10 Ways to Kick Your (or Your Husband’s) Sex Drive Into Overdrive

By Fawn Weaver on Tuesday, January 13, 2015

sex drive into overdrive

On February 4, 2015, the Happy Wives Club will celebrate 5 years of shining a positive spotlight on marriages around the world.

5 years!  Can you believe how quickly time flew (that must mean we were having fun, right ;) )?

In honor of this amazing occasion, I wanted to do something truly special.  In less than four weeks, we will unveil a new HappyWivesClub.com (I’ve gotten a sneak peak at the new look and it’s pretty fantastic).

Leading up to the reveal of the new site, we’ll countdown with the Top 20 most popular posts on this site since the Club began in 2010.  I had no idea what our Top 20 posts were until I decided to do this countdown so it was pretty cool for me to see what posts our readers have loved most over the years.

Are you ready? Let the countdown begin!  Coming in at #20 is a post I originally wrote in October 2014.  For the record, it made me so nervous to press “publish” on this one.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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Rarely does a week go by when I don’t receive a new comment on a post written for us by author, Sheila Wray-Gregoire, more than a year ago: What to Do When Your Husband Has a Low Sex Drive.

And although I’m always surprised when one pops up, I really shouldn’t be as research has long shown that one out of every five men have a low sex drive.

So many husbands and wives battle with a low libido.  And many, albeit not true in most instances, believe a decline in sex means there is something wrong with their marriage or that the romance is dying.

A low libido can be an indicator of so many things: health challenges, stress, birth control, medication, too much wine, fatigue, hormonal changes and the list goes on.  This is the reason I wrote this post last week: 5 Days to Better Sex in Marriage.  

For some of you, that post was just what you needed.  For others, I realize it might be a tad more complicated.  

If you love and adore your spouse (and I’m pretty certain you do, otherwise you’d unlikely be perusing a site called the Happy Wives Club), but find yourself getting frustrated in the bedroom, I sure hope this will help!

10 Best Ways to Kick Your {or Your Husband’s} Sex Drive Into Overdrive

1. Get to the root of the issue.  I can’t stress this enough.  If your sex life isn’t what it used to be, don’t panic.  This doesn’t mean you (or your spouse) is lacking interest, love or romance.  It could be a fairly large range of things.  If your husband is the one with the low libido, it could be due to any of these things.  If you’re the one needing a bit of a boost in the bedroom, it could very well be due to one of these challenges.

2. Reduce stress.  You’d be surprised the number of couples whose sex drive kicks into overdrive just by doing two simple things: turning off electronics and intentionally not thinking about anything that brings about stress.  When you are stressed, every organ in your body is impacted, including the organ that dictates your sex drive: your brain.  If you have too much going on in that mind of yours, the likelihood that you’ll be able to have a mind blowing sexual experience is pretty close to nil.  What can you and your spouse do to reduce your stress in order to enjoy making love more often?  Answer that question and you just may very well be able to skip the rest of this post.

3. Have a little fun in the kitchen.  Okay, I know what you’re thinking…and that wasn’t what I was thinking.  But that’s not a bad idea!  This is all about boosting your sex drive naturally with some help from your pantry.  Studies have long shown that certain vitamins and minerals increase nerve sensitivity and boost hormone levels, pumping up that sometimes elusive libido.  So I compiled this list of the 15 best aphrodisiac recipes for you and your husband I found on the web.

4. Try something different.  This five day challenge might be just what the doctor ordered.  Day 1: Exploration.  Day 2: Lube it or lose it.  Day 3. Get out of the bedroom.  Day 4. Think sensual thoughts.  Day 5. Create a sensual playlist.  All of these things are very simple, but when done over the course of 5 days as outlined here, you might find that what you thought you lost is quickly found.  Make sure to address item #2 on this list (reduce stress) first, to obtain the best possible results from this 5-day challenge.

5. Especially FOR MEN: Stay fit and keep the weight off.  “Not only will you simply feel better about yourself, but body fat also inhibits testosterone production. And, apparently, it’s really important for men to watch their waist size as belly fat absorbs testosterone more efficiently than fat cells elsewhere in the body. Both men and women will benefit from exercise, though, as aerobic workouts increase blood flow to sex organs.  According to Martika Heaner for MSN Health and Fitness, ‘psychological self-confidence that you get from being physically fit, accomplishing weight loss goals or simply losing weight boosts your self-esteem and helps you to feel sexier.’”

