoriashrine@gmail.com

  • Konrad Barsony

    I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency about two months ago and I took my chance. I contacted a broker who I saw videos on youtube and I invested a huge sum of money around £665,211 which was deposited using Bitcoin with hopes to gain massive returns on my investment. I kept tracking my portfolio and it was increasing daily on the website. It made me excited and confident. Fast forward to 30 Days after, which was supposed to be my payout date, I tried to make a withdrawal as I needed money to foot my bills and buy my new house, but the broker insisted that I continue to invest or will have to pay some fees to withdraw my funds. That was very disappointing to hear, because it was all going smoothly when I deposited the funds. Eventually, I paid the fees which was about £45,800. I was desperate now because according to my portfolio, I had made about £1,512,400. Now you see why I was willing to pay the fees. It turned out it was a scheme to keep asking me for more money for one thing or the other, like Taxes, miner fees and so many others. I declined, and instead I won’t pay more. They locked my account for several weeks. A month after, I saw a post on Quora about a Wierzbicki Programmer Recovery expert which stated they were capable of getting my money recovered. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had. In less than a week, I was able to recoup my BTC. I praise the universe for sending them my way. I wish to recommend them to everyone out there. they are capable of recover any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, bank transfer funds now i have my funds back with there guidelines and skills you can always contact them via EMAIL: wierzbickiprogrammers@gmail.com via Telegram: https://t.me/wizardWierzbickiprogrammer

  • Wild Rose

    I feel for you Jill – total understand what you’re going though and what you done. I’ve done the same for our relationship after two years of my husband’s very low sex drive. It was very hard to discuss with him which always ended up in an argument. I was the one who has to initiate all the time, either to get rejected or a poor performance when I was so in the mood. Early in our relationship we’d talked about the idea of having another woman join us. It never happened. Now I wanted this to happen to see if it would change him at all, I was also very curious. It took me two months of looking on local ‘romantic’ websites, pay chatlines to find the right woman without him knowing. In the end it wound up being an acquaintance I work with at the hospital. I told her my story over a cigarette she told me she’s interested. In my case we surprised him. He was floored, wanted to marry me all over again. He’s not superman again but there has been a change in the passion and I’m loving our new experience / lifestyle change. Keep you chin-up hun… it will get better.