5 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage (even in busy times)

By Fawn Weaver on Wednesday, July 16, 2014

*Welcome to week ten of this 12-week series based on the New York Times® bestselling book, Happy Wives Club.  Join me each week as I share 12 principles about marriage I’ve learned from some of the happiest couples around the world.*


Prioritize Your Marriage in Busy Times

The world comes crashing in every morning.

Emails sent throughout the night come streaming in at the simple touch of a button.

Kids running around needing to get packed for school, lunches made, rides and activities arranged.

That suit you fit in a month ago is now a little too snug around the waste and hips and so the search begins to find something in the closet that will be more forgiving than the pants that only button on deep inhales.

From the top of the morning, we can quickly begin to feel as though everything around us is spinning and there is no way to slow it down.  Suffocated by our own pursuit of success at home, at work, even both.

There is a way for you to hop off that hamster wheel.  Today.  In this very moment.  Why is that so important?  Because you don’t want to look at your life in the rear view mirror wondering how you missed so much.

Enjoying life means you have to be present in this moment.

Increasing the happiness in your marriage, and your overall life, doesn’t come from doing monumental things once a month.  It happens when you make the choice to do the little things that matter most each and every day.  

It occurs only when we make marriage a priority in the midst of a crazy, busy, constantly shifting world.

Marriage is one of the easiest things to allow to coast on cruise control before realizing it’s been headed in the wrong direction.  Back up, turn it around, and get intentional about where you’re going and the destination you’d like to arrive.

Your marriage is meant to be your still point in a turning world.  Allow it to be that.  Make that one of your greatest priorities.  This won’t give you all the answers but it is most certainly a place to start.

5 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage

1. Picture the future.  Imagine yourself vibrant and full of life at 65 years old.  What do you see?  What would you like to be doing?  Long after you’ve left your current company or they’ve downsized, what pieces of your life are most important?  When your children have moved out and begun a family of their own, what will be left in your home?  If your picture of the future, like mine, involves kicking back with a cool glass of lemonade and laughing with your spouse, now is the time to begin creating that future.  What you are building today will be the home you live in 20, 30, 60 years from now.

2. Invest time in a like-minded friend.  Some call them accountability partners.  Others simply call them good company.  Whatever you call them, find at least one friend who has the same desire in their life as you do so you can work toward those healthy goals together.  When you begin drifting from the plan you set in place to create a happy and loving marriage – that will continue well into your retirement years- your friend will help bring you back to shore.  With so much going on around us we can easily lose focus.  So keep a friend close by who is positive and sees life as you do and will encourage you to live your life in line with your stated prioritizes.

3. Determine what prioritizing your marriage looks like to your spouse.  Say something like this to your spouse: “I want to make you and our marriage a priority every day of my life.  What does that look like to you?”  Asking that question may yield some interesting results.  What you think signifies making your spouse a priority could turn out to be completely different than how they see it.  Questions like this can be humbling because oftentimes you discover you know less about what your spouse wants than you thought.  But these humbling experiences are also incredibly rewarding.  Remember, you and your spouse are constantly changing and evolving so questions like this keep you up to date on how they feel at this time of their life.

4. Make time to create a daily ritual.  I know I’ve been talking about this all year but how could I not?  After interviewing so many couples happily married for more than a quarter of a century, and learning they all have this in common, I’d be crazy not to mention it as often as possible.  There are 1,440 minutes in each day and using 40 minutes of that for a daily ritual will be one of the greatest uses of your time all day.

5. Calendar your dates like a million-dollar meeting.  “Sorry, we can’t join you for that as we already have something on our calendar,” is something we find ourselves saying often.  And it is 100-percent true.  There is something on our calendar: Us time.  I learned this last year from a couple I interviewed in Australia.  For decades, they’ve had “Date Night” on their calendar every Wednesday.  When they get requests to go somewhere or do something else at that time, they immediately respond with, “We can’t.  We’re booked.”  If you had a million-dollar business idea and had a meeting scheduled with an investor who could make it happen, would you ever think to cancel it?  That’s how you should treat this time with your spouse.  Once it’s on the calendar, nothing short of an emergency of catastrophic proportions should cause you to cancel it.