6. Especially FOR WOMEN: Feel great from the inside out.  For everyone, this means something different.  For me, I’m the least comfortable making love when I’m out of shape and parts that shouldn’t be jiggling seem to be dancing to music not actually being played.  Keith loves making love to me whether I’m in shape or not.  But personally, I’m just not as comfortable and since I know this about myself, I eat fairly healthy and exercise at least 3 days a week.  For you, this may not be an issue.  Whatever makes you feel great about yourself, that’s what you want to focus on because confidence is the sexiest thing you’re ever going to wear.   

7. Meditate to improve your sexual experiences.  If when I say “meditate,” what comes to mind is twisting your body like a pretzel, in the midst of hundreds of lit candles with Sanskrit chants playing in the background, we’re talking about two different things.  The benefits of meditation to your sex life are too numerous to list here but here are seven surprising reasons why meditation can improve your sex life.  My personality is classic type-A.  Meditation and prayer allow me to do something that doesn’t come natural to my driver personality: don’t sweat the small stuff.

8. Determine what you want.  What does the perfect sexual experience look and feel like to you?  Do you have a favorite time when you and your spouse made love?  Do you remember where you were, what music was playing, your mindset at that moment?  Recall that time…together.  And remember, if you did it before, you can do it again.  It might take a bit more time and effort now that you’re older, with so much on your minds, but rest assured it can be done again.  You just have to commit to get there together.

9. Create an open and accepting space.  If your spouse is the one with the low libido, this may be one of the most important action items on this list for you.  Creating an environment where your spouse feels cherished and respected, in spite of this temporary challenge, is one of the most loving things you can do.  Your spouse wants to please you in every way, including sexually, so not being able to do so is undoubtedly eating away at him.  Assure him you’re committed to figuring this out together.  And the happiness in your marriage is greater than just this one thing.  Yes, it’s important.  But your love, friendship, laughter and lifelong partnership means so much more.

10. Remove the pressure to get it perfect every time.  Have you seen the movie, The Thomas Crown Affair, with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo?  If you have, there’s no doubt you remember that steamy sex scene that went from one room to another, from the top of the bed to under the bed, to the stairs and so on…without so much as a break. Newsflash: that is not the real world.  If you watched a sex scene being shot on a Hollywood set, you’d undoubtedly know there’s nothing sexy about the twenty-plus attempts it took to create that “perfect” shot.  The most amazing and mind-blowing sex possible is that between spouses who love, adore, respect and cherish each other.  If that is you and your spouse (which I suspect it is), go through this list again -beginning with the most important one: getting to the root of the issue- and figure out together how you can make it great from here on out.

Creating the marriage of your dreams, like any other great achievement, doesn’t just happen by happenstance.  It takes time, effort, grace and patience.  The same can be said about your sex life.  When you’re twenty years down the road, and enjoying life with your best friend, you’ll be so happy you took the time to get it right…together…today.


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Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book.  I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way.  It’s a marriage book like none other.  Guaranteed.

Fawn Weaver is the USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author of Happy Wives Club: One Woman's Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage, adopting the same name as the Club she founded in 2010. The Happy Wives Club community has grown to include more than 900,000 women in over 110 countries around the world. When she’s not blogging or working on her next project, she's happily doting over her husband of nearly eleven years, Keith.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are snarky, offensive, or off-topic. If in doubt, read My Comment Policy
  • Jenelle

    I have the exact opposite problem, he has a very strong sex drive and minejumped into the negative range!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Yikes, Janelle! That is tough. Can you track back to when that began? Was a greater level of stress introduced into the picture? Maybe a new form of birth control? An imbalance of hormones? See if any of these reasons the Mayo Clinic identified seem to fit: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/low-sex-drive-in-women/basics/causes/con-20033229. The good news is this can be reversed and can be done holistically. It’s just a matter of figuring out the root cause and then seeking the help for that particular issue (for so many, the issue is stress and too much on our minds, which is why I asked that question first).

      Hope this helps point you in the right direction. And feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.

