5 Amazing Things You Might Have Missed This Week
This has been a pretty amazing week. And if you managed not to see Happy Wives Club all over the place, my guess is you didn’t turn on your computer because we were everywhere!
This club -you and me- and our mission of sharing the positive side of marriage were on full display everywhere most turned. It’s a week that will be indelibly inked in my heart and mind forever.
I received an endless number of emails and notes from women that all seemed to begin with, “I’m writing this note to you through tears in my eyes,” and ending with, “Thank you for letting me know happy marriages exist and mine can be one of them.”
Who knew there were actually people in the world that didn’t even know happy marriages were possible? And who knew this Club could play such a large role in reassuring couples that happiness is theirs for the taking…if they choose it?
I could go on and on about this past week but thought I’d share with you a few of my favorite highlights:
- #HappyWivesClub was the #1 trended hashtag on Twitter. This is how we kicked off this amazing week. For those of you -like my husband- who avoid social media like the plague (“Honey, are you Tweetbooking right now?” is his favorite line), this is a huge deal. Celebrities trend. Political scandals trend. Sports teams, music and entertainment trend. Happy wives? Well, let’s just say that’s not a topic most expected to see at the top of the list of Twitter’s worldwide trends.
- Close to 200 bloggers joined me in supporting the launch of the Happy Wives Club book. Bloggers like Glennon Melton @Momastery.com, Wendy @TheDatingDivas.com, Jennifer @UnveiledWife.com, Katrina @KatsCafe.com, all took to their sites to write on topics like, “Why I love being married,” “Why I still believe in marriage,” “Why I love my husband,” and so many other great topics. The web was filled with beautiful thoughts on love and marriage…and the Happy Wives Club. (P.S. If you’re a blogger, there’s still time to join the blog tour HERE).
- I nearly lost my mind when I went into the local TARGET and saw the Happy Wives Club book in the BEST SELLERS section! After receiving an email from a woman who saw #HappyWivesClub trending on Twitter and then stumbled across the book at her local Target, Keith and I went to our nearby Target to see the book on its shelves for ourselves. And there it was. Nestled below the Duck Dynasty family books, to the right of Brene Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection, to the left of Gretchen Rubin’s Happier at Home and above Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. Whoa! I’d love to tell you I remained completely composed but that would be a fib. I’d tell you that Keith and I didn’t then go to two other Targets just to relive the experience, but that would be a lie too. “Target is officially our new store for everything!” Keith proclaimed after visiting our third Target -purchasing a copy of the book in each one- as he began walking the aisles for any and everything we could possibly need at home. And the best part? Target has the book on sale for 20% off through January 18th! So please run…do not walk…to your nearest Target and support them. Even if you already have the book (Keith quickly decided they’d be our pharmacy of choice too
). If for no other reason than they supported Happy Wives Club in a major way its first week out. #Grateful
- As of the moment I am writing this, there are 1,261,779 people talking about Happy Wives Club on their own Facebook pages. No, that number is not a mistake. At the beginning of last week, that number was around 600,000. Then after we trended on Twitter, it jumped up to 800,000. And it has continued to grow by roughly 100,000 people a day since that time. That is a whole lot of people talking about this Club, our movement and the launch of the Happy Wives Club book.
- I released this pretty cool trailer to accompany the book. I know most don’t look at book trailers but publishers like to create them, some enjoy watching them, so I quietly posted it for each of you to see. If you haven’t gotten a chance to check it out, I’ll include it below. Keith and I have watched it at least…ahem…twenty times each. As much as I’m usually not into book trailers, this one is quite unique and the animation is just plain fun.
Although these didn’t make it into my “Top 5″ recap above, I still think they’re pretty fantastic: 1) I found out the Happy Wives Club book will release in the UK the first week of February, in Australia the first week of March and in other countries around the world in the coming weeks and months; and 2) I have the final US cities and dates for the Happy Wives Club 12-City Coffee Talk Tour which will begin February 2nd in San Francisco, CA. So if you’re near any of the tour stops (Seattle, Salt Lake City, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York), we’ll finally meet in person!
When you first joined me here, did you have any idea this is where we’d be headed? Yeah, me neither. But I’m so happy we’re here…together. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Thank you for showing the world that contrary to popular belief (and portrayals in the media) all husbands don’t cheat, all wives aren’t miserable, and happy marriages do indeed exist.
And as always, if you want to chat, you can find me on our Facebook community page. (I’m the only moderator, so when you receive a response from HappyWivesClub, rest assured it’s always coming directly from me). It’s been a long yet beautiful week. I think I’d better get some rest today because only God knows what amazing new blessings are in store for us this week…
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.
Fawn Weaver
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