YOUR TURN: What other simple things have you found help you prioritize your marriage in the midst of a busy schedule?

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book.  I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way.  It’s a marriage book like none other.  Guaranteed.

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


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  • Terese

    I loved this article so much. I guess because prioritizing my marriage has been (or used to be) a sore spot for my family. My husband and I will be married 3 years next Friday, but have been together for over 6 years. Since the beginning, we have always put each other first. It was really difficult for me (coming from a traditional Italian family) to put someone other than my parents and sister first. It was more difficult for them to accept it. I was torn because there were all these “obligations” to my family. It caused A LOT of problems between my husband and I AND between his relationship (or lack thereof) with my family. As soon as I realized that my priorities (even before we married) were with my husband and stuck happily by that realization, everything seemed to fall into place. We have been following our dreams, taking a huge leap of faith and moved from NJ to FL almost a year ago. We bought the house of our dreams and we are working on making the house we will grow old in. We both love our jobs, but always come home to eachother. We do everything together because we aren’t planning on having children. My family still wants me to leave my husband to “come home” for Christmas, but I tell them…he’s working (he’s a respiratory therapist at a hospital) and I’m not leaving my husband during the holidays. It’s a learning process, but the longer we are married, the more I learn about my husband. I have never been happier!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      You are absolutely right, Terese. Once you prioritize your marriage, everything else falls into place. Sometimes it takes longer than we’d like for others to understand the importance of this but years down the road they will not only understand it, they’ll be trying to figure out how to implement it in their own marriages :) . So kudos to you for being the example in the family.

  • Amy

    It’s really hard to calendar your date nights when your husband is a chef, and he has crazy hours. And also when you have night classes and work in the evenings on the weekend. It’s so hard. We just have to have date night when we realize “Hey we are both off work on ______day!” #3 is very important too, my husband and I have been married for almost a year and we haven’t really asked that question. We will definitely have that conversation later. :)

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Nice! Those are incredibly tricky schedules so maybe calendaring dates is something you can implement in a different season of your life. For now, your suggestion sounds perfect, “I’m off. You’re off. Let’s go on a date!”

    • Paula G.

      No one ever said dates have to only be at night :) Consider having a date morning. My husband is a store manager for a grocery store and has worked a lot of nights the entire time we have been married. For several years we had our “dates” Tuesday mornings when we were both off and the kids were in school. It worked for us.

      • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        Love it!

  • Jamie

    My husband and I are still new (2.5 years) and we have a toddler, finding us time is really difficult right now. Reading your blog is really opening my eyes on the importance of making each the priority now so we’ll be stronger in the future. Thank you Fawn!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Yeah! So happy to hear that, Jamie. The beauty is in this season, you can both make the decision to shift more focus toward your toddler because it’s needed. But agreeing in advance on what that looks like for you both will do wonders for your marriage years from now when that beautiful toddler is moving out of the house and on to college (and your marriage remains stronger than ever).

  • http://www.encourageyourspouse.com/ Lori Ferguson

    Great five points, Fawn – but #3 is so important as life changes your marriage AND you and your spouse. What worked five years ago (or 15) might not have the same impact today.

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Happy you said that, Lori. I had an aha moment earlier this year when someone mentioned to me that theirs and their spouse’s love languages had changed over the years. We sometimes forget that we are living, breathing creatures who are constantly growing and changing. Thanks friend.

  • Kristy

    When my husband gets home from work, we snuggle on the couch for about 10 or 15 minutes before we start dinner. We talk about our day or we are quiet for a little while. It makes me feel physically and emotionally connected to him. The weird thing is, he is the one who asks for it. I think he might love it as much as me. I know that once we have children, it will be a little harder to find this time, but I want and plan to keep it forever. I am so grateful for the other ideas. I love working on my marriage and hearing how other ladies work to make their husbands’ happy!

    • Kristy

      RE: #4 :)

      • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        Awesome! That’s a perfect amount of time. 15 intentional minutes a day does wonders, doesn’t it?

  • Viki

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  • http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com/ Jeffrey Dowling


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  • Katherina

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  • Daniella Pal

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