  • http://lifeinspiredthoughts.wordpress.com Amy

    A really great post and some great ideas Now if only I could put those to use to kick my hubby’s sex drive into overdrive. I’m the higher drive wife and find connecting sexually with my husband really important, unfortunately, what do you do when his work hours (up at 2am, home by 5pm and in bed by 7pm) make it virtually impossible for that to happen? Throw in hunting season which is upon us and that takes up the weekends now too. Oh, and throw in my 19 year old son still living with us making it even harder to find private time.
    I’ve shared with my hubby many times my desire for more frequent lovemaking, but when he’s so exhausted and I believe in general has a lower drive, it just feels like I’m beating a dead horse after a while. I don’t want to appear like I’m nagging, but I don’t want to ignore my feelings either.
    I think what hurts most is not so much the infrequent sex but his seemingly lack of interest altogether. I will make comments about wanting to make love and such, but he just never seems bothered by not having sex for a week or more. I want to feel desired and feel he is at least thinking of it even if he is too tired to want to…I want to hear him say he wants me and at least show some interest. That’s the hard part. :(

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      For a lot of men, they are taught from such an early age that so much of their bravado is wrapped up in that package “down there.” When they find it not working in the way they thought it should, they get frustrated and give up. No man wants to believe he’s not able to satisfy his wife. You know your husband better than anyone else. If you were him, and having this problem, how would you desire your wife to respond?

      Every challenge I’ve come up against in marriage, I’ve always done my best to see the situation from my husband’s perspective (because I do believe I know him better than anyone else). I try to think about how I’d feel in that same scenario. Doing that allows me to address the issue at just the right time, with a compassionate heart, and in a manner he’ll best receive.

      Your husband wants to please you. Now, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to help him do just that. If you can get to the root of the problem (#1 on this list), and work your way backwards from that, you should be able to get the help needed (either between the two of you or with the help of a doctor).

      Now, about that 19 year old and hunting season and opposite schedules. That’s so tricky. We have a 22 year old in our home who is absolutely grossed out at the idea of us having sex (you just have to love this generation that forgot exactly how they got here :) ). We’ve found that early in the morning when she’s still sleep is the best time for us. When she goes out with friends, we’ll ask her how long she’ll be gone and work something into that time. It definitely takes a bit more planning (and hallelujah when she’s out of town with friends and we don’t have to think about it). So that leaves us with the opposite schedules and hunting season. My guess is if you work out everything else (what’s written above), you’ll figure out a way to make time in spite of those two things.

      I can feel your frustration, Amy, and I hope that leaves you soon and is replaced by sheer joy and happiness.

      • http://lifeinspiredthoughts.wordpress.com Amy

        Thanks for the reply.
        My hubby takes vit. V already so he has no problem addressing the issue of ED, which in itself makes it tough for him to be ready in a moment’s notice if my son suddenly announces he will be gone for an hour.
        And speaking of my son, yeah we do try to take advantage of him being gone, unfortunately it seems to always coincide with the time my hubby has to be in bed or he will suddenly get home sooner than he said he would. Kind of tricky working around older children living at home, but it’s worth the challenge!

        As far as work schedules, it isn’t going to change. He is a log truck driver and those are just his hours. The only thing that changes it is the weather so sometimes if he gets rained out it’s kind of nice. ;) And he is just so tired during the week that even if we do have the house to ourselves he often is just not interested — and basically told me so one time. When he gets home he doesn’t want to do anything.

        Hunting season doesn’t last long, but while it’s here that takes away the only time we normally would have over the weekend, so right now I’m trying hard not to complain or grow resentful, but I want to feel I’m at the top of his list. And honestly, I know I am — I know he loves me and adores me and I keep reminding myself of that.
        And yes, I try to do what you said about putting myself in his shoes and think how I would want my spouse to respond. It does help me respond in a kinder more compassionate way.

