4 Holiday Date Night Traditions

By Tammy Greene on Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I love the holiday season.  I would probably be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t.

But, I have to admit, sometimes it can be overwhelming. With all we try to cram into each day, it can be easy to lose sight of why we celebrate the holidays in the first place. 

This year, start some new traditions with your sweetie.  Simple holiday traditions can help you feel connected, not only to the holiday but, most importantly, to the one you love most.

Here are some easy and fun ways to add a little tradition to your holiday season and help you and your spouse stay connected.

Holiday Date Night Traditions

Look at Lights
Christmas lights are a holiday tradition dating back to Thomas Edison and became an official holiday tradition in 1895.  Holiday lights are beautiful and fill us with a sense of awe.  Take some time to enjoy the hard work of your neighbors.  Hop in the car with your sweetheart and take a drive around the neighborhood to appreciate the magic a simple strand of lights can bring.

Drink Cocoa by the Tree
If you celebrate the holidays by decorating the tree, you know how much work this can be.  But, once the work is done, do you take the time to appreciate your efforts?  Warm up a cup of cocoa, top it with some mini marshmallows and cuddle by the tree.  Take in the smell, reminisce, and relax.  Don’t let your efforts only be enjoyed on Christmas Day.

Watch a Holiday Movie
Take some time to snuggle on the couch, put your feet up and share a blanket while you watch one of the many holiday classics.  From the funny to the heartfelt, there is an endless array of movies to choose from.  Take some time to unwind together and laugh or cry your way through your favorite holiday film.

Give Back
No matter where you live, you do not have to look far to find someone in need.  The holidays are a time for giving, so what better way to give than to reach out to someone who could use a helping hand?   Take some time to look beyond your own needs and stress and devote some of that attention to someone who could use some kindness.  

Whether it be donating gifts, making a meal, or donating your time, make this a holiday project you and your sweetie do together.  There is tremendous joy to be found in doing something kind for others.

Whatever you decide to do, take some time to enjoy the season together.  Cuddle, take in the sights and smells, listen to music, and start some new traditions.  It only comes by once a year so don’t let this special time fly by without taking a few moments to relax and enjoy it together.  

Happy Holidays.

Tammy is happily married to her high school sweetheart and is the mother of two. She is the creator of the blog Married and Naked, where she shares her own struggles and successes in her marriage. By sharing the lessons she has learned she hopes that her readers will feel inspired to know that successful relationships are not easy but they are possible and that Happily Ever After can definitely be within reach.

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