6 Great Reasons You Should Go Into Business With Your Spouse

By Fawn Weaver on Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6 Great Reasons You Should Go Into Business With Your Spouse

I often here people say, “I could never work with my spouse.”  Those who say this don’t realize two things: 1) Some of the most successful people in the world are “duos”; and 2) Working together could be the most rewarding decision of your life.

When I refer to working together, know that I’m not suggesting you both quit your jobs and start your own company (although many couples, like the founders of mega successful companies  EventbriteClif BarA to Z wines, Kate Spade New YorkFiji Water and Teleflora have done this and had wild success).  

But I am encouraging you to go after your dreams together.

Do either of you have a great business idea?  Is there something you or your husband have been talking about for years but just can’t seem to begin working on it?  

When I left the hotel industry a few years ago to launch a start-up technology company, never in a million years could I have imagined all the twists and turns I’d experience along the way (the rapid growth of this club and a trip around the world to interview couples for an upcoming book, being two of them).  

In our early years together, we decided it would never be a good idea for us to work together.  In part, because we’re both so strong-willed.  Separation of work and personal, we concluded, would be best.

I wish I knew then what I know now.

Although my husband works in a completely different industry and loves what he does, he is my partner in every since of the word.  I might own the company but he is my top adviser.  He may not be a CEO in the traditional since but he is certainly my chief encouragement officer.  

Early in the morning, before he even has time to sip his cup of coffee, he is oft times fielding business-related questions from me.  Rarely do my meetings or calls for the day begin without our early morning “board meeting.”

If you’ve ever considered starting your own business but disregarded your spouse as your partner because it might “cause conflict,” here are four great reasons (in addition to the two above) you should reconsider that decision:

1. No one, other than you, will have more of a vested interest in your company than your spouse.  Your success is oftentimes even more important and gratifying to them than it would be if they’d achieved it on their own.

2. You don’t have to both quit your jobs in order to launch out on your own.  My husband may never leave his current company.  They treat him well and he’s brilliant at what he does.  But that doesn’t keep him from having my back fully in this business venture and that gives me the confidence and boost I need to go out and conquer another small piece of the world each and every day.

3. You’re like a big, giant idea factory.  You can spend hours upon hours each week bouncing ideas off one another.  Laying in bed, if an idea pops in your head, you don’t have to flesh it out or put together a Powerpoint presentation.  You can just blurt it out and get instant feedback from the person you (hopefully) respect the most.

4. You can pool your resources.  When you are working together as a unit, you can save money toward the same goal, you’ll trade off housekeeping and child-rearing responsibilities, and work as a team to build your company without sacrificing the more important things in life.

Bring your spouse in to partner with you on your greatest ideas.  Maybe that means they’re just a sounding board or maybe they actually roll up their sleeves and get to work building the business alongside you.  Partnerships come in many shapes and forms, but by far, my favorite partnerships are all those that involve my husband.

QUESTION: Do you have an idea you’d love to bring to the market?  Does your spouse offer a certain skill set that could be helpful in getting taking your idea to the next level?

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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  • http://www.modernmarried.com/ Maggie Reyes

    Fawn – I love “chief encouragement officer” so good! Our last name is Reyes which means kings in Spanish, so we like giving things royal names (yes we are zany that way) so I have officially christened my hubby ViceRoy of Operations. He laughs every time! He is the editor of my blog and totally helps behind the scenes and it’s wonderful to share this passion and so many experiences with him every day. GREAT ARTICLE!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Love that, Maggie! ViceRoy of Operations – too funny!!

  • http://www.toodarnhappy.com/ Kim Hall

    Having worked side by side with my hubbie at three different places, I agree wholeheartedly! Our spouses are great sounding boards and are especially good at seeing a perspective we don’t. As you say, while you may not be able to work truly together, at least be supportive of each others’ dreams. It provides both a solid foundation and regular fuel supply!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      That is so cool you’ve had an opportunity to work side-by-side at three different places.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband is the person who dared me to dream of my own business when I was afraid to dream.

    When I lose steam, he challenges me. When I need a fresh idea, he’s brainstorming with me. When I lack confidence, he encourages me and when I fail, he picks me up and gets me going again.

    In a sense, he is the backbone of my business. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have as a partner in life or business.

    Praise God for all the men out there who stand behind and/or with their wives in every venture!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Love this because you and your hubby represent exactly what I was writing about. Thanks for sharing this, Jennifer!

  • http://intentionaltoday.com/ Ngina Otiende

    Love this Fawn! I’ve been in business since my husband and I got married. Looking back i don’t know how I’d have fared without my hubs rock solid support, level headedness and laser sharp eye for details that totally elude me! We love doing ministry things together and some of the highlights of my marriage (work/ministry-related) include organizing couples retreats and other events. i think a husband/wife team rocks in a way that no other team can :)

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Agreed, Ngina!

  • datelivery

    Fawn this is such great advice and precisely why my husband and I started our business Datelivery. One other thing I’d add along with pulling your resources is that it works because obviously as a couple in their every day relationship one spouse is strong in one area which makes up for where other may be weak and visa versa. Well it’s the same in business. Where I’m a bit weak in one area my husband is stronger and we balance each other out and it helps in running a business efficiently and successfully.

    Great Post!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Yes! Such a great point. So happy you added that.

  • tamrenzi

    Hi Fawn! What a great article and on a topic not many people talk about.

    Eight years ago, CJ left public school teaching and started his own business as a guitar instructor. Two years later, I left the public schools and started my own tutoring business. We rent an office space that shares a waiting room. We commute to work together and are, basically, together 24/7. I know it’s not for everyone, but it is a dream come true. Of the 15+years we’ve been married, the last six years have been the best so far. They just keep getting better.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Love seeing stories like yours! So inspiring. <3

  • Lori

    What an awesome article Fawn. There have been so many couples who have made our lives better because they worked together! – Marie & Pierre Curie who discovered radium, Roma Downey & her husband Mark Burnett who produced the series “The Bible”, evangelist Billy and Ruth Graham, US president John Adams and his wife Abigail… (so many more)

    Robert and I work together every day and leverage our separate strengths – creating a stronger end result. Yes – there are challenges. But those are just opportunities to grow.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Love that! Challenges should never be deterrents…just opportunities!

  • Rahul

    Nice article.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Thanks, Rahul!

  • Rahul

    Very good.

  • Megan Comer

    I LOVE this!!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      So happy you love this, Megan!