        Who knows, maybe the rain will show up soon. ;)

        • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

          So happy to see this: “And honestly, I know I am — I know he loves me and adores me and I keep reminding myself of that.” And let’s all hope for rain…soon!! :)

      • Giada

        Hi Amy :)

        I am newly married, a little over 2 years now. Me and my husband got married younger than most (we are both still in our early 20s) and believe it or not, I’ve actually already had a similar problem like what you’re describing. My husband and I had a small wedding so that we could put most of our money into having a really nice honeymoon in Europe. The honeymoon was great, but as soon as we got back home my husband ended up losing his full-time job. The company he worked for was going through budget cuts and unfortunately decided to get rid of several employees with hardly any advance notice.

        So, here we were just married, thousands of dollars spent on the honeymoon, and our main income gone. The money family and friends had given us as gifts at our wedding quickly disappeared as we needed the money for rent and other bills while my husband looked for a new job. I picked up several extra shifts at my job and worked far more than I was used to. I was exhausted physically and emotionally, but my way of coping was to try to see the positives in all of it and stay optimistic. I tried my best to encourage my husband and keep a warm energy around him, but his pride was really hurting inside and he went into a deep depression. He felt like he wasn’t a man because he wasn’t able to provide financially the way he wanted to. He got so overwhelmed that he barely could get out of bed. He stopped looking for work and was rude/impatient a lot of times with me which really hurt my feelings. It was frustrating for me because I was doing my best to keep a smile on my face and be kind, but what I was getting in return was just unfair. Plus he didn’t want to have sex AT ALL. He wasn’t complimenting me much on my looks much or paying attention to my emotional and sexual needs. He shut down from the world and he picked up some unhealthy coping habits.

        Believe me I know how it is to be feeling undesired. Finally, one day I got really upset with him and was very un-Christian-like… I yelled at him, cried, cursed, and told him all that I was feeling. It did get him off the couch to see me like that and eventually he got a job and things started to get better financially. But, the anger and tension was still there. We still weren’t having sex and I still felt alone like I was living with a robot or a ghost.

        Anyway, after a while things did improve for us. So, don’t be discouraged. It just takes a lot of patience and understanding from both husband and wife. We are now much happier and have a great sex life.

        Here are some things that helped us:
        1) Prayer. Pray for understanding and patience within yourself. Pray for your husband and for God to speak to him and open his eyes to your needs. And, don’t forget to pray together. Ask kindly for your husband to pray with you before bed. This will strengthen your bond and build intimacy. Remember marriage is a union of you and your husband together under God. Keep God close as much as you can.
        2) Write messages to your husband in lipstick on mirrors. Say something like “You are the sexiest man alive <3 and kiss the mirror to leave a lipstick kiss print" This will help build his confidence in himself. &then don't ask for sex unless he initiates. Just leave it at the message on the mirror for him to keep in mind.
        3) Get your son out at least for a day or two! I don't have children, but I've been through living with family while married and it sucks. Tell him he needs to stay at a friend's house or family member's home for a couple days. You and your husband NEED alone time. Even if you are not having sex during that alone time, it is important to spend quality time together to build intimacy through cuddling, watching movies together just the two of you, etc.
        4) Once you get the alone time arranged, set up a welcoming, laid-back atmosphere. Light some candles, cook your husband's favorite meal, play some nice music in the background, and wear something sexy for him. But, be prepared for the fact that he still may not feel up to sex. This will be the hardest part. Remember it's not you, it's him. You are beautiful and I'm sure he thinks so. He is just struggling with things within himself. If he doesn't want to have sex, tell him it's okay if he's not ready and offer him a relaxing massage instead.Tell him what you find attractive about him and ask him to name a few things that he finds attractive about you. The focus is to build intimacy and create a comfortable foundation for sex down the road. If sex happens that night then that is a plus!!
        5) Read some Bible verses about marriage with your husband. Corinthians has some good ones.
        6) Express to him that you understand he is stressed, tired, etc. Whatever you think the case may be. Tell him how you are trying to be patient with him, but you are also hurting inside. Tell him how much you would appreciate it if he tried a little harder to have sex with you. Tell him the importance it is for your well-being. Express to him how you feel he is not interested in you. And, the embarrassment you feel for feeling like you have to beg for him to make love.
        7) Offer to do all the work the first couple times you start back having sex. And even if he is not up to sex, ask if he could explore intimacy in other ways for now at least. Touching, kissing, etc.
        8) Get creative with the places you have sex. When you hear him pull into the garage one day, just hop into car and tell him you are taking your panties off. LOL. I'm sorry if this is TMI. This is just stuff I've tried and some of it may or may not work. It is up to you to decide what you want to try.

        Well,anyway, I hope this helps you and just know you are not alone.

        Many blessings to you and your marriage,

        • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

          Thanks for sharing your experience, Giada. So happy to know things have turned a corner for the better for you and your husband. You are certainly not alone in going through major financial challenges in your first years of marriage. That has become more and more common with the cost of weddings and honeymoons skyrocketing. Many couples aren’t able to hang in there and sort things out together. I’m so happy you and your husband decided to do just that…and that you believe in your hearts that it will only get better from here. I certainly believe that for you!

  • Melissa

    What kind of meditation do you recommend ?

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Do you have an iPhone by any chance? There are some great free apps in the Apple store. What I did was listen to several of them and decide which one soothed my mind most. If you get anxious, a great one is called At Ease. Personally, I sit in an easy cross legged position (or sometimes I’ll lay on my back) and I listen to one of the many meditation recordings on my phone. I put my phone on airplane mode to ensure no texts or calls come through. I do this for 20 minutes almost every morning. It gives me the ability to start my day with a calm and loving heart and that carries with me throughout my day. Hope this helps and feel free to let me know if you have any follow-up questions (I don’t mind answering as many as you’ve got :) ).

  • Vanessa

    I love this post. I’m really encouraged by the meditation suggestion and hope it will help my husband and I. I’m the one with the higher sex drive on our marriage, at least I think so.
    We got married two months ago, but have had the craziest time of our lives directly before and now after the wedding. His healthy mother passed away one month before the wedding. 2 weeks after the wedding his relatively healthy father got admitted to the hospital for going on one month now. My disabled mother is living with us and requiring increased care, plus his 19 year old brother and my 25 year old brother who has fallen on hard times are also living with us. They live in the house we bought 2 months before the wedding which can’t seem to stop falling apart. (Literally, faulty plumbing flooded our basement which is supposed to be our bedroom, so we’re sleeping in the living room.) I’m also back at the university full-time in addition to working so my hubby is super worried about my stress level. (as I am about his!)

    I know our problem is multi-factorial but my frustration comes from the fact that is going to take a while to get our stress low enough for him to want to make love. We abstained from sex our entire 3 year dating relationship, so right now it seems easier to maintain things the way they have been instead of exploring our physical relationship as a married couple. I’m going to tell hubby about the meditation tonight and see if it helps. Thanks for the wise advice!

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Oh my goodness, Vanessa! You’ve really had a rough entrance into matrimony. It gets better! There are at least a few hundred thousand women on this page regularly who would gladly back me up on that statement (and something tells me you already know). Hang in there…and try to tackle one thing at a time. There are two posts I’d love for you to read if you have the time. I think they’ll encourage you. So I’m including them below:


      If you want some meditation tips, you can check out my response to Melissa below. I share what I do personally. And believe you me, I keep a pretty jam packed schedule so beginning each day keeps the stress at bay.

      • Vanessa

        I read those posts and they are super encouraging! We have plenty of time to figure this out! Thank you!

        • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

          Yeah! Thank you for letting me know you were encouraged, Vanessa. That encourages me. Cheers! <3

  • http://StacyLynch.com/ Stacy L.

    So men are supposed to lose weight and stay fit, but we women are supposed to just feel good about ourselves. Double standard, much? Can’t tell women to lose weight and stay fit though, or you’ll be labeled a hater and become the most despised blogger on the internet.

    I’m sure this comment will never see the light of day, but you do marriage a disservice when you expect more of your husband than you do of yourself.

    • http://lifeinspiredthoughts.wordpress.com Amy

      I know that Fawn will reply when she can, but I just wanted to chime in. I do not see where she says only men need to stay fit. She does encourage women also to lose weight if needed and stay fit since it not only is better health-wise but also increases confidence which then can lead to feeling better sexually.
      Just my .02 cents…

      • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

        You were spot on right, Amy. Thanks for adding your two cents :) .

    • http://www.happywivesclub.com/ Fawn @ Happy Wives Club

      Hi Stacy, we’re one of the few sites that don’t take down comments so surprise surprise, this comment has seen the light of day :) . Are you new to this site by any chance? The reason I say that is what you’ve just stated is the exact opposite of anything I (or anyone else) on here has ever said. One of the reasons we have an entire section of the site dedicated to health and fitness (http://www.happywivesclub.com/health-fitness/) is for this very reason. But I’m actually happy you said this because I’m usually accused of not focusing enough on what men should do – so thanks for that :) .

      On a more serious note, in regard to this particular article, it was important to make that distinction because for men it actually impacts their sexual performance physically. For women, it impacts us but more so from a self conscious standpoint.

  • http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com/ Jeffrey Dowling


    Hello everyone, am Jack Wellman am From Miami Beach, United States I need to share the good story of my life with everyone in this forum, that’s why am posting this little message. Me and my wife, we have been a barren since the time when we got married, I have tried all my possible best to get my wife pregnant after when we got married, We consulted so many doctors, and she did so many tests, but all the result says her Womb is very flexible and she may not be able to pregnant due to the flexibility of her womb. But not until when I traveled to New York City for my vacation when I met a spell caster who specialized in any kind of spell that help me out and change our status from a barren to a father and mother. After when I met this spell caster online, I told him all my problems and he promise to help me out. He casted a spell for me which my wife used for just 1 week, though am not the type who always believe in a spell before, but due to the shame and sorrow am facing, I had to submit myself to him. But believe me, the man really confused me with his power, presently I believe in spell because the spell he casted for my me really worked. My wife got pregnant after when we apply the spell as we were directed by the man ..the pregnancy has resulted to a baby girl some days ago. Incas if there is any woman who have a similar problem with my wife, you can just try to contact the man, and am very sure he will surely help you out. Just try to give the man a trial and I promise you will surely be happy at last just like the way me and my wife is happy now. You can reach the man through his email EMAIL:bravespellcaster@gmail.com or kindly visit he website http://enchantedscents.tripod.com/lovespell/Thanks for reading

  • http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com/ Jeffrey Dowling

    How to get back your ex husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend,

    Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Jeffrey Dowling,i live in Texas,USA.and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(bravespellcaster@gmail.com}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same Website: http://enchantedscents.tripod.com/lovespell/,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Brave for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.{bravespellcaster@gmail.com} Thanks for reading.

  • http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com/ Jeffrey Dowling


    Hello everyone, am Jack Wellman am From Miami Beach, United States I need to share the good story of my life with everyone in this forum, that’s why am posting this little message. Me and my wife, we have been a barren since the time when we got married, I have tried all my possible best to get my wife pregnant after when we got married, We consulted so many doctors, and she did so many tests, but all the result says her Womb is very flexible and she may not be able to pregnant due to the flexibility of her womb. But not until when I traveled to New York City for my vacation when I met a spell caster who specialized in any kind of spell that help me out and change our status from a barren to a father and mother. After when I met this spell caster online, I told him all my problems and he promise to help me out. He casted a spell for me which my wife used for just 1 week, though am not the type who always believe in a spell before, but due to the shame and sorrow am facing, I had to submit myself to him. But believe me, the man really confused me with his power, presently I believe in spell because the spell he casted for my me really worked. My wife got pregnant after when we apply the spell as we were directed by the man ..the pregnancy has resulted to a baby girl some days ago. Incas if there is any woman who have a similar problem with my wife, you can just try to contact the man, and am very sure he will surely help you out. Just try to give the man a trial and I promise you will surely be happy at last just like the way me and my wife is happy now. You can reach the man through his email EMAIL:bravespellcaster@gmail.com or kindly visit he website http://enchantedscents.tripod.com/lovespell/Thanks for reading

  • Daniella Pal

    I was searching for help on the internet to get my ex lover whom will got divorced 5 months ago, i came across this wonderful man called Doctor Kasee of onimalovespell@gmail.com who did a nice job by helping me to get my divorced husband back within 48hours.. I never believe that such things like this can be possible but now i am a living testimony to it because Doctor Kasee actually brought my lover back, If you are having any relationship problems why not contact Doctor Kasee for help via email: onimalovespell@gmail.com or call him at +2347051705853. Then i promise you that after 48hours you will have reasons to celebrate like me.